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Chapter 607 Analysis

"But... alas..." Wu Liangdong sighed deeply and said with a wry smile: "I am willing to believe what you said, but I'm afraid it won't be easy to handle!

Some time ago, I found out that there was a professor of chemistry at the university who was very knowledgeable about ignition powder, propellants, and explosives, so I thought about inviting him over. Even if I couldn't get him, I would build a good relationship and ask for advice if necessary.

Next, training.

When I first arrived, people were quite polite to me, but after I introduced myself, they immediately chased me away with tea, without giving me even a cent of face.

The reputation of our intelligence department is really bad! If others give us shame, we can still deal with it, but now that we are asking for help, we really have no chance to break up with them, and it will also make our reputation even worse.


"So..." Wu Liangdong spread his hands and said helplessly: "This matter is really difficult to handle."

Lin Mo can't do anything about this problem now. After all, this is an objective fact. You really kidnapped people. If you don't say whether they will cause trouble or not, they are passive and sabotage. What can you do? If you are more ruthless, you will be a fool.

It would be better not to invite someone to do it! This has to be done voluntarily.

"Just try your best to recruit people! You still have to work hard. It's really not possible. Then I'll think of a way for you later."

"Okay..." Wu Liangdong didn't hesitate. He just did it. It didn't matter if he suffered a little. He had suffered less over the years. He didn't care anymore.

Seeing that Lin Mo didn't mention it any more, Wu Liangdong continued: "Dangtu is a small arsenal with a staff of about a hundred people. It has all kinds of machinery and equipment, and its manpower is carefully selected and skilled in the middle and high levels.

Their job scope is mainly to modify and produce weapons for the office, and to cooperate with the R&D department in Nanjing to study trial-produced weapons. If they are competent, they can also handle other tasks."

"Well..." Lin Mo nodded without saying anything, and Wu Liangdong continued.

"The arsenal being prepared in Wuhan is to produce weapons and corresponding ammunition that we have successfully developed and imitated. It is the main production unit of the repair shop.

Of course, I also plan to set up an R&D department there, which will mainly do research on various materials, transformation and improvement of production lines and even independent design, research on mass production of materials and weapon parts, research and development on process improvement, etc., mainly in

Most of the things that are not convenient for research in Nanjing will be put there.

The factory was originally planned to be located farther back, but unfortunately, the Sichuan side is currently controlled by local forces, and the situation is relatively chaotic. I was afraid of trouble if I chose it there. After considering all aspects, I finally chose Wuhan."

"Currently, the factory is located in Wuhan, which is considered the best choice. However, the plan for the relocation of the factory must be prepared in advance, and the preliminary work such as site selection and design of the new factory must also be completed. Once the time comes, we must be able to take action immediately."

"Hmm..." Wu Liangdong nodded, thought of something again, and couldn't help but ask: "You mean, there is a possibility that Nanjing will enter Sichuan?"

"It's not a possibility, but a certainty. Sooner or later, there will be a showdown between China and Japan. When the war begins, the good territory Nanjing occupies will have to face the Japanese military front, and there is still the possibility of falling.

At that time, places like Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan will be China's rear area. Among them, Sichuan has the most advantageous conditions. It has mountain barriers, large basins and plains, and is connected by the Yangtze River waterway. You said that Nanjing will be controlled by local forces.

In hand?

Sichuan is undoubtedly the most important place between Chongqing and Chengdu, but Chengdu is located in the core area of ​​Sichuan. Nanjing will most likely choose Chongqing to start, so the location for relocating the factory can be determined here.

Chongqing is surrounded by mountainous areas, so when choosing a site, you can give more consideration to hidden issues, such as some hidden valleys, mountains suitable for digging, etc., these are all areas that can be considered."

"Concealed?" Wu Liangdong thought for a while and asked: "Considering this, are you prepared for Japanese aerial bombing?"

"Yes..." Lin Mo nodded and replied: "If the Japanese army can reach Wuhan, then I will believe it, but if it is said that it can reach Chongqing, it is basically impossible.

So what you mainly guard against is destruction by enemy agents, and the other is threats from the sky. Air power is fully capable of attacking deep into the rear, and arsenals are definitely the first choice targets for such attacks."

"Speaking of sabotage by enemy agents, are the men you temporarily assigned to my side leaving soon?"

"Yes..." Lin Mo nodded and explained: "I have already thought about their whereabouts. They will probably come back during this period. After continuing the training for a while, they will make arrangements to leave. What about Uncle Wu? In the office

No security personnel are arranged for your side?"

"No..." Wu Liangdong shook his head and said: "The boss arranged four people for the repair shop, and none of them were responsible for security. The boss also gave me great autonomy. Except for those four people, everyone else let me

Do it yourself."

Speaking of this, Wu Liangdong asked in a low voice whether Boss Dai didn't trust him a little, so he arranged three people for him. Although he was a villain and judged a gentleman, this matter always made Wu Liangdong a little uneasy.

"What are these three responsible for?"

"One person is responsible for finance and is in charge of the accounting, cashier and accounting work of the repair shop. However, he does not have the right to review or even reject. As long as the funds I approve, he must allocate them accurately. In fact, he also operates in this way.

A person in charge of personnel is, of course, not a personnel appointment, but a personnel file, as well as contacting relevant personnel in the department to verify and review the identity, background, etc. of the personnel recruited by the repair shop.

One person is responsible for the communication work. All communication activities such as phone calls, telegrams, and letters in the repair shop are all under his leadership, but he does not interfere in any other work.

The remaining one is responsible for warehouse management. The entry and exit of materials, parts, weapons, ammunition, etc. are all strictly registered. Of course, apart from registration and occasional inventory, he does not interfere with other matters."

After listening to the introduction, Lin Mo thought for a while and continued to ask: "Where are they from? Who are they related to in the office? Especially what is their relationship with the boss?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Well..." Wu Liangdong thought about it and said: "These four seem to be from Jishan County. One of them can be sure that he studied in the same elementary school as his boss.

One of them seems to be somewhat related to the boss, but he shouldn’t be close, and I don’t know much about the other two.”

"That is a normal situation and has nothing to do with whether you believe it or not. Of course, arranging these people to come here must also have the intention of supervising and monitoring. However, the Intelligence Department is a special department. This is what it should be. Without such an arrangement, then

should be worried.

Finance and human resources are all handled by the boss's confidants. You just arranged for someone to supervise, which already shows that the boss has great trust in you.

In terms of communications, it is already an area hardest hit by leaks, and it is also a highly professional job. It is normal for the department to assign special personnel to lead and take charge.

As for the warehouse, you are an arsenal. What is stored in it is either weapons and ammunition, or things used to produce weapons and ammunition. If there is a problem here and it causes serious consequences, it is normal to arrange for someone to supervise it.

To put it bluntly, the problem can be seen from the fact that your boss gives you so much autonomy, not to mention that the responsibilities of these people are strictly limited and will not cause much hindrance to your normal work."

"That's good...that's good..." Wu Liangdong felt relieved now. In fact, he was from Yeluzi and had only joined the Intelligence Department for a short time, otherwise he would definitely know about this situation.

"Uncle Wu, my brother and I have some connections with Jiangshan, and you joined the Intelligence Department through us, so you should get closer to these four people.

Of course, it can only be limited to private relationships. Business affairs must still be handled publicly, and there are some red lines that cannot be crossed to avoid causing embarrassment."

"I understand, don't worry! I will take care of this." After saying that, Wu Liangdong asked about the security of the repair shop.

"I don't know how to deal with this matter. I'll find time to ask the section chief for you! I'll give you an answer then."

"Okay..." Wu Liangdong nodded and consulted Lin Mo about other matters.

"By the way, Uncle Wu, I almost forgot to ask, how is the organization problem solved when the repair shop is so large now?"

"Currently, there is an Intelligence Division establishment. Just me and a few people from the previous factory, newly recruited technicians and senior technicians can have the title of Intelligence Division consultant, and the others exist as employees of the repair shop.

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the repair department will exist as a unit under the Intelligence Department, and I am afraid that there will not be too many people who can be officially established by the Intelligence Department."

The situation was almost understood, and the things had been moved in. Lin Mo was ready to take a look at the new equipment recently developed by the repair shop, and then discuss business with Wu Liangdong.

However, seeing the few boxes of new equipment that were brought in, Lin Mo remembered something again and continued: "Uncle Wu, you shouldn't have patented the new designs and inventions researched by the Mechanical Repair Institute, right?"

"This matter has been considered, but no action has been taken. The main reason is that domestic patent protection is really... a bit unsatisfactory."

"You can consider applying abroad! Various kits, muzzle parts, and even the guide rail can be patented abroad. Once this is done, it may become a major source of income for the repair shop in the future."

"Is this reliable? Will the information about these equipment be exposed? Will it be robbed?"

Lin Mo heard this and said: "Your worries are not unreasonable, but there is a high probability that these problems will not occur in the early stage. After all, patents are a core system in foreign countries. If the benefits are small, they will not be embarrassed.

However, when the interests are large enough, this kind of thing is still very likely to happen, but there is still time for us to plan in advance. In the West, money is power. Transferring part of the interests and connecting interest groups can provide a lot of protection.

And if we don't do this, the losses will be even greater. After all, foreign military industries are much better than ours. As long as it is practical, they can reverse engineer it easily, and the patent will be in vain.

What’s even more troublesome is that if you really develop and develop, have strong research and development capabilities, and produce a large number of new designs and inventions, but you have not applied for patents on these things, then you will be a big fat piece of meat in front of people, and all parties will be eager to pounce on it.

Come up and eat it, think about how troublesome it will be.

So we have to deal with this matter. Of course, there are some things that we must keep secret, but other than that, we will make a decision based on the situation."

"Okay..." Wu Liangdong had to admit that what Lin Mo said made sense.

"But which country should I choose to apply? And how to do it specifically?"

"Europe cannot do that. The situation there is not much more optimistic than in East Asia. The United States is the best choice because it is a world power, is far away from areas of tension, and is the dominant player in its surrounding areas.

As for the specific operation, well... first establish an independent company abroad, and then sign relevant agreements with the company, and the company will apply for, hold, and buy and sell authorized patents on behalf of the repair shop. The repair shop..."

Lin Mo listed the various agreements and contracts to be signed between the repair shop and this independent company one by one for Wu Liangdong, and explained some of the important terms in detail.

“…Establishing a new company abroad for operation will facilitate the development of relevant cooperation and business abroad, and form one’s own interest group in series.

Secondly, the research carried out by the repair institute will involve a lot of imitation. This is an act that does not comply with the patent rules. Separating the patent and the repair institute can also avoid some of these problems. Of course, you still have to have it as soon as possible.

Self-research ability, at least add something of your own into the new gun, to avoid this kind of trouble.

The third is to avoid domestic political risks. If you really develop, there will probably be covetous people in the country. This operation will prevent some people from easily reaching out. Even if the repair shop is robbed, we will not get everything.

Less than one o'clock.

Considering some circumstances, especially the fact that the repair shop belongs to the intelligence department, it is not appropriate for us to do it ourselves and we have to find an agent to do it.

Hmm...Scott should be quite suitable. You can consider him. Firstly, he has interests and cooperation with us. Secondly, this person is not simple. He has a wide range of contacts abroad and can provide a lot of help for this matter.


Let me remind you one more thing: when choosing cooperation partners and forming interest groups abroad, you must carefully consider them and strictly follow one principle.

We must not drag people together. Not to mention whether the host country's government will let it go, but these people are brought together. The knife may be pointed directly at us."

"Should we set up an external enemy for ourselves, use external threats, and make the internal forces consistent with the outside world, so as to prevent the internal forces from pointing their heads at ourselves?"

"Hmm..." Lin Mo nodded with a smile and continued: "By combining interests, we can rely on mutual patent authorization exchanges to make more patented designs available for repairing machinery and avoid bringing problems to you due to patent issues.

Come with restrictions.

Secondly, the patent authorization exchange can limit the free use within each country, and you need to pay patent fees when exporting. Of course, this can be reduced, I..."

Lin Mo continued to teach Wu Liangdong various operations, things to pay attention to, foreign gameplay rules, etc., and did not stop until the other party had a clear and systematic understanding. The main reason was that Lin Mo did not want to pay too much attention or spend too much in the future.

Put more energy into these things.

After another delay, everyone at the training ground began to test the new equipment brought by Wu Liangdong, and Lin Mo joined in without any further delay.

This chapter has been completed!
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