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Chapter 744 Confrontation (5)

On Lin Mo's side, after checking the apartment and checking the situation in the office, Lin Mo took the extra manpower to meet Zeng Wenchong at the residence of several targets in the office.

The room that was suspected to be used for communication and intelligence delivery was carefully inspected, but nothing of value was found.

In some cases, Lin Mo also improved them with the cooperation and help of the apartment management. For the rest, there is a set of corresponding processing procedures. At present, all that is left is the work of repeated inspections and questioning.

After finishing the work, Lin Mo handed over the affairs of the apartment and office to Zheng Junshan, who came to support him, and was assisted by Shi Baocun and Du Mingsheng. However, these two people mainly focused on the Police Department, and it was not yet time to take action there.

By the time Lin Mo arrived, Zeng Wenchong had already checked the residences of several targets, checked for possible dangers and surface seizures, and was currently fetching metal detectors for an in-depth search.

"Report..." Lin Mo was about to ask about the situation, but a team member hurried over and started to disturb him.

"...What's the matter..." Lin Mo didn't feel angry at all, so he asked out of curiosity when he saw that he was facing him.

He knew the team member. He was a liaison team member arranged by the Second Intelligence Team. Everywhere he went, he would find a place nearby to call the commander and be responsible for receiving the command's orders and reporting them.

"Immediate came an order, asking Team Zeng and Team Lin to immediately allocate available manpower to Pukou to support Team Leader Wang and others. I'm notifying you of the relevant situation and I'm asking, so I'll organize the people and make a detour on the way to come to Linzhi to collect it."


"Okay... Got it..." Zeng Wenchong also heard it. The two discussed it and decided to bring Wang Shoufei as an action team. As for the second intelligence team and the third action team, team members were dispatched from the nearest place. The suspect was temporarily detained and the place came from behind.

people take over.

After the discussion, the two of them went their separate ways. Lin Mo notified relevant personnel to come and gather and arrange follow-up work. Zeng Wenchong went out to find a phone to arrange and coordinate related matters along the way and after arriving at the place.

Wang Mingkun hurriedly hurried to Jiangyin, and finally arrived at Jiangyin with the speedboat at full throttle, and docked at an agreed-upon dock on the canal.

Everyone carried rattan boxes of different lengths and sizes and boarded a few larger awning boats nearby. These were boats arranged by Shen Song and the third team leader to pick them up. The punters were all channeled through that subordinate.

One of the most reliable ones to find.

Shen Song and the third team leader were also on one of the boats. After a few polite words, they explained the detailed situation discovered here to Wang Mingkun and the key members of each team under him.

"Lao Wang, how does our harvest compare with the two teams in Beijing?" The third team leader was a little complacent when he saw the place and asked with a smile.

Wang Mingkun rolled his eyes. It was obvious that the two of them knew each other and were even very familiar with each other. Indeed, they got acquainted after joining the intelligence office and were trained together. Wang Mingkun had a good relationship before he was transferred from the headquarters.

Belongs to frequent visits.

"Let's just say it's just so-so! It's hard to judge the differences between your opponents, but in the end, their performance will not be worse than yours."

"No way? The higher-ups have given us a lot of support and assistance. Not to mention outstanding results, we should be better than others, right?"

"...What are you thinking..." Wang Mingkun curled his lips and said: "It's just three groups of people choosing three different directions for mobilization, and it's not a huge operation.

In addition, this incident is of great importance, and with the approval from above, it is not difficult to use such a small amount of resources and support. If confidentiality issues were not taken into consideration, the resources and support would be even greater.

Let me tell you roughly what I know and can reveal, and you can make your own judgment! However, the access to information is only limited to our circle and cannot be disclosed to outsiders."

"...Don't worry, the confidentiality regulations require those who hear it. My ears are calloused. Will I be asking for trouble?"

"...Okay..." Wang Mingkun nodded and said, "Let's talk about the second intelligence team and the third action team first! The amount they have touched so far is similar to yours. It is understood that they have directly touched the platoon until the manpower is extremely tight and cannot touch anymore.

And in the process of touching it, he had silently solved a stronghold occupied by many Japanese spies.

In addition, as far as I know, they also found a communication station of the other party, which is still a tough one. I don’t need to say more about this situation, right? It usually means difficult and high value.

In addition, it seems that this group of people can use the radio to directly communicate with Japan, and they have also found other lines from the other party, which is said to be of great importance. As there have been no other orders and instructions from above, it is estimated that they have successfully succeeded.

As for the first group and the first group, they have been wandering around the city defense headquarters and the garrison, tracking down the clues passed to them, and the harvest is not small. The quantity is definitely not as good as the two of you, but the quality is definitely not good.

As far as I know, the progress of the investigation is extremely difficult. It seems that the investigation has not been completed as of today, but the main trunk and branches and leaves have been discovered sooner or later.

Although the progress of the difficult task is a little slow, it is also a very high-value goal. At present, it seems that it is to destroy a spy intelligence network that has been lurking and infiltrating the capital city defense for many years. You don't know what this means, right?"

The third team leader naturally knew that in such a sensitive department and unit, he had uncovered an intelligence network that was deeply hidden and could be uprooted from the current situation. There was no need to worry about merit awards.

It's the same with the Intelligence Team 2 and the Action Team 3. The other party's people are causing trouble in Nanjing. This location alone is quite special and sensitive, not to mention that they have touched the other party's vital points.

Fortunately, his side is not too bad. Whether it involves the navy or Jiang defense, it is considered a particularly sensitive area of ​​the government. Otherwise, his side may really be suppressed.

"By the way, what's your situation now? Why didn't you go back after being transferred? And you became the captain of the fourth team?"

"...If you shouldn't be asking, don't ask around here..." Wang Mingkun's tone became even more irritated, and he choked back, as if he was deeply wronged and dissatisfied.

After saying that, he shook his head helplessly and said to the third team leader: "Anyway, I probably won't have much chance in the future of being dragged into a drinking party by you. I heard you brag and fart over there."

After finishing speaking, he rushed to the third team leader and continued: "You too, you should drink less on normal days! That thing is naturally in conflict with our industry. Don't fall into trouble when the time comes when you don't know anything.


"... Don't worry, don't worry..." The third team leader looked indifferent, but his eyes were extremely serious, and he said: "I know it well. I never communicated with you before drinking, and I don't drink much now."

Wang Mingkun nodded and didn't say anything more. He had no doubts about what he said. After all, if it weren't for their similar temperament and temperament, the two of them wouldn't be able to have so many contacts in different departments.

Wang Mingkun didn't say anything in his words, but he said everything. He could vaguely remind him because he was someone he could befriend, and he didn't want to cut off the contact.

Shen Song was on the side, looking at Wang Mingkun's pretense. If he didn't know the inside story, he would probably believe it, but this was the first time that he had the most intuitive feeling about keeping secrets.

"...Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore. If we continue to talk about it, we will make a mistake. Let's talk about the arrest!

Lao Wang, what do you think here? Let’s stab the combat team they sent to harass us first and bite off the hard work first, or what should I say? Do we need to wait for the Japanese warships to pass by before we attack?”

Shen relaxed and turned the topic back to the action. We were about to get there, so we had to make a preliminary plan first. After all, there were more than just their people there.

Wang Mingkun waved his hand and said: "The harassment team has a large number of people and is concentrated together. It is difficult to solve it silently. Even in the operation, we cannot focus on arresting. We can only focus on fighting and arresting as a supplement. Otherwise, it will be easy."

Something went wrong.”

Wang Mingkun has studied and judged the cases related to the previous cases where the Intelligence Department encountered Japanese combat assassinations and other personnel. In many cases, the ability to control casualties to a low level was almost due to some luck and surprise.

Moreover, in such situations where you can take advantage, you often rely on advantages such as firepower and numbers to overwhelm the opponent, and the opponent's number is still within a relatively limited range.

The factor of luck must not be taken into account in our actions. The Japanese suffered a lot at their hands. Even if they still didn't like them and were still arrogant, the precautions they should have must have increased.

, and taking it by surprise will probably not have such a big effect anymore.

Wang Mingkun is more worried about firepower. If he doesn't find the cause within himself, then he has to blame it on other places. If the weapons are not good, isn't it just a good person to take the blame?

Fortunately, judging from the current situation, the opponents before and now are not the same group of people, and the situation may be slightly better. Otherwise, don't think about how much advantage you can take advantage of.

The number of people is what Wang Mingkun is most worried about. According to what Shen Song and the third team leader found, there are at least forty or fifty people. Wang Mingkun suspects that this is probably the composition of a Japanese team. The number may be between fifty and fifty.

Between seventy and seventy.

The increase in the number of people is not as simple as adding more people. This is completely different from the opponent of No. 1 or 20 people. The No. 1 or 20 people may take away most of them with a burst of firepower and a wave of grenades, and then they can be solved by plowing the court and sweeping holes.

It's over.

But what if people on the 50th and 60th are lucky enough to take away people on the 10th and 20th? The remaining people are still able to organize an effective resistance. The team of people on the 50th and 60th is comparable to three or more

The twenty-man team was much more difficult to deal with.

What's more, they can't have a numerical advantage this time. There are only twelve people in his team, plus all the people from the second and third action teams here, it's not much higher. Besides, these own people may not be able to compete with them.

Compare each other.

Of course, it is entirely possible to coordinate and deploy troops to help, and directly encircle and suppress them with heavy troops, which will give them a numerical advantage in firepower, but what do they need to do? Then it is as simple and straightforward as asking the navy to send out a warship and fire a few cannons at them!

Wang Mingkun is confident that he can take down the opponent, but considering the combat operations alone, it is so troublesome for Jing Shou. Wanting to capture Wu Sheng is just a fool's errand. Even if all his people come over, there is basically no chance given the opponent's situation. At most

Let the other person jump a little less.

"You should think of ways to find some medical staff in advance and prepare more medical supplies and medicines. The survivors over there will probably have to be found among the wounded.

And don’t hold out too much hope, the battle will be fierce by then. In order to prevent the opponent from counterattacking or sneak attack, etc., we will definitely carry out follow-up shooting when opening attack channels, shooting boundaries, etc.”

After Wang Mingkun reminded him, Shen Song and the third team leader immediately figured out the joints, discussed a few details and agreed to this.

"I am going to take action against other targets you have touched first. If you can accept a silent solution, that is, if necessary, shoot and kill first to prevent the opponent's gun from firing. Then we can take action before the warship passes. I

We are sure to solve it silently here."

Hearing this, the third team leader said: "At present, some of the people who dispersed from the other side have returned to regroup. It is estimated that they have received the results of the Nanjing incident. We should take action early and rest assured."

But will it lead to the exposure of our operational plans? At that time, it is very likely that the harassing personnel will be frightened away or attracted, and the warship has not passed and left, so the incident is not over yet! Will there be any mishaps? "

"I can only say that it's possible..." As they spoke, everyone arrived at the place. Before the boat could be parked, they saw a team member under Shen Song walking anxiously on the shore and waving vigorously towards the boat.

Seeing this, Shen Yan didn't care about the discussion anymore. He leaned out and waved for the other party to get on the boat. This was because he had arranged to stay in the city and use the liaison officer who brought the radio with Nanjing. He must be here in such a hurry.

What important changes happened in Nanjing?

"Captain Shen, Captain Wang, the latest instructions have come from Nanjing, requiring us to launch an arrest operation as soon as possible to arrest all the people who spy on the other party and steal intelligence on the navy, Jiang defense, etc. These are detailed orders and situation reports, which need to be carried out personally.


Lin Mo took a few telegrams, read the rough orders that had been translated, and gave them to the third team leader and Wang Mingkun, while he looked for a place to decipher the remaining telegrams.

Before arriving, the office considered that there was a lack of telephone lines to connect with Nanjing, and there were also places like Jiangfang and military camps where it was inconvenient for them to show up and borrow them. The office simply arranged a telegraph operator, a radio station, and two code books for them.

to their investigation team.

However, when such an incident occurred, the telecommunications room was extremely busy, and only one operator with very low access to the information was assigned, who could only send and receive messages. He could only send and receive encrypted messages, but could not compile them.

Fortunately, the learning environment of the second group has been very good recently. Many people have found relevant books from the office or Lin Mo, and used their free time to self-study and master some other skills and knowledge to enrich themselves.

Shen Song studied radio. Because the office provided some teaching plans on radio, he roughly mastered the method of code compilation. Because he had enough knowledge, the third team leader simply handed over the code book and communication work to him.

Come take responsibility.

There are two codebooks, one corresponds to detailed instructions and important notifications, and the other takes care of their situation and corresponds to brief information and general instructions.

The latter book is probably intended for operators with insufficient authority to help them determine the priority of the situation and to whom should the corresponding brief instructions be sent first to avoid delays.

After all, the only people with enough authority in the investigation team are Team Leader Three and Shen Song (who have one level higher authority for operations related to Japan). The two of them have to preside over the operation and platoon. They cannot always guard the radio station, and the radio station cannot always follow them.

However, Shen Song did not do this in the end. He happened to have a team member under him who had the authority required for the latter book to correspond to the situation, and also learned to decipher the messages. The latter codebook was under his control, and he served as the liaison officer and decrypted the message.

Part of the message.

After all, the team members have rich experience and are better able to judge the priorities of the situation and where they should be sent first than Shengguadanzi, who has just arrived and has no authority.

This chapter has been completed!
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