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Chapter 711 Counterattack (2)

"You mean...this person might be a traitor who was instigated to rebel?" The leader of the group couldn't help but his eyes lit up and his tone was excited.

"If there is a problem with him, there is a high probability that he will be a traitor who was instigated to rebel. His life history is simple and clear, and it is easy to verify. The family is prosperous. He lived with the entire family before he became an adult. After he came out, he also maintained a relationship with his family relatives.

With relatively close contacts, it is unlikely that someone has been substituted and his or her identity has been used."

The team leader nodded, discussed with Liu Zhenshan, and decided to list this clue as a key point, and closely monitor those who had contact with it, especially those in the hospital.

"What a pity! The person who was following up last night didn't follow up with the hospital. I don't know who he came into contact with in the hospital... No... he said he had a stomachache, so he should have seen a physician."

"It's not that simple..." Liu Zhenshan shook his head and said: "The information is conveyed through paper, and it is conveyed through face-to-face physical contact.

Or he could agree on a dead mailbox and put the things in a fixed place. When the other party sees or knows that he has been to the hospital, he will go and take the information, which is even more hidden..."

"Hmm..." Liu Zhenshan touched his chin, pondered for a while, and asked: "Do people who have been to military hospitals leave some records or something like that?"

"Do you think the other party may adopt the latter method? The other party cannot keep an eye on the patients coming and going, so it will know whether it needs to receive intelligence by checking hospital records or the like?"

"Yes! The Japanese have always been strict and cautious in their actions. Under normal circumstances, they usually use similar indirect means to transmit information, dividing a line into many independent parts to reduce the losses caused by exposure of a certain link.

The most appropriate solution at present is to closely monitor the hospital and the people entering and leaving the hospital. If anyone among them leaves the camp, they should be targeted immediately. If the problem is here, I estimate that the other party will take action soon."

Lin Mo, on his side, chose the right direction of investigation, and indeed the progress was rapid. After several hours of investigation and interrogation, the target was already locked.

The main reason is that there are too few related positions and fewer staff changes. For example, in the field of electrical wiring, these companies generally do not set up organizational structures. They usually find people from companies such as electric power and electrical appliances for maintenance and repair, and those with radio stations.

There must be relevant staff, but relevant talents are in short supply, and even if there are positions, people may not be able to be recruited.

After investigation, only three companies had changes in relevant staff during the designated period. One company hired a newspaper apprentice, who was the daughter of the unit leader who had just graduated from high school and was unable to enter college. The leader's family background was also clean and could be traced, so it was basically ruled out.


The radio station was purchased and built just during this period, and a radio operator was recruited to work on the radio station. This person was responsible for all the work. Logically speaking, the suspicion was high, but the radio operator was a native of Nanjing and had a family, so the suspicion was high.


The other company had its operator poached by the previous one. The poached operator had been working for it for many years. He was proficient in the business and had outstanding abilities. However, he had not been promoted because of a rift with a person in charge.

, I wanted to increase my salary but was squeezed by all kinds of people. As a result, I couldn't stand it anymore and I just quit.

Because some of the key core tasks in the radio service have very high requirements for talent, and they were not promoted, so these tasks were always done by the other party without giving others a chance to use the phone. As a result, once the person left, the station almost became a showdown.


This organization is an office jointly organized by several relatively large newspapers in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and other places in Nanjing. It mainly provides accommodation, accommodation, office space, work assistance, manuscript collection, etc. for journalists from those newspapers.

The radio station is used to deliver current affairs news, request for instructions and reports on work arrangements, etc.

Once this radio station is out of use, most of the meaning of the existence of this office will be lost. After all, it is jointly run by several newspapers. Normally, the newspaper work is extremely busy. If you use a public telegraph to send it, it will cost a lot. If you want to borrow a colleague's

Channels, people are not happy with such a large volume of business, so several people in charge of the organization are anxious.

In the end, I had no choice but to advertise wildly in newspapers in the hope of recruiting new people. In the end, I hired new people, but they were not as capable as the previous operators and had a very demanding temper.

The salary was higher than the previous salary increase for the telegraph operators. Not only was he directly asked to be the person in charge of the telegraph affairs, but after joining the job, he also hired three relatives who didn't know shit about the telegraph affairs, pushing the original veteran teleportation staff to the edge.

, almost turning the newspaper service into his own private territory.

Those responsible persons were so upset that they had no choice but to hold their noses and admit it for the time being in order to carry out their work normally, just waiting for the opportunity to kick them away.

It’s just that this opportunity is not great. Although they are not late in planning to establish the radio station, competition in the newspaper field is becoming increasingly fierce. The salary they offer in radio-related industries is basically the lowest, otherwise the veteran operators would not ask for a salary increase.

The most feasible way for them is to train new people in the newspaper department and then take over, but they are obviously wary of recruiting this person! They just want to dominate you, how can they train new people to squeeze themselves out?

The above is the general situation that was gathered from the outside. It seems reasonable and reasonable, and nothing wrong can be found. However, when I asked an old staff member of the news service, the other party mentioned a situation.

According to the old employee, he had met his new boss before. The old employee was a telegraph translator, translating message codes into text or vice versa. Because their telephony work was extremely complex, they specialized in

He, a man with outstanding memory, was chosen to take charge of this task.

At that time, he visited a friend's house and went to a preserve shop to buy gifts. The other person seemed to be the store owner at that time. He recognized the other person as soon as the new boss came. When he had the opportunity to ask about it later, the new boss did not deny it and said that he was staying temporarily.

At a relative's house, he will help when he has time or when the other person is busy.

The old employee didn't think much about it. He just went to visit a friend some time ago and wanted to take care of the business of his boss's relatives. He also asked about the new boss's preferences and temperament. He found out that the store had changed hands and he heard the new boss's words, which seemed like his own.

This new boss has always been the shopkeeper and boss of the store.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! A store owner suddenly transformed into a boss who knew the radio station. This old employee was very strange, but he did not ask or dare to show it.

By coincidence, the preserve shop was located in the telecommunications room, allowing the investigation team to target this person, and further investigation surrounding him began.

Soon, based on the information provided by the old employee, I verified what he said, and through interviews with surrounding residents, I also found that a suspicious object that seemed to be an antenna had been installed at the other party's residence. Unfortunately, it was destroyed before the store was transferred.

"Why do I feel that there is something wrong with this old employee's words? He really can't guess what problems the other party may have? Even if this kind of thing is not reported to the government agency, at least it should be reported to the person in charge above?"

Zeng Wenchong raised a question. The investigation team he was responsible for could not carry out much work at night. After making arrangements, he came to Lin Mo's side to ask for advice. Of course, he really wanted to learn a few tricks.

"There must be something hidden..." Lin Mo nodded and said: "The newspaper organization is a place where all kinds of information gather. As a translator, he has access to almost most of the important information of this office. In addition, this office

With his outstanding memory, it is impossible for him to not understand some situations.

It is estimated that the other party has already guessed the problem with him, but he couldn't tell who he was from, so he kept silent until we came to investigate. I think your people should show the ID of the Intelligence Department when they investigate, right?"

"Yes..." Zeng Wenchong nodded and replied: "In the past, we showed our true identities, but after the department strengthened confidentiality work, when facing ordinary people and ordinary public officials, we showed our concealment certificates, but the unit is still an intelligence agency


"That's right, we have handled a lot of cases recently, and many people know about our unit, not to mention people from the newspaper organization. They probably guessed the identity of the other party, so they provided this information to us for investigation."

"Can we conclude based on this alone? He deliberately concealed it. There is a high probability that he is a sympathizer of those in the Red Party, and even approves of those who accept the other party's ideas. Isn't he afraid of making mistakes?"

"I guess he knew something else and had suspicions for a long time, and our arrival deepened or even strengthened his suspicions, so he chose to lead us to investigate the other party..."

Lin Mo did not refute Zeng Wenchong's thoughts. It could be said that he thought so too, but did not express it clearly. After all, judging from the other party's performance, who else in the country besides our party is worthy of protecting? Other warlord factions? Or foreign intelligence forces?

"This guy has so many things on his mind. If he had reported him earlier, would we have been able to work for so long in vain? Or... just arrest him? Take care of him!"

"Yes..." Lin Mo raised his hand and said, "Please don't hit me randomly. Our responsibilities have been clearly defined. This is not our responsibility. Try not to stretch your hands this way.

There are brother departments doing this work, and they are also fighting fiercely with the secret service headquarters, putting pressure and obstruction on our behalf. You also reach out to steal other people's work. Let's not talk about the issue of kindness or kindness. People should not be replaced by anger.

If we take care of those things, we will be troubled by them."

"That's right..." Zeng Wenchong smiled awkwardly and said, "Then pass this situation to them and let them investigate?"

"Well..." Lin Mo pretended to think for a moment, shook his head, and said: "Forget it, there is no real evidence for this matter, the other party has some excuses, and this is just our conjecture, the other party just guided it in a timely manner

Next, he didn’t even express his suspicion that the other party was asking questions.”

"It's not a big deal, right? It can't be done without evidence?" Zeng Wenchong didn't know why, but he was unusually insistent on this matter.

"I don't know this yet?" Lin Mo asked back and patiently explained: "But don't forget that the other party is working for the newspaper. He arrested him without any evidence. It will be easily reported by others.

Caused public opinion to boil.

Judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that the opponent will not be from there, and there will be no credit for catching him. There is really no need to poke a hornet's nest just for a fly's leg.

If there are more people behind the scenes who are fueling the flames, it is very likely to trigger a backlash from the press and even from all walks of life. At that time, someone will inevitably take the blame. They have to thank us, but they are thanking the eighteenth generation of our ancestors.


"Uh..." Zeng Wenchong was a little dumb for a moment. He had never thought about this, but it was indeed a possibility.

"But it's not like pushing people out to take the blame, right? After all, those who sympathize with and even agree with those people's thoughts are arrested, so the higher-ups shouldn't do this."

Lin Mo heard this and said patiently: "Some things sometimes require an explanation to the outside world, and when dealing with some things, you also need to make concessions and compromises, which are not settled in one word.

To give you an example, the government's film censorship, farewells, crowding to buy tickets, and flying fire are not allowed to appear. However, some movies with left-wing ideas can be put on the screen in a dignified manner.

Why? Is the former more harmful? The former can at most disrupt public order and attract opposition from some stubborn people, but the latter is directed at the government and social injustice.

It goes without saying which one poses a greater threat to the government? But why can’t the former exist and the latter can? Are the people who do this considered sympathetic to those people?

It counts, right? But why can’t the government arrest and kill people? Of course they have arrested and killed some, but there are still more people who have not been touched and can only let it go.

Why? On the one hand, it is powerful, but on the other hand, it may be more troublesome to move. The reasons are very complicated. I won’t go into details. What I want to say is that the government is not invincible. It has to compromise when facing some things, let alone

Tell us.

Therefore, when we face some things, we need to be more cautious. We should not only do things with evidence, but at least have reasonable and convincing reasons and rhetoric. Especially when dealing with some special groups or individuals, we must be even more cautious, so as not to

Throw yourself into the pit.

What's more, there are some things, even if someone above wants to protect you, the attitude within the government can be unified. The secret service headquarters and the forces behind it, other enemies or people who are not dealt with in the intelligence department, and people who don't want the intelligence department to be powerful. There are some things that we can do ourselves.

If it is untenable, then it will be someone else’s knife to stab you.”

Thinking of the reason why he asked the second operation team to take credit this time, Zeng Wenchong understood that he had thought too simplistically on some things. If he really handed over the knife, the other party would never show any mercy, and it would most likely develop into Lin Mo's behavior.

The worst-case scenario mentioned, then...

"Uh-huh..." Zeng Wenchong couldn't help but shuddered and made a nasal sound. Not to mention the consequences of being greeted by eighteen generations of ancestors, Zeng Wenchong might have to bury himself in a pit.

"I have learned a lesson..." Zeng Wenchong bowed his hand to Lin Mo and thanked him solemnly, with a little more respect in his eyes and a sense of gratitude in his tone.

"Okay, we are all our own people. It's time for me to go back and report the situation. You should also pay more attention to the situation on your side. I think there is a clue in it that may be interesting."

After finishing the communication with Zeng Wenchong, Lin Mo went back to report on the progress after checking the investigation team's subsequent arrangements.

He first went to the hotel to report to Wang Hefeng, who was, after all, his direct boss now, and then went to Linzhi. He reported the situation to Lin Wenhua, while Wang Hefeng reported to Xu Guyu, and each of them went to their respective superiors.

This chapter has been completed!
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