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Chapter 556: The Fierce Chase (2)

Wang Mingkun led his team members to intercept a group of Japanese who wanted to break through, knocking several of them to the ground. However, he did not kill them, but only shot their limbs, leaving their mouths alive as mouthpieces.

Three people came forward in a battle formation with guns in hand. Wang Mingkun was at the front, responsible for the front and left sides, one team member was responsible for the right side, and another team member was alert to the rear.

"Puff puff..." As he approached the mouthpiece, Wang Mingkun noticed that the two men had different expressions, and his eyes secretly glanced at another alley. Seeing this, Wang Mingkun killed the three of them.

After making a gesture, the three of them walked quietly to the entrance of another alley. Wang Mingkun squatted down and quickly looked out. No one was there, so he stretched his head and looked out for a while.

This time Wang Mingkun made a discovery. There was a fork in the alley ahead. The filled debris was crooked and there were footprints on the ground. The distance was a bit far. Wang Mingkun couldn't tell what was going on, so he led the team over.

Wang Mingkun was very cautious and did not go directly to the entrance of the alley. Instead, he stopped a few meters away and observed.

The crooked debris has moved a little from its original position. The exposed small spot is very light, so it can be determined that it was crooked recently. However, the weather has been very good in recent days, and the bottom of the debris has dried, so it can only be determined that it was recently.

It was crooked for a day or two.

However, the footprints are just recent, because they were stepped on water and left on the bluestone, and there are signs that they are not dry yet, but it is not sure whether they are citizens who heard the noise and left or the enemy.

It can be seen from the direction of the footprints that they were walking outwards, but the footprints did not cover the traces of damage, which made Wang Mingkun unsure about paying attention.

"Fuck..." Wang Mingkun cursed secretly, and immediately made a gesture and hid against the wall. Although the other party was very cunning, he still discovered the loophole.

The Japanese left their footprints and did not choose to hide them because they wanted to keep them as a seal and to deceive Wang Mingkun and others.

However, Wang Mingkun still discovered a loophole. The steps between the footprints were too even and too small. If citizens were running after hearing the sound of gunfire, they would be afraid and run in panic, and they would not leave such footprints.

After a lot of analysis, but only a few seconds passed, Wang Mingkun hid beside the wall, took off his hat, put it on the muzzle of the gun, and stretched out the wall.

"Bang...ka..." There was a sound of a rifle, hitting the center of the hat, sending the hat flying. Then there was the sound of loading, and Wang Mingkun judged that the opponent was not hiding very far away.

I took a piece of clothing with seven or eight holes chewed by mice from the debris, and walked away from the wall. The two team members immediately understood and stepped forward to stand together.

The team member against the wall half-crouched, the team member outside stood slightly bent, ready to fight. Wang Mingkun on the outside violently unfolded his clothes and threw them across the alley.

"Boom, puff, puff..." After two rifle shots, the half-crouching team member leaned out half of his body and fired at the enemy.

There were three people on the other side. One of them turned back to the wall to load the gun, one lay on the ground to load the gun, and the other stood behind the wall on the other side and aimed his gun.

After the half-crouching team member fired a few rounds at the prone enemy, before the targeted enemy could even aim at him, they fired wildly, directly injuring and suppressing him.

The standing team members also followed closely, firing bursts and continuous fire at the enemy who had reloaded their ammunition. Wang Mingkun moved to the other side of the alley while firing additional shots at the enemy lying on the ground.

Three people advanced alternately, two fired, and carried out fire suppression and cover. One person rushed forward quickly and killed three enemies in less than twenty seconds.

It's not that the enemy is incompetent, it's actually that the rifle in the opponent's hand cannot exert any advantage in this kind of small space and short-distance street fighting. Instead, it is suppressed to death by the submachine pistol with a fifty-round drum magazine.

Wang Mingkun checked the three of them and was about to leave when he felt something was wrong. They had already sneaked out of the interception area, so why fight with them?

His eyes glanced at the rifle on the ground, and he cursed in his mind. He thought he was a fool when he ran away with the rifle.

Wang Mingkun thought of the other party's behavior when ambushing Lin Wenhua, using his own people as bait and killing the wounded, so he immediately led his team to continue chasing, while blowing the whistle to convey the message.

At this time, Xu Zhiyu had led his men to clear out all the enemies outside the triangular building, and was confronting the enemies inside the building. The guns were smoking. It was better to replace the silencer with a suppressor, otherwise the silencer would have to burn red.


The team members who were guarding the opposite side of the alley also moved to the opposite sides of the triangular building. After making an attack posture, they immediately attracted some firepower.

At this time, the Japanese in the building were surrounded from three sides, and their casualties were gradually increasing. If they continued, they would soon be wiped out.

The most idle people at this time were Lin Mo and Shi Baocun. They didn't have a good shooting angle for the triangular building, so they could only watch others fight fiercely.

However, Lin Mo did not relax, and instead waited seriously. The Japanese were surrounded by Xu Zhiyu and his men. This side was the strongest, and Xiong would not be blocked into the building if he broke through.

On the other two sides are the members of the third team. Their combat effectiveness is not as good as those carefully selected by Xu Zhiyu and others, but it is difficult for the Japanese to break through.

On the one hand, it is located across the street and needs to be crossed; on the other hand, neither street is a prosperous place, and most of the shop windows facing the street are made of solid wood, making it difficult to open them immediately.

Under the heavy firepower net, if the Japanese wanted to break out, they could only have a slim chance of survival by rushing out of the encirclement and firepower net area as quickly as possible.

Damn it, Shen Peixin’s pastry shop was newly renovated with glass doors and windows. These are not bulletproof and will break if you push them hard, but they are much easier to break than those wooden doors and windows. This is likely to become a target for the Japanese to seek a breakthrough.


To this end, Lin Mo also sent two people from Shi Baocun to help guard the first floor, and the residents of the Triangle Building who were brought in were also arranged to evacuate.

However, Shen Peixin refused to leave and kept looking at the store, as if he didn't trust Lin Mo and the others, and stayed by Lin Mo's side.

Lin Mo had roughly determined that he should be a member of our party. Although he didn't know why he insisted on staying, in order to avoid causing trouble for our party, he let him stay without saying anything.

"Boss Shen, it doesn't matter if you don't leave. Just find a place to hide first! Don't worry, we will compensate you for any damage."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Shen Pei said: "Sir Lin, it should be fine! The other party is surrounded by you and there is no attack. How can it be in danger?"

"There is a high probability that there will be one. The opponent is not stupid and will not choose to be trapped inside and be eaten bit by bit. He will definitely find a place to break out.

And around here, your store is the only one that uses glass doors and windows, so it’s best to break through, which is the best choice for the other party at the moment.”

Shen Peixin was stunned for a moment. Lin Mo arranged for them to evacuate. He thought it was a trap to prevent the Japanese. He never thought that he bought the glass doors and windows that his former customers did not want from the decoration team at a low price. What would happen to them?

The reason for the attack.

Shen Pei Xin'an glass doors and windows, on the one hand, are old and have low prices. They are also unique in the surrounding area and can attract a lot of business.

On the other hand, by virtue of the clothes that appear to be high-end in the surrounding area, he can also rely on his inherent impression of being a national spy to alleviate a lot of suspicion.

"Boom..." An explosion exploded at the door of the pastry shop, accompanied by the sound of shattering glass, and bullets shot into the second-floor window.

Lin Mo pulled Shen Peixin down and gave a few warnings, then opened the curtains and fought back. At this time, the other party was running to the middle of the street.

After Lin Mo swept the shuttle, he immediately turned around and hid behind the wall. The opponent left someone on the triangular building to cover him, risking his life with bullets to cover him.

Fortunately, before the operation, Lin Mo and others conducted special coordination drills, taking turns to cover and shoot on the street upstairs. However, Lin Mo chose to keep an eye on the situation on the street.

At this moment, the offensive was fierce and the fighting was extremely fierce. Many team members did not care about guarding against danger, so Lin Mo had to temporarily take on this role.

"...Boom...Boom..." Lin Mo knocked down an enemy who was about to throw a grenade. He fell on the grenade and was blown away. Another enemy was also about to throw it. Lin Mo waited for him to pull the ring before shooting.

He was shot dead and many people were affected by the grenade.

After all, he was an elite veteran, and his attack was extremely fierce. From the beginning, he did not choose to get close and break the glass, but directly opened the way with grenades.

Immediately afterwards, the cover personnel fired blindly, preparing to catch Lin Mo and others off guard. Fortunately, Lin Mo was prepared in advance, and none of the team members hid behind the glass, but they were suppressed.

In the end, the breakout personnel rushed out, and instead of firing back, they rushed closer to the Western Pastry Shop. Obviously, they knew that all the firepower of the three teams here could be covered, and firing back would only increase casualties.

Instead, he chose to use a grenade that could cause more casualties. The strategy was correct. Unfortunately, Lin Mo was alert when he blew up the door. After all, if the grenade was thrown into the house, half the people in the house would be wiped out.

The grenade strategy failed, and several people still rushed into the store on the first floor. The few people who had been hiding suddenly appeared, and four guns fired at the Japanese who rushed in.

With no danger, Lin Mo and others blocked the violent impact and began to concentrate on dealing with the Japanese who left behind cover. Xu Zhiyu had already led the team into the triangular building. Sporadic gunshots rang out in the building, and the battle ended in about half a minute.

At this time, the first floor of the western pastry shop was affected by a grenade. The glass doors and windows were all shattered. The display windows were also affected, shattering a lot and leaving broken glass all over the floor.

The situation on the second floor is better. Although the glass is either broken or has bullet holes, at least the layout of the house is still relatively complete, but there are still many things that have been hit by bullets.

Lin Mo simply bandaged the only seriously injured person in the Western Point Shop who had the misfortune to receive shrapnel, and sent him for treatment. He also checked the conditions of the other two lightly injured people. However, the battle was too fierce and they were scratched by the glass.


Lin Mo asked about Shen Peixin's situation. After nothing happened, he left him behind and took people downstairs to clean up.

As soon as he went out, Shi Baocun said to Lin Mo with a frightened look on his face: "I was really scared to death just now. There was a guy with a grenade who was about to pour it into the window. Fortunately, he was knocked down in the end, otherwise the people in our house wouldn't know what to say.

How many."

After Shi Baocun finished speaking, he smiled and said to Chen Yongliang who was behind Lin Mo: "Brother Bao, it's our team Lin who shot! Just now everyone was red-eyed, and no one paid attention to this situation. It's not that team Lin was specifically targeting these people to kill, we

You also have to be struck by thunder."

Lin Mo listened, smiled and said: "Don't talk about this, there was this danger before, but the sniper team eliminated it for us. This time everyone forgot that the sniper team did not follow, and they did not realize this in the previous drill.


In the final analysis, it was still our mistake, but if there is a first time, there cannot be a second time. This is a valuable experience that must be learned. After this time is over, we must conduct a systematic training to improve everyone's awareness of cooperation and combat."

Shi Baocun nodded heavily, watching helplessly as a man poured a grenade in front of you while his own gun was pointed elsewhere. This gave him a big shock, especially the feeling of death hanging over his heart.

The three of them chatted for a while, then they saw Xu Zhiyu coming out of the triangular building, with doubts on his face and thinking seriously about something.

"Old Xu, what's wrong?"

"Oh...oh..." Suddenly interrupted, Xu Zhiyu panicked for a moment before explaining: "Captain Lin, I feel something is wrong."

"Oh! Tell me what's going on."

"Well..." Xu Zhiyu nodded and explained: "I discovered something in the triangular building.

Those who were seriously injured in the building and lost their combat effectiveness were not silenced directly. Instead, they were placed together with those who were responsible for covering the injuries. I felt something was wrong.

You must know that during the previous ambush, I had seen how they dealt with the wounded. One man was only shot in the arm and his head was shot. He was dealt with directly and acted decisively.

But this time, although the wounded were also left under cover, their methods were obviously too soft and they didn’t look like they were the same group.”

Lin Mo heard this, thought for a moment, and explained: "It's the same group of people. There should be no doubt about this. If we exclude this, there is a high probability that there is not one person who made the decision.

However, the probability of changing generals on the spot is unlikely. There should be something wrong with the person who made the call. The key now is whether this person is dead or alive. As the commander of the ambush, his importance is much higher than these people.

He is dead. He should be the one who was shot during your attack just now. There are two possibilities for him to be alive. One is that the other party was not surrounded from the beginning, and the other is that he escaped without telling everyone."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "No..." Xu Zhiyu raised his head suddenly and said to Lin Mo: "Captain Lin, Team Gang Wang has whistled, saying that someone might have avoided us.

, ran away secretly, it is most likely that person, I went over to help, you can help deal with it later."

"Okay! Hurry up, we'll be fine here." Lin Mo took over the finishing work and asked Xu Zhiyu to go and help. It's not that he didn't want to go and help, but he didn't know the specific situation, and he might not be able to help if he went there.


After Xu Zhiyu left, Lin Mo started arranging to clean up the battlefield, but as soon as everyone started, a gunshot was heard in the distance. The others didn't pay much attention and continued to take care of themselves.

Only Lin Mo frowned and hurriedly asked Shi Baocun to greet everyone back to the house. Lin Mo gestured to Liu Zhenshan and Zheng Junshan to hide in the house.

In less than ten seconds, everyone who had just come out to collect the corpses on the street returned to their houses. However, except for a few people who guessed what they were doing, everyone else was at a loss.

Chen Yongliang was like this. When he saw Lin Mo come in, he asked: "Captain Lin, what happened? You can't hear the gunshots!"

Lin Mo heard this and said: "It should be the opponent's sniper or sharpshooter. This distance is not a big problem for the opponent, so be careful."

"Sniper?" Chen Yongliang was even more confused. How could he know it was a sniper when a gun was fired?

Seeing Chen Yongliang's doubts, Shi Baocun explained: "This gunshot was made by a Mauser rifle, and the Japanese used Mauser rifles.

As for why it is a sniper, you can think carefully, will the person holding the rifle run away at this time? It is not stupid to run away with the rifle, it will only be the sniper or sharpshooter arranged by the opponent in advance."

This chapter has been completed!
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