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Chapter 732 Catching Fish (3)

There was still a long silence, and finally Zangben raised his eyes, staring at Lin Mo with bloodshot eyes, and spoke word by word.

"...how...you...guarantee...that I...can survive..."

"There's nothing to explain. No matter how extravagant it is, it all depends on whether you believe it. But if you're not sure, I won't come here to waste my time with you."

Zangben was silent for a long time before speaking again, with a hoarse voice: "What's the deal?"

"Haha..." Lin Mo chuckled a few times and replied: "Isn't this asking knowingly? What price should you ask at this time? It seems that you still haven't positioned yourself correctly!

Why, at this time, have you still not let go of your so-called sense of superiority as a Dahe nation? Are you unwilling to cooperate and trade with us, the so-called inferior people and inferior nations in your eyes?

Yes, it is undeniable that your country is indeed powerful and one of the world's great powers, but you must understand that from the moment you set foot on the Purple Mountain, it is no longer your reliance and pride, but a stand-in

The opposite is strong enough to keep you alive, so will your future enemies be strong.

Furthermore, this strength is also true. Among the local forces in East Asia, it is indeed the well-deserved hegemonic power, but compared with the Western powers, it is far behind, and I think it has gone down the wrong path.

Not to mention other things, let’s just say that your mainstream thoughts are so radical and extreme. You don’t hesitate to force your compatriots to die in order to achieve your goals. Of course, everyone has their own opinions from different angles, but since it is to die for the country, it is loyal to the emperor.

If so, then why don’t they take the initiative to sacrifice themselves, but instead force others to sacrifice themselves?

To put it bluntly, that set of things is just a way for some people to achieve their goals, to force others to die for their own selfish interests, and to climb up on the bones of their compatriots. Some people may really believe it, but I believe that more people are

Deceived and coerced.

Just like you, I don’t actually agree with this in my heart, but in that kind of environment, what can you do? You can only be coerced into it. Even if you are asked to die, what can you do? You can only rely on a little luck by default.

Hope to survive.

Under the deception and coercion of these ambitious people, as a party involved, you know better than me where their future will go. You can only become the firewood that burns desire and ambition until the sky is red, and blood stains are spread all over the earth.

Will they be satisfied if they occupy us? No, it will only ignite a stronger desire for more, more, and even annex the world. Do you know what the future is like for an island country with a population of less than 80 million?


In the future, in order to invade and rule and realize the ambitions of those people, you, who may be in your fifties or sixties, as well as children as young as twelve or thirteen, will hold guns and become firewood for those people until the entire country is burned to ashes.

Your cooperation deal with us is indeed to save yourself and your life in one aspect, but on the other hand, it is not to defeat the attempts of those people and save your country and those compatriots who were deceived and used as firewood like you.


With our current national conditions, it is difficult for us to threaten your homeland, which means that we cannot threaten your survival. What we can do is fight against aggression, and this can thwart the attempts of those people. Isn’t it the best cooperation between us?

Object? Everyone wants and everyone gets what they need. This is the true meaning of cooperation when I talk about it."

First, criticize and expose the shame in the other person's heart, and then follow the temptation and give the other person a righteous excuse to make him feel at ease...

The long speech that follows is no different from the so-called Co-Prosperity Sphere and saving the country through curves. It is just an excuse given to some people to use to deceive themselves, others or even themselves. In fact, it is just a righteous thing that conceals the righteousness in the heart. In layman’s terms, it can also be called

Be a bitch and set up a memorial arch.

Obviously, this rhetoric also dispelled the last line of defense in Kuramoto's heart, and the other party no longer held back and started talking about the conditions. The most important point was when the so-called new identity would be given.

The two sides went back and forth, and after a lot of back and forth, they finally made compromises. After several transactions, Lin Mo handed over his new identity to the other party.

As far as Lin Mo is concerned, the "cooperation" between the two parties is not evenly matched. As long as a transaction occurs, the other party can only be at its mercy. It is not even necessary. Talking so much is just to dispel some of the other party's doubts and increase the price by the way.

Use chips in exchange for rewards to prevent the other party from thinking that they can get something easily, lest the lion will be unable to satisfy you in the future.

In Lin Mo's vision, coercion and threats can only be the last resort, and luring with benefits is the best strategy. If you can control your thoughts, it will definitely be the best strategy, such as brainwashing the other party to believe that rhetoric again and again.

, and thus willingly and proactively do things for them. Another name for this method is white prostitution.

Of course, for the situation in front of him, the possibility of prostitution for nothing is almost zero. After all, there is precedent. Even if he believes this rhetoric, he will still shrink back in the face of danger and death, and what he is asked to do should not be done.

He is jumping on the red line of danger and death, so treating him with benefits and inducements is the best choice.

"Okay, now that the conditions have been negotiated, you should also hand in a letter of nomination to kick off this cooperation transaction..."

After listening to what Lin Mo said, Zangben opened his mouth to provide a message, but Lin Mo shook his head slightly. Although this information was not time-limited, it had no effect on them.

Zangben was not annoyed and continued to tell the next story. Now he was just testing the appetite, price, strength, etc. Internally, those things were only made from mainland China. The bricks thrown before attracting jade were gone.

But as Lin Mo shook his head again and again, Zangben couldn't help but frown. He knew that those benefits were not so easy to get, and it was impossible to fool him casually. Finally, he gritted his teeth and reported a message. When Lin Mo nodded slightly,

He finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Papa..." Lin Mo clapped his hands, and a team member walked in with a small tray carrying paper and pen, and placed it in front of Zangben, which made the other party's face look ugly again.

"I hope Mr. Kuramoto will write down and sign everything he said and the reasons why he is willing to cooperate with us."

Zangben naturally knew what these were used for, but even at this point, he was still extremely resistant to leaving evidence of handwriting.

"Papa..." Lin Mo clapped his hands again, and then the window on one side of the corridor opened, revealing the recording and camera equipment behind it. Only then did Zangben realize that a window paper on the window had been cut off at some point.


The camera lens is at that position, but there is a white thin cloth on the lens, so the people in the room are not aware of it. Kuramoto has no doubt that it can record everything in the room, and it is exactly what he thought. The thin cloth is made of silk.

The gauze itself is translucent. Although it will blur the image, it is not a problem to take pictures of the scene in the room, which made Kuramoto's face turn pale again.

When Lin Mo saw this, he smiled and said: "Mr. Kuramoto, there is no need to be so hesitant and resistant. To put it bluntly, these things are just a set of procedures, and the restrictions on your behavior are actually extremely limited.

If you want, after arranging for you to go back later, you can report these situations immediately, and then assume that you are adapting to circumstances in order to get out of control, and you are imaginary and submissive. Then can these things still restrain and threaten you? Even if we make these public

, it might also become evidence for you to bite back, right?"

After hearing this, Zangben's expression recovered a little, and finally he fulfilled Lin Mo's wish and wrote the contents of a whole piece of paper with his own hand, and placed the signed painting in Lin Mo's hand.

Seeing that the reason for cooperation on the paper was basically copying his previous remarks about Tongli Archway, Lin Mo put it away with confidence.

Of course, these things can't be useless, otherwise why would he spend all this time? As for the countermeasures he just mentioned, they are indeed useful, but the result is nothing more than talking and talking.

But the two groups were forcing each other to keep arguing. What would be the consequences? It was a hot topic in the news! If this kind of thing was reported in the news, it would not be the one who suffered, let alone those who set up archways on this paper.

Comments, I really want to see how much fun I can have here.

Of course, whether something is black or white depends on one mouth. Just like that joke, school students go to nightclubs to work and nightclub employees go to school. Good or bad all depends on one mouth. Black can be said to be white or chocolate.

Dog shit can be called shit-flavored chocolate, but you still have to be cautious about this, lest the fire comes back like this time.

"Mr. Kuramoto, let me give you one last piece of advice. If there is value for being used by cooperative traders, then there will be cooperative transactions. If there is no value for use, then it will be abandoned and sold out."

After saying that, Lin Mo got up and sent the person to the door, telling him to go out through the back door of the restaurant and walk along the alley to the end. He could move around freely on the street. Someone would find him when the time came. What to do then?

,Didn’t he already talk about it before?

As for why he was allowed to go there? Naturally, let the person who should be found find him, and cover up the traces of his and his activities here. If these are wrong, his life will be lost. Lin Mo believes that he can deal with it.


After sending the person to the back door, Xiao Rui hurried back. When he entered the door, he saw Lin Mo sitting back again. He couldn't help but ask: "Captain, what are we going to do next?"

"Please hurry up and ask the store to serve the dishes quickly. Those are for us to order. The progress is faster than expected. There is more time. Let's eat and drink first. We will be busy later!"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Rui turned around and walked out the door. After a while, he came up with a tray, but there were only teapots and cups on it.

"Captain, the food has to wait a little longer. The ingredients are not processed in advance in the store, and it takes a little time to prepare the order. I asked them to prepare it and deliver it together. It will take some time, but I think there should be no problem in terms of time.


"Hmm...sit down..." Lin Mo nodded and motioned for Xiao Rui to sit down. He also called Wang Shoufei outside the door and poured tea for the two of them. The three of them sat down together to drink tea and chat.

On the street over there, Wang Shoufei has arranged for people to keep an eye on him. He is an officer from the team who was brought by Xu Zhiyu and arranged by the Intelligence Department. Previously, the surveillance work was mainly done in the mountains, and was basically done by people from his hometown.

The team members who are good at concealment in the wild are in charge. They have been exhausted from running around for the past few days, so I just want to take this time to recuperate a little.

"If you have anything you want to ask, just ask! Otherwise you may have to hold back your internal injuries." Looking at Xiao Rui who hesitated to speak again and again, Lin Mo took a sip of tea and joked.

Hearing this, Xiao Rui was a little embarrassed, but he still asked and expressed his confusion. The main reason was that he didn't understand why the other party agreed to cooperate with them and was willing to be incited to rebel and be regarded as a traitor.

"He didn't have the guts to die, and he didn't want to die. But regardless of whether this incident was actively planned, or whether someone was using it to make a fuss about it after he left, as he said, there was one thing. Those people were jumping up and down in the past few days, doing things.

There was such a big commotion, and he came back alive today. The commotion he made has become a joke. How do you tell those people to end it?

Someone has to take the blame, right? Those are all accomplices who have the same interests and the same demands. If he can defeat those people by himself, who will be left to do it if he is not pushed out to death?

Even if he is not taken out to take the blame, if those people's plans failed because of his reasons, how can those people let him go so easily? Even to most of their citizens, his survival is a shame.

I wish I could kill him.

That’s why I said that he has stood on the opposite side of the entire country. For those people, the dead Tibetan books are the best Tibetan books. Without the intervention and help of external forces, he has only a dead end option, and he can now access

The only external force is us, and if we want to live, we have no choice but to agree."

"...Is this...that simple?" Xiao Rui couldn't believe it. He betrayed him so easily just for a way to survive? In his impression, even weak-minded Japanese would have to go to great lengths to confess.

, not to mention this is betrayal and surrender to the enemy!

"...Of course it's not that simple..." Wang Shoufei on the side said: "In Captain Lin's words just now, he used a lot of skills. Didn't you see that his face turned green and white?

It is a knife that pierces directly into the heart. This knife is sharper than the blade in your hand.

Of course, this is only a technical method. The most important thing is Captain Lin's terrifying grasp and grasp of human nature. The combination of the two shows terrifying power. This may be a level that we will never be able to reach in our lifetime.


"Exaggerated, exaggerated..." Lin Mo waved his hands and said, "Don't say it is so mysterious. To put it bluntly, it is to first attack and destroy the opponent's beliefs, cognition, etc., and then take advantage of his confused mind to guide and indoctrinate him.

Giving something to the other party to change some of the other party's cognitions, ideas, etc. at the ideological level is actually a way to deceive people."

After explaining a little bit, Lin Mo looked at Wang Shoufei in surprise and said with a smile: "You have made great progress these days! To be honest, I didn't expect anyone here to see it so deeply.

Of course, to be honest, I didn't think so deeply about it at first. I just adapted to the situation, figured out the other person's ideas, threatened these things, struck and poked people's sore spots, and then used the other person's thoughts to use the mixed private goods.

Mix in the excuses and reasons for the other party to guide and instill them back to achieve the goal."

This chapter has been completed!
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