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Chapter 754 Prospecting Team

Beyond the place where we live, there is a wall and door made of thick branches in front of the big stone, which were hammered into the bottom of the stone and are extremely solid.

In the corner beside the door wall, there are also some leather suitcases piled up, as well as scattered manuscript pages and some unknown instruments and picks randomly thrown among them.

Inside the door wall is where the dozen or so people outside were detained. As soon as I poked my head in, the smell hit Tianling Gai, the smell of feces and urine mixed with a strange stench.

A dozen people were tied up behind their backs and detained. The other party placed a box with a large one, and the small one was directly facing the cracks in the rocks. They didn't have to worry about food. They were given some dirty water every day. Some of them were weak.

He was carried out just now.

Two of those people were said to have been killed for resisting. The corpses were placed here and started to stink after a few days. The strange stench was that of corpse odor mixed with unknown sources, but the corpses had been moved out to find a place to put them.

Xu Zhiyu found an oil lamp from outside and lit it. Lin Mo slowed down his breathing and went in together. He had to bend down inside, and with the dim flames, Lin Mo looked carefully.

The other side of the stone was buried. Judging from the traces, these people did not sit still and waited for death. They had already opened part of it. Unfortunately, there was a big stone stuck inside and it was impossible for these people to move it.

After coming out, he checked it carefully. Lin Mo felt that the ammunition was a little short, but he clarified the situation after asking.

The opponent had put a large amount of ammunition in the carrying bag and had moved it to the top of the post to hide it. It was estimated that these items had been abandoned in order to reduce the load.

Du Qihong came over and reported the situation that the other party took the initiative to explain.

From the time they were discovered to the time they were taken away, these people remained silent. It was not until Du Qihong took the initiative to show his identity when comforting him and saw the bodies that were killed during the exchange of fire being cleaned up and carried away that these people revealed the situation.

Much to Lin Mo's and others' expectations, the other party turned out to be the prospecting team that they had discovered outside the mountain and entered the mountain. They encountered this group of people nearby and were controlled and imprisoned.

"Is there anything to confirm their identity or documents related to the prospecting activities, orders or something like that?"

Du Qihong shook his head and said: "Everything they had on them was confiscated by the other party, but some of them said they saw prospecting equipment and luggage piled underneath.

We have yet to confirm their identities and activities to the relevant departments, but looking at their miserable appearance, they cannot be faked, so there should be no mistake."

Lin Mo nodded slightly, without comment, and immediately arranged for someone to go down and take inventory of the luggage, instruments and other items they had brought.

Du Qihong didn't say much and continued to describe other situations that the other party took the initiative to explain. After hearing this, Lin Mo realized that the other party's presence here should have some indirect relationship with him.

It may be that the recent series of cases in which Japanese spies were uncovered made the higher-ups intuitively aware of the Japanese ambitions and plans to invade China, and began to make some corresponding responses and measures.

This prospecting team was directed by the Central Geological Survey to come forward and coordinate geological and mineral prospecting related departments and experts to conduct a large-scale prospecting and summary work on the main branches of the Yangtze River, including mineral transportation.

It mainly targets the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the upper middle reaches of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, with a bias toward the rear. However, it is limited by various local realities and has not yet been fully launched.

Focusing on the rear and rear areas is obviously aimed at possible invasion battlefields, which is one of the reasons why Lin Mo thinks it may have some indirect relationship with him.

This prospecting team is a prospecting team that was formed in advance. It is led by a mining expert and consists of more than a dozen prospecting and mineral researcher students and escorts from central and local departments. It will first carry out preliminary investigations and fieldwork.

It is a good job to carry out preliminary work for the more in-depth and detailed prospecting work later.

Prospecting here is a temporary task received by the prospecting team. They want to explore the distribution and color of limestone and dolomite in the Laoshan area. They want to mine nearby and provide steelmaking furnace materials for the steelmaking plant.

The steelmaking plant involves another reason that Lin Mo thinks is indirectly related to him. It is estimated that several arsenals and ordnance agencies of a certain size in the government feel the acquiescence or even support or opposition to the Intelligence Department's involvement in the military industry.

After the compromise failed, he began to jump out and seek development (Lin Mo's reasonable guess based on some reasons, the prospecting team was not exposed to these situations).

These guys jointly requested that the higher authorities restart the construction of the Pukou Iron and Steel Plant and provide support for their military industry construction and production. The purpose may be to attract the attention of the higher authorities and seize the funds that the government may invest in military industry construction and production.

The national government actively planned to build a steel plant in Pukou two years ago, but it was later discontinued because the investment was too high. This is what the Ordnance Factory and the Ordnance Industry Administration started.

Of course, if this matter went unsolved before, they would not foolishly use the original plan, which was probably just repairs and cuts, basically retaining only the high-quality steel materials required for military industry production and related supporting facilities.

However, the investment will not be that low, at least tens of millions. This still takes into account the recent rise in silver prices. The above may consider it and make some preliminary planning, just like arranging prospecting work now.

But it is not easy to implement it. Not to mention the government's prospecting operations, the government's strategy has begun to tilt backward, and the chance of building a steel plant in Pukou is not high.

Considering the economic situation that the government may face in the next few years, if you want to spend a lot of money on something, you will probably have to find a way to fund it yourself, otherwise you will have to wait.

"I understand the situation well. There is food left by the other party down there. Go and check to see if there is any problem. If there is no problem, get some liquid food on the spot and let them deal with it easily. Otherwise, I am afraid that some of them may suffer.

I can’t stand it any longer.”

"Understood..." After Du Qihong accepted the order, he led his team members to deal with it, while Lin Mo came to the resettlement place to inquire about other situations.

What Lin Mo wanted to know was naturally the various situations that the other party had experienced in the past few days, especially what happened from the sound of the gunshot to the time when the person was found.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "...You mean, before the gunshot, the other party arranged for two people to take you into custody and take you out one by one for questioning. After the gunshot, one person came

, said a few words about what it means to leave.

I was questioning you at that time. After one person left, the remaining person locked you back. After a while, you heard another person coming from outside and called the remaining person away. Then we found you.


The other party nodded and shook his head, and said: "It was not just asking, but also threats, intimidation, and even violence. Especially after the gun was fired, the attacks immediately became ruthless. Fortunately, it ended quickly and the people were called away. As for what they said

!He can understand.”

In reply, the researcher pointed to someone, who was much younger than him. He should be a student, but his condition was even worse. He was already leaning against the tree helplessly.

This is normal. This type of major requires long-term field work, and the physical endurance of young students may not be as good as those who have participated in some years of work.

Among these dozen people, those who are older are generally in better condition. Like the expert who is nearly fifty years old, he is just mentally exhausted and emotionally depressed, but walking, sitting and lying normally is not a problem at all.

"They said they were going to deal with us...ah, no, no...the first time they just called people, as if they were supporting or guarding someone, but they lowered their voices, and I didn't hear it very clearly.

The second time they said they would kill us, they left the person behind and said they would finish us off. But the person who came seemed to say that it was too late to hold on first, and from the sound of the noise, it seemed that they were forcibly dragging the people away.

They spoke in Japanese, which I could barely understand. They seemed to have realized that some of us could understand. In the past two days, they began to avoid us in their conversations. When we were not avoiding them, the conversations were also mixed with spoken dialects. I

Even Mengdai Guess just a few words..."

This guy spoke weakly. He could barely explain the two conversations clearly, but the rest of his speech was a bit messy.

Lin Mo did not continue to ask the other party. He was relieved and concerned, so he went to the researcher who had just communicated with him and continued to inquire about some important content.

First, he asked about the student's situation. The main reason was that the student understood Japanese. Based on the information provided by the student, Lin Mo felt that it was not a big problem.

The student came from a wealthy family. When he was in high school, his family planned to send him to study in Japan, and he found someone to learn Japanese language early on.

However, the student's senior year of high school coincided with the September 18th Incident, and he was unwilling to go. Later, his parents learned through channels that anti-Chinese sentiment was running high in Japan, and persecution against Chinese and international students occurred from time to time, so they agreed to take the exam in Japan.


I am currently studying in a well-known domestic university majoring in industry and mining. I am a second-year university student. This does not require an internship. For this large-scale prospecting activity, the Institute of Geology has provided internship places to relevant departments and selected those with outstanding results to join the prospecting team.


"You just said that when they cross-examined and interrogated you, what did they ask? Did you provide an explanation?"

"...It's all about family situation, address, what I usually study and research, and what I discovered about my purpose this time...Anyway, I asked about all kinds of things, including asking about other people in my life.

As for giving an explanation, how dare you? We ran into them in the mountains and killed one person directly. We just wanted to argue a few words and another person was persecuted. These people are inhuman beasts. They asked you for your home address. Who dares to tell you?

At least before, these guys pretended to be Granny Wolf for you, inquired with you with a pleasant face, and shamelessly said they didn't want to hurt us, but in the end they gave us dirty water to drink. It's really...

Until an hour or two ago? They showed their true colors and started to use tactics against us, including threats and threats. After the gunshots were fired, they became even more ruthless. There was no light in the cave, so I couldn't tell the time.

I can’t guarantee that no one has ever said it, but even if they did, most of the content would definitely be nonsense. After all, we know very well that there is a high chance that we won’t survive without anyone to rescue us.

Anyway, we just came from different places, and we didn’t have much time to get together as a team. We can’t really understand each other. Even if we talk nonsense, the other party will not know whether it is true or false in a short period of time.

In the case of Classmate Ding, we knew that he could understand what those people were saying, so he revealed that old experience to us. We don’t know much about other more private things about you, let alone provide the other person with other people’s situations.


Lin Mo played the role of listener very well and did not interrupt at will. However, in addition to nodding from time to time, Lin Mo also paid attention to every move of other people on the scene with his peripheral vision.

It wasn't until the researcher finished talking in detail that Lin Mo asked for some details and added some content.

After thanking everyone and lighting up cigarettes for everyone, Lin Mo finally walked over to the old expert who led the team.

"Professor, I wonder if I can go aside and have a chat alone? There are some things that I need to talk to you about."

The old expert didn't say anything else. He took a few long breaths sadly and walked to the side silently. Lin Mo also followed quietly beside him. He didn't speak until he stopped after walking a certain distance.

"What's your surname, sir?"

"...Lin...the surname is Lin, Lin Jirong, Shuangmulin, He Ziji, prosperous Rong, born in the 10th year of Guangxu..."

The veteran expert not only revealed his identity, but also gave a rough summary of his birth history, without allowing Lin Mo to probe and question him bit by bit.

The other party was a student who studied abroad at the beginning of the century. After returning to China, he spent most of his time working in Northeast China, working in industrial and mining companies, departments and teaching institutions, engaged in mineral prospecting research, mineral mining and processing, industrial and mining machinery smelting research, and technical training and teaching for industrial and mining students, etc.


Lin Jirong's industry work covers a wide range of industries, covering the entire upstream field of industrial and mining from prospecting to mining to smelting. Before September 18, he mainly worked in the upstream industries of Northeast military and mining industries.

His knowledge covers a wide range of areas, and his research in various fields is not shallow. He is a true all-rounder, but he is involved in many fields, which makes him not well-known in a single field.

In other words, he spends most of his time silently studying and researching in multiple fields. Of course, he does not work behind closed doors. He definitely communicates with the outside world, but he is scattered into well-known industries and has little interaction with many researchers in a single field.

, knowing that there are fewer people who know him, and his reputation will naturally not spread. Of course, there must be reasons why he does not care about these things.

After September 18, he moved south with the team, and later joined a local technical school as a professor, teaching industrial and mining students. This time he was invited to become the leader of the prospecting team and lead the team to carry out prospecting activities.

On the side of the Nanjing National Government, the military industry has attracted a group of experts from the Northeast and South retreats. Naturally, some of them knew his abilities, so they asked him to lead a team to investigate for the other side.

For the purpose of exploration, what the researcher just said was not complete. Some laymen from the Ordnance Industry Administration saw that there are many high-grade iron ores scattered around Nanjing and wanted him to explore and see the old iron mines next to Pukou.

There are undiscovered iron ore deposits in mountain areas.

If iron ore deposits worth mining can be found here and the iron ore is supplied nearby, then the steel plant plan proposed by the other party will have a much higher chance of success.

However, Lin Jirong was deeply immersed in mining, especially mineralization. After having a rough understanding of the geological conditions here, he knew that there was basically no chance.

However, it was difficult to refuse the other party's request directly, so Lin Jirong changed his direction and mainly explored the distribution and taste of limestone and dolomite in the Laoshan area to see if he could find limestone and dolomite mining areas worth mining.

Limestone and dolomite are important furnace auxiliary materials for steel smelting. If you find them, you can give an explanation to the other party. There is a good-tasting limestone in and around Shitou Gang, but unexpectedly, it met with misfortune.

This chapter has been completed!
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