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Chapter 655 Fraudulent Trial

"What you said is somewhat similar to the suggestions of some old people in the archives. It seems that I have to carefully consider the follow-up development of this work. As you said, new loopholes cannot be opened because of us."

Mao Qiming was not stupid either. He quickly captured the information Lin Mo hinted to him and immediately put aside his inner persistence. In other words, he had no persistence in the first place. He just wanted to get more things from Lin Mo. After all, from

From what he saw regarding the book list, the other party was not someone who hesitated about his mother-in-law.

The two of them smiled knowingly and did not reveal anything. After all, both of them would get what they wanted. Lin Mo hinted at the possible risks involved in Mao Qiming's work in exchange for Mao Qiming providing tighter protection for his information.

Some things don’t need to be stated explicitly; a look, a smile, and a hint are enough.

"By the way, I still have something to give to you? I almost forgot..." Mao Qiming slapped his forehead, said with a smile, went back upstairs with the files of the two of them, and soon took out two more file bags.

Something like that comes back.

"In these two file bags, there are a batch of identity documents. Recently, in order to strengthen the confidentiality work of the department and protect everyone's private information, the department decided to extend the alternative identity method to every team member."

With that said, Mao Qiming handed the two file bags to the two of them respectively. However, the thickness this time was exactly the opposite of what Gong Qiming handed to the two. Lin Mo's was obviously much thicker.

"Brother Yang, because your main job is in the office, you didn't prepare many copies. There are only five copies. Three of them are specially used by the office and government departments. In the future, you will use the confidential documents in your hands to communicate with other government departments.

You can choose any of the various places that require a signature.

You can not only choose one, but you can use the three in turn, or you can choose at will. These identities are in the office. Except for a few confidential departments or high-security places, other places can be used unimpeded unless the other party explicitly asks you to show them.

Real identity, everything else can be replaced by this.

The remaining two copies are for daily use and have labels inside, which means that they can be used in daily life, accommodation, ticketing and other places where you need to show your identity every day, and there is no problem at all.

Brother Lin has prepared ten copies, five of which are used for the same purpose as Haicheng, and the other five are for people who perform daily tasks, go out to work, etc. They contain various identity documents and are used as documents when performing tasks.

For cover.

Remember, you don’t need to hide these and not use them. We will replace them with new ones from time to time. If you feel they are not enough or need to replace them, you can apply at any time.”

After introducing the situation and confirming that the two of them were clear, Mao Qiming became serious and said: "Okay, now please keep some distance between you two, check and familiarize yourself with your identity information, and put it in your bag."

On the successful signature form, leave the autographs of the corresponding names and hand them over to me later for my records."

After hearing this, Lin Mo and the two took the initiative to find a seat away from each other and sat down. They each opened the file bag in their hands and began to read, and signed their names one by one on the forms found in the file bag.

The three identities Lin Mo uses in his daily work are all officers of the Second Division of the Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government. There is a major identity, a captain identity, and a second lieutenant identity. It can be said that they are all complete. Lin Mo understands them at a glance.

, you probably know how to use different identities.

Major, the rank is not low, it can be used to sign some confidential documents, and when dealing with some higher-level or difficult real power departments.

Captain, which is probably the same as Lin Mo's actual military rank, is usually used when negotiating with the department and other departments at the same level.

Second lieutenant is the lowest rank among military officers, and it is far from your actual military rank. It is used to cover up some action reports, case closing reports, etc. Of course, if you need to show documents related to the intelligence office in normal civilian activities,

A second lieutenant status is also sufficient.

There are two identities that are commonly used. One is that of a rich young master, the concubine of a large family in a city in southern Jiangsu. The information is complete and he is a real person. However, the other person is very low-key and has no sense of existence. It is very troublesome to verify.

The other is an ordinary clerk in a certain province stationed in Beijing. He is a made-up false identity. However, the information states that the relevant fabricated content has been implemented. If you check the information, you can find this person, but you probably won’t be able to ask someone.


But this is not a problem. In the Republic of China, not only did the army have empty-handedness, but government departments also had fictitious establishments and received salaries under nominal names. The Intelligence Department should have taken advantage of these fictitious establishments and identities.

There are five remaining identities that are used when going out in the field. There is one for the police system, one for the government department, and identities that require frequent outdoor activities. There is also an identity for a reporter, a company clerk, and a student.

Generally speaking, the quality of these fake identities is very good. The documents are all real and practical. The biographical information, resume, etc., whether they are real people or fabricated tools, are extremely detailed and simple.

It is difficult to find problems through verification.

I don’t know whether everyone’s false identity can reach this level, or whether he or a few people have this kind of treatment. Lin Mo is more inclined to the latter. After all, there are many people in the entire intelligence department. This is a big project, and everyone has this kind of treatment.

Quality is too difficult.

"Is it only ours now?" Yang Haicheng couldn't help but ask aloud when handing back the signature and filing.

"You want to ask those old team members, right? Don't worry, they have them too, but for now they are only issued to those who are new to the Intelligence Division like you two.

You have left few traces in the Intelligence Department, and some tasks are easier to handle, while the older team members have relatively more work to do and a larger number of people, so they have to wait.

However, both of you are currently working outside, and the demand for this is greater than that of the headquarters, so the priority is higher. It won't take long for your turn. Originally, you were also planning to send it together, but since

I'll leave it to you when I come here today."

After Mao Qiming finished speaking, Lin Mo interrupted and said: "These matters are almost settled, it's time to go meet that boy."

"Okay! Let's go then..." When Wei Bangshu was mentioned, Mao Qiming also straightened up and stopped smiling.

"Ah... Director... Director... please spare me! I know I was wrong. I shouldn't be curious to inquire about those situations... ah..."

Opening the door of a small room, Wei Bangshu was tied to a pillar. His nose and face were bruised and swollen by the guards, and blood oozed from the corners of his mouth. When he saw Mao Qiming appear, he immediately begged for mercy.

Mao Qiming had a sullen face and did not speak. Seeing this, Lin Mo behind him sneered and said, "Hehe... It seems that he is not a professional! He looks miserable, but he still has such a hard mouth."

Seeing Lin Mo speak, Mao Qiming took the initiative to turn aside and retreat to Lin Mo's side, making it clear that he would not support Wei Bangshu.

Seeing this, Wei Bangshu turned his attention to Lin Mo again and said, "Sir... I know I'm wrong... but I'm really just... so... curious, I... I..."

Wei Bangshu looked frightened and uneasy, stammering and speaking awkwardly, as if he had really been wronged a lot.

"Boy, you pretend! Keep pretending! With your little tricks, who can you deceive? If there is no real evidence, how can you end up like this?"

"I didn't... I really didn't... I must have made a mistake... Wuwu..." Wei Bangshu cried so hard that he had snot and tears. Of course, he didn't have the hands to stop it. Half of his face was covered with it, which made Lin Mo feel sad.

Absolutely disgusting.

Lin Mo stepped back and said with a cold smile: "Why don't you give up? To be honest, who can you fool with your little tricks?

Do you think those things are safe if they are not hidden at work stations, dormitories, or residences? Who can see through your little thoughts?

Isn’t it because I feel that the intelligence agency is keeping a tight grip, so I’m going to do a little trick and do the opposite. Even if I’m discovered, as long as I can’t get your evidence, I can fool you.”

Lin Mo looked nonchalant and spoke slowly in a teasing and teasing tone, not in a hurry or annoyed, as if he had everything under control.

But now it can indeed be said that he has everything under control. Just now, Lin Mo was acting while keeping an eye on Wei Bangshu. As he continued to talk, Wei Bangshu had obvious reactions, which confirmed some of his judgments.

Seeing this, Lin Mo didn't give him time to react and struck while the iron was hot: "Okay, okay, hurry up and explain! Why make it difficult for yourself? You are also from the intelligence department. You should know the reputation of those who specialize in interrogating. Just now

Those that aren't even appetizers.

Ma Liu explained, save me the physical pain. At this time, I can only ask for happiness. Of course, if you can provide valuable clues, I can promise not to confiscate your money. You

The reward for doing things for people should be quite generous, right?

If you really don’t have any money left on hand, let me give you a pension! Leave it to your family. This money should be enough to support your family for a few years, and your family should be able to survive smoothly by then."

According to Mao Qiming, Wei Bangshu's family was not in good condition and belonged to an ordinary family in Jiaxing. His father passed away while he was attending the police academy. During this period, he had been relying on his mother to work for others. She worked hard to support herself by setting up a stall.

I have four younger siblings, and they are all still at school age. If Wei Bangshu falls down, it may be difficult for them to survive in a short period of time.

"Ha..." Seeing that Wei Bangshu didn't say anything right away, Lin Mo sneered and said, "Are you determined to fight for those people or do you really want to fight for those people? How capable do you really think you are? Those people just treat you as a human being.

A discarded item, just a disposable item that squeezes out the little bit of use value you have.

You may think I'm bluffing you? I don't have the energy to do that. Think about it! You are a fledgling student and I am eager to ask you to commit crimes as soon as you enter the intelligence agency. That is not treating you like an outcast and a one-time crime.

Sex products for use?

Do you want to know where this place is?——Intelligence Department, boy, it is the second largest intelligence agency in the country. It is full of difficult old foxes. You are a newcomer with no experience, and your methods are childish and ridiculous.

Who do you think you can hide from?

Those people who arrange for you to come in and hurriedly ask you to act have been in this industry for a long time. How can they not have some ideas in mind? Even if they care about you a little bit, they should still arrange it for you.

Let’s have a brief training! Teach you a little bit about their methods.

Your grades in the Zhejiang police training class are indeed good, but where did the things you learned come from? The people from the Intelligence Department figured it out bit by bit.

If you use this trick to deal with us, wouldn't that mean you can use your sword in front of Guan Gong?

Think about it! Compared to those people, I can offer you such a good condition now, which is kind enough and gives you face. Don't be ignorant and ask for trouble."

"I...I...I said..." Lin Mo's words completely destroyed Mao Qiming's psychological defense and luck. After spitting out these words, he collapsed on the ground, like a cat urinating.

It flows like a dike.

Lin Mo watched coldly, and when he regained some energy, he arranged for people to find Yizi's desk, notebooks and other items, and set up a simple interrogation room. Lin Mo asked, Yang Haicheng took notes, and began the interrogation.

According to Wei Bangshu's account, he was framed by someone some time before the end of the training class and was forced to do things for the other party.

The other party did not clearly identify himself to Wei Bangshu, but based on the amount of remuneration he provided to Wei Bangshu, and the fact that as soon as he knew that Wei Bangshu had entered the archives department, he severely forced him to investigate the Japanese espionage case for the other party.

There is no doubt that the opponent is Japanese.

Wei Bangshu said that he wanted to fool around with the matter at first. He knew very well that the Intelligence Department was strictly rectifying the confidentiality work, and the archives room was the focus. He did not dare to make too many mistakes, but only passed on some insignificant information.

But the other party pressed too hard later. After thinking about it, he couldn't help it. He thought that it was still in the rectification period. Even if he did something out of the ordinary, he would be severely punished if he was discovered. As long as he did not let the Intelligence Department's

As long as people find out that he is stealing information for others.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! His thoughts are basically consistent with Lin Mo’s inference. He also deduced that it may be more difficult to steal and convince himself after the intelligence department is reorganized. Of course, there are many details and actions.

Lin Mo couldn't deduce the things above, but Lin Mo didn't mention the details at all, so the inference was used to deceive people.

There were three types of intelligence that Wei Bangshu was ordered to steal. One was about the new equipment of the Intelligence Department, because these new equipment had already begun to be installed in the Intelligence Department. Although the equipment was not installed in the archives, Wei Bangshu still got acquainted with other departments.

He used insinuations, curiosity and other methods to get a lot of information, and this type of information was what he passed on the most.

The other two categories are the details of the Japanese espionage case and the files of the people involved in the Japanese espionage case. Regarding the Japanese espionage case, Wei Bangshu also got some information from other people, but most of what he got from this channel was some rumors.

Or just a few words without a system, which is basically of little value.

However, he took advantage of his work and came into contact with some action reports on the case of cracking down on the Japanese spy transportation line, and found out a lot of secrets. Fortunately, there were no reports from the second action team, and he didn't know much about the role of the second action team in it. However,

This is normal, the second group was the core of that operation, and the report was not yet handled by him, a newcomer who had just joined.

As for the files of the participants, the archives are quite strictly managed in this regard. Wei Bangshu has no chance to access them. He only knows some names through other people. Of course, it is not without any gain. This guy has also been exposed to some participating cases.

ordinary team members, and got a lot of information about these people.

Fortunately, when he took action, the second group was either out on missions or had decided to work independently. Not to mention contact, even face-to-face contact, he also found out the names of Lin Wenhua and several deputy captains of the second group.

Other information is basically blank.

As for Lin Mo, his name has not even been asked. Firstly, he has rarely appeared in the Intelligence Department. Secondly, the Intelligence Department also deliberately concealed the core circumstances of these cases, and the cases in which Lin Mo participated basically played a role.

The important role is naturally within the scope of cover, not to mention that the people Wei Bangshu can come into contact with are basically ordinary team members and some low-level officers who are not very important.

After all, although the Zhejiang police training class is called a cadre training class, there is only one core of the Intelligence Department from beginning to end, and that is the Huangpu Department. Other departments and gangs are basically divided under the framework of this department.

The Zhejiang Police's background and ability cannot be compared with those from Huangpu. What's more, the Zhejiang Police has just been established a few years ago and has a shallow foundation. Naturally, these people at the core will not criticize them. If the department or their own subordinates say otherwise, the people in other departments will

He basically didn't know how to communicate. In order to reduce suspicion, Wei Bangshu chose to find people in other departments to obtain information. He basically couldn't contact any important or key people. Although he also found out some information, fortunately, the impact was not significant.

It's not too big, or it's still within the acceptable range. After all, some things can't always be leak-proof.

This chapter has been completed!
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