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Chapter 726 Closing the Net (7)

"...And we also wanted to capture him alive, but just before we were about to find an opportunity to take action, his tentative moves..."

Shen Song gave a brief explanation of the situation at that time to a few people, so as to avoid misunderstandings between the two parties and affect subsequent cooperation and assistance.

"...As for his actions when he left the camp, I estimate that the other party may have discovered or guessed some information about counter-intelligence operations, but it is not clear how we carried out it or whether we have carried it out, so we did not carry out targeted preventive disguises.

This needs to be confirmed by your commander, but I guess that even if your commander uses the radio station in the camp, he must have taken precautions, otherwise he would not have prepared a special radio station for use. Even if it can decipher the message encrypted by you, there is still something wrong in the message.

It is unlikely that some sensitive and key information will be mentioned directly, but unfortunately there is no way to know what information it has."

Shen Song is convinced of this, let alone using non-dedicated radio stations and dispatchers. With the vigilance and precautionary habits of espionage practitioners, even dedicated radio stations and personnel will have to guard against you. These people are obviously engaged in secret work.

If outsiders were not guarded, Shen Song would not believe it. It is estimated that even they were guarded. Otherwise, why haven't they heard any information about that person until now?

The man's subordinates thought about it, nodded to each other, and asked, "Is this clue broken now? Is there any other way to remedy it?"

Obviously, they don't want to expose those who may have stolen their secrets so easily, especially in front of their peers.

"The man was killed, and a large number of clues and intelligence were indeed lost, but there are also some clues that remain. At present, I have arranged for people to go to the area north of Jiangyin City where he was going to go to investigate the platoon.

Although the method is a bit too rough, don't worry too much. Jiangyin City is not small, but it is not big. Japanese spies are so active. The reason is also the geographical environment here, Jiangyin Fortress, as well as the navy's camps, ports and ships. No matter how active they are,

The number of spies cannot be too outrageous. I estimate that as I investigate, I can reconnect the broken threads from other directions or clues. For now, just let the operation proceed normally."

"By the way..." Shen Song thought of a question and said, "There is a situation that I need to ask you about. Is there a way for the other party to secretly send messages to the outside world through the radio station he controls? You can also ask this, he can obviously get access to it.

Radio station, why do you still take the risk to contact us? What may be the reason for this?"

Hearing this, several of that man's subordinates looked at each other, and one of them stood up and spoke to clarify Shen Song's confusion.

"In normal times, as long as he has a radio operator to cooperate with him in doing this kind of thing, he may use the camp radio to send messages quietly. However, after the news that Japanese warships may break into the Yangtze River and invade Nanjing came, the radio in the camp basically

We have entered into a non-stop busy life.

You may not know much about it, but basically every ship in our navy is equipped with radios, and the response to this incident is not limited to what you saw in Jiangyin.

Basically, warships, ports, camps, important warehouses, etc. in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the surrounding rivers and lakes are all moving. However, Jiangyin is the most important point, so many important naval officers, generals and accompanying officers have gathered here.

In the camp, the radio department in the camp is also responsible for sending and receiving many messages.

The number of those messages can be said to be huge. Just the reports and instructions from ports, camps, warehouses, etc. are not a small number, not to mention that ship operations require feedback on a large number of ship conditions, such as fuel, ammunition, etc.

Reserve consumption, location information, surrounding conditions, etc., and the amount of text messages exchanged is even greater.

At this time, it is difficult for him to find that kind of opportunity just because he is busy, not to mention that he is only a deputy. At this time, the leader of such an important job must take over the power and personally watch it.

In addition, there are many combat and confidential staff members who are responsible for sending, receiving and compiling messages, as well as superior officers and department personnel who follow the commander to engage in communication work.

Surrounded by so many people, his deputy status can no longer interfere, let alone do anything. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be away for so long, and there is no news from the camp. It is estimated that his power and responsibilities have been taken over by others.

, he is a dispensable presence in the camp.”

"But this does not affect his access to that information, intelligence. Right?"

"Of course it's no problem..." The subordinate nodded and said: "It may have some impact, but it's just something to put more thought into. Although I can't interfere with the work arrangements, after all, my job authority is still there! When the matter is over, he will still be there

He is the real person in charge here, and as long as there is a reasonable excuse, it is not difficult to get some information from his subordinates."

Shen Song nodded and said: "I have another situation here. After examining the opponent's body, we suspect that he may be a person who was instigated to rebel. It is unlikely that the Japanese lurked in for the purpose of planting.

However, the intelligence information we speculate he knew, as well as his series of behaviors before and after leaving the camp, all indicate that he had a certain degree of anticipation of the dangers of his actions.

Is it possible for a traitor who may be motivated by money or coercion to actively take this risk? So I suspect that there may be people around him who are watching, and his actions may even be instigated or even forced, and this person

It is very likely that they were Japanese who were planted to lurk in.

Therefore, I need you to conduct some research in the camp. The target may be familiar with the target and have a certain relationship, but it should not be too close.

The other party may be a lower-level officer, that is, a lieutenant. His previous job may have made it easier to enter and exit the barracks, but recently or even in the past few days, his work may have changed and adjusted, making it difficult to leave the camp.

Their disguised identity may be from the north, or they may have a northern accent. Of course, these conditions are only for reference, but those who meet the conditions need to be strictly investigated."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The subordinate who recognized the deputy section chief nodded before, but was still a little confused and asked: "I can understand the other conditions, but why is the military rank set at

Lieutenant level? Aren't higher military ranks more conducive to activities such as instigating rebellion?"

Hearing this, Shen Song smiled and said: "I know a little about the situation in your navy. There are many internal factions, the emphasis is on relationships, and the bureaucracy and seniority are serious.

These coupled with the slow development and even stagnation of the Navy all year round, what this represents is that the Navy has not many new or vacated positions all year round, and is in a serious oversupply situation, and with that pitiful amount of money, it has to first deal with those

There are veterans with connections and backgrounds.

Is this clear? Even if the other party has placed people lurking in, but when this increase is extremely limited, a lot of people are looking at each other, and find all kinds of excuses to exclude outsiders and competitors, the positions and military ranks want to

Operational promotion is extremely troublesome and even impossible. After all, portal qualifications are difficult to obtain through operation.

In particular, the higher the military rank, the greater the level of difficulty. I made a rough estimate. It is possible to achieve the lieutenant level by relying on financial benefits, but it is almost impossible to succeed at the school level. Even if it can be achieved, the cost and benefits will be completely different.

It’s not equal, so the other party is most likely to be a lieutenant-level officer.”

"...Ho ho..." The subordinate shook his head helplessly and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that these would actually become an obstacle to the enemy's penetration."

It can be said that these situations mentioned by Shen Song came from personal experience. He understood it much more clearly than Shen Song. He also agreed with Shen Song's guess. He did not think of it at the first time. Maybe it was because the authorities were obsessed with it, or maybe he was very resistant to it.

, never thought about it.

"One more thing. Since someone in the camp may be watching him, we need to find an excuse to explain his disappearance. Do you think it would work to use the excuse that he went to get supplies from other places?"

Hearing this, the subordinate looked at the person who had just explained the radio report to Shen Song. He nodded slightly and stepped forward to speak.

"Due to some reasons in the past, the government reduced and withheld some logistics supplies from the Navy, including electronic equipment. Most of these were used to replace damaged communication tools such as radios. Some of the easily worn equipment is in short supply in the Navy.

This can be used as a reason to say that the superiors temporarily allocated a batch of electronic equipment and arranged for them to go to Nanjing to pick up part of it and return it to Jiangyin for backup or replacement of worn-out equipment."

"...Okay...I'll spare you the trouble of worrying about this!"

After some discussion, one person left and hurried back to the camp quietly, while the remaining few stayed to assist Shen Song, continue to identify the people who left the camp, and provide intelligence information for the investigation of the second team and the third team.

On the river branch, Li Dayan led a group of people up to the second and third floors of the cabin to look around. Everyone was very interested and spent a lot of time asking questions. When he returned to the first floor, he happened to meet Shi Baocun who was boarding the ship.

Several people.

Li Dayan recognized them almost immediately, but he didn't make any noise or even show any signs of it. He also asked a few people about their identities and purpose with some confusion.

"...We are police officers from the police station..." Shi Baocun showed his ID and said, "Have you heard about the Japanese consul? We are investigating.

I heard that you have just returned from a boat trip and are stuck here because you don’t know the situation. I have been ordered by the superiors to come to you to find out some information and see if you have picked up this person.

Don’t have anything to worry about. If the clues provided are found to be relevant, you can receive rewards according to the situation. In addition, if you have picked up someone or seen someone who behaves suspiciously, you can also provide clues.”

After speaking, Shi Baocun took out a few photos from his notebook that looked like they had been used countless times, and asked the captains present to circulate them for review, and asked to summon the crew members on their respective ships.

Seeing that Shi Baocun had finished giving instructions, Li Dayan immediately came out to hand out cigarettes as a compliment, and prepared a place for inquiries. He also moved a few tables and chairs and placed them in the luggage storage area of ​​the passenger cabin on the first floor. Finally, he took them out and sold them on the ship.

Not only were the soda drinks prepared for the 'police officers', but more were also prepared for the police officers to distribute to the subjects of their inquiries.

In addition to carrying passengers, Li Dayan's ship also carries some products for sale on the ship. The most important type of product is soda. This stuff is sold more in the city, but it is difficult to find it in rural towns and small towns. And Li Dayan

Most of the passengers on the outbound journey were returning to their hometowns. Seeing that soda was sold on the ship, some of the wealthy ones would buy a few bottles to take back, and the sales were pretty good.

The ones prepared for the 'police officers' are Coca-Cola, which is expensive, priced at two yuan more than a dozen. The ones for the captains are some well-known brand sodas, which cost one yuan more than a dozen. As for the crew members,

They are off-brand sodas, ranging from a few cents to a round or so per dozen.

It's not that Li Dayan has to treat them differently, the main reason is that he doesn't have much money on hand, and things come in one trip at a time, and what's left after this trip is all.

Shi Baocun seemed very satisfied and started chatting with Li Dayan. Finally, they sat down together and chatted. There were other captains who wanted to come forward, but were stopped by the older captain.

When the questioning started, the crew members of each ship had gathered inside and outside the cabin. The two of them were in a corner without being disturbed. Seeing that no one was paying too much attention, Li Dayan reported in a low voice the situation of the previous ship on the river.

"...The child should have returned to the city to report this matter, but I don't know if he has notified..." Li Xiaorong's plan when he went back, does Li Dayan know as a father? It's just that he really wants his son to return to the city and stay away from here, and his ship

I can't leave, so I can continue to pay attention to the situation on the river.

"I have seen this situation with my own eyes before, but the manpower is currently tight, and there are Japanese ships floating on the river, so I have not investigated it yet. If you have a way, you can help understand the other party's situation and whereabouts."

Shi Baocun also had a clear view of the scene that Li Dayan, his son and others had witnessed before. At that time, he was observing the movements of the Japanese ships on the other side, preparing to look for opportunities to cross the river, but he saw it clearly with his telescope.

Because the boat went directly down the river and disappeared across the Mt. Shogunate section of the Yinwan Bay, Shi Baocun was short of manpower and had to continue to track down the clues he had. After using the clues as clues, he crossed the river.

Shi Baocun personally brought people here this time. One of them was to take over a task from the office to find out the activities and trajectories of Japanese ships on the river. He happened to discover these ships and were blocked here by the arrival of Japanese ships. The other party moved towards these people.

Can see clearly.

Secondly, the target of their platoon was to move around the river. They might have interacted with the people running the boats, so they took the opportunity to investigate the origin of the Tibetan Incident to see if they could get some useful information.

It took several people and pens to write a small half of the book, which took more than an hour. Shi Baocun and others finished questioning and found some clues, but they still needed to be sent back to have someone summarize and extract the valuable ones.

"Okay, Lao Li, you got into a relationship with a police officer so quickly!" As soon as Shi Baocun and others left, several captains approached Li Dayan.

"What the hell! We just chatted for a few words, what's the purpose? You have to be self-aware and don't annoy others. That's good."

Li Dayan waved his hands and said a few words. He didn't dare to say that he had hooked up with others, otherwise he would have to find him for all kinds of things. He didn't dare to bother others with those things, otherwise he only had a little affection.

Sooner or later it will be used up.

"What did you talk about from beginning to end? Why don't you just chat?" A captain was curious and asked.

"...Sigh...I almost forgot..." Li Dayan patted his head and said: "I reported to the police officer about the ship that ran past the Japanese warship before.

However, they couldn't spare the manpower to investigate, so they asked me to help inquire about the situation of the boat. Everyone will help recall what is special about that boat in a while, and then we can inquire in the boat racing circle.

In addition, I reported some things on the boat. My boat took a lot of people, and when I think about it, I really picked up a lot of people who behaved suspiciously. Please don’t spread rumors to me! Customers will not dare to take my boat.

It’s miserable.”

"Don't worry...everyone has told it. Even if they haven't, if this kind of thing is publicized, some people will believe it even if you don't tell it! So everyone will keep silent about it."

"...Well..." Li Dayan nodded and continued: "Also, I asked about the Japanese warships for everyone, and the police officer revealed some information to me.

The government is currently negotiating with the Japanese and has agreed on a time limit. Within the time limit, as long as we don't move and don't let the Japanese find excuses, there is a high probability that nothing will happen.

If no one is found by the deadline, the two sides will fight each other, but there are not many Japanese warships, and there are many government warships and garrisons around, so the Japanese warships will definitely not be able to take care of us. At that time, we will take the opportunity to run away."

This chapter has been completed!
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