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Chapter 713 Counterattack (4)

Although the hill is not the highest in the surroundings, it can overlook the river to the west. The hills to the east are surrounding it, but the hill has a relatively wide view. Many peaks are within sight of the mountainside and above, and this peak is enough to peek at.

Most of the Shogunyama area.

"Hey, this place is not bad! You have a sweeping view of the rolling Yangtze River. This scenery is not inferior to several other famous scenic spots on this mountain. Lao Jiang, how did you discover it?"

"Last time I went to Shogunyama, I took the wrong way and ended up here. How about it? I didn't lie to you!"

As soon as he reached the top of the hill, Shi Baocun immediately started acting. He had performed it countless times since he entered the mountain, and he had already mastered it, and it was exactly the same as the real thing.

There's nothing you can do if you don't act. After all, the enemy is in the dark and I'm in the light. Who knows where the other party will poke and peek at you? There is no one else here to cover, so you can only deceive the opponent.

"It's really not bad! Then let's enjoy it on this mountain today."

"We can't play for too long. We have Professor Huang's class in the afternoon! If we miss that stubborn class, we'll be in trouble."

"That stubborn old man has a lot to do every day. The schoolwork he arranged takes up our weekends. Isn't it enough to just use one class to make up for it?"

"Forget it, forget it..." As soon as these words came out, several other people immediately stepped forward to comfort him.

"Brother Bao, let it go. It's not like you don't know how stubborn he is. There will be no good consequences if you are taken into consideration by him. There is no need to ask for trouble for this matter.

If you don’t have a great time, the worst possible thing is to come over on the weekend and play all day long, and then meet up with some female classmates and enjoy the beautiful scenery. That would be a wonderful thing!"

"Okay, okay...just listen to you...it's okay...it's true...everyone is like this...it's so scary..."

Shi Baocun muttered, held his head high and looked like the third child on earth, the second child on earth, and the boss in heaven, but in reality his eyes were darting around, and he finally paused for half a second on a tree on the edge of the cliff.

Shi Baocun and others were playing around on the top of the mountain, chanting poems and lyrics, bragging and farting for a long time. They also took out meals and fruits for a picnic. These were all the food and items they brought into the mountain to cover their weapons and sights.


"Pa..." A stone flew not far from Shi Baocun. He secretly signaled to his men to continue, then he peeed and escaped into the woods on the hillside next to him.

However, when Shi Baocun walked into the forest, he didn't find anyone until something tapped his ankle. He was so frightened that he stiffened. When he looked down, he saw a hand protruding from the dead leaves between the stones.

"Huh..." Shi Baocun breathed a sigh of relief, jumped off the stone, peed, and then spoke to the other party and told him about his situation.

"...On the cliff on the side of the river, there is an antenna disguised on the tree on the edge of the cliff. I took the opportunity to check before. The person is probably among the rocks on the cliff, but it is not convenient to investigate further. The specific location of the person is unknown.


The person hiding among the stones gently shook the dead leaves to show that he was aware, and then only heard a low voice.

"You stay for a while and then go back. Just leave the rest to us. Remember not to show off your trap. The three people who just entered the mountain have already arrived at the top of the nearby mountain and are probably watching your every move."

Shi Baocun shook his body, responded softly, jumped on the stone, and returned to the crowd with a smile, as if nothing happened.

They were planning to leave after a while, but something unexpected happened again. The Japanese ship was approaching. Naturally, they couldn't pretend that nothing happened. With the bright plaster flag, they were not blind.

Everyone came to the edge of the cliff one after another and stared at the Japanese warships in Jiangshan from a distance. The bright muzzles of the guns with their gun jackets removed were shaking toward the capital. Everyone was silent for a moment, and Shi Baocun was the first to speak.

"The article published in the evening paper last night that the Japanese might be attacking with warships was unexpectedly true. It's really... it's too deceiving..."

When several other people heard this, they also uttered a lot of curses, some were acting, but some were sincere. They were all soldiers, and this kind of thing was a slap in their faces.

While cursing, Shi Baocun turned the conversation to Guofu and scolded him fiercely. It was a bit sincere, but it also had an element of acting. After all, Guofu's image among the students is indeed quite bad. If he didn't curse at this time,

There is a chance that the stuffing will leak out.

The other team members hesitated for a moment, and then started to follow up. To be honest, they are the intelligence department. Those in the government are just like flies. They have nothing to see or even experience. It is impossible to say that they don't have any prejudices.

Anyway, there are no outsiders here, and everyone has been scolded. Who would be so foolish as to spread the word? Even if it is spread, there is still a mission to serve as a shield, so you should take a breath.

Everyone cursed, and seeing that the warship was just parked on the river outside Xiaguan to demonstrate, a few people pretended not to be in the mood to play anymore, simply packed up their things, and left cursing.

After meeting with He Zujie on the mountainside, except for a small number of members of the third team and the second team to assist, the other personnel withdrew to carry out other work.

"Baocun, what medicine did you sell in this gourd? Since the other party has already taken action, why not continue to follow them and monitor them to expand the results of the battle?"

Hearing this, Shi Baocun turned around and explained: "Brother Jie, I saw a radio antenna on the mountain. The other party has communication tools. I guess this is an independent spy team. The members may be these four people. I guess I won't stare at them again."

What’s the gain?”

"Radio station?... There's no electricity in the mountains, right? Could it be that I got it wrong..."

Shi Baocun shook his head and said: "It may be powered by a battery or some other method, but the antenna must be correct. Who would put up an iron rod on the mountain to pull wires? That thing is not an antenna, so I really can't figure out what it is."

"Okay! I trust your judgment, but what are you going to do next? Go back and pick up new clues or what to say?"

"Hmm..." Shi Baocun thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Forget it, let's expand around the current clue! There are still many things that can be excavated here."

"Huh??" He Zujie was a little behind on the line for a while, and there was still a lot to dig out? He really couldn't think of it at the moment.

"Captain Lin mentioned something to me yesterday, that it was unreasonable for these four monks to exchange so much money, and there might be something fishy involved.

At present, the other party has all gone up the mountain, and there is no place to spend money at all, which can also confirm this to a certain extent. By the way, I remembered to mention to you last night about checking the whereabouts of the money, has there been any progress? "

He Zujie shook his head and said helplessly with a grimace: "I didn't know what was going on at the time. I thought you just mentioned it casually, thinking that you would check after finding out the whereabouts of the other party, but I missed it and haven't started yet!


"It's okay. You can't check this before you find the other party's whereabouts. It's not easy to check if you know the whereabouts. This can be used as a direction. Arrange manpower to check. I will help you ask if there are any clues in this regard later.

In addition, since there are spies monitoring the enemy on Shogunate Mountain in the north and cooperating with the warships in the river, what about the south? There are also the mountains opposite Xiaguan and Pukou, as well as the mountainous area to the west of Nanjing City. These will be our next focus."

In the morning, one group and one team finally had people who had been in contact with the hospital want to go out, but by chance, the other party was a temporary insider activated by the group.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this insider. The other party is the platoon leader of the security platoon, and his cousin is the deputy battalion commander of the City Defense Command. Both of them have clean backgrounds, and if he really had a problem, he would not have such a problem.


He had been in charge of security work in a military hospital for a period of time before, and he was familiar with the personnel in the hospital, and he was not feeling well recently. A group of people arranged for him to go into the hospital to explore the situation. As a result, the officer who managed medicines in the hospital approached him and asked him to help.

Send a letter out of camp.

As soon as the envelope came out of the camp, teams were checked through it. The envelope contained a letter addressed to the drug dealer and a bottle of ocean. The general content of the letter was that the hospital was short of medicines and asked to borrow a batch from the other party for backup. Then

Tube Dayang is the deposit.

After inspection, each team found no code words or anything like that in the letter. However, one team found that the envelope and the wrapped envelope were probably new and had not been dry for a very short period of time. They were probably from yesterday.

Someone did it on their own as late as today.

After a group carefully inspected these two items, and finally with the help of strong light, they discovered that there were some suspected writings arranged regularly on both the envelope paper and the roll paper. Unfortunately, it was too faint to confirm.

One group suspected that the other party might have used some kind of traceless agent to write, which required special developing agents or means to reveal the content, and the writing was extremely gentle, which made the marks on the paper so faint and unclear.

Of course, the reluctance of each team to dismantle it for inspection is also part of the reason. They couldn't confirm whether the other party would get some secret messages somewhere, so they could only hold back and not dismantle it. After all, they didn't want to alert the snake yet. Anyway, they had already done so.

It is basically confirmed that this letter is related to Japanese spies. If you follow this letter and check it, you will definitely gain something.

But there is currently a problem, that is, who wrote this letter? The platoon leader was familiar with the officer who kept the medicine, and recognized that the handwriting on the letter did not belong to the other party.

But could the handwriting be changed by the officer? Or was it just a forwarded letter? If it was the latter, who wrote it? Is the officer involved in the case? Are the person in the envelope and the writer the same person? All kinds of questions are thorny troubles, and

It is still unclear what the circumstances of the borrowed medicine in the letter are.

When the guard platoon leader came back with a box of medicine and asked some questions about the borrowed medicine, things became even more troublesome and strange.

As far as the guard platoon leader knew, the officer who was in charge of the medicines was the deputy director of military supplies. He used his position to resell medicines for the other party, and the drug dealer cooperated with him to sell the medicines.

The Deputy Director of Military Supplies had some background and power, but medicines were also coveted by many people. The other party borrowed medicines to fill some holes at this time, probably because they didn't want to cause trouble and let others take advantage of him.

The situation was like this. The case involved disputes over interests and power. The group rarely went directly into the case and had no deep impressions. However, Liu Zhenshan was well aware of the troubles involved. One person might become the center of the whirlpool if he did not do well.

Once caught in the center of the whirlpool, some want to protect others or themselves, and all kinds of obstruction, interference, concealment and other means are used. Some add fuel to the flames, wave flags and shout, and are afraid of trouble.

But no matter which one, it will cause troubles to the normal case handling work. Once this happens, many enemies will either let the enemy escape or end up hastily.

In order to avoid that situation, Liu Zhenshan had to be extremely cautious. First, he reiterated the confidentiality requirement, and then terminated some more radical plans, such as directly taking away the military officer who was in charge of the medicine.

It is still not possible to determine whether the other party is a person involved in the case, and taking someone away is likely to be the trigger of a power struggle. But if you don't take someone, the previous problems need to be solved urgently. If you ask, you are afraid that the other party will have problems, and you can't ask anything to alert the snake.

, it’s not easy to even conduct testing at the moment.

After much deliberation, Liu Zhenshan finally targeted one person, the leaking consultant. Currently, he can basically confirm that the other person is the leaking traitor, and the other person is not in a sensitive area of ​​the hospital, so there is more room for error.

He did it as soon as he thought of it, Liu Zhenshan did not delay, let the insider bring the money, went to the door and invited the other party to a remote place on the edge of the military camp, and set up a banquet to entertain him.

With how greedy this guy was, there was no way he could let go of money coming to his door. Although he was curious as to why he was taken to such a remote place, he heard that there were people inside waiting to give him money, so he tried to encourage others.

"...Commander Chen, I've drank wine and eaten rice, and I've given you enough face. I hope you don't know how to show appreciation..."

Staff Officer Chen had eaten and drank enough, but Zheng Nai was not in a hurry to get money! As a result, Liu Zhenshan made him look confused with one sentence. He realized that something was wrong. When he tried to leave, his shoulders were tightly held down, and the gun on his waist was also removed.

He went there and was searched all over his body.

"Didn't you say nothing will happen..." Staff Chen muttered repeatedly, his face turned pale. At this point, how could he still not guess what was going on? He was greedy but not stupid.

"Tell me about it! What did you send to the hospital last night? Who did you send it to?" Looking at the other party's state, Liu Zhenshan withdrew from the insider who was accompanying him at the table, and asked playfully.

"I...I..." Staff Chen wanted to put up a desperate struggle, but unfortunately he couldn't even speak clearly.

"Okay, don't you know something, we will find you? I told you to give you face, do you want me to move you to another place? This will not be the treatment then."

Staff Officer Chen opened his mouth and said nothing, his expression changed. Liu Zhenshan became impatient with waiting, but the other party remained silent.

"Don't have any illusions. What we currently have is limited, but you absolutely can't run away. As for hiding the consequences for others?

Don't imagine that the less information we have, the less guilty you will be. We have many ways to manipulate you, such as including all your superiors and colleagues who are related to you in your case report.

Even if it doesn't punish them, it can definitely affect their career development. Tsk tsk...how much do you think they hate you? Who should they take out their anger on if they can't find you?"

Liu Zhenshan looked at the shuddering Staff Officer Chen playfully, and continued: "How about? Let's make a deal? Tell us everything you know and clear it up. We will blur out the details of the case for you to ensure that you will not be implicated.

It affects innocent people.

Moreover, it is also beneficial to confess early. Maybe there is something valuable to us in the situation you confessed. We can count it on you for your cooperation and transfer it to the court for normal trial and sentencing, which should save your life."

This chapter has been completed!
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