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Chapter 702 Hide and Seek Incident (3)

After settling in, Lin Mo and Wang Mingkun came to Linzhi. Zheng Junshan brought a batch of information photos for the two of them and was responsible for introducing the specific situation to them.

The general situation is that a deputy LS from the Japanese Foreign Service Group (LSG) stayed away from home last night. This morning, his family asked the agency. The LSG personnel searched for him on their own to no avail (as they claimed). Later, they thought that the person was missing, so they went directly to find him.

Call the relevant government departments and ask for an explanation.

Relevant government departments were full of questions after receiving the news, but they did not dare to delay and immediately instructed the police department to organize a manpower search, but found nothing.

Looking at the whole incident recorded in the document, Lin Mo was not too familiar with this scene. Of course, this is not important. What is important is why did this happen now?

Was it because his arrival and actions triggered the butterfly effect? ​​His actions changed the course of history and caused the war to break out in advance?

I'm afraid that if this is the case, then Lin Mo will really have to examine the changes he has brought, and even regret it to death. At least in the original timeline, the national army was reorganized before the war.

Although our party's strength is still better preserved at present, it has not experienced the transformation and growth during the transition to war, and its main force has not moved to the north away from the areas with the most severe post-war erosion. Whether we can open up the situation behind enemy lines in time and stop the sluggish Japanese aggression,

None of these can be said well.

Even if the war starts now, the Japanese will not be as well prepared as in the original timeline, but the overall strength gap between the two sides should be even greater. After all, the current government is focused on civil war and has not made much response to the invasion.

Anyway, no matter how you put it, once the historical process changes, the situation will change in a completely different direction. How will it change specifically? What percentage of the good will be the bad? Lin Mo can't predict it. He can't say for sure, but it may be much better.

Although he could be optimistic and comfort himself by adhering to this luck, Lin Mo, who relied on foresight to make arrangements, still felt a sense of fear and uneasiness in his heart.

But the crisis has arisen, and there is no point in regretting it. Besides, Lin Mo is not really a wavering grassroots. Although he feels uneasy, he just does it. So what if he changes? He would still choose this way if he had to do it again. The most important thing now is

What is important is to find ways to eliminate this crisis as much as possible.

There are people arranged by the Military Intelligence Division and the Secret Service Headquarters in the national police department. When such a major event happened in Nanjing, both sides naturally paid attention to it and secretly arranged personnel to intervene in the investigation. All kinds of detailed information were quickly grasped.

Regarding the possibility of this matter, there are two suspicions in Nanjing. One is optimistic that this guy is really missing, and he may have passed out drunk without knowing where he was! After all, the Japanese just want to have a drink at the end of the day.

However, by now, this possibility has been basically ruled out. The military police and police departments have deployed almost all available personnel to search. If he was just drunk, the possibility of still not finding the person is very slim.

And excluding this possibility, whether he faked his disappearance, was kidnapped or really disappeared for other reasons, it is not a very optimistic result for the government.

"...Because the Japanese have repeatedly used missing persons as an excuse to provoke disputes and conflicts and then launch war and aggression. In addition, we found out that before Kuramoto disappeared, he was only a secretary of LSG, but when negotiating with the government, he said

He is the deputy LS of LSG and is suspected of spreading the trouble.

Based on this, both the national government and the department are somewhat pessimistic about the development of the situation, but they still want to find the person as much as possible and resolve the matter properly, so the department recalled the second team to participate in the search for the target."

Zheng Junshan added information that was not clearly stated in the information. Lin Mo understood the fluke mentality of the people in the government. After all, even a fool could see the gap in strength between Shuang Ning.

Besides, why wasn't he holding on to any luck? Otherwise, he wouldn't have proposed that each team return to the city in small quantities in batches, thinking that if it could be solved properly, he wouldn't destroy those pots and jars.

"You're finally here, then come with me! Mingkun, too..." Xu Guyu passed by and saw Lin Mo and Wang Mingkun arriving, so he greeted them into his office.

"Sit down...sigh..." Xu Guyu gestured for the two of them to sit down. He couldn't help but let out a sigh, rubbed his temples with his hands, and looked a little haggard on his face.

"Section Chief, has the situation changed?" Lin Mo asked proactively and started talking with a wink.

"What are you asking about?" Xu Guyu was a little out of breath, in a bad state, and couldn't catch the conversation for a while.

"Isn't it just a case? Is there something going on elsewhere?" Lin Mo asked again and again, returning to the topic.

Xu Guyu was stunned for a moment, then seemed to react. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't know whether it was a reply or something else. The meaning was unclear.

"The case is still in the same status as before. There hasn't been much progress at the moment. It's a matter within the department. Just now, a lot of people came over and said they wanted to work together with the second group to handle the case. If it weren't for working alone now, I guess

My office has to turn into a vegetable market.”

Lin Mo frowned and said: "This little Jiujiu also fought too loudly. He obviously wanted to take the credit and share the credit. Isn't this look a bit too ugly?"

"It looks ugly. It's a bit ugly, but it's true that I was forced into a hurry. Have you heard about the regulations on the personnel work outline of all military officers and assistants that the government will promulgate in the near future?...Oh...you have been training recently, so you probably haven't heard the rumors.

!" Xu Guyu asked, then seemed to react and shook his head.

"Section Chief, I actually heard something. When I went back to school to go through the formalities, the teacher told me that it's not the regulations that we have to abide by, right?"

Xu Guyu nodded and said: "Originally, it was also required to be implemented. However, we are a special unit and will not implement the regulations to the letter. Those who deserve to be promoted can still be promoted if they have made merit. There is no such thing in the department.

Care more.

But I didn't expect that the secret service headquarters took advantage of the opportunity and took the opportunity to attack. On the grounds that we belong to a military unit and are awarded a military rank system, they demanded that we also strictly implement relevant regulations to hinder personnel promotion and restrict our development.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although they failed to get what they wanted in the end, it also made the implementation of relevant regulations in the Intelligence Department more stringent, which greatly increased the difficulty of promotion.

, it can even be considered that they achieved part of their purpose.

At present, the above has made two openings for us in the regulations. One is to lower our suspension year requirements. However, after reaching the lowered suspension year, we must verify that we have sufficient merit before we can be promoted. Otherwise, we can only be promoted according to the normal suspension years.

The other is an exceptional promotion that is personally approved by the chairman of the committee after making great contributions. Needless to say, there are absolutely very few people who can achieve this. For the former item, it is not yet known how much credit will be given, leaving a certain amount of

There is room for manipulation, but it is definitely not something that can be done easily. After all, there are still secret service headquarters and the forces and factions behind it watching closely.

The official promulgation of this regulation has only been less than a week. There was no chance before. Now that such a big thing has happened, many people are excited and want to take advantage of this opportunity to gain some credit before the regulation is officially promulgated.

Complete a promotion before departure.

Recently, we have made successive gains in our battles with the Japs. Many people in the department think that we are good at dealing with the Japs and that we have the best chance in the case, so they have targeted us."

Wang Mingkun didn't quite understand what Xu Guyu said, so Lin Mo picked up the key points such as Zing Nian and explained them.

"Section Chief, are you wondering whether to give up the credit? The third team listens to your advice. Almost all those who deserve promotion have been promoted. It's not of much use to keep the credit. You can just follow the arrangement."

Xu Guyu shook his head and said: "As long as you understand, the credit must be shared. During this period, we have gained a lot of credit. We can say that we are all the limelight, but everything is too much, and now we have to curb our efforts.


Although we take credit for our achievements, there are also many consequences and impacts. There are good things but also bad things. We work independently to avoid feeling obvious, but that is what others in the office bear for us.

There are internal suppressions, obstacles and exclusions, such as the incident with this regulation, which is one of the consequences of stepping forward. The conflict with the secret service headquarters has intensified, and now there is a fierce fight with other departments in the department.

Externally, the Japanese have begun to deliberately target us. The headquarters is fine, but some field sites have suffered losses, and the losses may be even greater in the future. The Red Party is also particularly wary of us, and the work carried out by some departments in the department

He was also affected and died.

This may not be a bad thing for the entire intelligence agency, and it will not be blamed on us, because this is something that the intelligence agency cannot avoid if it wants to become stronger. It is just a matter of who makes the difference sooner or later.

But my colleagues in other departments in the department felt uncomfortable and inevitably felt unbalanced. All the benefits accrued to us. As a result, we went out to work independently and let them bear the consequences.

We cannot take advantage of all the benefits and leave the consequences to others, otherwise sooner or later there will be internal problems. When the time comes, it will be a luxury to think about focusing on work as we do now.

Even if there is no one willing to help us both inside and outside our eyes, then we are not far from falling, so the benefits must be shared and given away, and we must unite and unite the people inside. They will bear the external pressure for us. We

The edge of the knife opens up and develops outwards.

So the credit must be shared. Originally we should have taken the initiative, but now people have reached out first, saying that it must be given. But what troubles me is that the implementation of the regulations is just around the corner. How to share the credit? To whom?

After all, although this matter is big, it only involves one person after all, and the credit cannot be divided into piles like watermelons. However, the regulations are about to be promulgated. If this matter is not handled well, it will offend people more than not giving it.


"Section Chief, why don't we just not share the credit this time? Didn't Team Yellow and Team Shen fail to get promoted? Let's just focus on ourselves first!"

Although Lin Mo agrees with Xu Guyu's ideas and arrangements, this is the overall situation, which Xu Guyu should consider and make decisions. His attitude should be to strive for benefits for his own people, and his butt will determine his head. Of course, this It doesn't mean that he opposes Xu Guyu's arrangements, it's just a matter of attitude and stance.

"It's not suitable to stay. We have to show our attitude to the outside world this time. As for the first and second captains, the downgraded suspension requirement is not far away. Then we will find a way to save some credit for the two of them, so that they can be promoted when they compare their merits.

No matter whether the Xu function can be promoted smoothly or not, the two of them are currently only suitable to take this channel, because in the eyes of others, they can, but they can't because of lack of ability or other reasons. The second team has promoted themselves higher in the intelligence department. , in the future, you have to use your true skills to fight for all kinds of matters."

Xu Guyu explained his feelings for a while, but he didn't think it was bad. Although there were some more restrictions and requirements, he had to weigh the things he got with his own ability before others reached out, so as to avoid A lot of trouble and trouble.

"Okay, let's not mention this matter anymore. I have already reached an agreement with the second captain and the first team. Besides, we haven't even finished yet! We still need to get the credit first before we can talk about anything else."

Next, Xu Guyu informed the two of them of some other information with higher authority, and asked them about some of their thoughts.

The higher-authority intelligence was from an informant placed by the Intelligence Department into the Japanese LSG. The intelligence was returned a few days ago. The Japanese sent a person to Nanjing, who was personally received and arranged by the Chief LS, and the missing deputy LS or secretary was After being summoned by General LS afterwards, I felt depressed afterwards.

The intelligence had been sent back for a few days, but it had not attracted the attention of the Intelligence Department before. It was not until Kuramoto suddenly disappeared that this information came into the Intelligence Department's sight again.

The authority for this information is normally set at the section level, but the second group is now responsible for the anti-Japanese operations, so it is relaxed to the group level. Lin Mo only has the authority because he has resigned from the position of deputy leader of the special operations group. Got it.

However, the information must still be conveyed personally by Xu Guyu, the confidential director, and the confidentiality requirements must be strictly stated. After all, this information is too pointed. Once leaked, there is a high probability that the informant who provided the information will be exposed.

After receiving this message, Lin Mo became even more worried. Although it was impossible to confirm whether it was a coincidence or not, it undoubtedly greatly increased the possibility of something.

Lin Mo did not shy away from this idea, and Xu Guyu also made it clear that the Intelligence Department was worried about this. It was also based on this consideration that he transferred the second team back to the city before the situation became clear.

"What do you two think about the next action?"

Lin Mo heard this, thought about it carefully, and said: "As for the actions of the second group, I think the main focus is on personnel searches. Before the situation changes further, we will do more to ensure the status of the situation, and more If you are worried, it is better to wait until the situation becomes clearer before adjusting your operational arrangements."

In fact, according to Lin Mo's idea, the operation should be arranged according to the worst case scenario, in response to the fact that the Japanese are about to launch a war, but the butt determines the head. As the second group is a department that specializes in operations against Japan and has achieved outstanding results, its In the eyes of the outside world, this action almost represented the intelligence office. Once the judgment was wrong, the impact would be difficult to predict, and Lin Mo could only compromise and arrange the matter.

This chapter has been completed!
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