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Chapter 705 Hide and Seek Incident (6)

"If you haven't been discovered by the other party, how about alerting the enemy?" Lin Mo still hoped not to be discovered by the other party, which would help him take the initiative in the future.

"No, the location he is in is a small hole under the rock. The location is very hidden. If he hadn't taken the initiative to check and expose it, it would be difficult to find it during the day.

But the field of vision is also very poor, it is difficult to see the surrounding situation clearly, and he is very timid and dare not go out to check too much. I imitated the beast and made some noises, which scared the person back into the hole, and then made some noises.

The movement was like an animal moving away."

Lin Mo nodded and said: "From what you said, that place is very remote? Based on the surrounding situation, are there usually many people going there?"

"That road is forged. There will definitely be people passing by, but definitely not many. Moreover, it has rained recently and the road is slippery. There are no footprints. There should not be many people walking on it during this period, otherwise there would be no dry roads on the road.

The branches were stepped on by us."

"Hmm..." Lin Mo nodded, thought for a moment, and said, "Assign someone to monitor you. As long as the other party doesn't do anything life-threatening, don't show up, and try not to let the other party notice your presence.

In addition, I will allocate some photography and video equipment for you. If the other party engages in life-threatening behavior, take pictures and record them immediately, so as not to prevent them from being stopped in time and make it unclear when the time comes."

After finishing his thoughts on how to deal with it, Lin Mo looked at Wang Mingkun and said: "Team Wang, I would like to ask you to make the arrangements as I told you. I will go back and report to the section chief for instructions."

Wang Mingkun nodded. Although he didn't know what Lin Mo had planned, he didn't want to ask more questions and chose to support trust.

As for the report, he would not argue with Lin Mo. Not to mention that Lin Mo had already explained to him that the credit would not go to him. Even if there was no such thing, he would not argue over it.

Seeing that Wang Mingkun had no objection, Lin Mo thought for a moment and then said: "Leaving an action team should be enough to deal with it, but it may take a few more days. We need to make sufficient preparations in advance. The remaining team members will go back and stand by. There may be missions later.


...After the sky got brighter, some methods were used. After observation and comparison, the target's appearance and accessories were consistent with the situation of the hidden copy, and it was basically certain that it was the hidden copy.

After settling the matters on the mountain, we arranged for the team members to pick up the shooting equipment after going down the mountain. After a long round of twists and turns, we took the car that was on standby to go up and down the mountain and headed back.

After listening to Lin Mo's report, Xu Guyu asked: "Based on your arrangements, do you have any other ideas or plans?"

"Yes..." Lin Mo didn't hold back and replied: "Looking at Zangben's performance before and after, he is not so determined to die. It can even be said that he does not want to choose to die at all.

So I wonder if I can choose to leave him alone for the time being. Even if this incident was not planned by the Japanese, there is a high probability that they will take advantage of it based on their temperament, and some deeply hidden Japanese spies will also take action.

Should we take the opportunity to expand our results?"

"You are like a roundworm in the belly of the Japanese! If they want to do something, they can make you guess 7788 with just a stick of their butt." Xu Guyu did not agree immediately, but sighed with emotion.

"Section Chief, have you received any news?" Lin Mo's eyes lit up and he immediately caught the information contained in Xu Guyu's words.

Xu Guyu said nothing, but Lin Wenhua took a stack of materials from beside him and handed it over, saying: "These are the general contents of the incident reported by some major newspapers in Japan this morning. They are nonsense, fabrication, and malicious misinterpretation. They should be prepared to use the topic as a pretext."

Public opinion is used to create momentum and stir up trouble."

Lin Mo heard this, took the information and browsed it roughly, and said with a smile: "Awesome, Section Chief, according to the time, these newspapers in Japan can only be published and sold within a few hours at most, and the content has been sent to us across thousands of miles.


"Didn't you tell Hongxin about open source intelligence and the like before? He asked me to ask the department to come forward and establish a relationship with several major domestic newspapers. They have their own channels to learn about the news published by major newspapers in other countries.

, that is, let them prepare a copy of what we have brought over."

Speaking of this, Xu Guyu sat up and said with a smile: "I didn't pay attention to it before, but I didn't expect that the open source channel you proposed can really obtain important information and evidence, and provide us with a lot of evidence to support our actions, but you

Isn’t this plan a bit risky?”

The words were both evidence and support. Xu Guyu obviously did not reject Lin Mo's plan, but what Lin Mo said was not enough. Lin Mo needed to give more convincing reasons.

"Section Chief, this is a rare opportunity! Although we have had intermittent encounters with Japanese spies recently, we have gradually heard less about the Japanese spies who lurked in.

Especially in Nanjing and its surrounding areas, which is the core area of ​​the national government, there are definitely many Japanese spies lurking in. With our capabilities, it stands to reason that there should be no shortage of clues and cases of lurking Japanese spies, but the reality is not consistent with expectations.

In addition, according to our long-term surveillance and observation of a latent spy, the other party seemed to have entered a long-term state of silence recently, and it was not until the past few days that he made any moves again.

This shows that the Japanese have viewed us as a threat and have begun to reduce their activities, or their activities have become more low-key and secretive, although this cannot be said to be a bad thing, because it shows that our work has been effective.

But at the same time, these risks still exist, they are mines buried inside us. When the situation changes, they will take action, and we may not be able to clean up and control these troubles in time.

And this time is an opportunity. The Japanese have made such a big noise in Nanjing. These guys who have calmed down are bound to make moves, spy, and cooperate with this action. Isn't this an opportunity for us?

Moreover, this time all the personnel available to the two major intelligence agencies of the government in Beijing have been allocated to search for missing persons. This may cause the other party to mistakenly believe that our attention to them has been reduced or even has no time to take care of them.

At this time, we went in the opposite direction and dealt with these people unexpectedly, catching the opponent off guard. What's more, we can now use the strength of other departments in the department to expand and achieve greater results.

As for whether to take risks? Actually, not really. After all, Kuramoto can be said to be completely under our control. As long as the situation does not develop that far, the Japanese will force, pressure, fabricate, etc., and wait for Kuramoto to return, everything will become a fan.

A slap in their face."

When he heard that the amplification had greater results, Xu Guyu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately understood the voice of Lin Mo's words. Wasn't this just to gain more credit in this case, and the phone calls that would have annoyed him to death all day long?

Feed those people.

What's even better about this is that the credit is not given in vain, but they have to fight for it themselves. As long as one person can get the benefit and credit, others can't blame him. After all, you can't do what others can do.

, either you are not strong enough, or you are unlucky. After all, the opportunity has been given to you, so you can’t still blame me, right?

Xu Guyu summoned Zhang Hongxin, Liu Zhen, and Shen Song, and followed Lin Mo's ideas to optimize and refine the plan to make it more feasible and operable.

However, Lin Mo provided more ideas and thoughts. After all, he had done more thinking beforehand and already had a roughly feasible plan in mind, while others were more focused on checking for deficiencies and filling in the gaps.

After the plan was finalized, Xu Guyu immediately went back to report and ask for instructions. Several people did not leave, but each did some preparatory work and discussed and communicated with each other.

About an hour later, when Xu Guyu came back, there was already an extra car and six or seven people. It was obvious that the matter was done.

The visitors were from two other action groups in the Operations Section and an intelligence group in the Intelligence Section. They were all officers at the level of team leader and captain.

By the way, this intelligence group is the intelligence group that had a lot of interaction with the operation group 2 in the Mole case. It is also the intelligence group that is currently responsible for the intelligence work against Japan and is actually led by Xu Guyu.

After everyone was polite, they immediately began to discuss cooperation. The three team leaders followed Xu Guyu into the office. Liu Zhenshan, Shen Song, and Lin Mo negotiated with the first-level team officers who came over to discuss operational matters.

Liu Zhenshan first briefly introduced the situation and action plan to a few people, but some people also asked whether this was a bit too aggressive.

Lin Mo saw this and explained: "Now the streets are full of military and police officers, and there are enough people searching. We have searched the city once, and now they have expanded to the outside of the city.

The person can't be found yet. The other person is either hiding somewhere, or he died in some nook and cranny, but no matter which possibility, it means that the probability of properly solving this matter is low.

, so you have to prepare and respond to other possibilities in advance.

Anyway, now we are not far behind in searching for people like us. The search is completely luck-based, and this job cannot play our due role at all. It is better to stop losses in time and change strategies.

If the matter cannot be properly resolved, then our preparation and response will play a huge role. If it is properly resolved, it will not be bad, at least we will have the opportunity to obtain other credit in the response."

In order to avoid unnecessary complications, the truth about the hidden book must be kept strictly confidential and could not be disclosed to these people, so Lin Mo used other rhetoric and reasons to give these people an explanation.

Of course, this is just a statement. Boss Dai has already nodded, and they are here. The implementation of the action is inevitable. This is just to dispel some of their worries and worries and participate in the action with a more proactive attitude.

There are three operational tasks. Each team of the second operation group dispatches elite backbones to assist the people in these three groups. Of course, they also have to dispatch elite backbones to participate in the core operations.

The three tasks are the deployment and control of counter-espionage in Nanjing and its suburbs, the defense and counter-espionage of Nanjing city, and the monitoring and counter-espionage of river banks and strategic points from Nanjing below.

“…The first prerequisite for these three tasks is that Japanese warships and combatants may go up the river to the river outside Nanjing to deter, coerce, intimidate, and even open fire.

Although the current basis for this premise is only propaganda and bombing by a Japanese newspaper, there is no other information that Japanese warships have moved.

But based on our understanding of Japan’s behavior, this incident has a high probability of happening, and this is also what we can do to prevent possible actions from Japan at present.

Once the Japanese warships sail into the capital of the Yangtze River, the Japanese spies are bound to take action and conduct surveillance and spying along the way, inside and outside the city and city defenses, etc., in order to grasp our movements, response, dispatch, etc., and escort their actions.

Our mission is to disrupt and destroy their actions, and take this opportunity to crack down on a group of lurking Japanese spies."

Liu Zhenshan further explained the operation, and when several people nodded without objection, he continued to speak.

"For this operation, the three action teams of the second team will allocate their elite backbones to assist the three parties respectively, and be responsible for the core's close tracking, monitoring and handling of emergencies. Our second team will also deploy elite action personnel.

The four teams specializing in arrests assist in arrest activities inside and outside the city and during city defense operations."

When several people heard this arrangement, their brows were furrowed and their faces were a little unhappy. This is normal. Although they want to take credit from the second group, they are also a little arrogant in their hearts. You have taken over all the key core work. This

Do you look down on them or don't trust them?

When Lin Mo saw this, he immediately sang a red face to cooperate and said: "Don't think too much, everyone, this time is arranged like this due to special circumstances.

If the situation develops as we expected, the Japanese warships were on the river at that time. If something goes wrong in their actions and the other side resists and fights back, the Japanese warships may use this as an excuse to take action. No one can afford this consequence.

Because you have had little contact with Japanese spies and don't know much about their actions, we assist you with tracking and surveillance in order to reduce the risk of exposure as much as possible.

For emergencies, once discovered, the second group immediately takes action to capture the target before it resists and fires, or directly kills it, achieving a certain degree of silent action.

As for the fourth team, it is a combat unit organized by two groups of operational experts to specialize in arrests, assassinations and other tasks. It has no establishment and is a temporary organization. It is usually established when there are no combat missions, but it will organize training, cooperation, etc. on a regular basis.

Combat missions will be allocated for execution.

The purpose of deploying two action teams this time is to ensure that the arrests inside and outside the city and the city defense tasks are carried out as smoothly as possible. The riverbank fortress is responsible for this task because of its wide range and the opponent's ships should not be stationed around for a long time.

, we will not arrange an action team to assist in the arrest. You and the second group of assisting personnel will handle it on your own. The remaining action team will serve as a reserve team to deal with sudden emergencies."

After listening to Lin Mo's explanation, everyone agreed with the arrangements made by the second group. In fact, as long as there is an excuse to give them a step up, not to mention such an arrangement, they can't find a reason to refute it now.

Liu Zhenshan cooperated with each other and explained the details of each task and the reasons for some controversial arrangements to those who came. After that, Xu Guyu and Lin Wenhua's negotiations with those people came to an end.

In fact, Xu Guyu and Lin Wenhua's job was very simple, which was to assign the three actions to these three groups. However, because the three actions were difficult and easy, good and bad, they inevitably had to fight over each other.

This chapter has been completed!
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