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Chapter 583 Strict confidentiality

Because there were a lot of people coming to the meeting in the evening, and the celebration party had to include people, which kept Lin Mo and his team busy until the evening before the arrangements were made.

Lin Mo had just rested for a while when Lin Wenhua arrived with the people in the meeting. Lin Mo dragged his tired body forward to greet them.

After saying hello, Lin Wenhua called Lin Mo aside and whispered: "I got a message from the office that there is a problem in the archives of the office. Please try to delay the files of you and Haicheng, and don't rush to transfer them.


After hearing this, Lin Mo picked up some things that Xu Guyu had told him and told them to Lin Wenhua.

"Huh..." Lin Wenhua breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "If the section chief can arrange it for you, then I can rest assured."

"Brother, do you know the details?" Someone told him about the files one after another, which made Lin Mo a little worried.

"I don't know the details. I only know that all members of the original archives department were transferred due to suspicion of confidentiality. The newly formed archives department also seems to have encountered some problems.

Okay, we can’t get involved in this matter yet, just keep an eye out, the department will solve it, let’s talk about our own affairs! Is this full-team training planned, and when will it start?”

"Brother, the plan has already taken preliminary shape. I will refine it and form a written document in a few days for you to study and study. As for the start time, there is no rush for this matter. It is best to wait for a month.

One is to wait for the injured to return to the team, supplementary manpower is in place, and most of the entire team participates together; the other is to wait for the wounded to return to the team, and secondly, the team has been in action in recent months, and the spirit has been highly concentrated. Everyone is exhausted and needs to take a rest.

Finally, for our training this time, I am planning to go to a 100% difficulty level, which is even more difficult than the running-in training of Xu Zhiyu, Wang Shoufei and the others.

This month is also a buffer, allowing everyone to train and adapt first, and adjust their physical condition to the best. Otherwise, it will be the highest level of difficulty and we will eliminate people all at once. This is not our purpose. We just don’t know if it will happen by then.

Something delayed me again."

"If there is no delay, don't worry about it. In the past few months, we have taken a series of actions to steal the limelight. According to the section chief's wishes, let us take a moment to settle down and leave the work to other people in the department, so as not to become

A place of public criticism.”

"Well..." Lin Mo nodded, and the two exchanged some other things, and other participants also came one after another.

After the conversation was almost finished, Lin Mo continued to receive other people. Not only the second operation team participated in this meeting, but also those who had dealt with Japanese spies in recent times, including Yang Haicheng's group.

After arriving, Yang Haicheng found a place for Wei's famous name Luo Yiqiao to settle down, and ran over to pull Lin Mo aside.

"Brother Lin, when are we going to transfer the files?"

Lin Mo heard this and said: "No rush, wait and see the situation first. You should be in the restaurant recently, right? I will go find you then."

"Okay..." Yang Haicheng didn't ask any more questions and just nodded in agreement. The two chatted for a while, and then Lin Mo approached Wang Shoufei and Xu Zhiyu to contact him.

"Old Lin, do you have time these days? I have something to discuss with you." Wang Mingkun came up and spoke to Lin Mo.

"Yes..." Although Lin Mo felt strange that Wang Mingkun would have something to do with him, he still agreed. After all, he also had something to discuss with him.

"I should have time these days. Just come and see me when you have time. I happen to have something to discuss with you."

"Okay..." Just like that, Wang Mingkun also joined in the chat, and after a while Lu Yongtao also came. They are the backbone of this group. Judging from the situation, the relationship between the few of them is not bad.

At the beginning of the meeting, Xu Guyu sat in the main seat, and the famous Wei Dynasty officer Liao Tinghui sat next to him. On both sides of the long table, there were seats for each department. Except for Lin Wenhua, Zhang Hongxin, and Wang Mingkun at the front, everyone else was regardless of military rank.

There were not many people present at the meeting. For example, in the second operation team, only the deputy team leader and captain had the rank of captain. The other deputy captains like Zheng Junshan and others were only second lieutenants. The other backbones of the team were only non-commissioned officers. Of course, Lin

Mo is a semi-exception. After all, his appointment to the rank of captain has not yet been officially issued. To say it is a lot less, there are a lot of people in Wang Mingkun's group with the rank of lieutenant.

The situation in which the second lieutenant of the operations group and the chief officer's rank was low was due to the defeat of the spies. Previously, the sporadic arrests of spies were done by the second group. On the one hand, they were inexperienced and on the other hand, they had spies' informants.

In addition, the preliminary investigation was all done by the Intelligence Department, who knew very little about the situation, and the opponents were tough, resulting in frequent losses. Even if the higher-ups wanted to promote you, they would not find a chance.

However, a series of recent actions have made it possible for this situation to change. Even if there is suppression from the Secret Service Headquarters, the credit lies there. Lin Wenhua and others have been promoted to the school level, and they cannot stop them even if they want to.

After the usual roll call, Xu Guyu said: "First of all, the boss is unable to attend today's meeting due to a business trip, so I will convey the boss's instructions first.

Recently, there have been repeated incidents of intelligence leakage at our headquarters and many overseas sites. Most of the causes are related personnel's lax confidentiality, improper attitudes, and lack of awareness, resulting in..."

The general meaning of the instructions is that all departments should strengthen confidentiality work, conduct relevant confidentiality training, strengthen confidentiality awareness, etc. It is a long article, which shows how angry Boss Dai is.

“...If any information is leaked again, the relevant personnel will be punished according to family law and will not be punished.

Finally, I want to say one thing. Although I believe in all of you sitting here, you still have to strictly demand the people under you after you go down. Otherwise, everyone should be aware of the consequences."

After saying that, he looked around at everyone before Xu Guyu continued, talking about some arrangements of the intelligence office. In addition to the second operation team finding a place to work outside, the others were also related to confidentiality work.

After the boss had finished arranging the work with the department, and communicated with the participants about the relevant matters, everyone except the second action group was dismissed first, and the second action group continued the meeting.

The first thing is to say that the Intelligence Division has been suppressed by the Secret Service Headquarters and is in trouble with the promotion issue, and that Lin Mo's contribution will be divided to ensure that most people can be promoted. As for the specific division, Xu Guyu has full authority to do it.

Lord, I didn’t leave Lin Mo with a headache.

The second thing is to summarize the experience and lessons learned in recent operations. Lin Mo also finally reported to the repair shop the problems encountered in the use of equipment.

"Well... everyone has taken this matter seriously and actively cooperated. The reason why our operations have been so smooth during this period is indispensable to the repair shop. It may even have saved the lives of everyone here."

"Yes..." Xu Guyu set the tone for what Lin Mo proposed. Everyone sitting here agreed. They were all old members of the action team and knew very well how many casualties this operation would have without these equipment.

"Okay, let me tell you the last thing. For the remaining days of this week and the next week, anyone who needs to take leave can take a break. The premise is that the final finishing work cannot be delayed. It is best to take a break after finishing it.

Of course, they also need to stay on duty. I suggest that those who live far away from home take turns to take leave this time. After this leave is over, we can stagger the leave for them to go home and accommodate their families by the way."

"Yes..." No one had any objections to this arrangement. The next step was to assign various finishing tasks. Lin Mo took over the task of organizing the action files.

This job is the slowest. You need to wait for other people to submit various materials, evidence, exhibits, etc., then sort and summarize them one by one, and finally seal them for record.

Zheng Junshan rushed to take over the task of autopsy. In the past, it was not difficult to do it. He just took photos of the corpse and recorded the wounds, scars, birthmarks and other characteristics of the corpse. In many cases, it was done as soon as the battle was over.

But this time was different. On the one hand, there were many corpses, and because the assassination team always had the sword hanging above their heads, many corpses were taken away without checking, or they were only jotted down.

The intelligence office did not have any professional equipment for preserving corpses, such as freezers. The corpses were taken to Yizhuang and kept in a cool place. Although I heard that Yizhuang paid for some ice to preserve the bodies, the situation was definitely not good.

Lin Mo wanted to remind Zheng Junshan, but he stopped him with a wink. Guessing that he might have some tricks up his sleeve, Lin Mo didn't interrupt anymore.

After the finishing work was assigned, Lin Wenhua finally mentioned the training. Xu Guyu agreed, and the others followed suit, but they didn't know if their faces would turn pale when they knew how intense it was.

Lin Wenhua didn't mention how difficult it would be. On the one hand, it's not decided yet, but on the other hand, he wanted everyone to have a happy holiday, and we can wait until the fun is over to discuss the negative things.

After all the miscellaneous matters were arranged, the meeting officially ended and everyone came out to wait for the celebration banquet to begin. Lin Mo took the opportunity to find Shen Song and Huang Jianren to discuss some matters, but as they talked, Xu Guyu was attracted over.

"Remember! What we want is the main shooter, you can't discount this!" Huang Jianren said this and left with Shen Song.

"What happened yesterday? Why did the quarrel begin?"

Seeing that Xu Guyu had misunderstood, Lin Mo quickly explained: "There was no quarrel, just bargaining, and the voice was too loud?"

"Bargaining? What's going on?" Xu Guyu didn't quite believe it and continued to ask.

"Regarding the sniper team, I learned that the Japanese were accurate in marksmanship, so I was afraid that everyone would suffer, so I arranged a sniper team for each team! Now that I want to come back, they don't want to give me any more, and they are starting to bargain."

"Then how was it resolved in the end?"

Lin Mo heard this and replied: "At first, Captain Shen and Captain Huang asked me to form a sniper team, but this will definitely not work. After all, members of the Intelligence Department have their own appointment procedures, and these people do not meet the requirements.

But they didn't want to let go, so after some bargaining, they finally decided to keep one person, and they would choose three members of the team to train this person and become the new sniper team. They all wanted the main shooter, but I think they still didn't give up."

After hearing this, Xu Guyu pondered for a moment and said: "Since there is only one person, let them get it. The people you are looking for are all good players. They have been hunters since they were young. Their marksmanship and combat awareness are all top-notch.

Blame them for not letting go.

I know what you're worried about, and the idea itself is correct, but since they have their share of themselves, the Intelligence Department won't be able to accommodate them, so they just have to control it.

In this way, for the first team and the second team, each team will have a main shooter, and they will find two more to complete the team. For the third team, you will have a sniper team.

By the way, I, your brother, and Hongxin each have one person left to follow them when traveling. The Japanese have suffered such a big loss, so I'm afraid they won't be able to let it go easily. I have to guard against them. You

Always pay more attention to safety.”

"Yes..." Lin Mo responded, thought for a moment, and said: "Section chief, yours, I will choose from those who have gone to work for Master Liao. They are all the best performers..."

"Don't..." Before Lin Mo could finish, Xu Guyu interrupted and said, "You don't have to worry about that team. The boss has taken a liking to them. The staff of that team will be retained. You can choose from other people."

Choose among people!

What’s more! The one you have going north seems to be named Wang...Yinglong! It is said that he performed very well, and the intelligence department also wanted him, so he will be assigned to your third team for the time being."

"Yes..." Xu Guyu personally spoke to help Lin Mo make arrangements, and Lin Mo stopped giving up. Although there were more people than expected, it was not a big problem.

"Then what are you going to do with the remaining ones?"

Lin Mo had already considered this matter and said directly: "At present, I am planning to divide the remaining people into three parts. One part will protect the family secretly. When I am doing things in a private capacity, they will also protect me. If necessary,

, I can leave some things that are inconvenient for me to do to them.

On the other hand, the relatives of some members of the team are planned to be taken to the vicinity of Nanjing to take care of them, but it is not convenient for the department to come forward. My people have certain combat effectiveness and just take over this job.

The above two groups will select the ones with good skills. For the rest, I will arrange for them to learn some business skills and techniques, and then arrange them to run some secret strongholds in major cities in the country.

This is what I think. After all, we are action personnel. If necessary, we may have to go to various places for field work. If there is an accident or the situation becomes critical, their presence can also give us a way out."

"It seems that you have thought carefully about it, so I won't worry about it for you."

"Where..." Lin Mo flattered Xu Guyu a few more times and got some tips from the experienced Xu Guyu...

Lin Mo just returned to the celebration banquet table. Shen Song and Shen Song, who had just escaped from the battle, immediately came over to inquire about the situation.

"Alas..." Lin Mo sighed, shook his head, and said helplessly: "The section chief refused to let me, I'm so sorry! I have to take everyone away."

"Isn't it? You won't even let them train for a while?" Shen Song looked unwilling. When he returned to the team, he learned about the sniper team and found an opportunity to try out the skills of the sniper team. The marksmanship made him salivate.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have bargained with Lin Mo loudly for half a day just now.

Huang Jianren, on the other hand, looked at Lin Mo with a suspicious face and said softly: "That shouldn't be the case! According to the character of the section chief who cherishes talents, he should let you leave people to us, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Mo looked at Huang Jianren with suspicion and couldn't help but said: "Captain Huang, it wasn't you who deliberately attracted the section chief to our place just now, was it?"

"Don't overdo it! It was Lao Shen who attracted the section chief with his loud voice. I only thought of it when I saw the section chief coming over. I didn't do it on purpose."

Listening to the conversation between Lin Mo and the two, Shen Song looked at this and that, and it took a while before he came back to his senses.

"The section chief asked someone to stay?"

"Only one will be left. If there are more, we have decided not to entangle him anymore..." Lin Mo stopped trying to be pretentious and said he would take the person away first, fearing that the two of them would get entangled again and he would have to deal with it.

Huang Jianren was satisfied and knew that there could be no more. Shen Song still wanted more, but Lin Mo got there first and couldn't say anything more, so he sighed helplessly.

This chapter has been completed!
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