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Chapter 567 Half a step determines success or failure

"Old Sun, what did you find? Team Leader Lin asked me to support you."

Zheng Shengjing came in from the door. Although the rank of lieutenant was one level higher than that of Sun Shaohua, his tone was not arrogant. He was completely commensurate with the same level. After all, they had similar backgrounds, so the difference in level was nothing. Moreover, Sun Shaohua had been really good recently.

"Brother Jing, why are you here? Aren't you in charge of the military academy? Did you give up or..."

"It's over..." Zheng Shengjing replied and explained: "I have graduated. As of today, all the students in the ninth batch have gone to various places to take up their posts, and my work is also over."

"Look at my brain, I actually forgot about this time..." Sun Shaohua slapped his forehead and said: "By the way, Brother Jing, didn't the other party find out that he went to the military academy?"

"I found it, but you should be worried! The other party didn't dare to investigate in depth, and I only found some traces, but I didn't catch the other party's tail."

"Concerns? What worries can there be?"

Zheng Shengjing listened and said with a smile: "Old Zheng, are you afraid that you have lost your mind? That is a military academy. There are more than two thousand students in it. Each of them only has the fighting power of an ordinary soldier, and no spy can fight against him.

What's more, during the last period of time, this batch of students have been playing simulated confrontations every day. I have visited them and found that in terms of individual combat effectiveness, they are definitely the strongest batch so far.

Furthermore, there are not only military academies in that area, but also officer corps and other government departments. They also have security forces. Although the Japanese have selected and sent elite veterans, if they dare to take action there, they are just asking for death."

After chatting for a while, Sun Shaohua told Zheng Shengjing everything he had discovered, and also asked for his opinions on the tea house.

"I can't give you any advice on this. After all, I just joined in halfway. Without that process, the advice I give may very well mislead you. You have to rely on your own judgment.

But you have to be quick. Although your actions in the tailor shop didn't attract much attention, you can't hide it for long. The carrier pigeons are far away, and if they notice anything unusual, they are likely to escape immediately."

"I know this too, but..."

"Be bolder and think more, there will always be a way."

"Okay!" Sun Shaohua nodded and asked: "I now have two clues, the police and the military officer, for you to investigate. Which one do you choose?"

"Hmm..." Zheng Shengjing thought for a moment and said, "If you don't mind, I'll choose the police clue. That's the one that's most likely to make progress.

The officers have too few clues, the scope is too large, and the military is much more mobile than the police. It is difficult to find a breakthrough from here. You have to find other directions as a breakthrough."

"Well..." Sun Shaohua nodded, and the two chatted for a while. Zheng Shengjing took the apprentice and left, meeting up with his other team members not far away and heading to Xiaguan.

After Zheng Shengjing left, several gangsters also finished explaining what they knew and were arranged to stay at a teahouse not far away. They would come back if necessary.

Sun Shaohua called his eldest apprentice and found various items that tailors usually use and personal items, and asked the same questions.

"When and where were these cutting rulers purchased?"

"I don't know about that. It was there when I came here and has not been changed."

"Where's the pencil?"

"The shopkeeper bought it."


Sun Shaohua asked a lot of questions, but he couldn't find any useful clues. He wanted to give up, but his eyes stopped on the cigarette.

"Did the tailor smoke this cigarette himself?"

"Yes, Master Tian smoked it."

"Then which brand does he usually smoke? Is it the same as what the store prepares for customers?"

"It's different. Master Tian is from the north. He usually smokes the big front door and the hard door. The shop prepares the Lao Dao brand for the male customers and the Fairy card for the female customers."

"That's it..." Sun Shaohua felt he had caught something and continued to ask: "Then does he smoke frequently? Is it by piece or by package? Where do you usually buy it?"

"Master Tian smokes very frequently, at least half a pack a day. If he buys it, he buys it in a single pack. The location is not fixed. He takes care of all the cigarette shops around and the cigarette vendors on the street."

When asked about this, Sun Shaohua was a little disappointed. The scope was too broad, and even if there were targets in it, he couldn't lock it in. But Sun Shaohua felt that there was something wrong with it.

Not giving up, Sun Shaohua continued to ask: "What about the cigarettes used to entertain guests in the store? Who bought them? Where to buy them?"

"The shopkeeper doesn't smoke and is afraid of buying fake cigarettes. Usually Master Tian buys one from time to time. He almost never misses it. As for where to buy it, I don't know exactly."

After hearing this, Sun Shaohua frowned, dismissed his apprentice, and went upstairs to see how the interrogation progressed.

"Zi Chao, come out." Sun Shaohua called out the team members he introduced to him before and asked about the progress.

The player's name was Yu Zichao. His performance in the past was mediocre, and Sun Shaohua didn't pay much attention to it, but today's opponent's performance really made his eyes shine.

"Brother Hua, the tailor and the shopkeeper are so tough-talking that they are almost beaten to the point of being deformed, but they still haven't uttered even a single word. I'm afraid they won't be able to open their mouths in a short time."

"Take me in and have a look..." Sun Shaohua didn't say much, and followed Yu Zichao into the room where the tailor was being interrogated.

Entering the house, Sun Shaohua walked briskly to the tailor with a smile on his face and examined him.

"Yes, he is a tough guy and an excellent intelligence agent. Unfortunately, his skills are not good enough. Even if you hide it, we will find out that you are the leader of this intelligence team.

Didn't you expect that? But I have something even more surprising for you. Through various clues, I have basically grasped your situation. You have three teams responsible for collecting intelligence.

Each of these three situation groups should have two to three spies. One of them has been destroyed by us and is in the telephone company, conducting monitoring, collecting information, etc.

One is hiding in the police force at Xiaguan Pier. His job should be to monitor the terminal ships, important passengers, and even warships. On January 28, when the ship entered Xiaguan, they played a lot of role, right? My people have already

Went there with witnesses."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Sun Shaohua said a lot, but unfortunately the tailor's face did not waver at all. He kept staring at Sun Shaohua, trying nothing.

Sun Shaohua was mentally prepared and continued with a smile: "I haven't found your last intelligence team yet, but I got a key clue.

There is a person there who is an officer above the rank of major. He is probably not a spy. He is one of your instigators of rebellion. He may currently or has served in the Nanjing garrison.

You may think that this information cannot find the other party, but I am also more important. His famous lover is Wu Tian. We have traces of her. If we find her, are we still worried about who her mistress is?

One more thing, I heard that you like to drink tea, and you only go to one tea house to buy tea. What a coincidence is that after the suspected shopkeeper gets the information, you will go there."

Having said this, the tailor's face still showed no signs of change, and Sun Shaohua still refused to give up. He smiled slightly and said, "Do you think that I think the tea house belongs to your carrier pigeon?

Wrong! How could such a coincidence be so easy, right? It was just a smoke bomb on your part to show us."

Having said this, Sun Shaohua took out a pack of cigarettes, waved them in front of the tailor's eyes, and looked at the tailor with an expression of control.

But the tailor still didn't waver at all. Now Sun Shaohua cursed in his heart, but he still had to smile, put down a few words, and went out.

"Damn old fox, he is so cunning. He spent a long time talking and didn't even try to find out."

Hearing this, Yu Zichao asked: "Brother Hua, what you just said are all false? I thought it was true!"

"I don't know if it's true or not. I'm just making an inference based on the current situation. I still need to verify it."

"What should we do now? Go check it out?"

"No..." Sun Shaohua shook his head and said: "Their homing pigeon is most likely nearby. We can't afford to delay him. We have to pull him out first, leave, and then test the other one. You can cooperate with me later."


"Understood..." Yu Zichao responded, and followed Sun Shaohua into the room where the shopkeeper was being interrogated, and cooperated to watch and conduct tests.

The shopkeeper's psychological quality was much worse than that of the tailor. Although he tried his best to keep his face calm, his body responded subconsciously, and many small movements exposed his true thoughts.

After some testing, Sun Shaohua was basically certain that the clues and inferences from the police and military officers were correct, and there were no major problems in the direction.

"Your first intelligence team has been destroyed by us. The second intelligence team should be led by that policeman. If we find him, we can almost capture them all.

As for the third group, it cannot be led by that officer. He should have just been instigated by you to rebel, but okay! I have probably guessed where they are..."

Sun Shaohua also wanted to test whether the spy in this group was around the traitor's house in the south of the city, but he had already reacted and tried hard to control his body not to make any small movements, so Sun Shaohua had to stop.

"I won't tell you this because it's out of the question. Let's talk about your homing pigeon! After our careful screening, we found that every time you collect information, the tailor will go to the tea house.


"You...you...pfft..." The shopkeeper was so shocked that he couldn't speak. His body couldn't help shaking. He clenched his fists and spit out two words. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he fainted with his head tilted.

Sun Shaohua signaled the team members to come forward to check, and took Yu Zichao out of the door.

"Brother Hua, depending on the situation, the carrier pigeon is in the teahouse, let's do it!"

"Nonsense..." Sun Shaohua replied and said with a smile: "He deliberately mislead me about the teahouse, so just trust him."

"Then he...vomited blood..." Yu Zichao still didn't react and was a little hesitant.

"He knew from the beginning that we were testing him, but what the heck! He ignored his body and showed a lot of flaws, and then he realized it and covered it up.

Of course, this is what I want. At that time, he must have been unwilling to give up, thinking about countermeasures, and preparing to mislead us.

At this time, I directly skipped the third intelligence team's questions and asked about the homing pigeons, getting to the point directly and asking him to respond so that I could make a decision more easily.

At this time, he is already thinking about misleading us, but the countermeasures are not yet mature, and he will inevitably respond hastily and expose his flaws.

As for the vomiting of blood, it was probably because he was injured during the interrogation and a mouthful of blood was forced out to reduce our suspicions."

Yu Zichao nodded and said: "If this is the case, the target should be selling cigarettes, but there are not many others on this street, but there are many cigarette sellers. There are more than a dozen or even dozens of them on one street, and there may be as many as one in the surrounding area.

Baijia, how do you determine who the target is?"

"Being able to lock in a general area, the other party's efforts to throw the smoke bomb at the tea house must be more than just confusing. The target is likely to be around the tea house, where the tea house can be observed.

In this way, once we attack the tea house, our actions will be exposed, the target will get the information, and after destroying the secret, he can escape calmly."

After explaining, Sun Shaohua whispered a few instructions to Yu Zichao, then led the team out, called a few gangsters from the nearby teahouse, and went to the target street, which was two hundred meters away in a straight line.

The entire street is straight and nearly 300 meters long. There are mostly two- and three-story western-style buildings on both sides of the street. The first floor facing the street is full of shops. There are no less than a hundred shops on both sides, most of which are small stores only two or three meters wide.

They sell everything.

Sun Shaohua walked around and found that, as Yu Zichao said, cigarettes were sold everywhere. There were many specialized cigarette shops. Grocery stores, small department stores, and even small hardware stores also sold cigarettes. There were also mobile cigarette sellers on the streets.

Add no less than twenty.

Most of these shops were rented out to outsiders. There were many shops, and a few gangsters didn't know much about them. They had to call on friends and find a few people to exclude half of them for Sun Shaohua.

The tea house is located in the middle of the street, and its condition can be observed from the entire street. Since we don't know whether it is located in front of or behind the tailor shop, we can only push it forward one year.

The amount was a bit beyond Sun Shaohua's expectation. After thinking about it, he gave a few instructions to a few gangsters, took out the money bag, took out the money bag, gave each person two yuan, and everyone left with happy smiles.

Not long after, Yu Zichao led a group of people directly to the tea house. After a while of ping-pong-pong, many citizens stopped and watched.

One hundred meters away from the tea house, there was a very small cigarette shop, with a pavement less than two meters wide and an area of ​​only a few square meters. A middle-aged man with messy hair impatiently drove the gangster out and was about to close the door.


"Turn it off and try! I didn't give you my cigarette! Do you believe I can find someone to take care of you?"

"Here, here, here..." The slovenly middle-aged man impatiently took out a few packs of cigarettes and threw them to the gangster.

"You know what's going on..." the gangster said, turned around and left with a smile. The slovenly middle-aged man glanced around and closed the door directly.

There are many shops on the street that are about to close. After all, for them, Nanjing has not been peaceful recently, with gunshots and explosions from time to time, and all kinds of rumors have spread like crazy.

However, there were many places to close, but only one store was chasing people away. Stores that had customers either waited for the customers to leave, or kept the customers in the store. After all, the gun didn't go off, and it wasn't to the point of being frightened.

After receiving the report from the gangster, Sun Shaohua led his team members from all over the place to quietly gather outside the building where the Sloppy Adult Cigarette Hotel was located. They entered the building from other shops and learned from other shop owners that the man lived in the attic on the roof of the building.

Sun Shaohua did not hesitate and led his team directly to the attic door. Hearing the sound of stirring inside, he broke in directly. The slovenly middle-aged man fought back with a gun, was wounded and was arrested.

A brazier had been lit in the house and a stack of paper was thrown into it. Fortunately, only the corners were burnt before Sun Shaohua stepped on it.

The radio parts of the codebook had been taken out by the other party, and were easily seized by Sun Shaohua, which made him want to laugh out loud. Although the investigation and analysis tortured his brain, but he couldn't bear it and the harvest was great!

This chapter has been completed!
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