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Chapter 545 Ambush

Regarding Su Hongjie's equipment, Lin Mo listened to his opinions and chose the flower machine as the main equipment. This gun was equipped by the Japanese Marine Corps in Shanghai, so it was fine to use it.

The flower mechanism also has a silencer, which can be installed on the casing. Wu Liangdong also attached an instruction manual to the revolving door, informing him that if the silencer hole is slightly larger, the noise reduction effect will be slightly worse.

Lin Mo thought for a moment, and it should be enough. After all, the sound of submachine gun fire was limited, and some of it was eliminated, so you couldn't hear anything four kilometers away.

Wu Liangdong sent the Czech style, and it was not without purpose. He had removed the funnel-shaped flash suppressor at the muzzle, removed the thread, and installed a thick and long silencer.

Zhao Da's eyes were extremely hot about this thing, and he glanced at it all the time. Lin Mo gave him the equipment and took it over to use as heavy firepower.

Su Hongjie was naturally very greedy for this large amount of equipment, and he started to fight with Lin Mo Qiufeng. Lin Mo also wanted to support him, but he wanted them all.

After some friendly negotiation, Lin Mo finally chopped it into half, leaving behind the rifle, machine gun, Czech type and corresponding ammunition accessories.

In addition, it also comes with a quick-slow machine shell gun kit. If Lin Mo didn't really have any extra guns at the moment, he might even have to put the gun in it.

After taking the selected equipment, Lin Mo took the box of grenades with him before leaving. Of course, he was not using it for suicide, but was preparing to trick little Japan.

Back at the base, Lin Mo went to Shi Baocun alone to ask some questions, mainly about the ship tickets. He Changwen went north and handed over the work to Shi Baocun.

"Team Lin, the ticket has been checked. It belongs to a small steamer that travels between Wuhan and Nanjing. However, something happened to the ship. The ticket was on this ship. On the way, river bandits were encountered and everyone was killed.

There are no signs of invalidation on these two tickets. From what we know, it should be that they were controlled by the Japanese before they even boarded the ship.

These two people were really lucky. They had two dead ends, but they managed to survive. They jumped into the river halfway to escape, and they didn't know where they escaped."

"You can't say that you are lucky, you have to find your way out by yourself..." After Lin Mo finished speaking, he asked some more details, asked for the boat ticket, and went to take charge of the work.

From the beginning to the end, Shi Baocun didn't inquire about anything. After chatting, he cooperated with Lin Mo to arrange work. Today's work was arranged by them. Liu Zhenshan and Su Hongjie were going to investigate the situation on the spot and went to the Shili Foreign Market.


In Nanjing, Lin Wenhua got up early, pulled everyone up, and after many more drills, began to prepare for action.

Liao Tinghui came to chat with Lin Wenhua for a while, then ordered the team to disperse into Nanjing and sneak around the target...

When the time was up, the scattered cars immediately gathered together, and Lin Wenhua took the people on board and rushed directly to the target.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.

Immediately after the sniper got out of the car, holding a sniper rifle to cover or guard, Lin Wenhua and Huang Jianren stayed in the car and did not move for the time being.

"Bang bang...ah..." The Japanese in the courtyard fired back or screamed, causing the somewhat decadent Sun Yongning to stand up.

"Bah...organize a counterattack, quickly, get your gun and fight back..." Sun Yongning rushed out and fired a shot into the sky, commanding the chaotic crowd and barely stabilizing the situation.

Unfortunately, their opponents had more people than them, and their firepower was much stronger. Armed only with pistols and rifles, they could barely withstand it, and someone would fall down from time to time.

Lin Wenhua waited in the car for a while. Seeing that there was nothing unexpected, he just felt that he was thinking too much, so he prepared to get out of the car, but he was cautious and opened the inner door.

Huang Jianren got out of the car first, and Lin Wenhua also moved over. But just halfway through the car, Huang Jianren's eyes caught sight of several panicked passers-by, rushing out of the alley not far away.

Huang Jianren felt something bad and pushed Lin Wenhua back into the car. Several crisp gunshots rang out in the next second. Huang Jianren felt pain in his body and fell into the car with Lin Mo.

The firearms of the action team were all equipped with silencers. The sound of these gunshots was so loud that several people who rushed over were immediately shot dead by the security team members.

Lin Wenhua, who backed into the car, realized that he was ambushed, hugged Huang Jianren, slid out of the car, and kicked the door shut.

"Bang bang bang..." As soon as the door closed, the bulletproof glass on the other side of the car was shattered, accompanied by gunfire from all around.

The team members at the door immediately fired back, but the opponent's marksmanship was extremely accurate and the shooting speed was extremely fast. Casualties appeared immediately. Fortunately, the bulletproof vehicle formed a small circle at the door to provide a bunker.

The attacking team members in the courtyard immediately noticed the problem and assigned manpower to guard behind them while providing cover for those outside. The offensive momentum suddenly slowed down.

The Japanese in the hospital thought they were coming for support, so they were encouraged and began to counterattack. Fortunately, the firepower of pistols and rifles was still insufficient, so they could only fight in a draw.

Only Sun Yongning was shaking with anger and his face was livid. He still didn't understand that he and others were just bait for abandoned children...

Scattered gunshots began to ring out further around, and Lin Wenhua recognized that it was a sniper rifle with a silencer. Lin Wenhua breathed a sigh of relief and checked Huang Jianren's gunshot wound.

The sniper next to him, who had just been equipped with a ZH-29 semi-automatic rifle, immediately organized a counterattack after the pressure was slightly reduced, and fired bullets at the enemy desperately.

Liao Tinghui and his group on the outer perimeter were divided into several groups, and the snipers immediately looked for high points to fight back and guard.

Some of the commandos were left on the outside to participate in the blockade, while the remaining two vehicles and a team of three people rushed in immediately.

During the vehicle assault, some team members stretched out their guns as a warning. When approaching the target, one vehicle stopped and opened fire to cover, while the other vehicle directly assaulted downstairs and formed a battle formation to attack upstairs.

Wang Mingkun and two others approached a door and signaled to the team members behind him. The team member holding a shotgun fired five shots at the door, and a scream came from inside the door.

Kicking open the nearly broken door, Wang Mingkun and three others rushed in. There were only two bodies in the house, one behind the door and one in front of the window. After replenishing their guns, the three of them quickly left and headed to the next place.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! At this moment, among the gunshots from the periphery, the gunshots without silencers basically disappeared. Wang Mingkun led people into another room and only saw one body.

The body was in the center of the room. Wang Mingkun checked it and found that there were two gunshot wounds on the body, one on the hand and the other on the head.

The gunshot wound to the head was a bit strange. It was shot from the back of the head. After careful inspection, there were gunpowder burns around the entrance. Wang Mingkun looked solemn.

At this time, a team member reported that traces were found in another room. There were ropes and trampling marks on the window. There was an alley behind the building, which should be traces of Japanese escape.

Wang Mingkun checked, took out a small whistle and blew it. After a while, there were responses one after another. Wang Mingkun looked ugly.

The members of the outermost blockade had no choice but to guard the main intersections due to lack of manpower. After hearing the whistle, they also looked ugly. There were too many people fleeing after hearing the gunshots, and they could not control the situation at all.

It was not that they found nothing, Liao Tinghui saw the two of them hurriedly crossing the street and running into the alley, and led people to chase them. Unfortunately, they were noticed by the other party before they chased very far.

After a fight, the two men were successfully killed, but Liao Tinghui was secretly frightened by the opponent's fighting power. After checking the bodies, Liao Tinghui's face became solemn.

Lin Wenhua at the door, under the interpreter of the sniper, knew that the ambush Japanese had withdrawn, and retreated into the hospital with Huang Jianren, who had been briefly treated for his injuries.

Because there was a car door blocking Huang Jianren, he was shot three times, one in the shoulder, one in the back, and one in the butt. Although he was seriously injured, his life was not in danger for the time being.

The attacking team members in the courtyard had already fired their guns until they were smoking, and some of the regretful guys had their guns burnt. The effect was also very significant. Not only did they squeeze the opponent into a small area in the middle of the courtyard, but they also lost most of their hands.

Hearing that the peripheral gunfire had disappeared, Sun Yongning's last hope was shattered. He pulled off the two grenade safety latches, cursed loudly and rushed out.

It's funny to say that even now, he was still cursing in Chinese, and Zhang Jingmin and his group who were confronting him looked confused.

Wu Zhiguang, who was beside Zhang Jingmin, took a peek and saw the grenade. He raised his hand and fired two shots, hitting Sun Yongning in the thigh. One of him stumbled and fell, and the two grenades rolled towards the remaining spies.

Now it was the Japanese's turn to be confused. Those who reacted quickly wanted to throw the grenade away, but this was intended for suicide and the delay was short. It can only be said that their courage is commendable.

"Boom boom..." Two explosions sounded, setting off a cloud of blood mist, especially for the guy who picked up the grenade. The grenade exploded the moment he took it off, killing everyone around him.

The battlefield was silent for a second before the members of the operations team came to their senses first. Taking advantage of the fire gap opened by the grenade, they rushed in and wiped out the remaining spies in one fell swoop.

After dealing with the Japanese spies, everyone began to quickly clean up the battlefield. Wu Zhiguang paid special attention to Sun Yongning, who was about to die together. He found that he was still alive, but he was seriously injured and was knocked unconscious by a lot of grenade fragments in his back.

Wu Zhiguang was about to shoot again, but Zhang Jingmin stopped him. He had already come to his senses. The person he was cursing just now was most likely not them.

"Let's keep him alive first! He has been treated as an abandoned son and bait. As long as he pries open his mouth, we can learn a lot of information."

After saying that, Zhang Jingmin asked people to remove the door panel, carried the people to Lin Wenhua, and expressed his thoughts. Although Lin Wenhua wanted to kill all these people, he finally sent them for treatment together with the wounded.

After counting, three people from the action team died in this mission, one of whom was a sniper protecting Lin Wenhua.

Eight people were seriously injured, three were covering snipers, and one was a member of Liao Tinghui's side.

The thirteen people with minor injuries were basically offensive players who suffered minor injuries due to various reasons.

Those who died and were seriously injured were basically injured by people in an ambush. Although the reason for the ambush was, it can also be seen the fighting power of this group of people.

Lin Wenhua comforted everyone, especially the snipers. In this ambush, they were the majority of those who fought back, and they had the largest proportion of casualties.

However, this was not their first battle. When hunting, their companions had often been injured, maimed, or even died. They were relatively tolerant of this, but they were somewhat depressed.

From these people, Lin Wenhua also learned a lot about his opponents. Their marksmanship was extremely accurate and their combat awareness was extremely strong. In many cases, their opponents could suppress them even without scopes.

Fortunately, Lin Wenhua arranged snipers on the periphery in advance to disperse some of the pressure, and with the support from Liao Tinghui, the opponent was prevented from succeeding.

Lin Wenhua was furious because of the heavy casualties, and the Japanese spies who organized the ambush were also very depressed. They originally wanted to sacrifice Sun Yongning and his group, but took the opportunity to cause heavy losses to the Military Intelligence Department.

Who would have thought that Lin Wenhua's firepower would be so strong? It was far beyond his expectation. After the shell gun is equipped with a carbine kit, a lengthened barrel, a large magazine and other things, the range is nearly 200 meters. When it is turned into full automatic, it is about the same as a submachine gun.

, completely suppressing close range firepower.

There were a bunch of snipers in the middle and long range, making it difficult for them to move. Lin Wenhua's advance arrangements on the periphery, plus the support he called, caught him off guard, and he could only abandon a batch of corpses and evacuate.

Wang Mingkun, Xu Zhiyu, and Wang Shoufei from the outside led a team to search the surrounding area to make sure that no one was left behind, and then let the police who arrived take over the work.

Xu Zhiyu led the team and quickly evacuated the city. Wang Mingkun, Wang Shoufei and Liao Tinghui approached Lin Wenhua, ready to explain the situation.

"Wenhua, I just checked the body left by the other party. Judging from the marks on the other party's body, they should be veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time, and they should be among the elite."

After Liao Tinghui finished speaking, Wang Shoufei continued: "Sir Lin, I was on the outside just now and had a fight with several snipers from the other side. They were very strong.

The opponent is nearly 700 meters away. They may be preparing to snipe the reinforcements. Of course, they may also be looking for an opportunity to snipe here. If so, it will be even more troublesome.

Whether they are the opponent's snipers or ordinary members, they all show extremely high combat effectiveness and obedience, and the source is not simple."

After Wang Shoufei finished speaking, Wang Mingkun stood up again and said: "I was in charge of the assault. After checking the scene, I found a situation. Those who were injured in the battle committed suicide or were killed before the evacuation."

The more Lin Wenhua listened, the more his scalp became numb. An opponent with extremely strong fighting power and ruthless nature who used his own people as bait and did not want any wounded was definitely the first opponent he had encountered.

After biting the bullet and getting to know some more about the situation, Lin Wenhua led his team members, gathered all kinds of seized weapons, ammunition and other things, and evacuated back to the fortress-like station.

However, after returning, Lin Wenhua rearranged his defense and left through the underground passage to report the situation to Xu Guyu.

After the report, he went to Zhang Hongxin and asked him to investigate some things and inform others of what he learned.

Lin Wenhua wanted to see the wounded, but he turned away as he approached because he was not sure if anyone was watching or would notice him.

Lin Wenhua didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, otherwise his trump card would be exposed. He also wanted to fight back to avenge today.

Returning to the stronghold, Lin Wenhua studied all the information he brought back alone. He did not believe that the Japanese would not reveal any clues, and he wanted to find him.

The information brought from Zhang Hongxin was too much and too complicated, which made Lin Wenhua dizzy, and finally he was alone with a few messages.

Lin Wenhua informed Zhang Hongxin on the phone and asked him to investigate in detail and come tomorrow with more detailed information to study with him.

This chapter has been completed!
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