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Chapter 536 Underground Arsenal

The entrance to the underground warehouse is in an empty room near the coal bunker. There is a wall between the walls, and there are cement stairs inside that lead to the underground.

"Down there is the old coal station. When the coal station was first built, people from nearby villages played tricks on it. It would get flooded when it rained, and there was also a minor flood.

Later, earth was pulled to bury the old coal station, and the current coal station was built on top. Because the old coal station was made of reinforced concrete and was built very solidly, the old coal station was later dug up from above.

The soil inside was transported out, reinforced and waterproofed, and turned into an underground warehouse. It can be regarded as the core warehouse of the intelligence network, and various materials are transferred from here."

After Du Zhaoxue finished the introduction, he opened the entrance door and stood aside while the team members stepped forward to check. After confirming that there was no problem, they turned on the light switch and walked down carefully.

The team members checked underneath and confirmed that there were no problems before Lin Mo and Zheng Junshan took Du Zhao down to learn.

At the end of the stairs, there is a corridor that extends to both sides, with locked iron doors on both sides.

"On the left is the living area of ​​the old coal station. It has been transformed into a secret office, warehouse, utility room, etc. The office has been decommissioned.

On the right side are two old coal bunkers, which are divided into four by the aisle. The two warehouses used to store arms are at the innermost side.

The two shops next to it are workshops, one repairs the fleet and makes some small and medium-sized parts, and the other repairs firearms, mainly used to change the rifling, nameplates, etc. of the guns."

Lin Mo listened and said, "Let's go then! Take a look at this workshop first."

With that said, with the help of Du Zhaoxue, he found the corresponding key among a large number of keys and opened the door of a workshop.

Inside, there is a circle of workbenches along the wall. Various machines, parts, etc. are placed on the workbench. There are also several small lathes in the middle of the room. The floor, walls, and tables are covered with oil stains.

Lin Mo went in and walked around. Several workbenches still showed signs of recent use, but other workbenches and lathes had a lot of dust on them and looked like they had been idle for a while.

"Brother Du, why do you look at it? Most of them seem to be idle?"

Du Zhaoxue heard this and explained: "This place used to be used by the Japanese. In the past few years, the Japanese gradually withdrew, leaving only a few Han apprentices who did miscellaneous work for them.

Now we can only repair some scattered things on the ship. If there is a big problem, we need to go to a specialized repair shop to repair it. They are all repair shops opened by Japanese from other places."

"Oh! It seems you know a lot, that's right! It's been more than ten years, and you must know everything you should know and shouldn't know. How much do you know about the origins of this intelligence network?"

"I know a little about this." Du Zhaoxue responded and said: "The matter almost started before the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894. At that time, a Japanese retired military officer came to North China and Northeast China to do business.

On the surface, they were dealing in normal Japanese goods, but privately, they were smuggling large quantities of cigarettes, soil and arms, and assisting the Japanese military in obtaining Chinese intelligence.

During the Sino-Japanese War and the subsequent Russo-Japanese period, he also provided arms and funds for the Japanese military to the bandits in North and Northeast China, creating chaos.

After that, the Chinese revolution broke out, and then there was a period of domestic warlord melee. This business bank expanded southward, assisting the Japanese military and Japanese intelligence agencies, delivering weapons and funds to the warlords and bandits emerging in various places, and taking the opportunity to buy and control, preparing to expand its presence in the country.

China's power.

It's just that most of these people are ambitious people who have been having an affair with the Japanese for a period of time. Once they can't satisfy their appetite, they will be kicked out by you. The Japanese have not achieved their ultimate goal.

It's just that the Japanese are not that easy to play with. I don't know how much sand has been mixed into it. Many people have also suffered retaliation, and many people died tragically at the hands of Japanese intelligence agencies.

During this period, the founder of the commercial bank had an accident, and the commercial bank asked the Japanese intelligence agency to take over and work for the Japanese intelligence agency in China.

I was also dispatched after the Japanese intelligence agency took over. The previous situation was all heard bit by bit from other people's mouths and finally connected in series.

After that, THT was involved in the intelligence work in China. We were placed under the jurisdiction of THT, and were later divided into several parts, mainly Northeast China, North China, the Yangtze River Basin, South China and other regions.

We are now under the jurisdiction of the Special High-Tech Department within the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai. However, since the establishment of the Nanjing National Government, the situation in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has gradually stabilized, and our role has been greatly reduced.

In the past few years, many Japanese members have left, the internal staff has been reduced, and a large number of them are Han Chinese. From my perspective, I may be ready to cancel it all."

While they were talking, everyone had already inspected the weapons workshop. As Du Zhaoxue said, the equipment was quite old, but it was also advanced in the country.

Lin Mo thought for a while and asked: "Brother Du, according to your estimate, how many Japanese members are left in this intelligence network?"

"Hmm..." Du Zhaoxue pondered for a while and then said: "There should be quite a few. First of all, most of the confidential things are definitely still in the hands of the Japanese and will not be matched by us.

Secondly, the Japanese don’t trust us and will leave someone to lead and monitor us. For example, the crew members on each ship are openly supervised by Japanese, but secretly there are Japanese or hardcore traitors who monitor us.

Finally, the main armed force is still composed of Japanese people. It is divided into two types, one is the escort team and the other is the combat team, each team has twelve people.

There are still three escort teams and one combat team, with nearly fifty people. The people in the escort teams are composed of people who can speak Chinese selected from the Japanese army.

They are mainly from Taiwan and those who have been sent to China for some reasons. Since they are not from intelligence agencies, they are not considered the core among the Japanese, and there are more left behind.

The people in the combat team have basically received specialized training, but there is only one left now, so they are too busy, so they will let the escort team participate.

There are currently two escort teams and half a combat team on a mission in Nanjing. The remaining half of the combat team is up there and has been captured by you. The one who just escaped is the leader.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This half of the team performed a mission with another escort team some time ago, and stayed in this shelter team after the end. As for the escort team, it should be on the running ship."

"You said there are more than 30 people performing missions in Nanjing? Is there any basis for this? Also! Have you seen any other abnormalities recently? Like providing a large number of weapons?"

"Yes..." Du Zhaoxue nodded and replied: "He came to pick up these people. I know that he is responsible for Nanjing affairs. I don't know his specific name.

As for the anomalies?... There are some! When these people left, they took away a batch of weapons, including more than 30 Browning pistols, more than 30 Mauser rifles, and a large number of ammunition and grenades.

Some of the rifles have been modified into sniper rifles. In addition, there are many telescopes, spy cameras and other items, which are not likely to be used by thirty people."

After hearing this, Lin Mo frowned and asked in detail about the list of things. After recording them, he pulled out a few photos from his notebook for Du Zhaoxue to identify.

"This person, well... it's him. This must have been painted, right? His painting skills are really good, at least it's eight-dimensional."

Lin Mo took the photo and looked at it. It was the person in the Zhongzhai whose pseudonym was Sun Yongning. Lin Mo was now basically sure that this person should have participated in the revenge against them.

Looking at the list of supplies taken away from here, Lin Mo felt a little bad. This time Tekko's retaliatory action against them was probably very cruel.

Lin Mo asked the recording team members behind him to go up and report the situation. After asking a few people to come down, he walked to the two arsenals.

"The room on the left mainly stores sealed weapons, and the room on the right contains weapons that are used daily and accepted in recent years."

Lin Mo pointed to the room on the right. Du Zhaoxue opened the door and led a few people in.

There were many weapon boxes stacked inside. After the team members came forward to inspect them, they opened them all. The main types of weapons were not much different from those found under the restaurant, but the number was just larger.

At this time, Wu Liangdong also came down, took a look at Du Zhaoxue, who was dressed strangely, said hello to Lin Mo, and then stepped forward to check the weapons.

After Wu Liangdong finished the inspection, Lin Mo arranged for several team members to be called down. After moving the things out, he walked to another arsenal.

As soon as the door opened, what came into view was a large pile of boxes, filling most of the room, stacked on top of each other, some four or five high.

"Weapons are stored here. Most of them were selected from the weapons that were transported to warlords and bandits in the past and are in the best condition. They are kept as spares for personal use. I have saved so much.

The types are very diverse. Basically, there are all kinds of light weapons equipped in China, but here we have less than half, and they are still very well preserved."

Lin Mo listened and took people in. At a glance, he saw a tarpaulin in the innermost part, which was covered with dust. Looking at the bulging shape, Lin Mo went over and pulled down the tarpaulin.

"Cough cough cough..." The dust raised made Lin Mo choke and he was about to turn his head, but what was underneath attracted Lin Mo.

At the front, there were two rows of Maxim heavy machine guns. There were about a dozen of them, with several models. Behind them was a row of mortars. Lin Mo didn't recognize which model they were.

After looking at it, Lin Mo quickly stepped away and asked Du Zhaoxue: "What's going on? Are there even such things? Are you planning to fight?"

Hearing this, Du Zhaoxue explained: "This is what I got. I had already negotiated with a small warlord to support him with a batch of light and heavy weapons, but before they were sent to him, his men and horses were annexed. In the end, this was left


The reason why there are so many weapons in the warehouse here is partly because they were smashed into hands, but the others are light weapons, so I kept the good ones and replaced the bad ones."

Lin Mo nodded and asked: "Then where are the sources of these weapons? These are basically not produced in Japan. Where did you find so many of them?"

"This is not difficult. Some should have been seized by the Japanese, some bought from foreigners, and most of them purchased from various parts of the country.

A few years ago, when the warlords were fighting, many weapons were scattered among the people, and some armies even directly sold the weapons they had in exchange for money, so it was easy to collect them."

Lin Mo nodded and did not ask any more questions. Instead, he looked at the opened weapon box, which contained various weapons carefully stored.

The most popular ones are rifles. The models Guanglin has released by default include those from the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Soviet Russia and other countries. Those who don’t know may think they are for an exhibition.

Next are pistols and submachine guns. Pistols are mainly various types of shell guns, which are the most widely used pistols in China. As for submachine guns, they are just fancy.

There were also light machine guns, the Czech ones being the most popular, with more than a dozen of them, and then there were the weird ones, and Lin Mo couldn't recognize the model, they were all not very famous.

Here, Lin Mo saw ZH-29 semi-automatic rifles again. There were more ZH-29 semi-automatic rifles than there were in restaurants. According to Du Zhao's theory, they were reserved for use on some special tasks.

All that was left were bullets. Lin Mo was dazzled by the various types of bullets corresponding to different firearms.

"Where are the cannonballs? Why are there no cannonballs? Isn't there a cannon here?"

Hearing this, Du Zhaoxue replied: "On the other side of the corridor, an explosion-proof room was specially built to store explosives, and the shells were transferred there.

There are also things like grenades, explosives and detonators inside. They have been moved to avoid accidentally detonating them. The cement wall has been repaired for half a meter, and there are several layers of steel plates sandwiched in the middle."

Lin Mo nodded, leaving Wu Liangdong to continue here, taking Du Zhaoxue to open the rooms on the other side of the stairs.

In addition to the basically abandoned office room, a large number of useful things were also found in multiple small warehouses, especially various espionage supplies.

There are weapons disguised as various supplies, large and small radio stations and equipment parts, as well as small or disguised cameras, etc.

There is also a small warehouse that stores various observation and measurement equipment, including various telescopes, modified periscopes, and tools used to assist surveying and mapping, etc.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Among them is the sight, which is produced in Germany. Lin Mo checked it and found that it was much better than the American one they had.

This is not surprising, after all, the optical glass of this period was the best in Germany and occupied a huge share in the world. The United States also imported a large part of it from Germany.

Lin Mo directly had these scopes moved away and kept them for his own use. After all, they had no way to obtain them for the time being.

Lin Mo from the explosion-proof room also went to see it. There was indeed a batch of mortar shells inside, but not many. According to Du Zhaoxue, each gun was originally assigned a base number. After they were smashed into their hands, they sold several batches through the black market.

There were many boxes of grenades, all of which were suicide bombs that Lin Mo had seen on Japanese spies. In addition, there were many boxes of TNT, detonators, fuses, detonating devices, etc.

After reading this, there are still several rooms where Du Zhaoxue does not have keys. This is not a problem for Lin Mo. After all, if Yang Haicheng is not here, his master is still there, right?

Lin Mo went up in person and invited Liao Tinghui down. The door was not a safe door like the one under the restaurant, so Liao Tinghui opened it without much effort.

There are four rooms and one for storing belongings, but there isn't much inside, not as much as what was found in the basement of the restaurant.

The other place was the private room of the coal station owner, the Japanese leader of the coal station. Some belongings and a code book were found in it, the same as those found in the basement of the restaurant.

The boss of the coal station was not in the coal station, but went to other places with the ship to escort the things. As for where he went? Du Zhaoxue was not too sure, he only knew that it was probably in the Hunan and Hubei area.

There are a lot of jewelry and antiques stored in the remaining two places. According to Du Zhaoxue, the boss who was the predecessor of this intelligence network liked to collect jewelry and antiques and took advantage of the chaos of the current situation to collect a large number of them.

After the Japanese intelligence agency took over, these were also taken over, some of which were transported away, and the rest were kept for espionage activities.

This chapter has been completed!
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