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Chapter 740 Confrontation (1)

Lin Mo moved a stool and stood behind the door to check the mechanism on the top of the door.

There was a small nail driven into the top of the door, and a few hair-thick threads were wrapped around it. After careful observation, I found that it was actually a hair, and it should be made of two or three hairs twisted together.

On the wall above the door, there is a small blade fixed outside the hair. The blade is almost attached to the hair. It looks extremely sharp, and the hair is taut. It is estimated that just opening the door a crack will cause it to be cut.

Cut off.

Several hair strands are connected to one end of a copper piece, and the same end is connected to a slightly thicker black wire that is pulled toward the wall above the small device.

Upon closer inspection, it appears to be an elastic thin rubber thread, a rubber band. It may look like a narrow circle cut from a bicycle inner tube, which stretches the hair straight.

The other end of the copper piece is connected to the wire connected to the speaker. Once the lower end is installed, the copper piece should be movable and flippable. Once those few hair strands are cut, the copper piece will be pulled by the rubber band and flipped upward.

The upper end of the small device contacts.

There is a V-shaped copper piece on the upper end of the small device, which is connected to the line connected to the switch. The V-shaped copper piece is in the middle of the rubber band. There is no doubt that if you cut a hair, the copper piece will definitely come into contact with the other side.

After thinking about it, Lin Mo first took off the rubber band tied to the nail. As expected, the copper piece standing perpendicular to the wall flipped over, and a few hairs fell down and loosened.

He touched the nail on the door and found that it was not very deep. He shook it hard a few times and pulled it out. Lin Mo jumped off the stool and opened the door, allowing Xiao Rui and others who were waiting anxiously to enter.

Xiao Rui first took his brothers from the third team, and after listening to Lin Mo's general introduction at the door, he walked through every part of the house. The main purpose was to eliminate dangers such as traps set by the opponent.

Fortunately, after the inspection, no more traps were found. Then they dismantled the parts that might have been modified. They were also worried about what traps were set up inside.

After dismantling the shell and checking that there were no problems, technicians from the telecommunications room came in to inspect and dismantle the modification. Members of the second intelligence team also came in to assist in searching and recording the house to see if there were any valuable clues.

What Lin Mo was most concerned about was the modified parts. The small device was indeed a power switch, but the opening and closing part was designed as a reversible copper piece.

The wire at the light bulb switch is indeed connected to the power supply. The original receiver part of the speaker has been completely removed, and the pager wire has also been connected to a small connector.

On the small switchboard, in addition to the pager line, there are two other lines connected to it. One is the line from the window, and the other is the line from the small device.

There is also an electronic device connected to the small device. According to technicians, after the electronic device is powered on, it can automatically and intermittently emit a current containing a special pulse signal, allowing devices such as receivers and ringers to emit specific sounds.

The receiver receives the pulse signal in the current and produces a sound, while the ringer uses the current itself. The interruption of the current can make the ringer ring and stop in a special rhythm. It goes without saying what the sound is used for.

At the same time, the other two wires of the connector, especially the pager wire, have no device to prevent the current from flowing back. In other words, once this device is powered on, the receiver in the apartment will also work and make sound.

Needless to say, the one leading to the office must be a warning that something happened, but the one leading to the apartment must be a warning, but what is the warning?

Is it a reminder that something is wrong here, that the door was accidentally opened or there is something wrong with the small device? Or is there something fishy about it, and the door will be opened for some other reason?

"Captain Lin, when you opened the window, was the latch on the window locked?" Xiao Rui walked to Lin Mo and lowered his voice to ask about the situation.

"Of course it's locked, otherwise I wouldn't have broken the window to get in! You want to find out how the other party left the room after setting up a trap, right?"

"Yes..." Xiao Rui nodded and explained: "I just checked. After the mechanism device on the door is deployed, as long as the door is opened a small gap, it may cut a hair and trigger the mechanism. It is impossible to get out of the room.

Door out.

I checked the window latch again, and it took a little effort to insert it, and the window was very tight after closing, so it was difficult to insert the latch from the outside, so..."

Lin Mo heard this and said: "There is actually no need to worry about this issue. No matter what the means, people just go out. Just know this. Instead of worrying about this, why don't you take a good look at this hole?"

While the two were talking, they came to the window, and Lin Mo pointed to the exposed hole between the window sill and the window frame.

After hearing this, Xiao Rui looked at it, frowned and said with some uncertainty: "You mean, this hole is used to close the window?... No, no... I just checked, there shouldn't be any traces left, and that's wrong... too

No...you can close the window and then scrape the mortar..."

Lin Mo heard black lines all over his forehead and said a little speechlessly: "I told you, don't focus on how people get out and how the window is closed. It's meaningless. I can think of more than one.

Take the door as an example. Make a piece of leather and connect the two ends with wires. Use the leather to block the edge of the blade before going out. The elasticity of the rubber band can open the door enough to allow a thin person to go out.

After you go out, put the thread above the door, close the door to a suitable position, pull on one of the threads, pull the thing out from the gap above the door, then close the door and it will be like this."

Xiao Rui suddenly realized, his face turned red for a while, and he struggled with his feelings for a long time. He was going in the wrong direction from the beginning, and he was still wasting his brain on meaningless things.

"Look again, you really can't see anything else in this hole?" Lin Mo pointed at the hole again and asked.

After looking at it again and again, Xiao Rui finally shook his head. Lin Mo told him his previous thoughts on the formation of this hole, but he still shook his head in embarrassment.

"Forget it, I guess the pressure on your mind is too great and you can't think clearly for a while. Let me analyze it for you!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After excusing Xiao Rui, Lin Mo organized some words and said: "Look at the mortar that buried the thread, it is smoother after scraping.

It's meticulous, and the colors are well adjusted. From a distance, you can't see any trace of the old or new. Up close, although it has a bit of a new flavor, the overall feeling is that it's just a slight protrusion here.

What does this mean? A lot of effort has been put into the color description, and it has even been tested and compared on the spot. The color of the exterior wall will definitely change over time due to environmental influences. If you want to achieve this level, it will be very difficult not to make careful comparisons and adjustments.

Difficult to do.

Is this a clue worth investigating? In addition, the scraping is smooth and detailed, and the scraping still produces relatively regular protrusions, which must be of a certain level.

However, the other party will not do this professionally or have background experience in this area, and it also excludes the possibility of consulting professionals for learning, because if someone has experience or knowledge of this hole, it is unlikely to be possible given the caution and meticulousness of the other party on color issues.

Making this kind of mistake means that the other party has most likely learned it on his own.

The basic portrait of the person who handled this matter came out. He was a cautious and meticulous person who was very strict about details and had a strong hands-on self-learning ability.

By extension, the other party's working hours are not fixed, and there is more time for self-study, a larger and relatively private space for practice, and richer hands-on opportunities and experience.

In addition, the other person may be a confident, arrogant person who lives alone, usually keeps to himself, does not get along with his neighbors, has a weird temper in the eyes of outsiders, and probably has few friends or interpersonal contacts.”

Xiao Rui listened with a confused look on his face and a head full of questions. After racking his brains, he was still puzzled and asked: "I can understand the previous ones, but how do you get these by extending them?"

Lin Mo heard the words and replied with a smile: "I won't explain the following to you clearly, I just leave it for you to think about by yourself. However, some of them may not be correct, but they can be used as a reference during the investigation."

After saying that, Xiao Rui was left to think on his own, while he went to the telecommunications room technician and sent him a cigarette to learn more about the situation.

"How skilled are the people who install and modify these things, or what level of skills are required to be able to do this kind of installation work?"

"Thank you..." After Lin Mo lit a cigarette for him, he thanked him and replied: "The level of modification is very high. Even if it sounds simple, it's just a combination of some components, but when you actually do it, you will know how much it has.


There are a lot of problems with the compatibility and coordination of various devices and the handling of various details. I can't quite understand some parts. I can only roughly guess what the functions are and what they do.

It may not be intuitive to say this, but let’s put it this way! There are not many people in the telecommunications room who can do this job. Of course, this refers to starting from scratch, from coming up with the modification method, to completing the specific modification, and then to

Finally, they are assembled together to perform corresponding functions.

From thinking about how to have the required functional effects under limited conditions, to how to specifically design and modify it, and then to the final completion, this process requires an extremely high level. If you just follow the script, then many people in the telecommunications room can do it.

As for the level of installation required, there is no need to consider this. The modification and installation must be the same one, because of the restrictions and conditions of the name, from thinking, design, modification to installation, without personally inspecting and debugging on site, it is impossible to handle this behind the scenes.

That is to say, the design and modification are all done here, so there is no need to rely on other people’s hands for installation.”

Lin Mo nodded, and asked about the details and other situations before saying, "I have to trouble you again. Follow the connected lines and sort them out again to see if there are any other problems."

Then Lin Mo arranged for members of the Intelligence Team 2 to ask the attic residents if they had ever witnessed any suspicious activities. Servants and nannies usually spend most of their time in the building. It is estimated that they have seen something, that is.

I wonder if the other party left an impression on them, and whether they can remember it after a long time.

"Old Xiao, let's go, let's go downstairs and check out the apartment..." Lin Mo called Xiao Rui's apartment management and several action team members to rent the apartment from the mysterious tenant.

"Brother Lin, is there something fishy in that apartment? Isn't it a cover for the maid's room?"

"It shouldn't be that simple..." Lin Mo shook his head and said softly: "After listening to the steward's description at the top of the stairs, I felt something was not right.

As for the alarm device in the maid's room, in addition to the phone in the office, it can also send an alarm message to the pager in the apartment. This arrangement may only prevent the other party from being alerted when the door is opened due to accidents or other reasons.

But I can't rule out other possibilities. Especially after taking into account the manager's description, I suspect that the apartment may have a purpose. It may be a fixed contact point or a dead mailbox for transmitting information. This is considering the fact that many strangers have been there.

Visitor situation.

In this way, in addition to preventing the dead room from being exposed and not being able to alert the office of the situation there, if the line that delivers information to them is exposed and is touched, the alarm device in the servants' room will be another insurance.

If the person who comes looking for the trace investigates carefully, there is a high probability that the existence of the death room apartment will be discovered through the wiring device first. In this way, for the office, there will be double insurance on this detection path.

Regardless of whether the door is opened first or the dead room is discovered first, the chances of the office getting an alarm will increase. If the door is opened first and the alarm is triggered, dead room will also have a chance to escape, or delaying the investigation will win the office.

Time to escape."

Xiao Rui just wanted to nod in agreement, then remembered what he learned after coming here, and said: "I remember that there was a destroyed teahouse stronghold. It seems that the information was passed directly to the Japanese spies hiding in the office?"

"At least based on the information currently available, this is a very reasonable inference. As for the tea house, it may be just a special situation or an exception, and the possibility is not low.

The action was a little hasty before, and some details were not told to you. The teahouse is affiliated to a Japanese semi-official and semi-private organization, and it is most likely not the same system as the office.

There is a high probability that the tea house and the office are just temporarily cooperating. I guess the office is guarding against the other party! Otherwise, we wouldn’t have personally arranged for someone to go over to discuss the handover situation. Wouldn’t it be faster and more convenient for the other party to send it to a nearby or office?

But the office probably didn't want the other party to get more information about it, and it misjudged the situation and thought that we would definitely not have time to take care of them at this time, so we arranged to go over to contact them in a big way.

As a result, we not only touched the office, but also touched the teahouse on the other side. Due to the misjudgment, there was also a strange combination of circumstances that forced us to immediately attack the teahouse. We followed the lead until we reached death, and then found another group of spies. Action

Later, more information emerged to be further explored..."

"...Okay...we're here...remember to search carefully and not miss any details..." After the apartment manager opened the door with the spare key, Lin Mo gave a few instructions.

However, even though he said this, Lin Mo knew in his heart that based on the current search methods used by the second operation team, there is a high probability that there will not be much valuable information found here.

This chapter has been completed!
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