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Chapter 629 Unified Consensus

"Just pass this suggestion back. As for how to handle it, it will be considered by our superiors. Our energy still needs to be focused on the task."

"Yes..." Shen Peixin nodded and said, "Back to before, Lao Cui, do you think Lin Mo discovered something? Are you using this matter to test us?"

"It doesn't seem like it..." Cui Shunong shook his head and explained: "The first point is intelligence. This intelligence is actually not very important to us, and we cannot take many actions based on this intelligence. What if we test it?

How do they verify it?

Second point, based on the situation at the time, the chemical weapons incident cannot be faked, which raises a question: Is this information the same to the national government as it is to us? Is it not of much use?

It's definitely impossible. This information is definitely considered top secret for the government. After all, the Japanese are watching in the north. Who knows when they will send their troops south. Although the government does not resist the Japanese, they will still suffer.

And this request revealed the strength of the Japanese in chemical weapons. At the same time, the national government also has the ability to respond. So how to respond? It is nothing more than prevention or counterattack!

It's fine if it's purely for defense, but if we want to fight back, chemical weapons will have to be involved, and wherever this thing is, it's a top secret, right? The intelligence office won't be so stupid as to reveal relevant information just for the sake of testing.

The last point is the feeling. I didn’t feel like I was being tested, nor did I feel Lin Mo’s suspicion. I don’t even know if it was an illusion or something. I felt that Lin Mo seemed to trust me a lot..."

"Maybe I feel wrong?" When he said this, Cui Shunong didn't believe it. Although he had interacted with Lin Mo several times, it wasn't to this extent, right?

"Maybe I feel right. As teachers, especially if you are a university professor, it is easy to gain the trust of others."

Cui Shunong agrees with this. He has experienced it too, but Lin Mo is an agent, not an ordinary agent. Would he trust someone so easily?

Seeing that Cui Shunong was still thinking, Shen Peixin smiled and said: "Old Cui, although Lin Mo is a special agent, don't forget that he only graduated from the military academy a few days ago!

Yes! He did do a very good job as an agent, but this only shows that he is relatively talented in this area. He must not have received professional training in the area of ​​agents, and cannot be treated according to normal agent standards."

"Maybe..." Cui Shunong was a little hesitant and reluctantly accepted Shen Peixin's statement. The main reason was that other than this, he could not find a more reasonable explanation for the time being.

"That's what you said! Lao Cui, you'd better be careful yourself. Anyway, you must be more cautious when communicating with these people."

"Don't worry, don't worry. I know this better than you do. The dangers of communicating with them are much higher than what you said."

"Ah?" Shen Peixin didn't expect this. He was stunned for a moment, as if he reminded him too much.

"Old Cui, what?...Can you tell me something? I've dealt with them several times, but I haven't really thought about the dangers."

"Okay..." Xu Guyu nodded. Even if Shen Peixin didn't mention this matter, he would introduce the situation in detail. After all, the two of them are the main leaders of the team, and they must be aware of some situations.

"First of all! Lin Mo and his group are against the Japanese. Judging from Lin Mo's few words and some information passed to me by the organization, I am afraid that the anger has already started and it will be difficult for both parties to calm down.

In this situation, it's hard to tell from your side, but there's a high probability that it won't affect you, so just be careful. I'll be in trouble. I'll be used as a shield. There's a high chance of being traced to me. Once the Japanese find out,

If you click something, you will probably make a fuss about it.

At the same time, the factions within the government are in serious internal strife. Even within the Intelligence Department, they are not calm. Now that Lin Mo and his group are probably in full swing, they are likely to be targeted internally.

There is also another group of Kuomintang spies, the Secret Service Headquarters, who are also constantly fighting with the Intelligence Department. According to the news you sent back, it seems that he had some conflicts with them when he was in the military academy. I guess there is no such thing.

I will give up and rest.

It is unlikely that this kind of internal fight will involve the direct use of knives and guns. In many cases, it is through indirect criticism and dragging people down and removing them from power by means of implication, borrowing knives to kill, etc. My contact with them is very likely to become one of these.

Human subjects of investigation.

This also means that I must not expose any flaws or even make these people doubt my true identity. Otherwise, these people may not be able to get rid of me. Not only will my identity that I have managed for many years be destroyed, but also my identity may be destroyed.

A significant threat to the plan."

"Indeed..." Shen Peixin had never thought that the potential danger was so great, and he was a little shaken for a while.

"How about... just don't need that information? Everything should still be based on the mission!"

Cui Shunong shook his head and smiled: "It's not that we don't want it, let alone... I don't maintain this contact with them just for intelligence, there are other considerations.

Or to be more precise, in fact, apart from this information, I did not have or had any extravagant expectations that Lin Mo could bring us much more information. I even no longer had the mentality to provide information, so I was fully prepared.

Maintaining this relationship with Lin Mo is, on the one hand, the main goal of our current mission, which is to cultivate and develop the talents we need in the industries that the Lin family has purchased from the materials and technologies that the Lin family will invest in the future.

This relationship can provide some convenience for us to carry out our work. After all, he is the young master’s family.

On the other hand, under the premise of ensuring that the identity is not exposed, Lin Mo's identity can also bring us some protection and cover. Being investigated by these people is not necessarily a bad thing. As long as it does not arouse suspicion, they will be investigated in the future.

It's hard to doubt us.

After all, as you said before, my identity is very easy to win people's trust, or it is very confusing. As long as we survive the first few waves of investigations safely, with these relationships and identities, we can bring more benefits to our work and tasks.

Great convenience and security.”

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Yes..." Shen Peixin agreed with this point and said: "There is no free lunch in the world, and there is no gain without effort, Lao Cui,

Tell me! What do you need me to do?"

"Well..." Cui Shunong nodded lightly. Since he had reached a consensus, he no longer hid it and expressed his thoughts.

According to Cui Shunong's idea, he would initially identify suitable development targets, job information, etc. in the school and the Lin family's industry, and provide them to Shen Peixin.

Shen Peixin is responsible for leading the entire organization, carrying out actions, and further investigating the information provided by Cui Shunong, so as to develop organizational members, arrange them to study in corresponding positions, and be responsible for liaison work.

Developing members, arranging positions for operations, and liaison and delivering information are also handled by different people, who are independent of each other. Shen Peixin also tries not to come forward in person and only coordinates behind the scenes.

“Liaison work must follow the single-line communication principle and be divided into two lines. One line is for transmitting information and daily reports that are not time-sensitive. Try to use dead mailboxes and other non-direct contact methods to transmit such messages.

The other line is the emergency contact method, which is independent from the normal contact method. Several lines can share the same emergency contact point, but every time it is enabled, it will be immediately deactivated and a new emergency contact method will be reset..."

Cui Shunong gave a rough outline of his idea, and Shen Peixin added some details, and a feasible plan was initially reached.

"By the way, there is one more important point..." After the plan was initially decided, Cui Shunong thought of something again and hurriedly spoke.

"Old Shen, whether they are comrades assigned by the organization or our development targets, they must undergo strict screening. Only those who meet the requirements can participate in our tasks."

"Then... what is the request?..." Hearing this, Shen Peixin was a little surprised, but he did not object.

"Hmm..." Cui Shunong thought for a moment and said: "First of all, we must ensure that these comrades are mature in thinking, steady in work, patient and perseverant, and can study patiently and stick to it for a long time.

Secondly, we must be loyal enough to the party, have a deep understanding of the party's thoughts, maintain firm confidence in the party, and stick to our beliefs no matter when, where, or what happens.

Finally, we must remain cautious when it comes to absorbing young, impulsive and passionate young people, and at least for a short period of time, it is better not to absorb them.”

"Old Cui, this request is not easy to handle! The organizational arrangements are good. After all, the nature of our mission is there, and those who are selected should basically be able to meet this request.

However, our development targets are mainly young workers and students, who themselves are representatives of young impulsiveness. The government also strictly controls our party's ideology. Their understanding of our party is generally very vague. Many of us joined with passion.


After Cui Shunong heard this, he was silent for a while and finally insisted on his opinion.

"I know all this, but it is really not suitable to absorb them for the time being. You can pay attention to them as candidates, but don't develop them for the time being."

Shen Peixin was silent for a while, but decided to ask clearly, and said: "Old Cui, is there anything else you are hiding from me, can you tell me about it? The two of us still need to agree on the same opinion, so as not to worry about future work.

, I didn’t understand the situation and something went wrong.”

"Okay..." Cui Shunong nodded with a heavy heart and said: "The thing is, although we need to perform latent missions outside for a long time, our relationship with the Soviet area is still relatively close. We need to understand the actual situation in the Soviet area. According to the Soviet area's

Carry out work on relevant needs.

Therefore, I asked the organization to send a comrade who is very familiar with the situation in the Soviet Area to assist me in my work. At my request, the Soviet Area appointed an old comrade who has been working in the Soviet Area since its establishment to assist me.

This old comrade, who is responsible for our liaison work with the Central Committee, arrived a few days ago and I had an in-depth exchange with him.

After the exchange, I found that my estimate of the situation in the Soviet area was too optimistic, and we may very well...not be able to defend the Central Soviet area..."

A sound of thunder exploded in Shen Peixin's ears. His mind went blank and he was dizzy. He couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't believe that this was Cui Shunong's. He even wondered if he had heard something wrong, until he heard it.

That look of incomparable certainty.

"Old Cui, don't say this nonsense!"

"It's just the two of us here. From a broad perspective, it doesn't matter. As you just said, we need to agree on the same opinion."

"This... this is impossible..." Shen Peixin still didn't want to believe it, and said: "Old Cui, although the fifth counter-encirclement and suppression campaign resulted in a military defeat, it didn't mean that the Central Soviet Area was lost, right?

Besides, we survived the previous four encirclement and suppression campaigns. Although the force of this campaign is unprecedentedly powerful, the Soviet area has also become stronger with each subsequent campaign, so it won’t be..."

"Alas..." Cui Shunong sighed and said: "I had the same idea as you before, but after understanding it, I realized that the matter was far more critical than this. The Soviet area not only suffered a military defeat, but also suffered an economic and financial defeat.

It has basically collapsed.

After arriving from the central government to the Soviet area, there was a serious ideological conflict with the original leadership of the Soviet area. To this day, they have almost completely negated the experience and lessons of the former leadership in military, land, finance, economy, etc., and adopted radical policies, resulting in

serious consequence."

"Old Cui, the impact of these shouldn't be that big, right?" Shen Peixin doesn't know much about these, and he can't understand them.

After Cui Shunong heard this, he analyzed and explained in detail: "Let's take the land policy as an example. The radical land policy destroyed the original agricultural production relations in the Soviet area and dampened the enthusiasm of farmers. It not only caused a reduction in agricultural production, but also affected farmers' enthusiasm for the revolution.


Economically, they denied the role of merchants and cracked down on them, causing serious obstacles to the circulation of goods in the Soviet area. The government also strictly blocked the Soviet area. Without these experienced businessmen with channels to smuggle in the Kuomintang-controlled area, salt and industrial products in the Soviet area were in urgent need of supply.

The shortage further affected the production and life in the Soviet area.

At present, comrades in underground organizations are raising large amounts of materials to support the Soviet areas and open up secret channels to the Soviet areas. It is for this reason that although they have achieved certain results, compared with the millions of soldiers and civilians in the Soviet areas, this is only a drop in the bucket.

The agricultural and economic crisis has also affected finance, and new fiscal policies, including tax increases, have shifted the burden to the people, further hitting agricultural production and economic development.

The second was to issue banknotes and bonds, which was even more serious. The monetary system collapsed, credit was lost, and the economy fell into the Great Depression, which in turn led to greater fiscal distress. Under a vicious cycle, the Soviet area's economy and finance basically collapsed.

The collapse of the economy and the increase in burdens have made it almost unsustainable for people whose agricultural production has been destroyed. The situation becomes even more difficult in a vicious circle. Let’s not talk about whether the people are still willing to support us. At this time, they are unwilling but unable to do so.


"..." Shen Peixin opened his mouth, but no more words came out. His expression changed, including loss, sadness, and luck...

This chapter has been completed!
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