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Chapter 695: Disciples (Part 1)

After asking Huang Shixin to accompany him to see the mine, Li Dingqiao persuaded him to go back and continue the daily work at the base. After all, the second base was newly established and various affairs were complicated, so it was enough for Huang Shixin to accompany him.

After Huang Shixin left, Li Dingqiao and his men began to go into the forest and took a rough look at the three mountain beams on both sides of the two valleys and between them. The sun had already begun to set in the west. By the time a few people came down the steep slope to the river embankment road, the time

It's already three or four o'clock.

The few people who came down from the mountain stood on the road with gray faces and hungry stomachs. They looked at Li Dingqiao and looked at the time. Instead of going back to the iron factory to trouble Huang Shixin, they found a stall selling food. They wolfed down their food indiscriminately.

After getting off the bus, I walked back to the iron factory.

Before they had gone very far back to the iron factory, Huang Shixin hurriedly came over to greet him. Apparently someone had informed him of the whereabouts of the others. Li Dingqiao smiled and exchanged a few polite words with Huang Shixin before speaking seriously.

"Director Huang, there's no need to be so polite to me. It's too foreign. You and I both work for the party and the state and for the boss. You and I have similar positions, so just treat me as a colleague.

In addition, there is no need for you to treat us like tributes, making us look like the god of plague. Moreover, you have placed yourself too low, which will be very detrimental to your future work.

Moreover, we have our own affairs to deal with here. What are the regulations on how to deal with them? If we need the help and cooperation of Factory Director Huang, I will contact Factory Director Huang here.

There is no need for Director Huang to care and take care of him all the time. I know that Director Huang has a lot of matters to deal with, and we will not interfere in these. You and I can just handle our own work."

The reason why I asked Huang Shixin to accompany me before was not that I needed his assistance, but mainly to reassure the other party and dispel their concerns and worries. The other point was to get to know each other and get to know each other so that we can carry out the next step of the work.

Li Dingqiao followed Lin Wenhua, and had contact with countless people of all kinds. After a short period of contact and exchange, he probably didn't know much about them. Li Dingqiao could see that Huang Shixin was extremely cautious about him, as if he was afraid of causing trouble, and those polite words,

##The behavior is also very stiff, obviously he doesn't like this kind of vain and meandering person.

Li Dingqiao simply went along with it, and explained the matter clearly to resolve the other party's knots and worries. Of course, although Li Dingqiao could say that he was very good at it, but maybe his identity was a soldier, and for those who were arrogant

Ba Nao is disgusted by convoluted things. He prefers to be straightforward and get to the point.

Li Dingqiao and Huang Shixin chatted for a while, and declined the other party's invitation to prepare a new banquet for them, saying that they had just had a light meal outside and that they could just heat up the banquet food that they had not eaten at noon.

Li Dingqiao was already accustomed to banquets and banquets, and usually didn't pay much attention to them. The reason why he gave the extra instructions today was mainly to gain the other party's favor through some small things and subtleties, and further dispel the other party's worries. Li Dingqiao had already felt that the other party was worried.

Attitudes have changed.

When it was time to stop, Li Dingqiao did not act too hastily. He led his men to the office space prepared for him by the iron factory, and immediately devoted himself to the work. Compared with the purpose of his visit, Huang Shixin's affairs were just a side detail, just for the repair shop.

To reduce some troubles and hidden challenges, he is shouldering a huge challenge.

The scope of the second base is a bit too large, which is troublesome for its security work. Just to provide inspections, sentries, patrols and other supporting personnel around the base, it may be necessary to apply for half a battalion of troops to be stationed.

The arrangement of the garrison work is not difficult for him. These are just to prevent idlers from peeking into the base. For those with ulterior motives, they can only add some difficulties and obstacles to them, but they cannot be prevented. Of course, these garrison work

Work is also an important part of security work.

Although the arrangement is not difficult, the problem is that he does not have these people available! Now the Intelligence Office is expanding rapidly, but it is also suffering from severe suppression. Many obstacles are set up in various affairs of the Intelligence Office, let alone half a battalion. If the second

The base failed to produce excellent results, and maybe even half or even half of the applicants would not be able to apply.

Without the assistance of the garrison, it does not mean that the work will not be carried out. Li Dingqiao chose the defense contraction strategy. Since the defense work cannot be carried out in all directions, he will first focus on the important core areas. The construction of the second base will take a lot of time anyway.

The first priority now is to arrange security for the factory area that is put into use.

Currently, there are only three parts of the facilities that are put into use. The Iron Works inside the valley are mainly used for office work and handling various daily affairs. The manufacturing workshops outside the valley are already dismantling and installing machinery and equipment, and some residential buildings and dormitories are occupied by employees.

In terms of employees, some of them are technicians, technicians, engineers, etc. recruited by the repair institute, as well as the descendants of these people, that is, the descendants and disciples of the official staff of the research base of the repair institute.

Currently, only a small number of professional technicians are assigned to the base. They are mainly responsible for presiding over the dismantling, installation, and debugging of new and old equipment, as well as assisting in guiding the construction of the base.

Most of these people are still working in the city and in the research base. On the one hand, this is because the base has just started to be constructed and it is useless to come.

On the other hand, the repair shop lacks a relatively comprehensive understanding of the level and strength of these people, and does not rush to determine their specific whereabouts. This is also an opportunity for these people. This kind of large number of high-level people gather and collide.

, Seizing good opportunities can greatly improve your personal level, which can also lead to a better future.

As for the children of the base, most of them have been exposed to it since childhood, or have learned from their elders, and some have even entered the university system to learn relevant knowledge.

These are all military industry seedlings, and the repair shop will naturally not let them go in vain. At the same time, these are also a hidden benefit for base personnel.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, the various equipment and facilities in the repair shop are not complete yet, so these people are not allowed to officially participate in the work immediately, but they are concentrated in this base.

To improve learning, students can enter different classes to learn corresponding knowledge based on factors such as their age, education level and other factors.

For example, if you have a low level of education, you should first supplement your cultural knowledge. If you have an education background but have not systematically learned relevant knowledge, then you can choose a class with a general professional direction for further study. If you have the first two, you can further learn from the teacher.

Practical learning, one level at a time, and those who pass the assessment at each level can advance to the next level. This is also an opportunity for them to make up for their shortcomings and build a solid foundation.

This second base is similar to a school-enterprise joint operation. It not only carries out part of the production research work, but also is responsible for teaching and training. In the future, the core employees of the base will have a high professional level. There will be no problem in teaching and guiding the younger generation in the early stage of learning.

Moreover, students can have a lot of opportunities to come into contact with physical objects, get hands-on operations, and ask teachers for advice. If this can be done well, a large number of young talents will definitely be cultivated for the repair shop in the future.

Getting back to the topic, the other part of the staff is the more than 100 old employees of the original iron factory who were accepted, as well as some newly recruited handymen from the families of these old employees.

The normal operation of a base naturally requires more than just technicians and technicians. There must also be many handymen engaged in various assistance and services, such as ordinary workers responsible for material handling, product assembly, assembly and packaging, as well as canteens, sanitation, etc.

Logistics service personnel.

For jobs like these that do not require many technical requirements or simple training, the base will also give priority to recruiting from the family members of these employees. Most of these skilled and experienced old employees are not young, and some are even more than one generation younger.

This can be considered as resolving some of their worries.

Of course, their descendants can also further study like the children of the research base, as long as they pass certain assessments. These assessments are the same as those of the children of the research base.

It's just that compared to the children of the research base, there are much fewer people who meet the standards. After all, although these people have some skills and experience, they are still just master workers in the iron factory, and the efficiency of the iron plant is not very good, and the conditions they can provide to the children are not as good as

Even if you learn some crafts and techniques from those people, these are not very suitable for the workshop. Unless they are very outstanding, the workshop will not recruit them.

Moreover, there are a small number of handymen at the base who are descendants of the research base. After all, no matter how good the conditions are, there will inevitably be juniors with mediocre qualifications and unsatisfactory results. It is even possible that you are the peak IQ of countless generations of this family.

The number of children in the research base is larger than that in the base here. There are quite a lot of these people. In addition, there are no manufacturing tasks at the research base and there is less demand for handymen. Therefore, some people who are unable to stay in the research base because of their level of consciousness should first

The disciples were arranged in one step, and if Li Dingqiao hadn't arrived and incorporated some of those disciples into the defense team, there would have been even more disciples who came over.

At present, the old employees of the iron factory mainly follow the technicians who come in, assist them in dismantling and installing equipment, and learn some common sense and knowledge about military industry from the technicians.

Although the repair shop has accepted these old employees with certain technical experience, it does not mean that they can continue to work at this base. Their allocation will be determined based on assessment.

Depending on the assessment results, some may be able to stay, but most may have to be transferred to other manufacturing bases of the repair shop, or even to the factory responsible for producing raw materials and simple spare parts.

Although they are all under the umbrella of the Repair Institute, there are differences in the various factory bases. The highest level is naturally the first base in the suburbs, which is the research base and headquarters of the Repair Institute.

The second level is the second base prepared here, which is responsible for trial production, part of R&D tests, high-precision weapon production, development and improvement of production and manufacturing technology processes, and training of future talents.

The third level is the planned but not yet established production and manufacturing bases and factories, which are responsible for the production, manufacturing, assembly and other related work of weapons and ammunition.

The fourth level, which currently exists in the mind, is the factories that provide raw materials for the production of weapons and ammunition, such as factories, mines, smelting, and chemicals, as well as factories that produce simple spare parts for weapons, such as wooden stocks, magazine covers, and gun holsters.

, straps and other things that are not technically difficult.

Wu Liangdong personally ordered the imparting of knowledge to these old workers. This was to give them opportunities to fight for and reduce their resistance to distribution. After all, if they were given the opportunity and failed to grasp it, the fault could not be placed entirely on the workshop.

Secondly, I wanted to see if I could get a few top-notch or even unexpected surprises. After all, being able to be the top-notch among the countless workers who came and went in the iron factory and being retained shows that they have something different from ordinary people.

The ability to continue to advance further may be limited by the limited conditions of the iron factory.

Later facts also proved that Wu Liangdong's guess was not groundless. Some of these old employees did have a second spring, and it could even be said that they were unexpected. They became important and key figures in several tasks of the repair shop.

As for the students from the base who come here to study, because the base is not on the right track yet, in addition to arranging for them to study on their own or learn from each other, they mainly work on equipment disassembly, installation and debugging, etc., and they are relatively comfortable at the moment.

Of course, this can actually be regarded as part of learning. After all, being familiar with the equipment they will use in the future, or understanding the equipment that produces the weapons they design and develop, will still be of great help to their work.

I would like to add here that the equipment currently installed in the workshop is not the batch of professional military equipment that the repair shop learned about, but is just selected from the batch of useful equipment in the hands of the Huang family.

The repair shop has only received a small batch of that batch of professional military equipment, which was given priority to the old factories in the city and the first base, but not the second base.

For ordinary equipment, the second base is planning to install two workshops. Although the second base also has the priority to select and use military equipment, there is no need to waste the productivity of those advanced equipment for the production of some simple parts, items, etc.

In addition, the second base is responsible for trial production and improving technical processes. Before the weapons under research are transferred to mass production, they still have to be manufactured and tested with ordinary equipment. Otherwise, it is very likely that the weapons you made with advanced equipment will have no problem in testing, or even have poor performance.

It is very excellent, but various problems and defects appear once it is mass-produced.

After all, it is difficult for parts to meet the standards of advanced equipment. Sometimes when designing a weapon, we not only consider the structure and performance of the weapon, but also consider whether a qualified product can be produced.

Currently, one of the two general equipment workshops has been installed, which is the manufacturing plant with the better appearance among the four plants seen before. It is also the plant that was still used by the iron factory.

"Puff..." Li Dingqiao was thinking carefully about improving the base defense regulations when he heard a series of faint sounds and couldn't help but raise his head and listen carefully.

As a result, just when he thought it might be an illusion, there was movement again. He stood up with a groan, immediately took out a gun from his waist and rushed out the door.

Although the team members in the room didn't know what was going on, they immediately took out their guns and followed him out. Suddenly he pulled out his chair and fell down, making a lot of noise.

This chapter has been completed!
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