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Chapter 539 Comprehensive arrest

"Bang bang..." Sun Yongning stretched out his hand from the wall and fired a few shots at random, then was pushed back. Hearing the sound of bullets passing by, his face turned livid.

"Get ready, let's evacuate!"

"Withdraw?" I asked the person who had scolded me before.

Sun Yongning listened and explained in an impatient tone: "Our lair has been taken away. There was no movement at all before. They even put on our clothes and the guns we equipped were on guard.

What does this mean? It means that these people are pretending to be our people to prevent us from noticing. They are investigating our entire network and want to catch us all. We have to go back and report.

Besides, look at the opponent's firepower, what can we do if we don't withdraw? If we continue to stay here, the other opponent's personnel will bypass us, and we will have to explain here."

After saying that, Sun Yongning immediately motioned to the people on the other side of the street to come over. Unfortunately, he was only halfway through when several people at the door set fire to him and he was knocked down in the middle of the street. The rainwater was stained red with blood.

But Sun Yongning took the opportunity to rush out, ran towards the alley, yelled at the man, froze for a moment, and followed him. Unfortunately, just a few meters away from the alley, he was hit in the leg by a bullet and fell to the alley.

Sun Yongning slowed down his pace and took a look, then continued to run wildly, disappearing into the alley in a few moments. He yelled at the man with despair on his face, and crawled hard into the alley. The next second, a hail of bullets shot from behind him, killing him.

The shooters were other team members who had detoured past Zhong's house. Chen Yongliang and the other three at the door stopped shooting. Chen Yongliang asked the other two to chase him, and he quickly ran into the house.

"Kaka..." Chen Yongliang dialed a few numbers, then suddenly stopped, put the phone back and dialed again.

Chen Yongliang made a phone call to the basement of the restaurant to report the situation, and then waves of radio waves were sent out from the antenna on the roof.

In many cities along the Yangtze River Basin, the operators standing in front of the radio stations heard the signal and immediately grabbed the phone next to them and dialed.

Not long after making the call, the chasing team members came back to report that Sun Yongning drove the car and threw the person away. Chen Yongliang thought for a moment, he only had so many manpower, and any pursuit would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

After recalling the team members, they immediately packed up their things and handed over the cleaning work to the police who arrived. They rushed to the car not far away and left in a hurry.

It didn't take long for the entire place along the Yangtze River to become lively. The sound of gunfire, explosions, and noisy pursuits woke up many people after a busy day.

Targets such as docks, coal stations, water stations, warehouses, shops, etc. were swarmed by arrestees from the Military Intelligence Office. The streets outside were blocked by the police to evacuate the crowd. Not long after, someone escorted people or carried corpses out.

Nanjing was no exception. A long line of cars drove out of the Military Intelligence Office and rushed to various places in the city, mainly concentrated around the river bank.

Not everything goes smoothly. For example, in places like Sichuan and Chongqing, although the intelligence office has manpower, it is limited, and the people there are uncooperative or even disruptive. In many cases, nothing can be done.

After Chen Yongliang returned to the new courtyard, he immediately found Zheng Junshan and Xu Guyu and reported the situation.

"Well..." After hearing this, Xu Guyu nodded with a smile and said, "You did a good job by not calling here. This is our secret stronghold. If it is exposed, it will be troublesome."

"Section Chief, if this situation occurs, it would be too late for Captain Liu and others to rush to Shanghai, right? Do you need to ask them to come back?"

Hearing Zheng Junshan's question, Xu Guyu thought for a moment and said: "Now that they are on the road, we can't contact them. We can only contact them until they arrive in Shanghai.

Let them look at the situation by themselves then! Take action if you can, and if you can't, just settle other matters and come back as soon as possible.

Now that it has been exposed, recall all the team members from the restaurant, coal station and other places! Someone will take over from behind, and our first priority is to continue to stay in the dark.

By the way, the portraits of those who disappeared from Zhongzhai and Coal Station will be forwarded to the office so that they can issue a wanted reward. At this time, there is no need to hide these people."

"Yes..." The two of them responded and immediately took action. Xu Guyu was not idle and personally informed Zhang Hongxin, Lin Wenhua and others of the news.

In the city of Nanjing, Sun Yongning drove his car for a long distance, then got out of the car, walked for a while, and found a public phone to make a call.

After making the call, when he came out, four or five cars happened to drive towards the restaurant. Sun Yongning immediately hid in the shadows.

Seeing the car driving away, Sun Yongning breathed a sigh of relief, looked at his clothes, turned around and ran into the alley.


Far away in Shanghai, in a communications room, Gu Ye was a little absent-minded, with a gloomy face. At this time, a radio operator in front of the radio station put down his pen, took off his earphones, and hurried towards Gu Ye.

"Sir, please take a look at this..." Tan Ye frowned, but said nothing more and took the message.

After taking a look, Tan Ye quickly stood up. Looking at the first row of numbers in the telegram, Tan Ye's hands couldn't help but tremble.

Yan Ye grabbed the operator by the collar, asked a few trembling questions, and then stumbled out of the door. This scene made everyone in the communication room crane their necks.

Tan Ye rushed into Takeuchi's office, handed over the telegram tremblingly, and said: "Early warning... telegram..."

Takeuchi took it and when he saw the row of numbers, his hands trembled and he almost threw away the message.

After being stunned for a moment, he came to his senses. Regardless of whether Yoshino was present or not, he hurriedly opened the safe, took out a code book, and anxiously compared it.

When the message was translated, Takeuchi seemed to have exhausted all his strength and sat down on the chair, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Yan Ye glanced at the telegram and felt thunderous. After a while, he couldn't help but ask: "Section Chief, is this true? Can the Chinese launch such a big action?"

After a moment, Takeuchi recovered from his surprise and said: "It should be true, China's military intelligence office previously sent a large number of personnel to various places.

I thought they were just scared away after noticing our retaliation, but they secretly crossed into Chencang and played a trick on us."

"Chief, what should we do now? It must be too late!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Hearing this, Takeuchi waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about whether it's late or not, issue an emergency warning immediately, and you can do it!"

Then notify the rest of the people and call everyone back from get off work. This matter is too big for us to handle alone. We have to recruit some people to share the burden. Don't forget Chief Garten and Ono-kun."

"Hey!" Gu Ye responded and quickly walked out the door.

Not long after, the staff who had just left not long ago were found, and everyone in an office was whispering to each other.

After Takeuchi arrived, everyone was silent. Takeuchi did not hesitate and passed on the telegram. The first position was given to Kato. Kato's face turned pale when he saw it.

Zhu Xin sneered and thought to himself: I learned this trick from you, don't think you are the only one who is smart.

Takeuchi called everyone back and circulated the message to everyone here, just to drag everyone into the water and take responsibility together.

After all, not long after the telegram arrived, the next step must be to warn, disperse and other tasks. No matter whether it is effective or not, or even the person has been arrested, the person responsible must bear the responsibility.

Kato will not be an exception. After all, he is the highest officer here, and the command power is originally on his head. It would be okay if someone didn't come, but if someone comes, he can't escape.

Ono, who was next to Kato, looked at the telegram and then at Kato's face. His heart moved. After passing on the telegram, he leaned forward and whispered.

"Teacher, my people have been keeping an eye on the people from Nanjing who came to Shanghai, but they haven't taken any action yet."

Kato's eyes lit up and he replied in a low voice: "Well done, I'll give you the things to do in Shanghai later."

The two exchanged a few words in a low voice, and after the telegram was transmitted, the meeting began. Kato directly began to assign tasks. In addition to putting Ono in charge of Shanghai, he also assigned tasks in Sichuan and Chongqing to his own people.

As for Kato, he may not be good at intelligence work, but as a politician, he must be qualified. He did not lose his mind after being tricked, but chose aspects that were beneficial to him at the first opportunity.

After the assignments were made, the group of people got busy. Ono was very unhappy when he saw that Tanano had regained his capable appearance. With a move in his heart, he approached Kato, and soon he excitedly led a few people out the door.

In Nanjing, Sun Yongning's young master's attire had long since disappeared. He was wearing fat clothes, soaked in the rain, and knocked on the door of a house in a state of embarrassment.

After the door opened, they were brought to Zhong Heqing and another strange middle-aged man, who reported in detail what happened today.

"Shopkeeper, after I made a call today, I saw a convoy rushing towards the restaurant. Were they there to arrest them?"

"No..." Zhong Heqing shook his head and said, "I verified from the phone company that before you called, there was a call from home to the restaurant.

The restaurant should have been captured by the enemy a long time ago, but it should be the same as at home. These people acted secretly and covered it up, preventing us from discovering it.

If what I expected is correct, these people may have already followed the clues and are investigating the entire intelligence network, preparing to wipe out everyone on the entire network.

I'm afraid the information about you and me has been on the other side's desk for a long time, but it has been kept secret and they are secretly looking for our traces. It is a good thing that you broke into the other side this time."

After hearing this, Sun Yongning felt a little disappointed. After chatting with Zhong Heqing for a while, he heard the strange man next to him say: "The person you brought to cooperate has already been grasped by the other party.

Please suspend your activities in the near future! Gather everyone back to the safe base I gave you before, stay there and try not to go out.

Based on my understanding of the Chinese people, the other side will search or arrest you next, and you will be in a very bad situation."

Hearing this, Sun Yongning frowned and asked, "Mr. Shandong, if that's the case, why don't you let us go out of the city to avoid the limelight?"

The strange man called Mr. Shandong did not answer, but looked at Zhong Heqing.

Zhong Heqing hesitated for a moment, but then explained: "Don't leave the city for now. There are only a few gates outside the city. There are many of you, so your whereabouts may be detected."

Sun Yongning heard something was wrong, but he didn't think much about it and nodded in agreement. The three of them discussed it together in the room and then left.

This place was surrounded by brick buildings, and Sun Yongning left through the back door as usual. The water outside the door had reached his ankles, and there was still a stench of sewers, which made Sun Yongning retching.

Looking at the rotten vegetable leaves and even rotten rice mud that floated by from time to time, Sun Yongning was speechless for a while. There was obviously a problem with the drainage here, but Sun Yongning could only endure it.

In the Nanjing restaurant, Wang Hefeng arrested someone and brought him over. He and Wei Daming were watching the good news coming back from various places in the communication room, grinning widely.

Especially Wang Hefeng, most of the people he arrested today were money-grubbing people who worked for the Japanese and had rich family assets. Several trucks were loaded with all kinds of money, antiques, high-end furniture and other items they confiscated.

In Shanghai, Tekko, as various news came, Takeuchi and Kato were a little desperate. They contacted various places, but there was basically no response.

Moreover, through other local intelligence groups, they basically reported that there was fierce fighting there. According to the final statistics, there were no losses in Shanghai, and slightly smaller losses in Sichuan and Chongqing.

At this time, the people who wanted to warn and evacuate were basically unable to contact them, and they didn't even know whether they had been arrested, and they didn't dare to send other people there, lest they get in and kill many people.

Shanghai T&T Hi-Tech is faced with a dilemma. If they completely abandon the people on this intelligence network, they themselves will have to bear a huge responsibility. If they give full warning and assistance, more people may be involved.

After thinking about it, everyone reached a tacit agreement. Those who could be contacted should give a warning, those who should be assisted in evacuation, and those who could not be contacted, just act like it.

At the same time, Takeuchi and Kato are each contacting people and preparing to work together to suppress the matter to avoid causing trouble like what happened before.

As for Lin Mo and others floating on the river, they still knew nothing about what happened. Some team members had already made do with rest, while Lin Mo and Liu Zhenshan were still studying the action plan.

But things have changed now, and the preparations they made are basically useless once they arrive in Shanghai.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! At midnight, with the small steamer running at full speed, Lin Mo and his party finally arrived at their destination and docked at the agreed pier.

"You are finally here..." The voice came before anyone arrived, and the voice was full of anger. As soon as everyone reacted, a figure walked out of the darkness and jumped on the boat.

As soon as he saw a strong man wearing a windbreaker, Lin Mo was hugged.

"Hey...you are our boss's junior brother, right? You look thin and have a lot of muscles..."

As the man spoke, he squeezed Lin Mo's shoulder hard. The force of his hand was so strong that Lin Mo felt that his hand was about to fall off. So he bent down and broke free, using a locking technique to lock the man's hand tightly.

"Ah ah... it hurts, it hurts, let go, you are on your own..."

The man begged for mercy, but Lin Mo did not continue. The man straightened up, his shoulders shook, and his bones cracked.

"My name is Zhao Da, and my nickname is Tieniu. You can call me Tieniu or Ah Da. Brother Su sent me to pick you up."

After saying that, Zhao Da did not hesitate and jumped onto the pier to pick up everyone.

This is not the city of Shanghai, but the Wusong Wharf at the Huangpu River estuary. Zhao Da brought everyone to a warehouse.

Su Hongjie was leading people inside, directing the hot meals for everyone. When he saw the people arriving, he invited Lin Mo and Liu Zhenshan upstairs.

Su Hongjie informed the two of them of the news coming from Nanjing and introduced some of the news sent back by his people.

"Brother, so the Japanese in Shanghai haven't evacuated yet?"

"Yes..." Su Hongjie nodded and replied: "Not only did the people not evacuate, but they seemed to have secretly added more people. It's just that the local gang seemed to have some problems. I withdrew the people. I don't know what the situation is there now."

This chapter has been completed!
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