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Chapter 707 Hide and Seek Incident (8)

Wang Hefeng waved and said: "Don't worry, I don't mean to accuse you now. I did think you were trying to steal jobs before, but after listening to what you said, I feel that my knowledge of intelligence work is a bit shallow.

No matter, now I feel that the intelligence work is a bit endless. With the few manpower I have, I can't take care of much at all. Others can do it if they are willing to do it! Even if it is clearly within the scope of my responsibility

It’s okay, I just hope that we can share some intelligence information by then, confirm each other and make full use of it.”

"Good advice, Team Leader Wang..." Lin Mo held up his hands and complimented him, then smiled and said: "Currently, the Intelligence Department has just set up a structure, the personnel and power are limited, and various tasks are also groping forward. Some aspects have not yet been completed.

To the point where the country is self-proclaimed, letting go and allowing barbaric development can be regarded as a means. At worst, it will have to go back and re-integrate and unify in the future.

Even if I can't make the decision at that time, what it shows is that the overall development of this aspect of work is better than that of myself, and the power and influence I hold is not necessarily less than if I were the leader."

Lin Mo briefly talked about the choice between the individual and the whole, but he didn't go into too much detail. He only touched on the point and expressed goodwill and sincerity.

"Well..." Wang Hefeng did not express his position, but nodded slightly and said with a smile: "I'll go see your team leader Zhang when I have time, and we can communicate and learn from it!"

"Team Leader Wang is serious..." Lin Mo smiled and said, "Then I will boldly make a decision for Team Leader Zhang. Team Leader Wang is welcome to come for inspection and exchange. I will communicate and prepare for you in advance on relevant matters."

The two of them exchanged some polite chats, then Lin Mo excused himself and left, went out to make some arrangements with Zeng Wenchong, took the equipment and team members, and headed to a small military shooting range that Wang Hefeng had just contacted.

The place is still inside the city. It is a small garrison camp on the northwest side of Qingliang Mountain near the foot of the city wall. It can station a company or a battalion of troops. Currently, a company is stationed and is responsible for patrol posts at the city wall and gates.

Because it is a barracks for the capital's garrison, the facilities are quite good. There is a small drill ground and shooting range behind the barracks, and it is located in a remote location, so no one usually disturbs it.

The company commander and an intelligence officer from the Intelligence Group 2 were classmates and friends from Huangpu. Through this relationship, they temporarily borrowed this shooting range. It wasn't that they couldn't get a larger training venue, but they didn't dare to get one.

If it is used, this kind of small unit will not attract the attention of interested people, and it is more suitable for their current situation.

In order to hide from others and keep a low profile, only two ordinary cars and two civilian trucks were prepared for the joint operation. The transport capacity was not enough. In order to avoid attracting attention, it was not easy for a lot of big men to squeeze in together, so they had to be diverted.

Some people took other means of transportation and traveled in batches near their destinations.

Lin Mo and Zeng Wenchong each took a car and were followed by a truck at a distance. They were the first to rush to the vicinity of the military camp. After meeting, the people dispersed to the military camp.

The two brought a few people with them, and before the fight, they got on the line with the waiting company commander at the gate of the military camp. The two parties exchanged a few polite words. The company commander didn't ask any more questions, and told the guards not to block or interfere, and then left. What happened in Nanjing was like this.

He was too busy with big things, and he sold favors to his classmates and the Intelligence Office, but that didn't mean he was willing to get involved in the Intelligence Office's affairs.

Lin Mo didn't say much. They thanked each other and entered the military camp. Because of this incident in Nanjing, almost all members of the garrison company went to the city gates and walls to patrol. The military camp was basically invisible except for sentries and left-behind guards.


It was obvious that the company commander had already given instructions. No one questioned or inquired about contact after he came in. They even stayed away when they saw him. As long as the team members who came to the door one after another nodded and nodded, the guards pretended not to have seen him.

After the vehicle transporting weapons and equipment arrived, Lin Mo and the two of them followed the vehicle to the training ground, led the team members who had arrived, and quickly packed up and arranged the equipment. All they needed to do was ask for help, and the military camp had everything they needed for immediate use.

The weapons and equipment used in this operation were mainly M1911 modified submachine pistols. The gun was modified to be fully automatic and equipped with a simple pull-out stock made of steel bars and synthetic resin.

The main accessory is a small silencer, which is thick but only about eight centimeters long. However, in conjunction with the subsonic speed of the 45ACP ammunition, it has an extremely good silencer effect. It is a recent new achievement of the repair shop.

However, the cost is a bit expensive, and the cost of use is even higher. If you fire the first ten or twenty rounds in a row, the silencer effect is very significant. However, if you shoot more in a row, the silencer effect will decrease rapidly. The silencer effect will be basically lost before fifty rounds are fired.

Even if you don't fire continuously, the silencer effect will not be enough after about fifty rounds. Because the silencer is equipped with some consumable equipment, it must be replaced in time to ensure the silencer is effective. If you really fire more than fifty rounds continuously, let alone scrapping, then

It also has to be sent back to the repair shop to be refurbished.

Although the cost of use is high, the lifespan of a good silencer is only one extended magazine, but it is of great use value for this operation. Money is not an issue. The lifespan of the silencer is limited, but this is a counter-intelligence mission, not a fierce firefight.

For combat missions, a dozen or twenty rounds of ammunition per person is basically enough. Even if there are special circumstances, they still have a large number of people and have time to replace the silencer.

This set of weapon configuration can be said to be carefully matched by Lin Mo based on actual needs. The 45-point M1911 is powerful enough to overpower and kill enemies. It is fully automatic to ensure firepower. The pull-out butt can provide better shooting stability and ensure hits.


But at the same time, this gun is not like a shell gun or other pistols with additional kits. It is smaller in size, convenient for concealment and carry, ensuring the concealment of actions. It can be said that according to actual needs, some trade-offs and balances have been made in terms of power, accuracy, volume, etc.

, without affecting the needs of all aspects of use, as best as possible to meet the needs of all aspects.

The same goes for the silencer. It is short and convenient for concealment and portability. It has a significant early-stage noise reduction effect and meets the needs of silent operations. Silence does not mean that there is no sound at all. It just does not spread far or does not sound like a gunshot. Try not to attract attention, especially from people with ulterior motives.


Lin Mo roughly made a gun practice area and an area for running-in drills using the materials he could find at the training ground. The gun training area is to target and familiarize yourself with the weapons and equipment, and the running-in drill is a rough simulation training ground with some obstacles and the like.

Become more familiar with tactical maneuvers such as gun handling.

Before all the people arrived, Lin Mo and the two distributed weapons so that those who came first could familiarize themselves with the weapons and equipment in advance. After all, the space in the venue was limited and it would be difficult for all the people to do it together.

In fact, allocating new equipment is not a wise choice in terms of combat alone. After all, different styles and models, and even different guns of the same model, have different feel and even skills. Even adding accessories will have an impact. In the end,

The gun that can bring out the best in personal combat effectiveness is the gun that I am most familiar with.

But this creates another problem. There are at most a limited number of guns or guns that are exclusive to you for personal use. They are not necessarily suitable for the situation you need to face, so you can only choose the greater of the two.

Fortunately, the second group was mainly responsible for combat tasks this time. Most of the elite members were familiar with the use and mastery of various guns. Many team members even applied for submachine pistols as sidearms like Lin Mo.

As for the special operations group, they are mainly responsible for arresting tasks and do not have much need for concealed carry, so the choice of weapons is more abundant, as long as they are adapted to subsonic bullets and high-efficiency silencers.

Seeing that training was already in full swing at the training ground, Lin Mo also took out his submachine pistol, collected several magazines and a silencer, and started to practice shooting.

Although Lin Mo is already familiar with the gun in his hand, the addition of this new silencer will definitely affect the tactical movements and shooting feel, so he still needs to be familiar with it.

"Puff puff..." Lin Mo fired a few test shots, and the noise reduction effect was really good. Moreover, the sound of the gun sounded like a fart. Even a loud fart would probably be louder than this.

However, after firing the second magazine, Lin Mo clearly felt that the noise reduction effect was obviously worse. Because he had to consider concealed carry, this time he mainly used original magazines or magazines with only a few expanded rounds. Lin Mo's various

I shot one, and the total ammunition was less than twenty rounds.

Lin Mo returned to the car, used tools to dismantle the muffler, and replaced the consumables in the muffler. The consumables were said to be rubber compounded with some other substances, and had certain elasticity, heat resistance, etc.

Use consumables to cover the surface of the baffle and cavity wall. The rubber material itself absorbs sound and can absorb the sound of gas expanding in the cavity. At the same time, the elasticity of the material can reduce the sound generated by gas impacting rigid materials such as the baffle and cavity wall.

Unfortunately, the material is not durable and can easily be damaged by gas ablation, heat melting or impact, and then fail. Therefore, it must be replaced in time after a certain number of shots. Otherwise, it may even interfere with the trajectory of the warhead inside the silencer, reduce accuracy and even cause a fire.


Moreover, this thing is currently only suitable for firearms that fire pistol bullets. It cannot withstand the greater impact and temperature of rifle bullets. The rifle will be useless after a few rounds, and it is basically of no practical value.

All the team members entered the scene smoothly, and after practicing for just a short while, the gap between the intelligence and action teams became apparent. The action team members basically loaded one or two magazines and completed their initial familiarity with the new equipment.

After replacing the silencer consumables, go to the drill field to practice various technical and tactical movements to adapt to the new equipment, or conduct simulation training to adapt to the new equipment. You can get used to it very quickly.

The gap in skills and tactics between the two sides is even more obvious. The people in the second intelligence group obviously haven't practiced these things very much. Many intelligence personnel don't know what to do when faced with the simulation field.

All this was seen by Zeng Wenchong. He finally understood why the second action group insisted on catching those alive. The gap in tactical literacy was really not that big. It is estimated that the people in the other two action groups were not at this level.


Although he didn't object to this arrangement before, he didn't think there was much difference between the two sides, but now, he can only say that he is convinced.

Lin Mo arranged for the members of the third team to lead the members of the second intelligence team, and then they started practicing on their own. This was an opportunity for the two parties to communicate and get familiar with each other. It would not be appropriate for him to join in. Zeng Wenchong had the same idea, so he came over to practice with him.

, let’s communicate by the way.


It was almost noon, and after practicing for about three hours, news came from Wang Hefeng that a batch of suspicious clues and intelligence had been compiled, telling them that they could start action.

Although the preparation time is very limited, it is extremely necessary and gives everyone precious time to familiarize themselves with the equipment and get to know each other initially.

However, instead of letting everyone run back this time, Wang He arranged for the remaining team members to send over clues and information.

Lin Lin always had about twenty clues and information with high investigation value, three of which had extremely high investigation value. Neither Lin Mo nor Lin Mo expected there to be so many, and they looked at each other for a while.

However, the two of them still summoned their core personnel, carefully reviewed and discussed it, and finally decided on a plan of action.

For those with high investigation value, three or five people from the second intelligence team will be selected to form an investigation team to conduct preliminary peripheral investigation, investigate the degree of suspicion, and further enrich relevant information.

For those three items that have extremely high investigative value, the two sides will set up a joint investigation team to conduct further investigation and trace to learn more about the situation.

The joint investigation team responsible for the three clues. The leaders of the third team are Shi Baocun, Sha Ruhai and Du Mingsheng. Some other personnel are led by He Changwen to assist the investigation team. If the other party needs to conduct a further in-depth investigation, they can ask He Changwen.

Help here.

As for the arrangements for the second intelligence team, Lin Mo did not interfere. After the personnel were assigned, they packed up and left to organize their own work.

Because Wang Hefeng was in charge of coordination, Lin Mo did not stay behind, but went to the front line with Du Mingsheng's group. Firstly, he wanted to see his ability. Secondly, this guy was not strong in combat, so he could take action when necessary.


Zeng Wenchong also chose to join the team, which was Sha Renhai's investigation team, because the target of this team was government departments. He usually had many interactions with them, and it would be more convenient and faster for him to come forward to obtain information on many situations.

As for Shi Baocun's group, he led the work. Among the three tips, this one is the most accurate and easy to check. Of course, it is also the lowest value among the three. However, there are many doubts in it and it is indeed worthy of in-depth investigation.


The source of the information was from an underground bank. A few days ago, a person exchanged a few large yellow croakers worth ten taels in an underground bank. The teller felt that the person was dressed a little strangely.

It's an underground bank! There are a lot of customers dressed up in weird costumes. Normally they wouldn't mind their own business, but now the bank is on the periphery of the second group, and the teller feels that the other person's weirdness is different from the weirdness of the ordinary customers, plus the style of the gold bars the other person exchanges

, usually seen in the north, so it was reported to the bank.

Of course, these don't explain much. The dressing up may be the habit of the other party or other reasons. Gold bars are hard currency and generally will not be damaged and remelted. There are also gold bars from the north on the southern market.

This chapter has been completed!
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