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Chapter 642 Negotiation

After finishing speaking, Lin Mo paused for a moment, and seeing that Xu Bowen did not raise any objection, he continued to explain further.

"Participating in work such as disguise and disguise means that you need to personally perform disguise and disguise work for our team members. When necessary, you may be required to follow us on a mission, which may be in Nanjing or other places.

Of course, this work is mainly concentrated in the early stage. Later, when you train people who can take on this work, you will basically not need to take on field tasks. After all, your main energy must be concentrated on the last two, or the last one.


The training teaches and teaches simple and easy-to-master methods such as disguise and disguise. This job is literally what it means. The main target currently being faced is the personnel of the second operation team.

Your recruitment is led by Action Group Two, so your preliminary work will mainly be carried out around Action Group Two.

Of course, if you do your job well enough, the scope of your work will most likely expand to the entire Military Intelligence Department, and you may need to provide training and guidance to other departments and new members. Of course, if you don’t want to show up in person, you can

People who can be delegated and trained.

As for the research and development of new technologies, new methods, and new means, you may have to explore this aspect yourself. I don’t have any good ideas. I can’t offer any constructive suggestions for the time being, so I won’t interfere with your ideas.

Anyway, as long as you think it's useful, you can try it. You don't have to worry about funds, equipment, materials, etc. As long as we can get it, we will definitely find a way for you."

Of course it's not that Lin Mo doesn't have ideas, he also knows some things, but he is just an ordinary person in the future, and the things he can access in this area must be simple and superficial, truly confidential things, and it is impossible to publish them so that he can access them.


In this case, it’s better not to mention these things for now. As I said, don’t interfere with the other party’s ideas. Maybe there will be unexpected gains. When we get on the right track, if we don’t come up with something we know, it won’t be too late to remind us.

, anyway, those things are basically not difficult for them who are on the right track.

"Lao Xu, I have given you a general introduction to the work situation. Can you see what you need to prepare in the early stage? I will prepare it for you first."

"If you need to prepare, just manpower, equipment, various materials, do you have any paper? Let me list it for you! The things that need to be prepared are quite complicated, so I will list them for you one by one."

"Yes..." Lin Mo replied, taking out a pen and a palm-sized thin book from his pocket, flipping it open and placing it in front of Xu Bowen. He usually used this thing to record some important situations, although he used a secret code to add more

This kind of language symbol is a bit similar to the online slang used in games and social software today. Even people living in this era can probably understand it, but they don't want others to see it.

Xu Bowen picked up the pen and quickly listed the items he needed. Without stopping, he wrote more than two sheets of paper, nearly four and a half pages, which made Lin Mo's scalp feel numb.

"Although I have never come into contact with your disguise methods such as makeup and disguise, but since you have come to me, it means that some of my experiences must be very similar. I will first apply it based on the needs of film makeup and other work.

I’ve listed them all, and I’ll add them when I see what’s missing after I officially start work.

Film and television makeup work can be roughly divided into three categories: clothing, makeup, and props. Although they are separate, they are complementary to each other and are indispensable.

Based on my past experience, I can only serve a few leading actors at most. There are more than a hundred people in your team, and some crews are not as large as you. I definitely can't do it by myself.

Moreover, Fu Hua Dao contains many things, and although I have dabbled in many of them, the production and deployment of many things, as well as the work in some subdivided areas, also require the assistance of people with considerable skills and experience."

Lin Mo took a closer look and found that there are quite a few types of work required. For example, clothing requires tailors, shoemakers, hatters and costume designers. This is after classifying other jewelry accessories as props.

In terms of makeup, in addition to assistants with superb makeup skills, there must also be technical researchers who are proficient in chemical knowledge and practical experience, and are responsible for formulating and developing cosmetics.

People like researchers are also very necessary. The main reason is that the cosmetics at this stage are far less abundant than those of later generations. The existing ones on the market cannot meet some of Lin Mo's special needs. After all, the primary pursuit of cosmetics is the beauty of painting.

And they still have to look ugly. Although existing cosmetics can achieve certain effects, they will be very limited.

As for props, they are far less complex and diverse than those in movies, especially special effects movies, but they are classified into many categories, including functional functions derived from clothing, decorative accessories, wigs, false eyebrows and other items required for makeup.

It also requires a lot of manpower.

"Lao Xu, do you have any suitable candidates? If so, you can provide them. Otherwise, it will not be easy to find so many suitable people, and it may even be difficult to find some."

Xu Bowen thought for a moment and said: "When I went back to China to relax, I met some people who were engaged in this field, and there were indeed suitable candidates.

But you should also know that those who can meet my requirements will not have to worry about making a living in society, and those who are willing to join will have more or less troubles.

Some have offended people and can no longer survive in that industry, some have committed crimes and have to hide, some have personal or family troubles, bad habits, etc., and are in urgent need of money, etc. It all depends on you.

Do you want it anymore?"

Lin Mo heard this, thought carefully for a moment, and then said: "If you offend someone and enter the intelligence office, just don't think about the yes and no, and I'm sure he won't have any problems.

As long as the person who is carrying the trouble did not commit any serious crimes and got into trouble because of no subjective or unintended consequences, the Intelligence Department can help solve the problem.

As for the urgent need for money, it is not a problem. We can give him an advance salary subsidy to help him solve his difficulties. However, people with bad habits do not want it, because his bad habits are likely to become a breakthrough point for the enemy, and he can be infected with bad habits.

This in itself shows that he has problems such as weak willpower and bad character."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Xu Bowen nodded and introduced six candidates to Lin Mo, three of whom had offended people, one who committed something, and two who had suffered

Due to an accident, I was short of money.

Of the three people I offended, one was a makeup artist at a certain theater in Shanghai. He was a good technician, but he was a bit hateful. He couldn't bear to see his boss usually touching actresses. Once he got drunk and got angry with the boss, and he was fired.

, because the boss has some strength in this industry and no one wants him anymore.

The other was a knife tailor from a large silk and satin shop in Suzhou. He arrested an employee in the shop who withheld money. Unexpectedly, the employee was a relative of the boss, and most of the money that was withheld was used by the boss to support his mistress.

The consequences can be imagined.

The remaining one was the owner and tailor of a tailor shop in Shanghai. He was very skilled at craftsmanship. However, once he saw a beautiful young woman flirting with a pretty boy in his shop. He recognized the young woman as the concubine of a prominent boss nearby.

This guy told the story everywhere and offended the big boss, so the store was immediately closed down. This guy Lin Mo refused directly and kept his mouth shut. This is a big taboo of the Intelligence Department.

Committing a crime is not considered a crime. He graduated from a domestic chemistry major with excellent grades and strong professional ability. After graduation, he joined a company engaged in pharmaceutical trade in Shanghai and led a small team to test the quality of drugs for the company, mainly testing imported western medicines.

Active ingredients.

This company is not only engaged in the trade of Western medicines, but also provides intermediary services for the purchase and sale of Western medicines. The latter mainly serves as a broker to connect buyers and sellers and provides testing services.

He accidentally discovered that the company and its suppliers were exchanging samples or goods for inspection, passing them off as superior quality, and using inferior or even counterfeit medicines to harm people. He came forward to report the matter, but was bitten back. If not for someone in his team who was well-informed and had a good relationship with him.

, ventilate him in advance and let him escape. He will probably be caught and may never come out again.

In this era, the Western medicine business is an extremely profitable industry. It is not easy for anyone to participate in it. How can he shake it? Now he can only hide in XZ. For a while, he hid in the house of his high school classmate.

His classmate was Xu Bowen's mentor when he was studying for his master's degree, and he met Xu Bowen there.

One of the people who was short of money was a shoemaker who had a small shoe shop with very good craftsmanship. He wanted to open a bigger shop, but he was suffering from lack of capital, so someone introduced him to a place to make money. He didn't want to borrow a loan shark, so he just

When it comes to renting a new store, the loan shark has already swallowed up his own capital at compound interest rates.

The other one is an ancestral wig maker. Wigs have been around in China since ancient times. The correct name is fake buns, which are the big lumps on the hair in costume dramas. It’s difficult to make wigs based on one’s hair volume alone, so they use wigs.

Wig to mend.

By the time of the Republic of China, hairstyles had become simpler, and there were not many exaggerated wigs. However, some people still needed to wear partial or full-head wigs to cover their bad hair. However, the demand has shrunk a lot, but it also shows that,

Most people who can still make a living from this craft probably have a few brushes.

The reason why this man is in urgent need of money is that his wife was seriously ill before. In order to treat his wife's illness, he sold all his property and owed a large debt to his relatives and friends. Now his life is unsustainable and he still doesn't know how to pay off the debt.

It’s the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Month.

Only then have five candidates been identified. Lin Mo has a headache when he thinks about the ones that are missing. Practitioners of various skills have it easier. At worst, they will spend more money and draw more cakes, but people who are engaged in technology, research, and design

, but it was not easy to handle, mainly because there were too few that could meet the requirements. Fortunately, Xu Bowen provided him with an idea.

Even if they are looking for people who have offended people, committed crimes, etc. and are in trouble, anyway, thanks to the notorious department of the Intelligence Department, most of these people who can offend will not dare to show up in front of the Intelligence Department. After all, there are only so many people.

It's just an ordinary person. If you want to offend someone who even the Intelligence Service can't afford to offend, you have to have that opportunity. The chance is no different than winning the lottery. As for committing crimes, there are few things that ordinary people commit that the Intelligence Service can't handle.

Thinking about this, Lin Mo also understood a little bit why the personnel situation in some departments of the Intelligence Department was so messed up. In order to prevent it from happening like that, Lin Mo felt that it would be better to be more strict when recruiting people in this way, at least in terms of recruitment.

The scope of his influence cannot be messed up.

But when it comes to finding people, Lin Mo is not going to do it himself. After all, Xu Bowen has already selected six candidates, and the Intelligence Department also has a personnel department! This is already crossing the line, and the rest is left to them.

Get rid of the headache!

"Old Xu, let's settle the matter for the time being. We will wait for the Intelligence Department to go through the procedures later. The process may take a little more time. Please understand! The department has special responsibilities and needs to conduct some investigations on you."

Speaking of this, Lin Mo thought for a while, reported his address, and said: "Old Xu, I see that you are not in good health. I will write you a letter of introduction later. You can go and see that place. No matter what food you eat,

Medicine or conditioning, it’s best to be in good health when working in this place.”

Seeing Xu Bowen nodding and thanking him for his kindness, Lin Mo breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the book, tore out a blank page, and opened a letter of introduction for Xu Bowen.

The letter of introduction was naturally addressed to Lin Mo's grandpa and uncle. It was mainly for his grandpa to take care of his body. Lin Mo still believed more in Chinese medicine, but thinking about it, he pushed everyone and everything, which had already delayed the two of them for so long.

Lin Mo was a little embarrassed.

"Is this the end? Don't you want to try your technique?" Yang Yuncheng, who had been eating quietly, stopped his chopsticks and couldn't help but speak.

"We don't have the conditions and tools to try it here!" Lin Mo made a joke, not wanting Yang Yuncheng to take it seriously.

"I brought it!" Yang Yuncheng replied, returned to his previous position, and took out a suitcase from under the tablecloth. When he opened it, it was full of various cosmetics and tools.

Yang Yuncheng brought these things from the crew. He was worried that the negotiation would not go well, so he wanted to let Xu Bowen show them to him.

"Then I'll be a model and let you, Lao Xu, perform." After everything was taken out, Lin Mo couldn't help Yang Yuncheng. Besides, it had come to this stage. If he didn't give it a try, he would be worried about Xu.

Blog is not at ease.

Just do what you say, Lin Mo put a good posture and let Xu Bowen do whatever he wants without worrying about anything.

After rubbing his hands, he could see that Xu Bowen was also a little itchy. He gave Lin Mo an apologetic look, his face suddenly became serious, and he skillfully picked up various tools and used them on Lin Mo's face...

Taking the mirror handed over by Yang Yuncheng, Lin Mo looked at himself in the mirror. Lin Mo never thought that he would be so beautiful. Yes, he was beautiful. Xu Bowen painted Lin Mo as a woman.

And he is not an ordinary female figure, he is a tomboy. Lin Mo feels that his short hair and men's clothing are very compatible. How can I put it, with normal eyesight, he will only think that you are a woman at a glance, and there is no sense of violation.

, and even give birth to a charming and charming beauty under this tomboy's attire.

Looking in the mirror and imitating the behavior of a woman, for a moment, Lin Mo had the illusion that he was a woman.

Now, Lin Mo also deeply understands why women love makeup so much. It can really make them beautiful! They can even be so beautiful that even their own hearts are moved.

Reluctantly putting down the mirror, the three of them had a few drinks, but they had no intention of continuing, especially Yang Yuncheng. Looking at Lin Mo's pretty face, the voice he spoke was that of a man. He felt awkward and uncomfortable all over.

After enduring it for a while, he decisively said goodbye to Lin Mo.

This chapter has been completed!
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