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Chapter 618 Communication

"Brother, as you said before, our station has not been found yet?"

"Don't mention it..." Lin Wenhua sighed and explained: "I don't know what happened recently. The housing and real estate in Nanjing are in extremely short supply, and the prices have skyrocketed. I looked at many places and couldn't find anything satisfactory.

Some people have come up with the idea of ​​doing this, and people ask about the price every day.”

"Brother, do you think that those pedestrians on the road outside are not an isolated case today, but the norm?"

"Yes..." Lin Wenhua nodded and said with a wry smile: "I don't know if it's bad luck or something else, but the street outside suddenly became prosperous, and the number of people every day increased visibly."

"If this is the case, brother, we have to speed up the search for a new office. The more people there are, the more complicated the situation will be. Your car drove like a snail on the street today. Fortunately, it was me you met today. If it were an enemy, then

But it’s dangerous.”

"Why don't I know? That's what I'm busy with now. Unfortunately, it's hard to find a suitable place. The real estate we have is enough for our whole team to work. It was basically confiscated from Japanese spies or traitors. I guess the Japanese

People will not give up their attention to these places, and confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.

During this period of time, I also looked at some places. Either the place is small, or the location is out of the way, or it is like this, located in a busy city. Generally speaking, it is a bit unsatisfactory, but it is just usable."

"Oh..." Lin Mo didn't say anything more. There was really nothing he could do to help. Lin Wenhua could use the Lin family's channel information, and he had been with the Intelligence Department for a longer time than him, so he could do this.

Still can't help.

"By the way, Lin Mo, I remember hearing someone mention that the rapid prosperity of business in Nanjing during this period is related to treasure hunting. I remember that you seem to have done more research on this aspect of business. Can you analyze whether it is really treasure hunting?


"It's definitely not related, and the source of what you heard most likely came from me..." Lin Mo replied to Li Dingqiao, smoothly repeating the previous analysis again.

From the beginning, Lin Mo actually spread the word about treasure digging intentionally or unintentionally. He wanted to dig out some buried things to see if he could reduce the impact in the next few years and make more preparations before the war started.

It's just that the impact of the treasure hunt is greater than Lin Mo imagined. As far as Nanjing can be seen, the economy, population, commerce, etc. are all prosperous to the naked eye.

Lin Mo also graduated with an economics major. Although his professional grades were average, he had experienced systematic study. After thinking about it carefully, he roughly came up with the reason.

In later generations, there was a craze for treasure digging among the people for a while, but due to legal and other reasons, it was considered a gray phenomenon. Although the government let it go for a while, it did not become an activity with the participation of all the people like it is now.

In addition, during the rise of the city, most of the old urban areas with rich buried treasures were bulldozed and built with high-rise buildings. The treasure digging locations are basically in the suburbs, ancient rivers, and rural areas. Even if the equipment is more advanced, the quantity is probably less than that of

Not now.

Although treasure hunting in later generations was very popular, its impact on the economy was almost negligible or even negligible. The reasons are nothing more than the volume mentioned above, the size of the economy, and currency.

Needless to say, the size of the economy is not comparable to that of the new era. The economic contribution made by digging for treasures in later generations is nothing compared to the size of the economy of a modern country.

As for currency, the government has not issued legal tender yet! It is still a proper silver-standard country. Most of the treasures dug up by detectors are gold, silver and copper. In addition to silver, which is the currency, gold and copper are also used to a certain extent.

Can be regarded as currency.

Although the government has abolished the two reforms of the yuan, it is really not that difficult to turn silver into silver dollars, and the profits from turning silver into silver dollars are quite variable.

Gold is scarcer than silver. If you want to use it directly as currency, there is no hindrance. But most people simply won't do it. There is less circulation, so its monetary properties are worse than silver.

As for copper, most places in China at this time also used copper yuan as a auxiliary currency. The issuance of copper yuan by the government was not like the issuance of coins in later generations. The profit was a bit underestimated, not to mention private production by the private sector, and even local forces were indiscriminately issuing it.

, to make huge profits.

Leaving aside gold for the moment, except for some of the silver and copper products unearthed during treasure digging, the collection value exceeds their own material value. Most of the rest either flow to private individuals or fall into the hands of the government, and are processed and produced into new ones.

Silver coins and copper coins have flowed into the market again.

This situation is different from that of later generations. After these things were dug up in later generations, they were either treated as precious metals or sold as collectibles, and eventually they had to be converted into money. These money are still circulating in the market. At most, they can increase consumption for money.

Circulation velocity contributes a small amount.

But things are different now. The silver and copper dug out have turned into money. What has increased is the amount of currency in circulation, and there is more money in the market.

Judging from the current situation in Nanjing, the amount of currency in circulation has exceeded the actual market demand, which means inflation has occurred.

A certain amount of inflation is conducive to economic development. Even if inflation is too high, the economy will look prosperous in the early stage, just like before the Great Repression in the United States.

As far as the current situation in Nanjing is concerned, the prosperity seems abnormally abnormal, and inflation is probably very high, but it is estimated that it will not last long. When the time comes, it will be good to be brought back to its original shape.

Lin Mo guessed that the situation in Nanjing is not only caused by treasure digging in Nanjing, but also by the advantage of digging as the source of treasure. Nanjing has taken the lead to form a relatively mature industrial chain of treasure hunting, trading, disposal and return to the market.

, causing things excavated from the surrounding areas to continuously enter Nanjing, and then converted into currency and put into the NJ market. The excessive supply of currency has led to Nanjing’s current abnormal prosperity.

It is impossible to say that this is an isolated case! But it is estimated that there will not be too many such cases. In other words, some regional central cities will be like Nanjing, and other small and medium-sized towns and vast rural remote areas will not have much impact.

Today, the traffic situation in vast areas of China has not improved much, and the circulation of goods, currency, etc. is also slow. The result is that the economic transmission speed is not fast. Maybe everything is over and the impact has not been passed on.

Furthermore, the detector is not a cheap item. It is okay in places such as the Central Plains and Jiangnan with developed economies and relatively convenient transportation. If it were in mainland China, whether it would be transmitted to China or not would have to be discussed separately.

Something's going on.

The three of them discussed the matter for a while, and then Lin Mo told Lin Wenhua about the repair shop.

"Hmm..." Lin Wenhua pondered for a moment and replied: "Hongxin is currently in charge of finding people for the repair shop. You should go to him to discuss it.

As for hiring people to form a security department for the repair shop, I have to consider the candidates, um... I want to ask you, what are the prospects for sending people to the repair shop in the future?"

Hearing Lin Wenhua ask this question, Lin Mo also considered this issue. After some calculations, he found that this job has a bright future if it is done well!

"Brother, what a beautiful job..." After saying that, Lin Mo explained with a smile: "Brother, the scale of the repair shop is still small now, and it is only the people in our group who have the turn to do this.

Judging from the current situation, in the future, the repair shop will enter a period of expansion. As the scale of the repair shop expands, the security department will naturally expand accordingly."

Xu Guyu must know this, otherwise he would not let the second operation team recommend people. After all, the second team has always been in charge of him, and the advantage is that his own people will be put first.

This matter cannot go wrong. Someone with real skills must be found, and a reason must be found to stabilize it first and give this matter a little more protection.

After all, Lin Mo has a far-reaching view on this matter. It is related to some future arrangements and cannot make mistakes at the initial stage.

After thinking about it, Lin Mo said truthfully: "Brother, this security department may have more room to operate in the future, especially once a full-scale war breaks out between China and Japan.

At that time, not only our armory, but also the government's arsenal, ordnance industry enterprises, and even some factories and enterprises that produce military materials and military supplies will all have the need to prevent espionage.

Preventing spies from stealing secrets and destroying them is our main job. When the time comes, it will not be difficult for the Intelligence Department to use this to develop into such places. If arrangements are made in advance, it will be even simpler."

Although Lin Mo didn't say clearly what the arrangement was, wasn't it obvious? The security department of the repair shop already does the same job. They need experience and experience, and their strength will probably not be weak when the time comes. They will be responsible for it.

Isn't this work just a matter of course? Even if there are twists and turns, it will be easy to operate if this is the premise.

Lin Mo was thinking of taking this step by then. After all, the Lin family wanted to switch to industry and open a factory in China. When the war started, they would inevitably have to get involved in military production. They didn't even have to wait for the war to start. They would have to repair machinery here.

Some of the raw materials and initially processed parts provided.

Although the Lin family will definitely organize manpower to protect their own factories, firstly, the professionalism of these people needs to be considered. Secondly, when it comes to the Lin family and the combined industry of those people, it is estimated that it will be extremely large, and all the armed forces at hand must be taken into account.

It won't be small. The government will never let it go. Surveillance and even intervention are inevitable. If the people involved are one of our own, it will save a lot of trouble.

Listening to what Lin Mo said, Lin Wenhua also wanted his subordinates to successfully win this position, but he was in trouble as to who he should let go.

"Brother, I think we can just send a person with outstanding ability to lead the establishment of the security department. In addition, we can also transfer the brothers who are unable to work in the action team due to injury or illness to help. The other security personnel are invited to join the army.

For the escape part, just select some people from the repair shop, that should be enough."

Lin Wenhua heard this and asked: "Most of the brothers who have retired due to injury or illness are not in very good physical condition. They are either disabled or their physical fitness is not as good as before. Can they be qualified for those jobs?"

Lin Wenhua guessed that Lin Mo's idea was not only to give these brothers a good place to go, but also to use this affection to firmly bind the security department of the repair shop to them.

Although there was some conspiracy involved, at least these brothers had fought with him. Seeing them leave quietly, Lin Wenhua felt uncomfortable. It was not that he didn't want to give them this place to go, but he was just worried that something would go wrong.

"Brother, you can rest assured..." Lin Mo knew what Lin Wenhua was worried about, but he had also considered it carefully.

"The situation of the security department is different from that of our action team. The primary responsibility of the security department is to protect, which is defensive in nature, while our action team is engaged in external operations and needs to take the initiative, which is offensive in nature.

The combat intensity of the tasks we undertake is much higher than that of the security department, and once a disability is left on the body, it will also be an obvious characteristic. Although these will have certain effects when entering the security department, it is not inevitable.

What is needed to let them in is their experience and loyalty. Whether the experience is combat experience or the secrecy, vigilance and other experiences they developed during their tenure in the Intelligence Department, they are all needed there. The repair shop will expand in the future.

It will be very fast, there is not so much time to explore and cultivate these.

As for loyalty, it is even more indispensable. Although the repair shop is approved by the chairman of the committee, in the eyes of some people, it is a cross-border and cross-border line. In the future, insiders will inevitably make decisions, so a team that is loyal to the intelligence office is very important.


Loyalty and internal affairs, loyalty to the Intelligence Service is certain, but they also have their share, and internal affairs does not only refer to those within the government, but also includes other people within the Intelligence Service.

Only one person with outstanding ability and good health can serve as the leader. This is the right thing to do. The rest of the sect has retired due to injury or illness, which is worthy of consideration. What Lin Mo is guarding is the other people in the Intelligence Department.

This is Lin Mo quietly setting up a rule for the people sent from the intelligence department to the security department. If anyone wants to interfere, if you send someone intact, what will these people think if the people around him are injured or sick?

?Can I pee in the pot with you? I'm afraid it will be difficult to stand up.

You should also send those who are injured or sick. It was Lin Mo who proposed this good place for these people, and even the repair shop was promoted by Lin Mo. You have to accept this sentiment, right? Even if some people are ruthless,

If you don't like this at all, then you are standing opposite the majority of people, and you are in the same situation as the intact people.

"Brother, this is what I think. The people sent by the Intelligence Division mainly serve as leaders of the security department to ensure that the armed forces are firmly in the hands of the Intelligence Division.

The people selected from the military by the Intelligence Department serve as the main combat force of the security department. They are responsible for the arrest of the repair shop, the defense of these battles, as well as the security of important departments, activities, personnel, facilities, equipment, etc., and are the backbone of the security department.


Those selected from the repair shop will be responsible for daily tasks such as patrols, sentries, searches, etc. inside and outside the factory area, and will assume grassroots responsibilities."

This arrangement is to balance all parties. People from the Intelligence Division of the leadership are responsible for ensuring that the team is firmly controlled by the Intelligence Division. Soldiers, as the backbone and backbone, are the military. The future business target of the armory is the military. We will do our best to provide the military

For Fang's sake, people in the repair shop are responsible for grassroots work. These tasks are mainly faced by everyone in the repair shop and are easy to carry out.

This chapter has been completed!
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