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Chapter 696 Shotgun Mark Mi (Part 1)

Dongyang: His full name is Chen Dongyang. His father is a mechanical engineer. He was a mechanic at the Northeast Army Arsenal. He was responsible for leading a team to repair various mechanical faulty equipment in the arsenal. He has profound knowledge and accumulation in machinery.

Chen Dongyang is not the type who is gifted and fed by God, but his mother died young and he had no other close relatives and friends around him due to work, so he was raised by his father since he was a child.

When he was young, his father carried it with him. When he was not at work, he would carry it with him. If he needed to repair the machine, he would ask his fellow workers to take care of it. When he got older, he would follow his father's footsteps and learn from him. His father and his fellow workers were not stingy in giving him advice, but they did not

It's not for the purpose of teaching, it's just like explaining to others.

Because he had been exposed to the problem since childhood, Chen Dongyang had already begun to help his father's co-workers. Seeing his interest, these people consciously imparted knowledge and experience to him. As a teenager, he was already able to assist and even troubleshoot and repair some mechanical faults.

The reason why he is not a person fed by God is because during this process, he did not show any ability to learn and understand beyond ordinary people, and he only learned and mastered bit by bit.

For example, he can operate many machines and equipment, but he cannot perform as well as Yang Tianbao and others, but it does not mean that his potential is lower than these people.

If ordinary people accumulate knowledge and experience through normal work, excluding Chen Dongyang's time in school, he has accumulated no less than five years of knowledge and experience than his peers.

Now Chen Dongyang can not only operate many common mechanical equipment, but also knows the internal structure and principles of these machines and equipment. As for the faults and operating status of these machines and equipment, he can tell the problem just by listening to the sound of the machine running.


It would take an ordinary person many years to accumulate this knowledge and experience, but he already has it. This is the peak period of his learning ability in his life. It is entirely possible for him to take a few more steps on the high platform he has accumulated.


Talent is very important, but hard work is also indispensable. If you don’t eat what God feeds you, then no matter how good your talent is, it will be in vain. In the same way, if God doesn’t feed you, you won’t eat it. No matter what, perseverance can make it possible.

A leap occurs from quantity to quality.

Brother Hua: His full name is Song Minghua. His father is a senior technician and researcher. He has also been exposed to military industry since he was a child, but his current performance in this area is mediocre.

However, this guy has a flexible mind and quick thinking, and his ability to organize things is first-rate. When he was a child, he was a typical example of a brat. He was naughty and full of clever ideas. He was the same as Chen Dongyang when he was young. When he was a child, he often encouraged Chen Dongyang to follow him.

They go and cause trouble.

What they were doing this time by secretly using the debugging equipment to process the workpiece from scratch was the idea of ​​this guy. However, among the group of people, there were many more powerful people than him, and he was completely reduced to making suggestions.

Dog-headed military advisor.

This time it took quite a while, half an hour before Mo Wenguang put down the last tool. After cleaning the workpiece a few times, he handed it to Yang Tianbao, and he began to pack the equipment in an orderly manner.

"Awesome..." After looking at the workpiece in his hand, Yang Tianbao couldn't help but praise him. Since Qin Yudong knew him, he had never seen or heard him praise anyone's craftsmanship, and he couldn't help but grab the workpiece.


Looking at the smooth and reflective workpiece in your hand, even a flat surface can be used as a mirror to illuminate your face, and the naked eye cannot see any distortion in the reflected image. What does this mean? It means that the surface of the workpiece is as smooth and smooth as glass, at least to the naked eye.

That's it. Qin Yudong only felt it was incredible, but the thing really appeared in his hand.

"You are indeed better at polishing it than me. I think you should bring in the other parts of the gun and let your little cousin polish them all, so that you don't have to worry about problems later."

Yang Tianbao's tone contained admiration, approval, inquiry and uncertainty. Obviously he couldn't make a decision directly on this matter and had to look at other people's opinions.

"No, no, no..." But before anyone else could respond, Mo Xianliang jumped out to object.

Without waiting to ask, Mo Xianliang explained: "A gun can only have a few of the workpieces polished by Wenguang. If there are all or too many polished workpieces, the gun will be cursed and will not be able to shoot many shots."

Various malfunctions or dangers may occur.”

‘What the hell?…Ancestral curse?…’ Yang Tianbao was confused after hearing this, why is this thing related to the cursed site?

Yang Tianbao's first reaction was disbelief, and then he couldn't believe it. Although Mo Wenguang was very good at polishing, he was not far behind in drilling. How come the workpieces he processed were not cursed.

"Is this really happening?" Yang Tianbao ignored Mo Xianliang, who made a shocking statement, but looked directly at Mo Wenguang and asked.

Hearing this, Mo Wenguang replied in his clear and sweet voice: "It does happen, but I don't know if it's a curse, but they all say so. You really can't put too much in a gun. I polish it."

The workpiece is two workpieces that are in contact with each other."

"This..." Yang Tianbao didn't know what was going on after hearing this, and muttered: "This shouldn't be right? Shouldn't the workpiece be smoother and finer, so that the weapon parts can run smoothly and the weapon performance will be better?

Is it better?"

"Hehe... I don't know why? I told you to read more books, otherwise if you encounter some cognitive blind spots, you can only blame the ghosts and gods." Qin Yudong made a few jokes, his face

He looked contented.

"Come on, come on, you must be great! Come on, tell me what you know as soon as possible, don't show off your words here with wrinkles."

The two of them inevitably got into a conversation, and this happened countless times in recent times. Of course, it wasn't that there was much disagreement or conflict between the two, but it was more likely an expression of sympathy for each other.

After all, the two people represent the top representatives of two different growth paths. They also reflect the differences between the two most representative groups in the current repair shop. One group is labeled folk, Jianghu, irregular and illegal, and the other is

The opposite is true for group labels.

However, there is currently no obvious conflict between the two groups, and they are even more cooperating and learning from each other. The integration between the children is faster and more obvious.

Because the children of the two groups are very complementary, the general knowledge and culture among the people are poor, but their practical skills are very strong. Many of the tools and machines given to them are people who can rub firearms.

Most children who have worked in arsenals or other related places with their fathers have a good accumulation of relevant knowledge and many have strong hands-on skills. However, their hands-on skills are generally weak, especially those who just use tools to make guns and play with them.

Many people don’t have experience, but they all yearn for it.

Moreover, these people are generally similar in character, cheerful, bold, generous, not stick to trivial matters, etc., and are more likely to accept strangers, not to mention they are a similar group of people. There are few of them who are submissive and petty. After all, they are

I have been exposed to and learned about the production and manufacture of mankind's most common and efficient killing tools since childhood. This kind of thing can boost people's courage and subtly influence the assimilation of those who come into contact with it.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that Wenguang polished the workpiece too smooth. Everything is relative. Sometimes going too far doesn't necessarily mean it has a better structure.

Just like a weapon, during production, if the accuracy is well controlled, it often means better performance. However, during design, if a weapon is designed too precisely, it may appear that the barrel is slightly indented.

Dirt and dust can cause glitches and freezes.

In the production of high-precision mechanical equipment, a scraping process is used. One of the techniques is to scratch the smooth workpiece surface so that the scraped pattern can store lubricating oil and avoid direct contact with the workpiece.


The same goes for this workpiece. Wenguang polished it too smooth, and the surface cannot retain the gun oil. If two smooth parts move in contact with each other, the gun oil will be easily squeezed out, and the remaining parts will be metal parts.

When the heads contact and collide with each other, the head delubrication loss will naturally increase, and the performance is an increase in the failure rate."

Yang Tianbao fell into deep thought after listening, while Mo Xianliang scratched his head. The onlookers, like Tan Yudong, who were well educated and had relatively systematic knowledge, most of them had expressions of sudden enlightenment, and others were mostly like Mo Xianliang.

Liang was also fascinated by the sound.

Seeing Mo Xianliang's expression, Qin Yudong thought he didn't believe it, so he said to him: "This matter can be verified. In a few days, we will make a few more guns and process the parts differently, and we can use them for testing and verification.

For workpieces that are in contact with each other, if only one of the contacting surfaces is polished, it will be the same as your high-quality gun. Or if a gun only polishes two connected surfaces, the abnormal failure in the test will most likely be that one.

Contact points are caused, these can verify what I said.

And if you pay attention to those abnormal faults, you should find this pattern. Most of the serious abnormal faults will appear in automatic weapons, such as parts being damaged and worn or even the chamber exploding. However, most of the manual single-shot guns will only appear in the cocking process.

This is because the components move more violently when automatic weapons are fired, which will cause greater losses and lead to more serious malfunctions."

After listening to Qin Yudong's explanation, Mo Xianliang nodded and said: "Brother Dong, it's not that I don't believe you, it's mainly because what you said was too professional. I didn't understand it just now, but it seems that the situation you mentioned at the end does exist.


Qin Yudong was dumbfounded, shook his head helplessly, and said: "You really have to go to class and study more. I know you are more resistant to studying, but this is related to your future development, and these must be overcome as much as possible.

Let me tell you the truth! This opportunity will definitely be the most important and critical one in your life and mine. Whether to be an ordinary technician operating machines in the future, or to become a husband by leaps and bounds...

Let's put it this way, if you seize this opportunity, you may become a great person in this industry. Just like the guns made at home are famous in the world, everyone who knows them will give you some face.

But this is not limited to the world, but will be recognized by the entire society. Even if those high-ranking officials and generals meet you, they will show you a little respect and treat you with respect.

And if you want to take this step, you must first overcome the hurdle of knowledge and culture. If you cannot overcome it, let alone become a master in the industry, even if many people think of designing and making a gun of their own, it is a joke.

Designing and producing a gun is not as simple as making it capable of firing bullets. There are many problems that need to be solved, otherwise it would be more accurate to call it a bullet launcher.

Even if you make a decent gun, does it have your own design or innovation? Or does it show better performance than the same type of weapons on the market or something else worthy of praise? No, then

It can only be regarded as a poor imitation and cannot be put on the market."

I have to say that Qin Yudong's words go straight into the hearts of people like Mo Xianliang, and they are a bit like a leader. Anyway, no matter whether you have ever thought about designing and making a gun of your own before, this is definitely

I will put it forward and set a goal for you, and then I will give a definition and explanation of this goal, so that if you want to achieve this goal, you can only work hard in the direction I want to achieve it.

The effect I wanted was at least for him to draw it clearly.

After speaking, Qin Yudong looked at Mo Wenguang and continued: "It is rare to have this skill. I believe you must have paid a lot, but I hope you will not be satisfied with the status quo.

There is still a lot of room for improvement in your craft, and the small parts and workpieces used to polish firearms are somewhat wasted. You can work harder on polishing large workpieces, and participate in the manufacturing of high-end machinery and equipment in the future, letting others use the good work you have made.

equipment to produce more good weapons.

In addition, you can study the scraping I mentioned on your own. Although it is different from polishing, the fact that you can polish such a flat and smooth workpiece shows that your sense of strength is very good. These underlying things are all the same.

, with this foundation to learn scraping and grinding, you only need to learn more technical things. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard of anyone here in the base area who knows scraping and grinding. Currently, I can only rely on you to teach yourself."

"Okay, okay..." Seeing Qin Yudong finish speaking, Yang Tianbao jumped out immediately, with a burst of ridicule in his words, but turned around and told Mo Wenguang to listen to him, and also told them to learn more about culture that Qin Yudong had said before.

I translated the knowledge and warned people again.

Qin Yudong did not follow his childish competitive spirit. After listening to a few words, he immediately asked everyone to bring their things, and left the old factory area in a secretive way, then crossed the cleared new factory area, and then crossed the small woods on the roadside.

After walking twenty or thirty meters, we came to the foot of an empty mountain.

In the afterglow of the evening on a sunny day, there were still ten or twenty people waiting here. While they were bored waiting there, they saw Qin Yudong and others, and they came over one after another.

"Is something wrong? Why did it take you so long to come here? It will be dark if you wait any longer. It will be inconvenient then."

"There is no problem, we just have to process the workpiece more carefully to avoid problems again."

"Let me see..." As soon as the person who had just spoken heard this and took the workpiece from Qin Yudong, he couldn't help but said: "It's amazing! I feel something special when I touch it..."

This chapter has been completed!
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