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Chapter 579 An Imperfect Ending

After Lin Mo asked some more about the situation, he nodded and said: "I heard from Wen Bin that you are steady and reliable in your work. You are well loved by the bank brothers. You have been familiar with the situation in the bank for many years. Since the two heads of the bank are no longer here, then

From now on, you will be in charge of the bank!"

"Yes..." Hu Kaijiang was unambiguous and responded quickly. He had just reached a consensus with the surviving brothers of the bank and had the approval of the Intelligence Department. It would be hypocritical to shirk it anymore.

Lin Mo still appreciates Hu Kaijiang's straightforwardness. Agreeing to this matter is not a matter of arbitrariness. They will not interfere in whoever the bank chooses to make the decision. If they really interfere randomly, it will be easy to break up the bank's people. Otherwise, they would not have done it before.

No, even though he clearly dislikes the way Li Dabiao and the two handle things, he continues to let them make the decision.

"Although you will be in charge of the bank in the future, after all, this is the property built by the two previous owners. It should be their share. After the accounting is clear, it will be given to their families.

The brothers who were injured and sacrificed this time should be given adequate compensation and pensions, and since they are working for us, we will not be stingy. There should be compensation and rewards, which will be given afterwards.

For the injured brother, we will pay for the injury, and the bank will also reserve a sum of future profits to take care of the young and old relatives of the disabled brother who died. In a word, we will not let the meritorious brother worry about his life and death.


"Thank you for your generosity, sir. I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of my brothers..." Hu Kaijiang clasped his fists gratefully. At the same time, Lin Mo's attitude also made him feel relieved.

"Okay, don't be so vain. When you take charge of the bank, don't do those nonsense things in the past. Just run the bank's business with peace of mind."

"Understood..." Hu Kaijiang responded and asked cautiously: "Sir, can you give me more advice? What should I do next?"

Lin Mo didn't care whether Hu Kaijiang was polite or sincere, and said directly: "Your main task is to run the black market bank normally, and the secondary task is to collect information about the black market. As for the other things, it depends on whether there is anything you need to do in the future.


Bank business can focus on currency exchange, try to enrich the currency, don't worry too much, as long as you can access the currency, you can operate it, of course there are some types, such as those related to Japan, be more careful in order not to be

Upon discovery, try to collect the other party's information, images and other materials.

At the same time, the bank also has to expand its business to other places, but it is not to ask you to go to other places to grab business! It is to open up various channels, which may be useful to us in the future."

"Understood..." Hu Kaijiang hurriedly agreed. Lin Mo explained some details in detail, and then let Lin Wenhua call over.

"The banker is here again?"

"Well..." Lin Mo nodded and told Lin Wenhua what happened just now.

"Okay, you handled it well. Let's not talk about it anymore. Take a look at this thing. We found it in the gun storage. It should belong to the Japanese."

After Lin Wenhua finished speaking, he handed Lin Mo a notebook. Lin Mo opened it and saw that it was full of names, all neat and tidy, with black names crossed out with red lines.

"Isn't this the same person he assassinated?"

Lin Wenhua nodded and said: "That's what I guessed too, but it's hard to confirm. It's a bit unbelievable that someone was killed and recorded."

Lin Mo listened and said with a smile: "Brother, there is nothing strange. This is the person he killed as his own merit. Just like a sharpshooter records the enemies he kills, and the pilot graffitied the fighter jets he shot down on the plane, what is the mentality of this person?

It's almost the same, but this behavior is a little too crazy.

There are two names on one line, ten lines on one page means twenty people, and forty people on both sides of a piece of paper, hiss... I’ve already written half of the book, I’m afraid it’s not over a thousand people?”

"Not that many. Just keep looking back. Some people have not been crossed out, some places are empty, and some only have one person in a row, but there are still hundreds of people crossed out."

Lin Mo understood, continued to read, and turned a few more pages, saying: "This man is very experienced. He can understand Chinese characters, English, German, French, Russian, Korean, oh... he also understands Latin...


After hearing what Lin Mo said, Lin Wenhua came over to take a look. He also knew some foreign languages, but he only recognized English, French and German, and had not touched on the others.

"You're not bad either! We all recognized you."

"It's different..." Lin Mo shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Except for the ones I was forced to learn at home, I can only distinguish the others and have no idea what they are written on."

"This is quite harmful... oh... and it has a Japanese name? I really didn't notice it just now. I didn't expect that this guy would kill his own people."

Lin Mo smiled and said: "That's quite a lot! I've just seen a dozen of them, plus the ones on this page and a half, there are dozens of them, but these are not necessarily their own people, and Japan is not monolithic.

, there are many people with different political opinions and ideas, and there was even a red party incident a few years ago!

However, their own people may be indispensable in it, and they are also fighting fiercely within themselves, such as the conflict between the army and navy, various factions within the army, and the intelligence system is full of mountains, and the fighting is endless."

Lin Mo kept talking and turning the pages with his hands, and when he reached the end, his brows furrowed.

"Brother, you are on the list!" Not only Lin Wenhua, but also Boss Dai, Section Chief Xu, are also on the list. From the leader and deputy leader of the second operation team to the captain and deputy captain of the first and second teams, Liu Zhenshan and Zheng Junshan of the third team are also on the list.

They are all there, and there is still a vacant seat, which I am afraid is reserved for me, but the other party has not yet found out who my last name is.

Seeing that his name was not written on it, Lin Mo felt a little lucky. Although he knew he shouldn't, it also reminded Lin Mo that he would have to keep a low profile and be careful in the future, and it was best to use more disguise.

Apart from the action team, Liao Tinghui, Wang Mingkun, Zheng Shengjing, Kong Shaojiang and other lieutenant officers and above who participated in the operation are also on the list, but Xu Zhiyu, Wang Shoufei and others are not on the list. It seems that no information was leaked in the later stage.

At the end, Lin Mo saw a few more familiar names, including the two police chiefs Chen and Gu, as well as Wada, Wu and other police chiefs who had actively helped in recent operations against Japanese spies.

There was another person, Yao Jiange, the eldest brother of the Qing Gang who had provided a lot of help to Lin Mo. Fortunately, Lin Mo had not heard anything happened to the Qing Gang, and the Japanese probably had not taken action yet.

Lin Mo speculated that the smoke bombs he had previously deployed to conceal the involvement of the Lin family and classmates, as well as the arrangements made to prevent retaliation, had interfered with the other party's investigation.

Of course, the credit of the action team must also be indispensable. They forewarned the Japanese espionage retaliation operation in advance, and successively uncovered the spies. While they were under pressure from their superiors, they were tired of fighting with the action team, which disrupted the progress of their investigation.

While Lin Mo was analyzing in his mind, he continued to flip through the roster and searched in detail, but could not find the name he was looking for.

"Team leader, there is no name of my instructor who was attacked."

"Oh..." Lin Wenhua frowned slightly, thought for a while, and said: "Your instructor may have been attacked by the man who was run over by the railway! According to the reported information, although that man was not as scary as this man, he was not.

Ordinary stuff.”

Lin Mo nodded. This possibility is really not low. After all, Chen Jun was able to escape. I'm afraid it was not just luck.

"Brother, take a look inside to see if there are any of Master Liao's brothers who died back then."

Lin Wenhua took it, turned it over, nodded, and replied: "Yes, there are also some victims in the cases that were suspected of being committed by the assassination team. Those people can also rest in peace."

Hearing this, Lin Mo felt a little heavy. Many of the people on this list were probably anti-Japanese patriots, but in the end they were poisoned by the Japanese...

Seeing that Lin Mo was not in the right mood, Lin Wenhua smiled and said, "Why were you so distant just now? You called me team leader, what? You didn't even want to call me brother?"

"No way! Brother, I just saw that my name was not on the list, and I had some ideas. I tried my best to hide my personal information, appearance, and family situation, so as not to cause disaster.

Therefore, from now on, I can only call you brother by calling you in private. Do you think it’s okay to address you in public or at work or by calling your position normally?”

"No problem. Speaking of which, I didn't pay much attention to these things in the past. It seems that I will have to pay more attention to them in the future. Well... So, if you have any ideas and countermeasures, tell me one by one! If possible, let my subordinates

Brothers also learn from it."

"Team leader, I just have some ideas right now. I have to go down and think about the details carefully, test them again, and then report back after I decide."

"Okay..." Lin Wenhua nodded, said a few words of enlightenment, and then set off to supervise the final finishing touches.

After hearing this, Lin Mo still felt heavy in his heart. After handling the bank affairs, he made a big circle and returned to the house, where he and Liu Zhenshan reported the details to Xu Guyu.

"Are there foreigners on that list?" Xu Guyu asked, stroking his chin and calculating.

"Alas..." Xu Guyu sighed and said regretfully: "It's a pity that this operation cannot be made public. Otherwise, just these foreigners on the list would be enough for the Japanese to drink."

Lin Mo, who had been busy feeling sad just now, suddenly lit up when he heard this.

"Section Chief, although it is not possible to make it public, it does not mean that foreigners cannot know it! Although it is not as good as making it public and letting the Japanese drink a pot, but it will put a thorn in the heart of the foreigners, that is a bomb, and it may explode at some time."

"Wonderful..." Xu Guyu praised, then frowned and said, "But this channel is hard to find! Don't be too deliberate..."

Lin Mo saw this and hurriedly spoke, "Section Chief, have you forgotten Scott, who sells arms? He is also an intelligence dealer! Give him the list, and it will naturally reach the hands of those who need it."

"That's doable... Well... I'll leave this matter to you. Make a copy of the foreigner's name and give it to Scott."

"Understood..." Lin Mo accepted the task, but was not in a hurry and planned to deal with it after everything settled.

"Ah..." After the report, he went out and caught up with Zheng Junshan who led the team back. After finishing a large tea vat of water in one breath, he sat down on the recliner and began to lie down.

"Old Zheng, what's wrong? The operation is not going well!" Lin Mo and Liu Zhenshan also sat over and asked.

"It's not a big problem, I'm so tired and angry! The people I arrested are really greedy. No matter how much money they get, at least they don't get half of it. They are not satisfied with this. They go to work as dogs for the Japanese. They don't have any information."

When I buy it from outside, I really want to kill it on the spot.

Today I was also very cautious. Just collecting the dirty money within Nanjing almost broke my legs. The thieves were hidden very well and all of us were turned into gray mice during the search.

The most irritating thing is that people have fallen into our hands and they still haven’t confessed honestly. I don’t know whether they thought they could get out alive if they fell into our hands, or whether they thought they could hide the money and let them get it in their next life.”

Hearing Zheng Junshan's bitter words, Lin Mo couldn't help but ask: "Didn't the military cooperate this time? Why didn't they let them help?"

Hearing this, Zheng Junshan smiled and said: "After seeing how greedy those people are, how dare you let those people interfere in this kind of thing? If something really happens, it may be even more troublesome."

After calming down for a while, Zheng Junshan explained the general situation to the two of them, then got up and went to report to Xu Guyu. Lin Mo arranged for the team members who had just returned to have a quick meal and rest.

Three days passed. Today, the old Japanese code-named Di Di finally received news. Zheng Junshan volunteered to rush over. Lin Mo and Liu Zhenshan did not go because the news was that a suspected corpse was found.

"Do you think it could be that old guy?" Liu Zhenshan pondered and asked Lin Mo.

"I don't know, I hope so! We can't keep spending our energy on this person. Although this ending is not perfect, this matter can be brought to an end."


Half a day passed and Zheng Junshan had not returned, sent no news, and could not be contacted. Lin Mo and the others could only worry.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, Zheng Junshan finally came back, but his face was not very good.

This scene made Lin Mo's heart skip a beat, and he quickly asked: "Is that the old devil?"

"That's true, but it's just a corpse."

Lin Mo heard a question mark and said: "Isn't the news coming that is the body?"

"Ah..." This time it was Zheng Junshan's turn to be stunned. He calmed down and said with a wry smile, "Didn't you hear clearly at the time? I thought I had discovered the whereabouts of that person, so I rushed over and found a corpse. How depressed was I?"

"Alas..." Lin Mo and the two breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be this. They thought...

"Not to mention this, it's just a corpse. Why did you delay it for so long? You thought something had happened and made us anxious."

"I've gone to verify my identity. I've wasted a lot of effort running around here and there!"

"Verify identidy?"

"The face was bitten!"

"Being chewed? Then..."

"Forget it..." Zheng Junshan quickly waved his hand to interrupt Lin Mo and said: "I can't explain a sentence or two, so I'll start from the beginning!

The story begins on the day of the general search. The target disguised himself as a ragged old beggar and appeared near a ruined temple in the south of the city. The ruined temple was a gathering place for beggars in that area.

That beggars gang! They are just a group of lazy people who are lazy and intimidating a group of old and young people to beg and earn money for them. The target was also recruited into the gang, but the target hid in hiding the next day to avoid inspection and did not go out to beg on the streets, leaving those lazy people

The discovery was a blast and the target was notified that night.

Until yesterday, a group of college student volunteers participating in the health movement passed by the area and smelled the stench and found the ruined temple. They then clashed with the group of lazy people, and the police intervened later.

After investigating the smell, they found a corpse above the remaining patio on the roof. The corpse was decomposed and the face was gnawed by rats.

At first, the police didn't think about the target. They just thought it was those lazy guys who beat someone to death. During the questioning, one police officer felt that this person fit the target in the cooperative investigation report we sent. There was also a large bonus in the cooperative investigation report.

He took a photo of the target and showed it to the witnesses.

The target may be to avoid inspection, or he may not have anything handy and just make a simple disguise. Although the witnesses are not sure, they all said that they are somewhat similar, and finally reported it this morning.

I arrived and saw that the body was rotten and had no face. In the end, I had to check the injuries. I found the doctor who examined him at the time, a well-known forensic doctor in Nanjing and an experienced veteran. It took a whole day to confirm the injuries.

It’s the goal…”

This chapter has been completed!
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