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Chapter 670 The mouth of the secret passage

The two of them walked forward for another twenty or thirty meters, and saw the scary culprit, another giant green one, which was estimated to be about the same size as the one Xu Guyu found.

The side of this guy is quite horizontal, and it creates a mud pit directly in the already relatively compact mud, allowing me to stay in it, which is much more comfortable than those fish that turn their bellies.

"Fuck... Damn..." The two of them were about to sneak around the side of the mud pit. Unexpectedly, this guy came back with a big swing and splashed mud all over them, especially Zhang Jingmin. He was not on the same side as before, but now he was covered in mud.

It was mud, but it made him very angry.

"Hey...listen...is there a sound of water in front of you?" Zhang Jingmin cursed a few times, but he didn't dare to get too close to the fish to avoid being splashed again. After he finished cursing, he heard the sound of water falling into the water again.

"Indeed, let's go and take a look." Lin Mo confirmed that Zhang Jingmin heard correctly. The two of them quickened their pace, but stopped after a while.

The situation of the secret passage ahead has changed again. Even the blue brick wall and blue brick roof are gone. Instead, they are supported by wooden pillars and topped by wooden boards, similar to the support structure of old-fashioned mines.

The pillars stand on both sides, supported by a horizontal thick square log. There is a diagonal log between the thick square log and the pillar, which is connected with mortise and tenon joints to form a triangular structure for reinforcement. On the thick square log are several parallel to the secret passage.

Slightly smaller square logs, and above that are wooden boards, which look much better than those simple mines.

Lin Mo got closer and carefully inspected the wooden pillars on both sides, and then looked at the wooden boards on the top. Fortunately, the situation was not too bad, and because there were no walls or ceilings, the space seemed larger. The width and height were estimated to be almost three meters smaller.


Wood soaked in water will not necessarily be damaged, especially some hard wood. As long as the water does not rise and fall, sometimes soaking and not soaking, the time the wood lasts in the water is not necessarily shorter than that of building materials.

In some places in China, before traditional houses are built, the wood is soaked in ponds for a few years, which can also extend the service life of the wood!

"The situation is not too bad. The wood used for the wooden posts and boards is good. The wooden posts are big enough and the boards are thick enough. You can continue to explore."

"That's good..." Zhang Jingmin chose to believe Lin Mo, explained the situation later, and followed Lin Mo slowly forward.

While walking, I worked hard to check the situation. The situation was not bad. Except for the earth walls on both sides, which were damaged by water in some places, the wooden pillars were still strong. Of course, the sound of water was getting clearer and clearer.

Although the direction of the secret passage remains roughly the same, it does not go straight forward. There will also be some deflections and small arc turns in the middle. Such places are generally slightly wider, probably to avoid large rocks and the like during excavation.

Situation, after all, the excavation of the secret tunnel must be carried out secretly, and no big noise can be made.

After rounding a gentle bend, the two of them shined their flashlights forward and faintly saw a small stream of water flowing down from the top of the secret passage. Zhang Jingmin wanted to rush over quickly, but Lin Mo held him back.

"Slowly go over there. I see that the wooden boards supporting it over there seem to have fallen over." The distance is still a bit far, and the flashlight is not very clear. I can only vaguely see the reflective water.

One person slowly checked forward and saw that there was mud here, no! It should be said to be a mixture of silt, sand, soil, crust, etc. It was estimated to be almost one meter thick, because his head was almost touching the horizontal beam above.

Fortunately, this mixture is relatively compact and does not even reach the ankles. It is black and grey, with a very obvious graininess. It is already visible to the naked eye. Except for some sand, it is thick, thin, large and small snails and pseudoshells.

Some of the large fragments are still intact, and the smaller ones are probably broken into dust. However, most of the fragments on the surface are still broken and broken. They may have been in the mouth of a fish.

In addition to these things, leaves, grass blades, broken branches and other debris began to appear on the ground. It is estimated that they came from the water flow in front and were also external supplements to the underground ecological cycle.

When I got closer, I saw that the support here had indeed collapsed. To be precise, it was a pillar that had fallen over. The one on the left was gone, and it was probably buried underneath.

The pillar on the right is still strong, but the square log across it has fallen sideways, one end is buried in the mud, and the other is still stuck on the top of the pillar on the right. Most of the horizontal square logs on both sides supported by the horizontal log are missing.

The rest are like crossbars, with one end buried in the mud and the other end stuck on the square log on the other side. As for those wooden boards, there is basically no trace of them. It is estimated that there was a collapse on the top, which crushed these things down.


To put it simply, when a pillar falls down, the middle crossbar also falls down, and the square logs and wooden boards on both sides also fall down. In other words, two supporting surfaces fall down, and it also affects the stability of other supporting surfaces on both sides.


The flow of water flowing down from the top is estimated to be as large as opening a faucet. It is close to the left wall and flows to the side where Lin Mo and others came from.

Lin Mo looked carefully and saw that a large piece of the roof had indeed collapsed, revealing a blue brick on top. It looked like it should be a water channel, running diagonally through the secret passage at an angle of about thirty degrees, and the water flowed out from there.

Yes, there should be about one meter of soil between the top of the secret tunnel before it collapses.

"Please give me a lift so I can take a look at the condition of the ditch and opening above." Although the mud layer here is the thickest and highest, it is still a little far away from the breach.

"Okay, if you stand on my lap, that should be enough." Zhang Jingmin nodded, stepped forward and let Lin Mo stand on his lap.

Lin Mo didn't care about the lake. He stood up directly. He stabilized his body and checked immediately. The opening should have been cracked after the bottom collapsed. The bottom of the entire ditch was opened. One side of the crack was higher and the other was lower. The lower side was where the water came from.

side, that is, the upstream side of the canal.

The width of the crack was only about a palm. I have to say that the quality of this water channel was really good. Even though the bottom collapsed and became empty, it did not collapse. However, Lin Mo did not dare to touch it randomly, lest he make the crack bigger and difficult to deal with.

When Lin Mo came down, Zhang Jingmin immediately asked about the situation.

"I finally understand why there are so many big fish down there."

"Why? Stop selling out to me!"

"Hehe~ This gap is too small. The widest part is only as wide as a palm. The water below is nice and big. It is much more comfortable than the small ditch outside. After the little fish comes in, they will wait until they grow up here and they will be unable to get out even if they want to.

Oh, yes, please keep your voice down, the ditch above may be on the roadside, I just heard the footsteps of someone passing by."

"Is it that simple?" Zhang Jingmin lowered his voice and spoke with a look of surprise.

"It's not just that..." Lin Mo shook his head and continued: "The cracked hole is from the side where the water comes from, and the other side remains in the original position, forming a crack with one side lower and the other higher.

It's like the secret passage opened its mouth.

It is estimated that most of the branches, leaves and debris washed down from the upstream were eaten by this mouth. It is estimated that most of the snails, shellfish and other things that came upstream from the downstream also entered through this gap, and were eaten by the mouth.

The fish and ecosystem inside brought relatively sufficient food supplements, and there were no natural enemies to disturb them, so the fish grew to such large sizes."

"There are also the leftovers that others poured out. I just saw rice grains and vegetable leaves. They should have been poured into the ditch by citizens outside."

"It does include these, but there won't be many homes connected to this ditch, and this type of thing is only a small part.

This canal should be connected to a ditch coming down from the mountain. This continuous and stable water flow should be coming down from the mountain, and the lake and pond at the bottom of the mountain should be there.

When it rains and the water rises, small fish, snails, shrimps, shells, etc. in the lakes and ponds at the foot of the mountain come up here along with the water. The dead branches and leaves washed down by the rain on the mountain also come here. Although these things cannot enter the fish's mouth directly, but the life here is

A large number of microorganisms can make a living by eating and decomposing such organic matter, and then become food for larger organisms, which are passed on level by level and finally enter the mouth of the big fish."

Regarding this, Lin Mo was not careless. Firstly, there were not many residents in this place, and secondly, too much sewage discharged by residents came in. It would be difficult for the ecosystem here to withstand it, and it would probably become a smelly place.

sewage pond.

Although the living standards of residents in this era were relatively limited, and there were many rich and wealthy people living in this place, they were reluctant to emit pollution such as grease that decomposes slowly, and there were no solid wastes such as plastics that are more difficult to decompose, but things like salt

Although the human body can absorb a class of substances, they will also be discharged. Too much domestic sewage will also accumulate salt and other substances here. If there were no continuous running water here, the current amount of sewage alone would

They will not give fish such an environment suitable for growth.

"What you said should involve some content of Western biology! We don't understand it if you just explain it directly. Can you explain it?"

"Team Liu, you came here yesterday..." Liu Zhenshan quietly came over and asked, which made Lin Mo frown slightly. However, Lin Mo still explained in simple terms and gave some examples to facilitate the understanding of the two of them.

"Seeing that you are lingering here, and it is so dangerous here, how can I stay behind, so naturally I want to be with you."

Hearing this explanation, Lin Mo frowned and said: "Liu Captain, just because of this danger, you have to stay away from us and retreat to a safe area.

This is not for you! It is for the sake of both of us. When we are in danger, we need you to report the situation and call for support as soon as possible.

Moreover, we encountered a landslide that buried us two. After you delivered the news, you had to come up immediately to find a way to dig us out. At that time, it was a race against time, so just leave the team member behind and wait for him to call.

Come to support, people will probably feel cold.

So, Captain Liu, you should go to the back and try to stay as far away as possible from where we can be noticed. It is best not to be in the same dangerous area with us, so as to leave enough preparations to deal with emergencies."

"I'm too aggressive, so I'll go to the back now." After listening to Lin Mo's words, Liu Zhenshan understood that Lin Mo had this consideration in deploying three waves of manpower. There may be dangers here at any time, and there is no room for mistakes.

He immediately agreed to go ahead.

"Wait..." Lin Mo stopped Liu Zhenshan in a low voice and said: "Liu Captain, you have to notify the people behind to repair the crack. The water flow should be continuous. If it is not repaired, it may accumulate again tomorrow.

The Tai Tam water is not conducive to subsequent cleanup work."

"How to repair it?" Liu Zhenshan looked up at the crack and asked.

"There are a lot of discarded rubber tires out there! You can use local materials, bring a relatively large fire source such as a torch, clean the area around the crack first, and then plug the gap with rubber sheets.

Then use fire to melt the rubber sheet. After pressing it to be relatively flat, take a large rubber sheet and melt one side, then stick it on and press to coat it. You can apply a few more layers, which should be able to block the water in the crack and prevent it from entering.

Just use water, and we’ll deal with the rest later.”

"Okay..." Liu Zhenshan nodded in agreement, quickly retreated to the back, summoned the team members to pass on the situation, and arranged for people to prepare corresponding things to stop the leak.

As for Lin Mo and the other two, they checked the situation here again and continued forward. However, the road ahead was a bit difficult, because the place where the water entered was the thickest part of the secret passage. Going further, the water level dropped.

Once it reaches this height, it can no longer flow out, so the two of them can only wade forward through the water.

And because the direction of the water flow is towards the other side, there is less sediment and other things on this side. Not long after walking, the pseudo-sediment under your feet begins to soften, and then begins to turn into mud, allowing the water to reach your waist.


Fortunately, although the walls on both sides have not been further processed, the bottom is still paved with blue bricks probably for the convenience of transportation, which makes the two people walk a lot easier. Moreover, this side is not in the direction of the water flow. As they move forward for a while, the silt becomes shallower.


"Hey...squeak..." A strong force came from his thigh, making Lin Mo unsteady and leaning back against the wooden pillar.

"What's wrong? Are you okay..." Zhang Jingmin didn't know the situation, so he took pictures everywhere with his flashlight while asking.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "It's okay, it's okay~ I was hit in the leg by a big fish and I couldn't stand still~"

"Then be careful and call me if anything happens."


There was a small incident, and the two continued to move forward. It was not known how long they had been wading in the water or how far they had walked. Lin Mo felt that the water was slowly getting shallower, maybe because the terrain of the secret passage was gradually rising.

Lin Mo's feeling was correct. After walking another fifty or sixty meters, the two of them waded out of the water. The wall and roof here turned into stones again. About thirty meters further, the arc of the slope began to change.

It was so big that it was visible to the naked eye, and traces left by the original water level could be seen. Further forward, it was flat again. After turning a corner, the two of them finally saw the end.

However, the end was blocked by rocks. The two of them checked it out and found that the rocks were almost as big as a washbasin. A single person could barely move them. However, after listening, they could not hear any movement outside at all. They were probably piled up.

It's a very thick layer, so it's not easy to move it away, and it's not appropriate to move it rashly. You still have to find the location of the exit and remove it before you can do this step.

After careful inspection, the three waves of people from the front team changed to the back team and began to retreat. On the way, they met a team that came in to catch fish. The fish had been caught on the side of the stagnant water. The four of them also got a forty or fifty kilogram fish.

The large yellow and white koi carp were carried out on a cloth.

Later, we met a team that was clearing the silt. They got four mules and a cart from nowhere. The cart has a relatively high compartment and is used to remove the false silt from the underground warehouse and secret passage. Currently, it comes from the water inlet.

This section has been cleared halfway.

The people who did the dredging were also members of the team. Of course, they were not only the ones who had come to look at the house before, but they were newly recruited from the team to work. Otherwise, these few people before would not have been able to work for years and months.

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