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Chapter 737 Catching Fish (8)

After receiving the order, Zeng Wenchong first conveyed it to Lin Mo, and then sent a signal to Wang Shoufei and other operators to indicate that the operation could begin.

The office is a three-story building. The first floor is for the reception and offices of various newspapers. The second floor is for the newspaper office and other important units and the offices of leaders. The third floor is for accommodation for reception staff.

The special operations team sneaked in directly from various places, either through windows or doors, and controlled the situation at a very fast speed. Fortunately, there was big news in Nanjing these days, and the reporters stationed there were basically out to interview and obtain the news.

Went there and there weren't many people on the first floor.

After the team members assisting the operation took over control, the team entered in combat formation from the side staircase near the news room. No trace of the targets was found on the first floor, and they were probably all on the second floor.

Sure enough, as soon as they reached the stairs, someone came from the corridor. One team member pulled him over with both hands. Another team member pushed him down and covered his mouth and nose with his hands to prevent him from making a sound. There was also a team member next to him.

Immediately take up positions and monitor the situation in the corridor. Fortunately, there is no one in the corridor at this time.

The rear team members quickly filled the vacancies in the front team, and at the same time handed the control team members gagged cloths, straps, handcuffs, ropes and other items to facilitate the opponent's handling of the opponent.

At the same time, the others did not stop their actions, but continued to advance in battle formation. The speed was not fast, it could even be said to be quite slow, but their actions were clean and neat, without any sloppiness, which gave people a sense of speed.


In the end, only one team member was left, responsible for guarding and capturing the target and being vigilant about the situation upstairs and downstairs. In order to prevent others from joining and disrupting their rhythm, no one else was allowed to enter the single-floor operations on the second floor and above until the end of the operation.

Came up to assist.

At this time, the team had maneuvered to the side of the news room. The door was open. Wang Shoufei, who was in the lead, slightly turned his head sideways, quickly retracted his head in less than a second, and at the same time made a three sign to the team members behind him.

There are four targets in the office who are under control, plus the person in charge of reporting. Counting the one they have already controlled, they already have all the traces of the four targets.

Wang Shoufei and the other four team members quickly retracted their guns and inserted them into the buckles on their sides. They still carried them with their gun belts. The silencers on their rifles were not put away. They were only slightly obscured by their slightly longer coats, but this was enough.

Wang Shoufei made a gesture, and the six team members walked straight in without saying a word. In addition to the five people who had collected their guns, there was another person walking in the middle with a gun. He just held the gun pointed down in front of his abdomen without swinging it.

He took the shooting position and followed another team member half a step away. He was to quickly fire the gun to deal with dangerous resistance.

People did not line up in a row or gather in a group when entering, but dispersed to both sides and moved forward. This was to allow people behind to enter quickly, while leaving enough space for others without interfering with their own movements.

Because they didn't find the gun immediately, several people in the room were still wondering what was coming in. When they realized something was wrong and wanted to resist, it probably took less than two or three seconds, but all six team members had already rushed in and started to take action.

The first three gun-collecting team members each pounced on the target that was close to them. The gun-wielding team members also immediately assumed a fighting posture. The remaining two gun-collecting team members quickly stepped forward and were responsible for assisting and replenishing targets who made mistakes or were unable to control them.

Of the two gun-wielding team members who remained outside the door, one stood at the door to provide support indoors and outdoors at all times, while the other was always vigilantly observing the situation in the corridor.

The three targets were successfully controlled and treated like the man at the stairs. However, this time there were fewer people cooperating to assist, and the targets resisted fiercely, so it took a little longer, half a minute.

Wang Shoufei left two people indoors to guard and one person to guard the door. He took the remaining six people to fully control the floor. The extra person moved the target at the stairs to the news room and extracted it.

All goes well with the next operation. Although some of the remaining people may not have committed any crime and may still have tough words, but facing the gunpoint and the silent team members, they were still sent to a small conference room with their hands tied behind their backs.

After that, the action team took over and conducted controlled cleaning on the third floor and the roof, but no unexpected problems were encountered.

Back to a few minutes ago, after Lin Mo got the news, he took action directly. Because the apartment was rented, he directly called the people in the apartment to call the door. Of course, he didn't forget to bring the spare key.

"Tukdu... Are Mr. Chen here..." The rental manager of the apartment knocked on the door. He was a bold person specially chosen by Lin Mo and did not show any timidity.

"...Who..." There was just one word shouted back in the room, and no footsteps were heard. They either didn't move, or were very vigilant and walked quietly.

"I am Xiao Liu, who handled the rental procedures for you before!"

"What's going on?" There was still no movement in the room. Xiao Liu couldn't help but look back at Lin Mo, who signaled him to continue.

"...It's just...I want to talk to you about renting a house, just...can you open the door first and talk about it in detail..."

This Xiao Liu is also a wonderful person. His words seem a little forced, and he has something to hide, and he is a bit too shy to speak directly.

It can only be said that it is rich in emotion, and people can't help but think about it after listening to it. As for what to think about? Rent is not the only thing in the leasing relationship. Recently, Nanjing housing prices have risen, and rents have also risen with the tide. At this time, it is expected to rise.

There is nothing unreasonable about finding a tenant.

Obviously, Xiao Liu's words also dispelled some of the other party's vigilance. The team members at the door had already heard footsteps approaching the door, and then the sound of locks and tenons was heard.

The door opened slightly, and the team member next to him pulled Xiao Liu away. Then Li Laigeng, who was facing the door, stepped forward and kicked the door hard.

"Bang..." There was a loud noise, and the door was kicked open. There was a constant squeaking sound as it swung and shook, giving people the impression that the door might fall apart at any time.

As for the target behind the door, who was slightly shorter than Li Laigeng, he held the door with both hands and was about to poke his head in to check. As a result, a huge force came from his hands, and then his face and chest withstood this huge force, and his whole body was directly affected.

He was thrown to the ground all of a sudden, his head was buzzing.

Li Laigeng used the momentum of his forward momentum to directly enter the house, press the control target, and a team member followed him in. However, he did not help control the target. Instead, he passed Li Laigeng and the target with a gun, and searched and alerted the house. Only then did the team members come in.

Assist Li Laigeng in conducting controlled body searches of targets.

The set of moves was executed smoothly, and Lin Mo and others followed each room in the house to check and eliminate risks one by one. The target resisted fiercely, especially his head was shaking wildly, trying to break free from Li Laigeng's restraints. It was not until the opponent's drug-hiding collar was torn off that the target could do anything.


After inspection, it was found that one of the back molars in the other party's mouth was missing a section. It was estimated that that area was prepared for the inlay of fangs. However, it had to be active there for a long time. Inserting fangs was inconvenient and had a high risk of accidents, so it was replaced with one.

The collar hides poison.

Subsequent searches revealed multiple drug-hiding collars as well as razor blades and thread in the house, which were used to dismantle the drug-hiding collars. Traces of multiple sewing patches were indeed found on the collars of some clothes, which to a certain extent supported the evidence of the time of death.


However, Lin Mo walked around the house but could not find another phone or other communication tool. He checked the only phone and found no other problems. However, after checking the target's physical characteristics, he confirmed that he was Japanese.


Xu Zhiyu and others, after handing over the follow-up work to the handover personnel, immediately went down the mountain. Because the retreat path had been arranged in advance, the whole way was to rappel and cross the ditch quickly. It would have taken a lot of time to go up and down the mountain, but they were very disappointed.

In less than a minute, everyone gathered at the meeting point at the foot of the mountain, and were escorted by Shi Baocun to the next action point.

Hearing the sharp and high-pitched whistle before, Shi Baocun passed the agreed signal back. Now all parties should have started taking action, and they had to speed up. Although the targets they faced were not too difficult, they couldn't help but have to turn around.

It took a lot of time, and he was worried about something unexpected happening if he waited too long.

Currently, Wang Hefeng is responsible for presiding over the surveillance work of all targeted targets. Shi Baocun is responsible for cooperating with Wang Shoufei to arrest the targets one by one. He Changwen went to the other side of the river to lead the personnel newly transferred from the third action team and the second intelligence team to support the foot of the mountain there.

Deploy and control, and seize as many suspicious targets in the mountains as possible.

Team by team, after Liu Zhenshan and the team leader received the signal, they also followed the prepared plan and used various excuses, arrangements, orders and other means to deceive the targets one by one out of their work areas, and then used various methods to

Approach the target with your hands and head, and capture the person with as little movement as possible.

The leader of a group is responsible for overall leadership, and the officers in a group are responsible for arresting and controlling scattered targets on the periphery. Liu Zhenshan personally presides over the arrest and control of these core and key targets in the hospital.

These people are very important, and they have many secrets hidden in them. One group did not compete with them, and the credit belongs to them anyway. Besides, this intelligence network has been running for many years, and a few days is too short. There is a high probability that there are many more.

The targets that have not been mastered will get more credit if they can be dug out. This is only good for them. There is no need to argue with the credit just to save face. This is also the reason for requiring small movements to try not to attract too much attention.

As for the two targets assisting in the city, they are handled by teams of personnel who have completed the search and come to support and assist. Unless there are special circumstances, the operation will not start until the operation here is over.

Liu Zhenshan chose to start with the officer in the drug warehouse. He still believed that there was something fishy about him. Although he still couldn't find any clues to support it, this made him pay more attention to it.

Liu Zhenshan asked a defensive position stationed on the mountain side of the river to call him. There was an informant there who was temporarily assisting. Due to the tense situation before, he gave a batch of medicine to the position there. The incident has been resolved now.

Call the target and tell the superior to ask him to go over and collect it for storage.

As for where the real key is to be returned, it is naturally up to the other party to figure it out on his own. Although everyone knows that the person behind the other party has dirty hands and feet, he is still more cautious in doing things. It is understood that he will basically not directly instruct the people below to resell.

At least there will be no evidence left, which is one of the reasons why the other party can still hold the fat piece of medicine in their hands, but it also gives Liu Zhenshan room to operate.

A few minutes later, the target arrived at the transport platoon dressed neatly. The city defense headquarters had deployed a platoon of transport trucks to transport important supplies and provide rapid support. Medicines were naturally among the important supplies.

"Lao Wang, where is Lao Niu? His vehicle crew is not here?" When we arrived at the place, we found the truck transport platoon leader named Wang. Lao Niu is a vehicle soldier and the leader of the vehicle crew. Usually, his official and private work is basically all

Find the other party and the relationship of interest.

"Lao Niu's team has a mission. You also know how busy I was here before. I can't keep it for you. It will probably take half a day to come back. I will arrange other teams for you."

After saying that, Platoon Leader Wang didn't let the target say anything. He directly opened the curtains and looked around, shouting at a group of people smoking nearby.

"Mosquito, are you planning on gambling again? Bring your crew over quickly and get out of the car for me."

Although the opponent is just a platoon leader, trucks are rare in the army and most people don't understand them. Therefore, the rank of the person inside is usually one or two levels higher. In terms of rank, the two of them are at the same level.

Moreover, many of the above official and private affairs will use their cars, which makes these guys have a good time. If the people behind him hadn't said hello, the other party wouldn't really care about him, so he didn't say much about this arrangement.


Looking at the reluctant mosquito, he recognized the other person, but the other people in the car crew were a little unfamiliar. Before he could think about it, someone who quietly approached him had already made a move.

"Ah..." The target couldn't help but screamed out in pain, and his body couldn't hold back and fell to the ground. The team member just touched his vaginal legs, and the other people were not slow, stepping forward and pinching their mouths to stir it up, pressing

The one who pressed his hands on his legs, who tore off his collar and body, controlled the target in three strokes, five divided by two.

"Platoon Leader Wang, thank you very much for your cooperation this time." Zhang Jingmin showed up and said thank you with a smile.

"...It should be...I just don't know about that awesome nose..." Wang Pai Chang responded with a smile on his face. Even though he was having a good time here, he still felt scared when facing these people. In other words, the government was extremely large.

Part of it doesn't matter. The middle- and lower-level officers and soldiers who have no backing, and the people in the Intelligence Department are definitely a bunch of plagues to them, and they don't dare to offend them easily.

"After checking, it's just some financial transactions. It's not a big problem. Once he explains clearly what he has to do for the other party, he can release it. Don't worry, we won't keep it casually."

"Thank you, thank you..." He didn't really want to keep that cow's nose, but now that he has his subordinates here, and the other party treats him with respect, it's unreasonable not to ask, so it would be best if he could let it go.

Zhang Jingmin didn't say much. He reminded Platoon Leader Wang and Mosquito to keep the secret secret, and then dragged the gagged and tightly bound target to the truck outside the door. The driver was naturally one of their own.

"It's so dark! I'm afraid I won't be able to use it for the rest of my life." Mosquito looked at the door and couldn't help but sigh. His legs were already tightly together, and he bent down slightly and used his hands.

Cover up.

Seeing the people being dragged into the car with their arms stretched out and unable to resist, Platoon Leader Wang couldn't help but cross his legs. Suddenly something occurred to him and he suddenly turned his head to stare at the mosquitoes.

"...What...what happened?" Mosquito felt a little guilty for a moment, wondering if he had done something secretly and let the platoon leader know?

"Didn't you listen to the reminder just now? Keep your mouth shut! If you expose me, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Mosquito breathed a sigh of relief and said with a flattering smile: "Don't you worry about me? You will definitely not leak a single word. Besides, those people are too shady. I have never even touched a woman's hand! I don't want to be a living eunuch."

Platoon leader Wang nodded. Although the mosquito guy kept buzzing all day long, he was just buzzing like a real mosquito. He talked a lot, but apart from running the train and bragging, it was absolutely difficult to hear anything useful from his mouth.

Although there are a lot of flaws in my stuff, there is no doubt about keeping it secret.

"Those who haven't gone out should also give instructions and explain clearly. No! Just stay in the camp and don't go out these days. It's best to stay together in the camp and not have too much contact with other people."

Many of his subordinates did private work for others, but he often turned a blind eye and never asked about it. He didn't know whether it was limited to private work, and was afraid that some people would spread the word about the situation out of inappropriate thoughts.

"...How about I set up a game and let them play honestly for a few days..." Mosquito said with a flattering smile. This is what he likes. If he doesn't care about winning or losing money, he just uses it to pass the time.

"It's up to you..." Platoon Leader Wang waved his hand helplessly. At least this guy didn't just get people to gamble and make the place miserable. He had to find something to entertain himself, which is acceptable.

"Why aren't you going?" But when he came to his senses, he found that this guy was still standing there, dumbfounded and not knowing what he was thinking.

"Platoon leader, what do you think if I drive for those people? At least I have the skill of driving, so I should still have a chance."

"What?" Platoon Leader Wang was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Mosquito to have such an idea. He joked: "You can try it. If you can really drive for those people, it will be my turn to compliment you."

This chapter has been completed!
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