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Chapter 951 Return

After Wang Mingkun left, Lin Mo turned around and devoted himself to sorting out a large number of reports. However, after working for two days without touching the ground, he found that most of the work was in vain.

The main reason is that the reports are submitted early and late. It’s not that anyone is lazy, the main reason is that everyone does different work, more or less, and the number of reports written is naturally different, so there must be some early and some late.

Lin Mo and others had just put together a file, but then someone submitted a new report, and the file had to be reorganized. It was a complete mess.

Lin Mo only discovered this situation two days ago, mainly in the first two days, when he was busy organizing his own reports and organizing them for his team members who were not good at literacy. He just started to organize files.

After Lin Mo thought about it, he simply stopped everyone who was busy working and took a two-day rest until the report was almost submitted before starting to sort it out.

This made Shi Baocun and others who were busy heaving a sigh of relief. This was the first time they had done this job. They had sorted out files before, unlike this time when they had accumulated many actions. Usually the captain would finish the work by himself or by one or two people to help him.

It was never their turn.

Lin Mo was originally going to go out and relax, but unfortunately a call came and He Changwen had returned, so he had to take someone to pick him up at the airport.

After arriving at the Ming Palace Airport, he saw three people standing alone on the roadside from a distance. Their hair was messy and their clothes were disheveled. If it weren't for the neatly stacked suitcases next to them, Lin Mo would have thought they were fleeing from somewhere.

Unfortunately, as soon as he got closer, Lin Mo felt that he was wrong. These were not refugees, they were just three beggars, and He Changwen and the others.

'It's from the garbage pit...' As soon as Lin Mo got out of the car, this idea came to his mind immediately. It smells! The smell of oil, smoke, garlic, etc. are all mixed together, so you can only use 'sour' to taste it.


Lin Mo stopped He Changwen, who was coming forward in excitement, and said, "Take your luggage into the trunk and talk about it when you get back."

After saying that, Lin Mo took the first step and got into the passenger seat. When the three of them got into the car, the driver couldn't help but cover his nose.

"Open the window to disperse the smell. What did you three do to end up like this?"

Hearing this, He Changwen cried sadly and complained: "Captain Lin, this plane is really not meant for people to sit on. It's so uncomfortable.

It was flying and bumping all the way, and it was shaking hard. The engine oil, kerosene, and smoke went straight into the cabin, making people feel sick and nauseous.

When we went there, Lao Wang vomited first, and then the big man in the first cabin couldn't help but vomited too, making a mess. When we got off the plane, we looked like beggars, and our whole bodies exuded a disgusting stench.

When I came back, Lao Wang said he didn't do anything. I thought he wouldn't be so embarrassed without him. I didn't expect to meet a more ruthless boss. I might have eaten a plate of garlic before getting on the plane, and then vomited just after taking off, and finally ended up with it.


After listening to He Changwen's complaint, Lin Mo realized that flying in this era would be such an experience, but it was normal to think about it. At this time, domestic civil aviation had just started, and there were no good passenger planes on hand. It was strange to have a good experience!

After asking He Changwen about the normal situation on the road, Lin Mo didn't say much and sent the other two people near their destination, gave them some bonuses and let them go back to rest before driving to the new hospital.

One of the people who came back with He Changwen was the policeman who brought him there, and the other was the person Lin Mo arranged at the repair shop. They all came back to report that they were safe. The rest took the waterway to escort Du Zhaojie's family and escort them.

The captured criminal.

Back at the new hospital, Lin Mo asked He Changwen to wash up first, then took him to a separate room and asked about the situation of the northbound operation.

He Changwen came up with all the details of the operation from beginning to end, and made a series of discoveries. It can only be said that everything was beyond Lin Mo's expectations.

On the day he accepted the mission, He Changwen rented an amphibious aircraft with the help of the Lin family. He set off in the afternoon, rested for a night at a transit stop, set out early the next day, and flew to Qingdao in the evening.

In Qingdao, I connected with the Lin family, drove two trucks secretly prepared for them, and rushed to Weihai overnight. On the same day, I went to Yangting to investigate.

But more than twenty years have passed, and the Du family has disappeared. Time has changed, and the current situation has been turbulent. Things have changed.

The Du family originally moved from another place and had no relatives in the town. All traces of it have disappeared over time, except for a few elderly people, who have long been forgotten by the world.

But it can't be said that nothing was found. During the inquiry, I learned that the family that occupied the Du family's property moved their family to Weihai and became a wealthy gentry in the city.

He Changwen, who was born in a wealthy area in the south of the Yangtze River, did not notice anything unusual. After all, in the south of the Yangtze River, it was not unusual for some wealthy families in villages and towns to have a net worth comparable to that of the wealthy families in the city.

But Wang Yinglong, who was born in an economically backward family and became a wealthy family in the villages and towns by hunting, was not keenly aware that after all, they, the big families in the villages and towns, would be considered wealthy even if they moved to the city.

As soon as the two people communicated, they felt that their respective cognitions had limitations, so they conducted a detailed investigation in the local area. If you don't investigate, you won't know. After an investigation, the two of them actually found the problem.

The family that occupied the Du family's property was surnamed Chen. There were many brothers in the family. However, in the past, the family mirror was not bad, and the family tradition was not good. The brothers were all local rogues.

It's a leisurely day.

But I don’t know when, these brothers suddenly became rich, they had everything from food, drink, prostitution and gambling, and their money was flowing like water. There were rumors in the town that these brothers had made ill-gotten gains. Unfortunately, no one knew about them.

Where does the money come from?

At that time, this incident aroused the jealousy of some people in the town, who wanted to get a piece of the pie. However, several wealthy families in the town who had no power or foundation had troubles one after another within a year, and the Chen family's property was occupied by the brothers.

Go, including the Du family.

It was during the last few years of the late Qing Dynasty. When this incident happened, Weihai also sent police officers to investigate, but in the end, for unknown reasons, nothing was done about it. Since then, no one in the Chen family has provoked anyone in the local area.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! During the Beiyang period, the Chen family recruited hundreds of jobless gangsters with dozens of guns in their hands. They relied on working as plundering dogs for the warlords and continued to operate in the local area.

Wei Zuofu is the local bully who does evil things.

About ten years ago, for unknown reasons, the Chen family suddenly moved into the city, and the men in the net disappeared with them. Some said they went to the city with the Chen family to enjoy their blessings, and some said they saw the Chen family leaving.

The patrons fled to other places.

After more detailed research, both He Changwen and Wang Yinglong felt that the Chen family was worthy of investigation, and they set their sights on the Chen family. However, they did not investigate together, but separately.

He Changwen started directly with the Chen family and searched for clues through investigation and surveillance of the Chen family. Wang Yinglong took advantage of the fact that the intelligence office was often covered by police officers in various places and searched for clues from old files and files.

The task of searching for the whereabouts of the Du family was handed over to the police headed by Chen Dalin. Visiting and questioning were what they were good at. Among the three groups, they were the first to obtain clues.

Cheng Dalin found out that a neighbor of the Du family moved to the countryside because he offended the lackeys of the Chen family. Cheng Dalin searched and found out the whereabouts of this family. He also learned a lot about Du from the mouth of the old man in the family.

Family matters.

It turned out that after Du's father passed away suddenly, the Chen family brothers also had an interest in Du's mother. However, Du Zhaoxue's sudden disappearance made Du's mother, who was overly sad, grow old quickly, so the Chen family brothers stopped entangled with her.

"What a sin! The eldest daughter of the Du family has grown up and is tall and graceful. She looks very similar to the Du family. She was seen by the thugs of the Chen family, and the Chen family brothers came to pester her again..." These were the old man's original words at that time.

The youngest son of the old man couldn't bear to see the thugs from the Chen family harassing the eldest daughter of the Du family, so he tripped him. Not only did he get beaten up, but his family was also harassed by the thugs.

Seeing that the harassment of the Chen family was gradually turning into robbery, the eldest daughter of the Du family directly used scalding water to disfigure her face. As a result, the Chen family was so angry that they actually tried to snatch the younger daughter away that night.

Du's mother escaped the disaster by protecting her with her own life, and left that day and night. When the neighbors heard about it the next day, they also hurriedly ran to the countryside for fear of the Chen family's wrath.

From the old man's mouth, Cheng Dalin asked about a situation. He had heard many times in the conversation between the Du family and his wife that Qingdao was mentioned as if his hometown was in Qingdao, but he never mentioned it to outsiders, and the old man also

I have only heard of the place name Qingdao by chance.

With the only clue of Qingdao, Cheng Dalin had no choice but to bite the bullet and return to Qingdao to investigate. As expected, there must be no progress.

Fortunately, at this time, He Changwen, who was investigating and monitoring the Chen family, noticed that none of the bastards that the Chen family had recruited in the town had not been seen again, and he guessed that there was something fishy going on.

After He Changwen considered it, he informed Wang Yinglong of the situation, who also found nothing, and narrowed down the scope. Wang Yinglong made rapid progress and soon found the names of some people from some old cases of kidnapping, cigarette trafficking, and human trafficking.

At this point, the conclusion of how the Chen family made their fortune was placed in front of the two of them, and combined with the Du family's experiences, the two of them made a bold guess.

At the same time, the major from the Intelligence Department who went to Shandong to work in Shandong also secretly contacted the two of them and helped them a lot with the help of the resources and channels at his disposal.

The confidants who accompanied the major to the north were assigned to He Changwen, who was short of manpower. He launched a tight surveillance on the Chen family. The archives of Manchu yamen relics that had been thrown into a corner warehouse and eaten were also found and handed over to Wang Yinglong.

The Manchu relics in the warehouse, as long as they could be sold for some money, were all sold secretly, and the rest could only be called garbage. But Wang Yinglong really found a treasure in this pile of garbage - the diary's notes from that year, among which

Records of various cases handled and occurred during his term of office and some details.

At that time, there was also a record of the accidental deaths of wealthy households in Yangting. He was the person in charge. Unfortunately, after only a simple inquiry, he was transferred by the county magistrate to handle a vicious murder case. After he finished the investigation, Yang

The Ting matter had been taken over by others long ago, and the final result was nothing.

Fortunately, his inquiries were recorded in his notes. Since the Du family moved from another place, they asked about their place of origin as usual, where the Du family was doing business in Qingdao.

However, in a human trafficking case recorded later, the historian recorded the intervention of Japanese Japanese soldiers in the case, but there was only an impassioned speech by the historian, and the details of the case were not involved.

Originally, Wang Yinglong thought that this Dianshi might still be alive, so he could come to inquire about him. He expressed such a long sentiment, but his impression might not be clear. Unfortunately, when he inquired, he contracted an illness and died of illness while he was in office. In fact, he could have guessed that, if it hadn't been for something.

Well, there is a high probability that this note will not be left here.

But the harvest was enough. The Japanese were originally called Japanese, and the scope was defined. He Changwen quickly identified a Japanese who had personal connections with the Chen family - a low-key old man in his sixties.


Weihai was intensively investigating the Chen family and the Japanese. After learning the new information, Cheng Dalin and his party also launched an investigation on the condition of a big businessman named Du in Qingdao, and soon got the news.

The Du family, once a prosperous businessman, was involved in business competition with the Japanese in the late Qing Dynasty, and was bankrupted by the other side through unfair means. Members of the Du family either committed suicide because the Japanese forced them to pay debts, or they died of an illness and had no money for medical treatment.

No one in the Du family in Qingdao was spared. Even this news was only learned by distant relatives of the Du family.

Father Du is the youngest son of the Du family. Mr. Du had a son in his old age and loved him very much. However, when he became an adult, he actually wanted to marry a girl from a small family. Although Mr. Du reluctantly agreed to let the two get married, the relationship was very tense.

In anger, Father Du secretly moved away from home with his wife and children.

However, in Lin Mo's opinion, what is the stalemate in the relationship with the family? What is secretly moving away from home? It is impossible that Mr. Du can't discover it, and it's impossible that he can't stop it. This is just smooth sailing.

China's feudal dynasties all emphasized agriculture and suppressed business. Merchants, that is, merchants from other dynasties, could be ruined at any time by the government's wanton exploitation and killing of goose eggs. It was even more difficult to get rid of the name of merchants.

Like the Lin family, they were frequently assigned by the government in various ways during the Qing Dynasty. When the Qing Dynasty went to war, they were bound to lose every battle and pay compensation for every defeat. The Lin family had a share in compensation and military repercussions. There were also other apportionments such as famines and famines.

It makes sense, but the emperor and the queen mother are waiting for birthdays, which is really...

The Du family uses a relatively covert method to divide one branch out, so as not to cause trouble in the family in the future and not even be able to keep the incense. The reason why they choose a covert method is because they are worried that their enemies will kill you and pull them out.

The Lin family also has similar preparations. For example, every member of the clan is asked to learn a bunch of foreign languages ​​since childhood. It is said to be for business, but privately it is self-evident for other purposes.

Just pack up and run.

Mr. Du, although he left incense to the Du family, was it because of his life or something? Both of them were poisoned by the Japanese.

Cheng Dalin was staying with distant relatives of the Du family and could not find the whereabouts of the Du family, so he planned to go to the Du family's mother's house to have a look. However, he did not expect that the whole family had been burned to death in the Jinan tragedy caused by Japan.

Cheng Dalin was almost desperate, but fortunately, he learned from a neighbor of Du's mother's family who survived the Jinan massacre that the Du family had indeed returned to Qingdao, and with the help of Du's mother's family, they settled down to live a hard life in the suburbs of Qingdao.

This chapter has been completed!
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