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Chapter 620 Workaholic

"It's...Lin Mo...Sorry, wait until I wash my face..."

Seeing Zhang Hongxin getting up unsteadily, Lin Mo hurriedly ran forward to help him, and said with concern: "Be careful, be careful, Brother Xin, why don't you rest a little longer?"

Zhang Hongxin didn't answer. He walked to the washstand, scooped cold water from the foreign leather bucket into the washbasin, washed his face vigorously, and dried the water with a towel. He seemed to be energetic again, except for the dark circles under his eyes.

No matter how you look at it, it's all convex and concave.

"Brother Xin, you have dark circles under your eyes..."

"Hey...don't mention it..." Zhang Hongxin sighed helplessly, asked Lin Mo to sit aside, and poured out the bitter water.

It turns out that these news channels developed by Lin Mo and others would continuously gather a large amount of news every day, and finally it all fell into the hands of Zhang Hongxin.

These external forces, car dealers and banks, had almost no intelligence capabilities. Zhang Hongxin did not trust them to screen the information, fearing that something would be missed, so he basically asked for all information to be sent to him.

As for the police, Sun Xinhui and other intelligence brokers do have some intelligence capabilities, but currently they can only let them conduct a preliminary screening of the information, and those who have been screened out must be reported. Zhang Hongxin will usually go through it. After all, they have just cooperated not long ago.

It hasn't been fully adjusted yet, so I'm afraid of missing something.

In addition to these three main sources of information, the bank, some gangsters passed on by Liao Tinghui, and other information channels will also provide more or less information.

In this way, a large amount of news continued to flow into Zhang Hongxin every day. At the beginning, he was not familiar with the main channels, or did not dare to let go. Zhang Hongxin could handle these news in a short time.

But as everyone gradually got started and worked hard, the news became more and more. Zhang Hongxin went from using it for half a day, to a whole day, and now he may not be able to finish it even if he sleeps for a few hours every day, resulting in the panda eyes he has now.

When Zhang Hongxin handles these messages, he doesn't simply read them once. He has to screen, summarize, and summarize some of them. Some of them have to be arranged for verification, inspection, etc., and finally they are archived and archived in different categories.

The first step is to screen out information that may involve espionage activities, feed it back, and let outsiders verify it and do a preliminary investigation. If the suspicion cannot be ruled out, the action team will conduct further investigation.

Secondly, it is to filter out the information that the action team may use, such as the social relationships and backgrounds of some officials, celebrities, wealthy businessmen, etc. Once someone is involved, it can be activated immediately to avoid incomplete investigation.

And what went wrong.

Of course, these are only a small part of them, such as information about opium dens, dance halls, brothels, restaurants, etc., as well as information about gangs, associations, labor unions and even student unions, etc. will also be archived.

I won’t list them one by one.

Finally, we screen out some of the more important events that have occurred in society, but for the time being it is not clear that they have much to do with the action group, and classify and archive them, such as treasure hunting, which has been very popular in recent times, and some larger recoveries.

As for the whereabouts of the recovered items, as long as the information is obtained here, they will basically be collected and archived. It can be said that we are doing it with the mentality of fighting three poles if there is no date.

"Brother Xin, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive all this by yourself! Why didn't you find a few people to help?"

"I found it..." Zhang Hongxin shook his head helplessly and said: "I found several waves of people before and after. Unfortunately, it was fine if they didn't cause me any trouble. In the end, I barely left two people to help me and do something.

Things like organizing and closing files.

Speaking of which, you should take a longer-term view and force those people to be literate, read, and study. If you wait for a while, you can probably pick out a few suitable people from those people."

Zhang Hongxin was also a little helpless. It stands to reason that the average cultural level of the Intelligence Department is definitely high. Many people are from military and police academies, or graduated from high school and university, but they can't stand it. This is an action group, and most of these people have positions or work for them.

Backbone, it's not easy for him to choose from these people.

Most of the members of the action team are elite soldiers selected from the army. Literacy and hyphenation are not a big problem. Even if they are not good at it before, they will ask to learn it when they come in. After all, it is the Intelligence Department, even if they are in charge of operations,

But you can't explain it even if you don't know the words.

But that's about it for most of them. The intelligence agency selects people from among the soldiers. In this world, the vast majority of soldiers in the government are either strong men who were captured, or they really can't live anymore. They join the army to earn a living, and they can recognize

Those who are good at writing and writing are considered literate among soldiers.

Zhang Hongxin is troubled by this situation. Most of the people he can choose at will are not up to standard in terms of cultural knowledge, and those who are up to standard don't have much talent in this area. After all, this job was not handled by their action team before. Anyone with this ability would have been there long ago.

I was transferred to another department.

"Brother Xin, it's a coincidence. I just want to arrange for someone to come to your place to learn and gain some experience..." As he said that, Lin Mo explained Wang Yinglong's situation to Zhang Hongxin in detail.

"After I went to junior high school, my cultural level is barely adequate, but I have gained a lot of experience, and my horizons and knowledge are up to standard. The thinking habits I have developed are a good foundation. I want people, and I will send them over tomorrow."

After saying that, he looked at Lin Mo and thought for a while, then said jokingly: "I think you are also very suitable. I heard that you read books and newspapers when you have time. How about you come and read some for me if you have time?"

Lin Mo nodded, and it was all right. When it came to reading, he basically read books and newspapers in his spare time after coming here. Firstly, he had a better understanding of this era. Secondly, the original owner also had this habit. Thirdly,

In later generations, he himself will always keep his mobile phone with him. He will use it to look at it whenever he has something to do. He is not used to it when he has nothing to look at.

"That's no problem. It's just that I've been busy recently, and it's not convenient to come here. I may have to wait until I move to a new office before I can help."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mo thought for a while and continued: "Brother Xin, after the adjustment of the work scope of our action team, an intelligence core dedicated to serving the action team has become indispensable. I estimate that this job may take a long time for you.

Keep doing it.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As for the current information, I am afraid it is not too much. Although it can be handled by adding more manpower, it is not a problem to continue like this. I suggest starting from a few gangs

Pick some suitable people from the periphery to train and train them. They should at least have the ability to initially screen information and share the pressure on your side."

"Hmm...is it feasible?" Zhang Hongxin thought about it and asked. To be honest, he just didn't trust these people, which was why he was so exhausted.

"Hmm..." After thinking about it, Lin Mo explained: "There is probably no problem with the police. They have to investigate and investigate. They have a certain ability to identify the news. With a little training and adaptation, it will be about the same.


Sun Xinhui doesn't have much of a problem here. They are buying and selling information themselves. They have a certain ability to identify all kinds of information. If they are trained and trained, they can probably be used as intelligence personnel.

Moreover, I think Sun Xinhui will not be satisfied with just one-third of an acre. I estimate that he will extend his tentacles from the surrounding areas of Nanjing to various places, and may even have started planning in private. I am afraid that he will be able to provide a huge amount of information by then.


The situation at the bank is similar. They have already given instructions to expand to other places. Although they have not provided much information at the moment, they may be able to provide a lot of information in the future.

As for the car dealers, expansion is unlikely. In the short term, they will mainly be active in urban areas of NJ, but they can’t handle the large number of people! They are everywhere, and they are exposed to massive amounts of information every day, so they must also be able to preliminary screen information.


After all, we are an action team, and our main responsibilities are still in various operational tasks. Although we currently need a core to provide intelligence support for operations, we cannot maintain it on a large scale, so we can only delegate authority appropriately."

After listening to this, Zhang Hongxin thought about it, nodded in approval, and said with a smile: "It would be nice if someone can share the burden. If this keeps going on, I can't help it. Besides, there are so many of them, so they can't even find a few that are suitable for each other."

Can't find it."

After hearing this, Lin Mo continued with a smile: "Brother Xin, I usually like to read books and newspapers. I have also found someone from home to collect them for me. I asked him to give you what he collected as a gift.



Zhang Hongxin was about to nod, but he immediately came back to his senses, calmed down, and said: "You want me to sort and analyze those books and newspapers together?"

"Yes..." Lin Mo nodded affirmatively.

"Is there intelligence there? Or should we analyze it to see if there are any coded contact codes sent by intelligence personnel?"

Seeing that Lin Mo didn't seem to be joking, Zhang Hongxin didn't have time to think about it, so he asked the question. Lin Mo immediately gave an explanation.

"Identification of code words is indeed included, but it is only a small part of it. The main purpose is to obtain useful information and intelligence from these channels.

Brother Xin, don’t underestimate these publicly released things. In fact, they contain a wealth of information that can be discovered. Like nationally distributed newspapers and periodicals, you can learn a lot about this country after reading them, especially the economy and politics.

, society, culture, customs, etc.

The same is true for regional newspapers, and compared to the rough and breadth of national reports, regional newspapers and periodicals' more detailed reports on various local situations are more useful to our action group.

After all, although these reports are public, we usually do not come into contact with them. If we do not come into contact with them, they are valuable information to us. After collecting them for a period of time, if we go to those areas for field work and study them temporarily, we will not be able to access them.

As for being blind to the local situation.

Moreover, the scope of my current collection is not limited to China, Europe, America, Japan and even other countries are all within the scope of my collection.

We may not have access to these domestic news from other countries except for one or two major events from domestic reports. I estimate that senior government officials and even the chairman of the committee may not have access to detailed information.

We want to accumulate knowledge about foreign countries. The most convenient channel at present is to collect various publicly distributed newspapers, magazines, books, etc. When these are accumulated to a certain extent, we will compile various foreign intelligence information and issue analysis based on them.

It is not difficult for the report to appear at the top of the national government and even at the head of the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and even serve as a basis for the formulation of national policies."

Hearing what Lin Mo said, Zhang Hongxin also became energetic, but the last words he said were too far away in his opinion, and he didn't dare to think about it yet. Of course, it is also a good goal, in case he can do it


What Zhang Hongxin highly approves of is the collection of regional situations, which is much more practical and practical for them. Although the Intelligence Department also has an intelligence section that collects this type of intelligence, most of it focuses on secret intelligence such as military and political affairs.

, and the action team needs more than this. Various local conditions may be factors that affect the success or failure of the action. There is a big gap that needs to be filled.

"Tell me these in detail, as detailed as you can."

"Okay..." Lin Mo responded without being polite and said: "I roughly divided the information into three categories based on the ways in which it was obtained.

The first category is information obtained legally through public channels such as newspapers, periodicals and books, which I call open source intelligence. There are basically no obstacles to its acquisition.

This type of intelligence mainly collects information on a country or region's economy, culture, technological level, social atmosphere, public opinion direction, political, business and people flows, etc. Of course, it also contains some military and political intelligence.

Although open source intelligence is public, it must not be underestimated. If used well, it will definitely become an important way to obtain intelligence. If the intelligence is accumulated to a certain extent, and top intelligence analysts analyze the intelligence, even

It can predict the political and military dynamics of a country and a region.

The second type is what I call semi-open source intelligence. This type of information flows within a certain range, but is not recorded and published through public channels. It is mainly circulated among the people. Most of the information we obtain through several external forces

can be classified into this category.

The upper limit of this type of intelligence is far lower than that of open source intelligence, but it can be used as a supplement to open source intelligence, and it can provide a lot of more detailed intelligence support for operations such as counter-espionage, capture, lurking, infiltration, and assassination.

The third category is secret intelligence, which is classified information obtained through lurking, instigating rebellion, bribery, etc., which is generally the information obtained through espionage activities.

The acquisition of this type of intelligence falls within the scope of responsibilities of the Intelligence Section in the Intelligence Department, and its importance is self-evident. However, secret intelligence is not isolated from the other two types of intelligence, especially open source intelligence. To a certain extent, the two are

It is the relationship between branches and leaves. Secret information serves as the branches connecting the leaves, and the leaves serve as the expansion of the branches. The two complement each other..."

Lin Mo talked for nearly half an hour, some of which were insights from later generations, some of which were memories left to him, and some of which were his reading experiences during this period. They were a fusion of vision, knowledge, and experience.

Lin Mo basically explained everything from idea to conclusion, from cause to effect, without reservation. Zhang Hongxin also listened with great interest. He felt that his own thinking was suddenly opened up. There were so many ways to play, which made him feel a little inhibited for a while.

I can't help but feel ready to move.


Sorry, something happened recently and I was delayed (っ???c)

This chapter has been completed!
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