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Chapter 661 Consultation

"The first two points make sense, but they only explain why you suspected the Zhejiang police teacher. Why did you target him? There are many duplicates in the two lists. It is too far-fetched to explain it by using Hangzhou North.

What's more, in the situation provided by Wei Bangshu, even if it is limited to the scope of teachers, he is not special, he is just closely related, you suspect that he does not seem to have considered the situation of Wei Bangshu!"

Lin Mo smiled and said: "Section Chief, Zhao Zhongshi's situation is special enough. As far as his results and performance in the training class are concerned, there is not even an instructor who is familiar with him. He provided a few of them on the list.

The faculty and staff were all ordinary faculty members of the Zhejiang police, and they probably only interacted with him because of the Zhao family's connections in Zhejiang's political circles.

Although Zhao Zhongshi's situation is different from Wei Bangshu's. Although he hid the matter well, he could still find it if he put more effort into searching. But the question still remains, why is his situation worth bothering with?

Although it is still not certain where his special origin lies! But since the situation is special, it can also prove that the value of the situation he explained may be higher than that in the book list, so the situation he explained can be the focus of consideration."

"I probably understand what you mean. What you want to express is that based on Wei Bangshu's performance, it is reasonable and normal for the other party to pay attention to him and observe him. However, Zhao Zhongshi is different. Given his situation, what could be the reason for being targeted?

Special reasons, special is something worth digging into, and there may be something valuable to discover, is that what you mean?"

"Yes..." Lin Mo nodded and added: "That teacher is the most special person on the list provided by Zhao Zhongshi. First of all, he does not have much personal relationship with Zhao Zhongshi, it is just an ordinary teacher-student relationship.

Secondly, he is the only teacher among the three people who may have discovered his secrets through Zhao Zhongshi's misadventures.

Finally, the place where he appeared deserves further investigation. He appeared many times not far or near the Japanese Consulate in Hangzhou. It may be that he has relatives and friends there, but if it is not confirmed, the suspicion will be too high.

If, I say if! It was that special reason when he appeared in the north of Hangcheng and bumped into Zhao Zhong, then many questions can be explained."

Xu Guyu nodded, signaled Du Mingsheng to highlight the key points, and then continued to ask: "Have you found any other problems?"

"I do still have a question. The timing of the other party's coercion of Wei Bangshu and Zhao Zhongshi was a bit coincidental. It happened to be shortly after the mole case of the headquarters was solved. I feel that the other party should have handled this incident on an impromptu basis."

"It's basically a temporary decision. Do you think there is any problem here?"

"Yes..." Lin Mo nodded and explained: "Wei Bangshu, although Zhao Zhongshi graduated early, it is not long before he officially graduates. If the other party's purpose is to coerce them into doing things, there is no need to wait until this time.


To put it another way, if our counterintelligence work had not made progress, the other party might not have been prepared to coerce the two of them. Knowing their weaknesses but not preparing to exploit them can only mean that the other party has a deeper plan.

Are they afraid that we will detect their actions? Is this plan to continue to collect information about training class students or something else? But no matter what the plan is, since the Zhejiang police are controlled by us, we have threatened them again. That plan

It must be pointing at us, we must find out the person and kill the threat in the cradle."

Xu Guyu nodded, signaled Du Mingsheng to mark it, and then personally asked other people present. Finally, he even made some additions before bidding farewell to Mao Qiming.

Mao Qiming glanced at Lin Mo and whispered a few words in Xu Guyu's ear. When he went out, Xu Guyu relayed it to Lin Mo. Mao Qiming had some issues that he wanted to discuss with him and hoped that Lin Mo could stay for a while.

"We have been in a lot of limelight recently. A lot of people in the department are watching, and we have almost taken the credit. I am going to hand over the case to other teams this time, so you can stay for a while! If you can help, we will do it in the future.

You work independently and don't have many opportunities to walk around with them. It won't do you any harm to give them a little help."

"I understand..." Lin Mo responded in a low voice, and then told Xu Guyu some thoughts on handling the case.

"I will convey these to you, but since the responsibility has been handed over to others, how to deal with it is their business. Whether to adopt it or not can only depend on their own choice."

"I understand..." Lin Mo nodded and said, "But section chief, I don't know if the other party acted in a hurry this time or for some other reason. I feel that there are many details in the case that are worth investigating.

I would also like to ask the section chief to help convey this, hoping that they can record the actions, investigations, findings, etc. in detail afterwards, so that they can be consulted when necessary in the future."

"This is not a big problem, but I hope you remember one thing. It's a good thing to want things to go smoothly, but don't put forward your own suggestions easily. I'm talking about those people who are not worthy of your waste of words.

, if you can't, don't speak, lest those people put the responsibility on you."

"Chief Xie, please remind me..." Lin Mo nodded solemnly. He understood what Xu Guyu meant. It was estimated that the person being handed over this time was not that reliable, and he didn't want him to get into any trouble, although this made him feel a little uneasy.

, but he probably can't change anything now. After all, Xu Guyu's reminder showed that he was not very happy, but he still had to accept it. Then Lin Mo...

After sending Xu Guyu and others away, Lin Mo and Yang Haicheng returned to Mao Di. Wei Bangshu, Zhao Zhongshi and other archives staff had followed Xu Guyu and others back to the headquarters for investigation, and the place had returned to what it was when they came.


Mao Qiming enthusiastically invited the two of them to sit down, poured tea, and said a few polite words: "I heard Brother Lin talk about some ideas on file storage before. The more I think about it, the more reasonable I feel, and now this thing has happened again.

, I deeply feel that I have too many loopholes in my file management work. Since Brother Lin has some insights here, I will shamelessly waste some of your time and ask you for advice."

"I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it..." Lin Mo waved his hands quickly and said: "I am just standing in the perspective of a bystander and just talking. How can I afford such a boast? Director Mao..."

When Lin Mo mentioned Director Mao, Mao Qiming immediately put on a straight face and looked unhappy. Lin Mo had no choice but to say: "Director Mao doesn't care, then I will boldly call you brother."

"Are you being polite to me? I just heard from Section Chief Xu that your family's ancestral home is also from Jiangshan. If you really have to calculate it carefully, you may not be able to relate it to anything. Besides, you are working under the boss, that is

"My family, Director Mao, called Director Mao, they don't know how old I am!"

"Yes, yes, yes..." The other party had already said this. If he didn't appreciate it, it would be a bit dishonest. After all, taking such a low posture would be enough to give Lin Mo face.

"Brother Mao, we are not here to pretend. What do you want to know about? If I can think of something, I will let you know."

Hearing this, Mao Qiming scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "Brother Lin, actually I can't tell you exactly what it is at the moment. I just feel like I'm not doing very well, but I don't know where to go."

"Brother Mao is joking..." Lin Mo agreed, frowned and thought for a while, and then said: "Old Mao, since you don't specify the specific direction, I'll just say whatever comes to mind.

The archives is a place where various materials, documents, intelligence, secrets, etc. of the Intelligence Department are gathered and kept. Issues such as confidentiality and security are definitely top priority. I will roughly divide these issues into two categories. The first category is related to personnel work.

, one type is on location.

In terms of personnel work, that is, the employees working in the archives, not only the investigation and identification of them must be strengthened, but the related confidentiality work must also be strengthened. It is best to establish a strict set of rules, procedures, permissions, etc., to strictly regulate the employees'

Various behaviors and access to information learned.

In addition, personal relationships within and outside the department should also be subject to certain regulations, requirements and penalties. This does not mean that they cannot have personal relationships, but that they are at the center of intelligence gathering and must be exposed to many things directly and indirectly. The purpose of these scale restrictions is to provide

Let them know the behind-the-scenes of something, keep your mouth shut, and put a warning bell in your heart to avoid people with evil intentions. Personal relationships are allowed, but leaking secrets is not allowed.

Another point is that the archives should try to maintain stability in terms of personnel. This stability does not mean no promotion or transfer, but promotion and transfer only within the archives system as much as possible, and do not send people who know a lot of information to the outside, especially to the field, to avoid problems.

Big problems, especially those with higher authority, may have to be circulated in the filing system or higher-level departments for a lifetime.

As for the location, literally, the archives office space must be re-planned or even rebuilt so that secrets can be better and more securely preserved.

As for the deeper part, it is to design relevant rules, regulations, measures, means, and new equipment to coordinate with the planning of this new site, so as to better play the role of the site."

"After listening to what you said, I have some ideas about personnel matters, but I really can't think of any tricks in this office. Can you tell me in detail?"

Lin Mo heard this and replied: "The key points on the site are focused on the storage of materials, documents, files, etc. In terms of security and confidentiality issues, they are nothing more than preventing theft, rapid transfer when necessary, and even destruction and re-planning

It is estimated that it can only solve the problem of theft prevention and transfer. If it is new, it can also be quickly destroyed."

"Seeing as you answered without thinking, I guess you still have some money in your stomach. Please tell me in detail how to operate the new one."

Lin Mo heard the words and smiled helplessly, but he still organized his words and replied: "The new construction mainly adds a means of rapid destruction. There are many means of destruction. I conceived a method of rapid destruction based on buildings, and I used this

Give detailed explanation.

The main body of the building is a columnar building with three to four floors or more. Columns and square columns can be anything. The walls are made of concrete or multi-layer masonry. The windows are replaced by small windows like you have here, and they are poured directly with no gaps.

Wide thick steel pipe to prevent sneaking in.

It is recommended to use a steel frame structure inside the building. The steel frame can have sufficient strength and load-bearing support. The first floor can be used as office space, and the second floor and above can be used as storage space.

It is not recommended to use wood or concrete for the floor. It is best to use steel mesh or perforated steel plates, and do some special treatment. Especially in the passages, it is best to use people who walk around because they will creak. It is also recommended to use other tools that can make noise.

Yes, it can be easily detected when someone steals secrets.

It is not recommended to seal the roof with concrete. A steel frame can be used, with glass installed inside the frame. In order to prevent breakage or water leakage from contaminating internal documents, it is recommended to use multiple layers and install a finer steel mesh between layers to prevent falling objects from high altitude from breaking multiple layers at once.


In addition, it is best to install several layers of fine mesh on the outside of the glass to prevent the reflection of the glass from becoming an aerial attack in critical moments, and to reduce the amount of light entering the building to prevent high temperatures and fire problems.

A ring of one-story buildings can be built outside the main building. Masonry or concrete partitions can be built in the direction perpendicular to the wall of the main building, but masonry or concrete cannot be used in the parallel direction. It is recommended to use glass, steel railings or wooden partitions according to the situation.

, it is not recommended to use too many layers of wood, or to leave a wide aisle leading directly to the outside.

The main purpose of this one-story annex building is to communicate with the outside world. It is recommended to use iron fences and glass to block it from the main body. You can use a combination of several layers and one-way glass to soundproof and isolate the line of sight. The main body should not let outsiders enter. In blocking

Just design some windows for receiving and processing business. Anyway, your business is relatively monotonous, mainly accepting and extracting various files. The windows are enough to handle most of the business.

Transaction processing areas with different functions can be set up in different areas isolated in the vertical direction, such as submission rooms, extraction rooms, etc. Multiple extraction rooms can also be set up according to different data. For some sensitive and highly confidential rooms, it is inconvenient to take them away.

Information files can also be arranged in a special area for on-site review.

In addition, it is suggested that on this basis, the archives room can be divided into two main teams, one is responsible for document storage and retrieval, and the other is responsible for contacting business work. To put it simply, the main body of the building and the affiliated staff are responsible for different tasks separately. The advantage is that it reduces

The number of people who have access to or have access to confidential information.

For example, suppose that before extracting documents and archives, visitors need to register outside. You provide the reception staff with a directory for retrieving various documents and archives. Different documents and archives have different numbers.

Visitors need to get a number before they can go to the window and use the number to get it.

In this way, although the receptionist knows the file information corresponding to the number, he does not have the limit to obtain it, and the extraction personnel only knows the number but does not know what the information is, so the information is blocked to a certain extent, although it is impossible to completely eliminate the possibility of leaks.

, but it also greatly increases the difficulty of leakage.

Of course, it is impossible to have only these two teams internally. Those who work in file processing, coding, etc. still have access to a large number of secrets, but not too many people have access to these. They must be the real core backbone.

Personnel, these people can be screened more strictly, and confidentiality can also be improved. Basically, the access to secrets is controlled to a smaller range, and the rest are mostly ordinary clerks who cannot have access to many secrets."

This chapter has been completed!
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