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Chapter 779 Corpse

The two battalion commanders didn't know it yet, but they accidentally collided with each other, but they resolved the blame issue this time, and even got into the eyes of the principal.

"I understand what you mean. Where is he now? Can I meet him?" Battalion Commander Zheng nodded slightly and asked.

"...He's injured, he should be..." Battalion Commander Yang replied. He looked up and found that the man had been taken out, not far away, lying on a stretcher. The military doctor had just finished roughly cleaning and bandaging him.

Battalion Commander Yang signaled, and the two of them walked over. Battalion Commander Zheng first checked and cared about the injury, while Battalion Commander Yang pulled the military doctor aside.

"Why is it so slow? He's only been bandaged now. I remember he was injured a long time ago."

Hearing this, the military doctor replied in a low voice: "We bandage the person according to the severity of the injury. Although he is seriously injured, his life is not in danger for the time being.

Many soldiers were more seriously injured than him, and some were left hanging with only one breath. If they were not bandaged, they might not be able to even go to the hospital. We were short of manpower, so many of the slightly injured soldiers were bandaged and sent out by themselves.

, now that it’s his turn, we have done our best..."

"...I'm sorry..." Battalion Commander Yang apologized decisively, and then asked in a low voice about the veteran's injuries.

"...Don't worry, you all have meritorious service, and we won't give any discount. The responsibility for this fault will be borne by me and Battalion Commander Yang. When you recover from your injuries and return to the team, you will be promoted..."

"...I guess there's no chance..." After hearing these promises from Battalion Commander Zheng, the veteran looked at his injured leg with a wry smile, and said quietly, as a veteran for many years, he had some idea of ​​what kind of injury he had, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do it.

I won’t have the guts to ridicule Commander Yang like crazy.

Seeing this scene, Battalion Commander Zheng also had words on his lips and didn't know how to speak. Fortunately, Battalion Commander Yang came up and opened his mouth quietly.

"Don't worry, those people will bear all the medical care expenses this time, or they will be sent directly to the big hospital in the city for treatment. The military doctor has already said that your injury will definitely be cured from head to toe, and you will not be left with anything.

What's wrong?"

Hearing the news, the veteran didn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed. Either he could recover his leg and continue to stay in the army, wandering among the hail of bullets, or he could lose his leg and leave the army, spending the rest of his life with no place to live.

It was indeed a difficult choice, but Battalion Commander Zheng didn't think so, and immediately said: "Then according to what you just said, you are willing? Then I will wait for you to recover from your injury.

To be honest, in the past, we lacked too much attention to the brothers below. Now we understand it clearly, but we still lack veterans like you who can pass on the skills and experience honed on the battlefield to our brothers.

Brothers, you still have to..."

The veteran quietly watched Battalion Commander Zheng's performance, but Battalion Commander Zheng had forgotten that this was the most difficult veteran under his command. He had seen many different kinds of officers, including monsters, ghosts, and snakes, and he was still a bit green.

However, the experienced veteran still agreed. Compared to being a cripple heading out into the unknown barracks, the familiar environment of the army made him feel more at ease. What's more, he was drafted into the army as a young man in his teens and spent half of his life casually.

As the army marched to the west, it seemed that other than fighting and killing people, there was nothing else it could do.

Furthermore, although the officers in front of him were mostly taking advantage of him, they really didn't necessarily care much about the life and death of their soldiers, but without comparison, there would be no harm.

Compared with those bulls, ghosts, snakes, gods and even living kings of hell in the past, it was really good. Otherwise, even if he thought about not being able to stay, he wouldn't have the guts to choke and ridicule the superior.

That's right! I just don't dare, because some guys will really kill you in a fit of anger, let alone remind you. I can only say that the two battalion commanders lost the competition.

The uninjured or slightly injured soldiers have already retreated from the opponent's previous position to a nearby slope, watching the team members search the opponent's corpses one by one.

In other words, in their eyes, this is more accurately called a search. You will touch the other party's body and everything on it except clothes, shoes and socks.

In addition to the "unnecessary" actions of following people around to record and take photos, and finally putting them into large and small cloth bags, the search was as ruthless as scraping the ground, not even a piece of paper was spared.

This was an eye-opener for these soldiers. They said it was incomparable. It was much rougher to let them search for it. Apart from valuables, what else were they used for?

Of course, these are just joking speculations. Let alone a piece of paper, if necessary, they will not even let go of ashes, and will dig through the trash cans without fail.

Whenever they find something that may contain intelligence, the team members who lead the team will go there and check it out in person. They will file the items and record the important records. But so far, nothing of high value has been found.

The other party did not carry many personal items with him, and there were almost no written records. He may have strictly controlled them before coming, or he had hidden and destroyed relevant items before breaking out.

"...Ahem..." Outside the mountain, around Wang Hefeng, many of the team members looked disgraced, and some of them even choked and coughed.

Just now, he found a suspected location of his target. He was just about to conduct reconnaissance work before a surprise arrest, but inexplicably the other party discovered it and took the initiative to attack.

After the exchange of fire between the two sides, because of the intelligence information, they acted with the attitude of killing people if they couldn't be caught, so they quickly suppressed the other side and rushed closer.

As a result, before they could break in, it was suspected that the other party had lit a large amount of explosives in an attempt to kill both of them. A violent explosion occurred in the target building. I don’t know whether it was due to a lack of timing or because they were in a hurry. The team members were not seriously injured. Instead, they killed all the people in the house.

All sent to heaven.

It was suspected that the other party was unwilling to give up and wanted to transmit information to the outside world through radio. After being interfered by the telecommunications room, the general location of the other party was locked. Wang Hefeng and his people rushed over and quickly found this suspicious place.

The other party could guess that they might have the means of locating through wireless signals. Wang Hefeng had already anticipated this, otherwise he would not have been ready to take action as soon as he touched it. However, such a decisive initiative to open fire and even want to die together in the end was beyond him.


Because the other party did not try to break out, and the town had previously ordered control, some people noticed that strangers had come to this place, but no one was seen leaving.

This shows that after the other party tried to pass on the information to no avail, knowing that his position may have been exposed, he did not continue to abscond, but stayed until they arrived.

Stepping into the house that looked dilapidated after the explosion, Wang Hefeng asked: "Are the numbers matched? Are you sure no one escaped?"

"That's right. I asked the neighbors in front and behind me. There are usually three people in this shop and yard, and they were all there during the control. Four strangers came from behind, and no one was seen leaving. Moreover, there were four strangers in the house.

Seven bodies were indeed found.”

After the team member finished speaking, he took out a few things and said: "These are the items found that match the belongings carried by the target in the confession. One of the corpses is also consistent with the size of the target. It was a corpse that was damaged in the explosion.

It’s quite serious and cannot be distinguished.”

Wang Hefeng just nodded, without looking at the items he brought, and ordered: "Bring out the body that seems to be the opponent's body! Clean it up briefly on the way, and remember to be careful not to cause more damage."

"...Yes..." the team member responded, but his mood was obviously low, but he still followed Wang Hefeng's instructions honestly.

Wang Hefeng called the team members and gave some instructions before continuing to look around the scene.

"Looking at the situation here, it doesn't look like it was exploded by high explosives like TNT, right?" Wang Hefeng turned around for a while and asked the action team members who were cleaning up near the explosion point.

"The quantity of black powder is not low, estimated to be one to two hundred kilograms, but the quality is not very good, and there is not much sealing and packaging, and there is not enough ignition point layout. It is just piled here in sacks.

Therefore, the explosion was not too violent. It was mainly caused by high-temperature gas scattering and impacting the entire room. There was no big shock wave, so the body and the structure of the house were basically preserved.

If the gunpowder is sealed and detonated, it is estimated that this house can be torn into pieces. Even if we are still outside and are not killed by the fragments, there is a high probability that our organs will be damaged or even killed. The casualties are difficult to estimate."

After the action team member finished speaking, an intelligence team member added, "According to inquiries, this shop buys saltpetre, charcoal, etc., and makes homemade black powder to produce fireworks and firecrackers for sale during the New Year.

Therefore, the gunpowder should have come from here, but it is not clear whether it was temporarily prepared or stored originally. And based on the current situation, there should be someone in the store who has the ability to fully exert the power of these gunpowders.

We speculate that maybe we arrived too quickly and these people were not ready, or the improvised gunpowder made their speed too slow, but the specific situation is unknown, but we prefer the latter, after all, there is such a large amount of gunpowder.

, it is also very dangerous to store it normally.”

"What if this effect is what they want to achieve?"

Wang Hefeng asked back. The more he got to know him, the more he felt that there might be problems. In his eyes, there were too many suspicious things about Yu Dun.

"Team leader, do you mean that everything here is what others want us to see? That's not so serious, right? Show us seven lives?"

The team members are not all one-minded. When Wang Hefeng asked this question, he immediately understood the meaning behind the words, but he was still a little doubtful.

"I'm not too sure, but this feeling is very strong, and there are many doubts. Take your case as an example, did the other party really not have enough preparation time?

We didn't come very quickly. We reached here half an hour after the other party sent the report. The other party could have arrived here earlier. Judging from their preparations, it was obvious that they knew that we would reach this place from the beginning.


This time is not short, and it is difficult to simply seal it? Bring a rice vat or a box, pour the gunpowder into it and then ignite it. Is it no more powerful than putting sacks here? Since the other party has people who understand explosives, they will not

Can’t you think of this?”

"In this way, it does feel a bit abnormal. And since they were not prepared, what if they took the initiative to attack before? It also felt a bit weird when they were discovered to be attacking."

Another action team member spoke, Wang Hefeng nodded in affirmation, changed the subject, and said: "Okay, don't rush to spread the word for now, I'm worried that there may be eyes watching, lest everyone knows what's going on.

, you are responsible for taking action, I am telling you first, be mentally prepared, you may be required to take action at any time."

This chapter has been completed!
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