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Chapter 692 Weighing in weight

In fact, if the trainees were real enemies and the two sides were engaged in actual combat, Shi Baocun might not be able to achieve this kind of results, it could even be said to be impossible, because various situations would be more complicated in an actual combat environment.

Let’s talk about live ammunition first. In such a small and close-to-the-face environment, once the gun is fired, bullets will fly everywhere. Apart from the risk of being hit directly, stray bullets, shrapnel, ricochet, etc. will also be a huge threat.

Secondly, in real combat, the attacked party cannot wait in the room to die or be slaughtered like the trainees, because at that time their lives are truly threatened, whether they are trying to survive or not.

Whether they resist the trap more vigorously or run away in all directions can cause a lot of trouble and even casualties to the attackers.

Finally, the trainees have not yet undergone drill training and do not understand the drill rules. Some people may think that the drill rules are a restriction. In fact, they are not. After all, this is a simulation drill. Everyone knows in their hearts that the purpose of the rules is actually

Just to make him closer to actual combat.

Take this simulation exercise as an example. In line with the actual situation, the office door should be open and people move around, coming in and out, instead of closing the door and staying indoors like he did. This is already in line with the actual situation.

The information is very different.

Of course, none of this will affect this drill. The purpose of this drill is not to master any skills. It is simply to weigh the participants and let them know how big they are.

"Give you another chance! Practice it again. The rules are the same. I hope you can perform a little better."

After saying that, he signaled that it was time to start. This time, the trainees finally learned to be smarter, or adapted a little. The door was always open, and there were people walking around and chatting, and most of them also learned to take on the role.

, just do what you should do...

What a pity! The gap in strength is not so easy to make up. Although the performance is a little better, for Shi Baocun and others, they still rush in and kill randomly, which increases casualties and takes a little more time.


The battle lasted two minutes and seven seconds, and the blue team's entire army was wiped out. The white team determined that one person had been sacrificed, two people were severely injured and incapacitated, and two people were slightly injured. The losses were not low.

"Don't think you're complacent just because you've caused a few casualties. How many of you are there? It's so funny that you can only kill one of them. The battle damage ratio is dozens to one. You are really capable.

And don’t forget, what is required of you is to have self-defense protection and counterattack capabilities when attacked. It only counts as self-defense ability. If you persist for more than two minutes, you will not be able to provide effective rescue at all."

The people who were a little excited when they heard about the results immediately turned into eggplants beaten by frost. If it was just training, this would be considered progress, but now it is a simulated drill and actual combat, which is testing their abilities, which means that they will be attacked and completely destroyed.

The military shoes are gone.

"Okay, let's lower the difficulty in the next round. There will be an early warning attack on the office premises during the exercise. The corresponding assumption is that the patrol personnel at the perimeter guard station will fire a warning shot when they discover the enemy.

I will fire a shot later, and the sound of the gunshot is a warning. You can immediately switch from work status to combat status and organize self-defense. The attacker will launch an attack within fifteen seconds to one minute after the gunshot..."

After giving everyone a little time to sort out their equipment, Lin Mo announced the start. This time, the trainees quickly got into the mood, and each one of them performed in a decent manner. After firing the warning shot, they were no longer as busy as before, although they still made mistakes.

There are a lot of mistakes, but at least there has been a big improvement.

But again, the gap in strength is not so easy to level. After suffering more than half of the heavy casualties, White spent just over three minutes to annihilate all the Blue Team members.

Seeing that some of the trainees were happy and had no memory, Lin Mo conducted similar drills three more times in succession. Did he think that the performance of the trainees was getting better and better?

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

The white team suffered similar casualties the first time, the second time the casualties were reduced, and the third time they were even defeated with only two casualties. It was not just the trainees who improved.

The members of the white team are all good players of the three teams. This kind of simulation drills are often carried out, but most of them are drills in which many people attack the few or the number of people is equal. The drills in which the few attack the many are rarely carried out. The basic difference in the number of people is such a disparity.

It has never been carried out. After all, the current operations of the action team are basically only carried out on their own territory. If they respond with less, they will attack more. Isn't that just a mental illness?

They are also making progress, and unlike the trainees, the better performance of the trainees is mainly due to their adaptation to the drill and reversal of panic. Their progress is due to the adaptation and improvement of their ability base, while the trainees' performance is better.

Ability was not enough to support this kind of improvement, so after the initial adaptation and transformation, it stopped moving forward again, and the white team regained the situation and widened the gap again.

After letting the trainees see the difference clearly, Lin Mo arranged for rearrangement. This time, the simulation training ground was moved directly outside the factory building, and a layout unit was used to create a circle around the factory building three meters away from the wall. Of course, it was separated.

A gap of one to three meters will be left at one end, and many obstacles will be placed in the separated passage.

The simulated scenario this time is a sudden attack or assassination in the streets. The blue team selects one to three people as the people who are attacked. The white team also selects one to three people as the killers, and the other people act as ordinary citizens.

During the drill, the killer will know the characteristics of some of the target characters. Of course, the characteristics will not be obvious. The killer needs to retrieve the target and organize the attack. The attacked person has no information about the attacker at all and can only rely on on-site information and on-the-spot reactions.

Fight back in self-defense.

After unifying the styles of the equipment, mainly the helmets, the helmets will cover some facial features. In this way, it is often impossible to tell which side of the original white and blue team a passerby is from, making the simulation drill more relevant to actual combat.

The two teams each selected their personnel, and when everything was ready, they started the formal exercise. They pretended to be passers-by and walked leisurely around the factory. Some of them would come to work, and they also acted as vendors, hawking in a stylish manner behind the aisle obstacles.

... This time, three attackers attacked and killed two targets. Needless to say, the result was that the attacked were successfully assassinated and their bodies were exposed in the street with almost no resistance.

Lin Mo, who ran to the top of the building, witnessed the whole process of the attack with his own eyes. He frowned, but did not say anything immediately. Instead, he conducted two more drills before gathering everyone together.

"Some problems were discovered during the exercise, not just for the trainees, but for the whole group. I think it is necessary to correct them.

You play the reaction of ordinary passers-by and citizens when encountering a firefight. Some of you can be said to be very thorough, but some of you directly respond with technical and tactical methods.

But no matter which one is appropriate, if you actually encounter this situation, the correct way to respond should be to use the reaction of ordinary passers-by as the skin, the corresponding technical and tactical essentials as the backbone, and quickly leave the high-risk area to avoid

Danger, take the initiative to deal with it.

To put it simply, it is your reaction performance. On the surface, you have to pretend to be like an ordinary person, but in essence it is still an application of techniques and tactics. You just put up a layer of cover to prevent others from easily seeing through and doubting your identity.

Pretending is to conceal your identity so as not to be suspected and directly involved in the crossfire. Passively participating in a sudden battle is very uncertain and dangerous.

The use of techniques and tactics is to quickly avoid the core area of ​​​​the crossfire conflict, quickly escape from the maneuver to a relatively safe area, and then choose response measures based on oneself and the actual situation on site. At this time, one is in an active position, whether it is participating, calling for support,

Or you can choose to evacuate, and the uncertainty and risk will be reduced a lot."

Lin Mo reminded him and let the drill continue until all the trainees had taken a turn, and then asked those who were willing to take the initiative to continue the drill until the trainees were convinced.

After clearing up and relocating the training ground and equipment, Shi Baocun took the trainees to continue today's scheduled training course. As for Lin Mo, he directly took the trainees' training schedules and began to make adjustments.

Of course, for things like physical fitness that need to be accumulated gradually, Lin Mo did not increase it too much at one time. He mainly added skills training and cultural knowledge learning that were not too consuming.

Although the overall educational level of the newly recruited personnel is much higher this time, there are still many people who are illiterate, semi-illiterate or can barely read and write, and the remaining people are mostly at junior high or high school level.

There are a few people who have received higher education, including Tang, Zhang, Ding, etc. Giving them opportunities will not only take into account their relationship background. If they did not have enough cultural knowledge, skills, etc., these three people would have been given the chance.


After arranging the affairs here properly and checking the training and learning affairs of the third team, Lin Mo turned back to the special operations team and continued to train with them.

Although Lin Mo left and was dealt with, the training team was destined to not be calm. No, something happened just after finishing the scheduled training session in the morning.

Of course, this time Yu Dun's conflict was definitely not directed at the instructor. On the way to the cafeteria hungry, Zhang Wenkai and Ding Zhe confronted each other, pressing forward step by step, giving in and compromising, and continuing to deceive. Unfortunately, neither one succeeded.

Reading books

One thinks that the other party is not sincere and is playing tricks on him, while the other thinks that he cannot give in too much, lest the other party will advance too late and leave himself at the mercy of others. They are all self-centered.

Because the women's team has the eldest sister Tang Xiangleng as the boss, they don't have a good look towards the two of them. The men's team has maintained a superficial relationship for the time being due to their backgrounds and their high profile in the team. Unfortunately, it is a pity that they have to wait for the new team.

After the warning was issued, many people still chose to distance themselves from the two of them, especially Ding Zhe.

Although Lin Mo explained the importance of basic strength, the principles cannot be eaten as food. He is the one who suffers, especially when looking at the full schedule of courses from morning to night, most people are going crazy.

Those with a certain level of education, usually in technical positions and clerical positions, generally have weak physical fitness. The previous intensity was quite tiring, but now it has increased a lot. Wouldn’t that cost you your life?

It is a common problem among most team members that their educational level is poor. Reading, literacy, and taking classes simply make their heads hurt. Moreover, without considering the physical endurance, Lin Mo directly added a bunch of courses.

Now Ding Zhe had an even bigger headache. He really couldn't figure it out. If Lin Mo wants to deal with people, just deal with them! Why did he have to sow discord there? Not only did he expose him to the anger of everyone, but he also dug a hole for Zhang Wenkai.

onto him.

Fortunately for Zhang Wenkai, this guy's temperament is said to be strong psychologically at best, but thick-skinned at worst. He doesn't care at all about other people's dissatisfaction and just catches Ding Zhe who 'tricked' him and kept stirring up trouble. But wait

The new version of the training schedule was officially implemented, and this guy's energy was also drained.

"Isn't it a little bad that Captain Lin is doing this? Doesn't it make everyone alienate and complain about each other? How will this relationship work out in the future?" Yi Wenbin looked at the strangeness in the training team and spoke with some incomprehension.

Liu Daxiang, who was standing aside, glanced a few times and replied: "Why are you thinking so much? Captain Lin has his own reasons for doing this. It is our turn to take care of it. Just do your own thing."

Because they had a lot of interactions with the action team, they came to the training earlier than others, and they were recruited from the private sector, so they cherished this opportunity far more than most people. Because the training team had a bad atmosphere, they did not follow

The training team is messing around. Of course, the relationship with the training team members cannot be said to be very close. Most of them are just acquaintances.

This chapter has been completed!
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