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Chapter 757 Speed up the investigation

Lin Jirong had taken care of things, so Lin Mo didn't delay any longer. He asked Xu Zhiyu, Du Qihong and others about the search and inventory, and then approached Wang Hefeng, who had just finished arranging mines and went up the mountain.

After briefly reporting the situation, they then asked Wang Hefeng to learn more about the underlying situation. The two of them made some analysis and judgment together, and finally talked about Lin Jirong's situation.

"...Brother Wang, I have to trouble you to go outside and direct the search and arrest work." Lin Mo briefly described the situation and his arrangements, and finally made arrangements for Wang Hefeng.

"This arrangement is very reasonable. Containment and investigation are more action-oriented. You are good at finding traces and finding targets. This was mostly done by us in the past.

But there are still two questions. One is, is it possible that the target is still within the Jiangbei blockade area you designated? The other is, has the relevant intelligence information been sent out?"

Although Lin Mo was vague about what the other party had stolen, this time Wang Hefeng did not inquire or probe at all, nor was he at all curious or hesitant.

As an intelligence officer, he knows very well that what he doesn't explain to you may be a real, thorny and troublesome issue, and it is bound to have serious implications behind it.

After several days of close contact, he had a very good sense of Lin Mo. Since the other party dared to make such a judgment, he had nothing to hesitate, nor should he hesitate, and of course he should not be too curious.

"I can't guarantee it 100%, but there is a high probability that the other side will still be able to escape. The threat of the other side's warships will have a considerable impact. Currently, there are almost no boats and sails on the river near Nanjing. If we had not coordinated the ferry in advance, we would have almost no boats to cross the river.

When you came, it was probably that the boats that were blocked at the docks or in the waterways were leaving. The situation was not that obvious. Currently, the Linjiang dock is almost empty, and there are mostly small fishing boats and sampans left in the Chajiang branch, willing to carry passengers.

There are almost no boats crossing the river.

Even if a ship comes now, it will probably unload the goods and people and leave immediately. Of course, few people will take the ship at this time. After all, ordinary people do not have as much information as us.

The departing ship left almost immediately as soon as the Japanese ship left. From the time when the Japanese ship evacuated to the time when the other side completed the evacuation work and rushed to the place, the other side should not be able to make the trip.

Boats that sail in or take the risk of carrying passengers across the river have to wait and see at least for a period of time. The situation faced by the other party who is ready to retreat is that, firstly, it is difficult to find a boat to take a boat, and secondly, it is too conspicuous to take a boat to leave at this time, which is very difficult.

May expose oneself.

Based on this, we can roughly rule out the possibility that the target has quickly jumped out of the blockade area by boat. The target may be hiding somewhere in the area, or evacuating to the surrounding area along the land route, and then leaving by other more convenient and faster means of transportation.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the other party will take the water route. What we have just ruled out is the Yangtze River waterway. There are some interconnected waterways nearby, but they are generally narrow and shallow. We can only use small boats, basically rely on punting or rowing, and the speed cannot be fast.

You can't go faster by water or land. Even if you jump out of the blockade, you can still catch up. If you hide, it depends on whether you can find it. You can communicate and cooperate with the telecommunications interception side. Once you are blocked, the other side will probably try their best to get it.

The information is delivered.

As for whether the intelligence information has been sent out, I think it has not yet. Firstly, the other party has not collected all the intelligence. Secondly, the other party may not easily choose to send such important information back in the form of a telegram.

The former is based on two considerations. On the one hand, the credit is huge, and handing over incomplete intelligence collection means giving up a lot of credit. The other party's intelligence system is complete, and the internal competition is much greater than ours, so they will not give up the credit easily.

On the other hand, if the report has been reported, the prospecting team should not still be here. After all, they are on a mission. They must either transfer them to others, or at least allocate manpower to take them away from here. It is impossible to stay here for secret interrogation.


The latter includes some considerations of the former, but at the same time there are two more aspects. On the one hand, the security and confidentiality of radio are not that strong, especially since we have increased investment in interception records and deciphering. This kind of information is not very time-sensitive.

In serious cases, the other party is unlikely to send it back directly via radio.

On the other hand, what the other party needs to guard against is not only us, but also the other party's own internal affairs. This intelligence information is somewhat special, and its value cannot be immediately revealed. Some people may even have doubts about whether it recognizes it.

The other party needs time to arrange, arrange and verify, and finally reveal its huge value. Once this is leaked in advance, others may intercept it first, so it is safest and safest to go back and report in person.

It does not even rule out that the other party is prepared to operate it personally and monopolize the huge credit. If this can be done, it will be enough for a mid-level officer to be promoted to the general level without any problems. This is still within the opponent's military system and cannot be avoided.

So tempted!

So to sum up, there is a high probability that the other party did not send the information back, but whether they can escape after being blocked is another matter. This can only depend on the methods laid out and your performance.

Likewise, this is one of the circumstantial evidences that I suspect that the other party has not withdrawn yet. The other party is probably still waiting to detain and interrogate the people in the prospecting team, or the intelligence information they may have obtained through interrogation."

The thinking is clear and the logic is tight, but it is a bit too wordy. Wang Hefeng thought to himself, but he already agreed in his heart, so there was nothing more to say, so he immediately went out after recruiting a few people.

After properly settling the prospecting team, leaving a few people to continue counting, sealing, and finishing things, Lin Mo stopped delaying and immediately started the investigation and sweep work.

This time, he no longer sneaked into the village like before. Now he was shooting and throwing mines at every turn. If there was anything suspicious, he would directly greet him. The forest became lively for a while.

From time to time, forest birds flew around and screamed, and from time to time, grenades exploded, setting off a burst of gravel and fallen leaves, and sometimes there was a brief exchange of fire.

Without the concealment of stealth, although the advance speed was much faster, casualties also began to appear on the Intelligence Department side.

Especially when they encountered a team of five people, they must have gathered together to resist the breakout. They may have leaked their clues outside the Shitigang blockade, and the fight resulted in two casualties for them.

Fortunately, the opponent used pistols, and they had the advantage in numbers and equipment. As soon as the opponent made a sneak attack, they immediately responded and fought back. However, a member of the second intelligence team was seriously injured. Fortunately, timely treatment would not be life-threatening.

Of course, this does not mean that Lin Mo's response strategy was inappropriate. On the contrary, it was because of this that he controlled the casualties to this level.

There was a lot of firefighting in the past, and as time went by, these people who were blocked in the mountains also understood their origins and fate. Many people directly found a hiding place to hide, and prepared to sneak attack and pull people to their backs. They were not cleaning up in this way.

If part of the problem is found and solved, the casualties may be greater.

It wasn't just Lin Mo's line that caused a burst of artillery fire. After the middle area was penetrated, Sha Ronghai also turned south to cooperate with Lin Mo. The process was much faster than Lin Mo's side, but he also encountered someone.

Troublesome situations caused stagnation for a while.

After turning south, Sha Ronghai soon encountered the mountain temple that the rice monk mentioned. It has high walls and wide halls, standing on the steep cliff. It towers to the east and west, with large and small halls scattered at random. From a distance, it looks like a mountain temple.


The mottled and peeling outer walls, the damaged and collapsed masonry rubble, and the ruins of the walls make it a bit dilapidated and a bit weird.

Sha Ruhai and others searched carefully and found nothing suspicious on the surface. They could have just dismissed it and treated it as a normal routine investigation.

Not far from the mountain temple, on a steep and rocky slope, the two targets fled here and hid in a hidden and difficult-to-attack place built with several rocks.

Lin Mo's instructions have been conveyed through the whistle. Originally, throwing a few grenades there would solve the problem, but considering that there is a mountain temple next to it, I am a little worried about acting rashly and surprising the other party. Then the plan will be in vain.

Now frozen, Sha Ronghai finally made up his mind. He first waited for the messenger team to come over to understand the detailed instructions on the one hand, and on the other hand, he made enough gestures to attract possible eyes and gazes from the dark side, and then waited for the south side to move first.

When movement came, he didn't have much scruples about moving again.

What he didn't expect was that the south side didn't move for a while, and his delay in moving seemed a bit abrupt. The messenger team rushed over in time, and he dragged it as if he was arranging people to go down to deliver the message.

Finally, we waited until there was some movement on the south side.

"...Boom...Boom..." Several explosions were heard in succession, directly eliminating the target hiding behind the stone. Then the entire line began to advance again, and shooting and explosions sounded from time to time.

As for the northern area, a sweep and investigation order was also received. He Changwen arranged for Zhang Guangjia, who was participating in the trial, to report the situation. He led the team up the mountain and worked with Shi Baocun to conduct a sweep and investigation.

The situation here is different. There are more civilians taking refuge on the mountain. In addition, the area is small, so there may not be many targets to stay and avoid. It is not as massive as the rest of the area to the south.

Of course, it is not that gentle. For some hidden places or where people are found hiding, they will first warn and shout. If there is no response, they will fire warning shots, and then shoot warnings. There is a gradual escalation process of means. At this point, if it is a civilian with no problem

, basically all took the initiative.

In addition to these team members who are sweeping and investigating in the mountains, there are also a large number of team members active inside and outside the blockade, delivering information and orders, assisting in the blockade, and exploring the surrounding areas.

And as Lin Mo's report was sent back to Lin Zhi and then back to the office, the intelligence department personnel who had just completed the search work in the city were dispatched in large numbers again. Later, some police officers who also participated in the search and the military camp that had just dispatched troops also

Once again, a large number of people were mobilized.

Some people who didn't know what was going on thought that the warships were coming again, causing some minor farce. Some reporters and interested people who smelled something unusual also began to take notice.

After Wang Hefeng came out of the mountain, he first summoned some of the surrounding communication, blockade, and platoon team members, issued new instructions, and listened to the findings and gains from the surrounding areas, including Zhang Guangjia, who came to report the situation.

This chapter has been completed!
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