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Chapter 756 Fully Blocked and Controlled

"Old sir... oil... oil! What research do you have on oil?"

Lin Mo suddenly raised his voice, his tone mixed with a bit of eagerness and urgency, and even vibrated!

"Oil? I haven't studied much?" Lin Jirong frowned slightly, not sure why Lin Mo suddenly became anxious.

"How did you remember what you wrote? What is in the information? I hope you can recall it carefully and try not to make any discrepancies."

Lin Mo suppressed the urgency in his heart and tried to ask in a calm tone.

Lin Jirong heard this, recalled it carefully, and replied: "I didn't think about conducting petroleum research at first. It was once when I was conducting coal prospecting that I accidentally found an oil-bearing shale.

Samples were collected at that time. After returning, because the coal exploration was relatively successful, it was much shorter than the scheduled time. Since there was no plan for the subsequent exploration work, I had a short period of free time.

I don't like to sit idle, so I studied the shale samples on a whim. I was a little arrogant at the time. With my knowledge of coal and other mineral mineralization, I did a little research on the oil shale structure and so on, and then I imagined

A theory of oil field mineralization was developed.

Later, the Northeastern Army organized petroleum prospecting work. Through this channel, I obtained a large number of foreign oil field-related mineralization studies. My ideas were completely irrelevant to the mainstream or even some niche oilfield-related mineralization theories.

Later, whether it was the oil company invited by the Northeast Army or the Japanese oil exploration activities in the Northeast, they all conducted surveys in that area, which basically confirmed that my assumption was nothing more than a paradox."

Lin Jirong told the general story of the incident and recounted the records in his research notes.

The general content of the record is that he came up with an oil field mineralization theory through research on the geological structure of the local strata during shale and coal exploration, combined with his accumulation of knowledge on the metallogenesis of coal and other minerals.

"Old sir, I need to confirm, is what you recorded a conclusion? Or an idea? Or is it vague? Or something else?"

Lin Jirong looked a little embarrassed when he heard this, and replied: "I was a little arrogant and complacent back then. In terms of words, what was recorded should be a conclusion."

Lin Mo didn't say anything more and continued to ask: "In your notes, did you mark the numbers of other related and more detailed research materials?"

"...Yes..." Lin Jirong nodded and explained: "In the research notes, only the general research process and conclusions will be recorded. The more detailed content, theory, data, etc. will be sorted into separate volumes and stored with classification numbers. The notes will be recorded at the end.

The relevant classification numbers will be marked on the pages to facilitate quick search when needed. To put it bluntly, the research notes only serve as an introduction summary and search directory.”

"Then it shouldn't be too bad. This is probably what the other party is targeting. To be precise, they want to find out where your more detailed research information is, so they must intervene to stop it."

After saying that, Lin Mo immediately asked the other party where the relevant information was. Although Lin Jirong wanted to say something more, he still told the truth.

Because just now, the team member who went down to do the inventory came to report, and all the research notes and information he brought with him disappeared. No matter whether the little brother Lin in front of him made a mistake in his judgment, it at least showed that what they had experienced in the past few days was inseparable from him.

"Old sir, for the sake of insurance, I may need to completely destroy your other research notes, materials, specimens, etc. I also hope you can argue, because once written records are left, we cannot guarantee that the other party will not use other channels.

means to obtain it.”

"...Sigh..." Lin Jirong sighed and said, "Although I am reluctant to part with it, it is better to destroy it than to endanger it."

Lin Mo nodded, summoned a team member, and ordered: "Go out immediately, report to the office to support more manpower, and coordinate more military police to conduct a larger blockade of the Jiangbei area.

They are allowed in but not allowed out, and all wired communications are cut off. No one is allowed to go out or make any external communications until our search is completed, no matter who the other party is or what their identity is.

Also report to the office to coordinate all available radio resources, locate all turned-on radios in the Jiangbei area, and ensure that full-band radio communications are monitored as much as possible.

If any radio transmitting out of the Jiangbei control area is found, a high-power transmitter is immediately used to intervene and interfere with the other party's transmission communication. This means sending garbled codes to the transmission frequency band, so that the signal receiver cannot distinguish the real code, thus causing the communication to fail.


In addition, report to the office and coordinate with reliable personnel in Hefei to remove the books and papers in a residence...no...forget it, except the house, property and people, everything in the residence will be taken out and burned.

It is required to arrange for another person to supervise, and strict control over entry and exit. You are not allowed to bring anything except clothes when you go in. When you go out, you must remove all your clothes, burn them and search your body. You are not allowed to look at anything when transporting. After burning, pour water and mix the ashes into mud, along with the soil.

The skins were removed and dumped into the river.

Remember to solemnly explain to the handler that the entire process must be carried out in accordance with this requirement. What you conveyed is that in other cases, other people will go back and explain later."

Listening to Lin Mo's arrangements, especially the last ones, Lin Jirong's eyelids jumped. Although he felt that the arrangements were a bit extreme, he felt a bit more heavy and worried about this matter in his heart.

After the team members left, Lin Jirong finally couldn't hold back the doubts in his mind and said: "Are you so sure that the other party came here for this theory of petroleum mineralization? And hasn't this been proven to be untrue?"

"Even though it has been proven false in your heart, if I remember correctly, you did not mention that you recorded this situation. It may be misleading, but it is more likely that the other party's series of abnormal actions are not groundless.

I suspect that they may have similar research and conclusions within them, but they have not been adopted and applied because they are contrary to the mainstream. Your research and conclusions may become a boosting hand, pushing the other party to this route.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is not impossible. Japan is a resource-scarce country and is unusually greedy for all kinds of resources. This is especially true for oil. There is almost no domestic output, and it depends entirely on

Imported from abroad.

You were also in the Northeast back then, and you should have seen the other side's paranoia and fanaticism towards oil. This mentality would make them pounce on it like a wild dog at the slightest smell, just like they did in the Northeast back then.

If mainstream theories don't work or can't be found, someone will almost certainly find another way to find another method. The only question is whether these methods and routes will be adopted and verified.

In addition, in the fields of coal, iron, gold, silver, copper, lead, molybdenum, manganese and nickel that you are good at, you neither have ultra-high value or strategic level exclusive information nor any valuable research results in these areas. It is impossible to rule out this.

Then this is possible, no matter how bizarre it is, it will be the final answer."

"...But...haven't they already gone to explore undiscovered oil fields?" Lin Jirong looked a little secretive and continued to want to deny it.

"Old sir, in fact, in your heart, you know better than me, the outsider, that there are signs of mines, which does not necessarily mean that there are mines, and there is no guarantee that there will be mines, not to mention that it is carried out under the wrong theory.

The probability is almost as good as that of a blind cat hitting a mouse.

Professor Lin, I now need you to re-evaluate the theory you came up with back then based on the facts and from the perspective of professional knowledge, whether it is feasible and possible.

There is no need to be bound by so-called mainstream theories. Everything is developing and progressing. Don’t you still have new breakthroughs and new results in other fields? Don’t these overturn some of the previous conclusions?

By the way, I also hope that you will try your best to explain it in vernacular and easy-to-understand expressions. Please take care of me. Overly technical terms and statements sound difficult to me personally, and I am worried that my understanding will be biased."

Hearing this, Lin Jirong fell into deep thought. After a while, he spoke: "My research on petroleum is indeed relatively superficial, but based on my years of experience and knowledge accumulation, now that I think about it seriously, the feasibility of this theory is actually very high.

, or even speaking a little more fully, is definitely feasible.

The underground structure of the earth's surface area is generally distributed layer by layer based on age, formation reasons, etc. However, it will form complex structures due to the surface shape at the time of formation, as well as uplift, fall, and extrusion during geological movements.

But it is generally distributed in a stratigraphic form.

My theory is actually very simple. I believe that the oil substances in oil-bearing shale are petroleum-like substances. It may be due to the special structure of shale that it has been enriched in the shale over the years through extrusion, penetration and other activities between strata.

Within the rock.

Continuing to push down, since petroleum-like substances can be concentrated in a formation, then in similar formation depressions, which you can understand as the bottom of a bowl section, will such substances be affected by extrusion, penetration, flow, etc.

Why is it more concentrated here? If there are suitable cavities and fractures, wouldn't it be possible to generate an oil field?

Of course, there are more details and discussions, as well as related data, structure, mineralization and other information and research. This does not affect the understanding of the expression here, so I will not go into it in detail.

However, later I came into contact with foreign data and found that the strata I studied were all continental strata, which were strata that were once formed on land. The relevant mainstream theory abroad is that oil can only be formed in marine strata.

At that time, I too blindly believed in foreign things. When I saw that it was contrary to my own research, I immediately denied the conclusions and results I had drawn. I was even embarrassed to talk about it externally, and I kept looking for reasons and excuses to deny it.

For example, when I discovered the oil-bearing shale, I blamed it on the coal mines. I tried to fool myself and tried to cover up my so-called arrogance. Thinking about it, I was really naughty. I thought arrogantly that I had the talent.

Despite his great ability, he suddenly felt inferior and devalued himself to the point where he was no longer as good as dust.

Of course, this conclusion is not wrong at present. Later, I did find the existence of oily shale near coal mines. Coal also contains oily substances such as tar. It is indeed possible that oily substances in coal seep into the surrounding strata and cause associated

Oil-bearing shale.

But now I think carefully and objectively, this does not conflict with my theory of oil formation, and even supports this theory to a certain extent. After all, regardless of the source of this oil material, since it can penetrate into the surrounding continental strata, is it possible?

Possible enrichment or even generation of oil deposits?

Oil-bearing shale or similar strata are not completely associated with coal mines, but also exist in other continental geological environments. During the oil exploration activities in the northeastern continental geology that year, petroleum-like substances or petroleum-associated asphalt-like substances were also discovered.

appear, which proves that oil deposits are possible in a continental environment.

Based on my current knowledge and experience, I can definitely find oil deposits by improving and supplementing the assumptions and theories I proposed back then. It may be limited by the formation environment, etc., and there may be a gap between the formation scale and the marine situation. But based on this, small and medium-sized oil fields can be found.

It’s definitely not a problem.”

This chapter has been completed!
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