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Chapter 783 Evil Intentions

"Team leader, as per your instructions, we have basically figured out the other party's activities a few days ago. These are the specific circumstances."

The team members first handed over two pictures of the gathering situation and trajectory, followed by corresponding inquiry records organized in order. Wang Hefeng read through them carefully before issuing the order.

“Continue to dig deeper and try to find out where he urinated. We can’t rest assured on the discovered trajectory and we will intensify our efforts to search again and again.

In addition, they cannot relax outside their activity trajectories, such as places that are convenient for hiding and concealment, especially places where their activity trajectories are unreachable. They have their eyes and ears here, so they do not have to do it on their own."

The team member wanted to say something, but at this time another person came to report the situation. It was the information revealed by the two ruffians. This guy was indeed what Wang Hefeng thought, and he hid a lot of things to avoid important matters.

But this guy is just a scoundrel. He obviously can't use the means he has. He cleans himself up and vomits a little. He has been punished in vain. Not to mention, he has vomited it all. As a result, this person doesn't believe it. He has been punished in vain again, so he let this person do it.

Confirmed that it really drained him.

According to his account, this guy had been hooking up with the other party earlier than the leader, and even the leader got involved, which all had something to do with this guy.

To put it bluntly, this guy is just an idle little loser. He has no power, no strength, no resources. It doesn't matter. He can only help the other party in a very limited way.

Moreover, this guy couldn't help him up the wall. The other party gave him a lot of money, but it was all ruined by this guy. Sometimes he had to resort to stealing for a few days to make ends meet. He was nearly thirty and still hadn't gotten married yet. Of course, it was a good thing that he didn't get married.

, otherwise it will simply harm people.

So when the other party uses him to open up the situation and develop some more capable people to take advantage of the situation, this guy will inevitably be marginalized.

However, this guy is quite tight-lipped. When he gets the money, he usually spends it in other places. He doesn't have much ambition, and he won't even go to them to feel unhappy when he has no money. Therefore, the other party keeps using him and even trusts him, so this guy

The guy has a lot of information.

In other words, those who can do things for each other are not good birds that can be trusted, and most of them use each other. This guy is an alternative. In addition, this guy may have participated in the peripheral intelligence network during its inception, either actively or passively.

, I have accumulated a lot of things I know.

However, there is really no reason to deal with this situation. If it is dealt with hastily without asking any questions, it is likely to make other people miserable and give rise to other thoughts.

After all, this is a town. Not only do they know that each other is doing the same thing, but even if they don't know clearly, they still have some idea of ​​who might be doing this around them.

After all, there are only so many people, and the population flow is not big. They all do the same thing. With a little care, you can notice some tricks. Therefore, the other party has to trust him whether he doesn't trust him or not. He can't just kick him out and dispose of him if he doesn't want to use it.


It's normal. As mentioned above, this guy knows a lot of people who are suspicious. He has already handed it over to other people to investigate and arrest them. In addition, this guy also provided some other important information.

It seems that the people who came into contact with him at first were not the people in the bombed shop. At that time, that person often traveled between the other side of the river and Nanjing City.

Although he didn't know the destination of the other party crossing the river back to the city and the people he contacted, it was not difficult to conclude that the intelligence network here should have expanded from the city and the east side of the river.

Needless to say, in the city, but in the towns on the east side of the river, the opponent's intelligence network and informants are also likely to be spread all over. This is a new situation, and it can be traced based on the clues and some characteristics shown here.

Firstly, there is a high probability that the people who have been in contact with him before have been promoted, and this can be used as a clue to trace; secondly, since this place is expanded, there must be many similarities in the organizational structure, methods of doing things, etc., so we can

Make arrangements based on this.

And since it is an expansion, there will definitely be no shortage of contacts between the two parties, but not many have been touched yet. However, this situation may also make the other party vigilant and guard against it, or even cut off and eliminate these contacts.

They will also carry out work in this area in the future, and will naturally pay more attention to clues in this aspect of the case. After all, it is much easier to dig and collect existing clues than to search from scratch.

And he knows some other situations. Currently, some work and newly established affiliated units in the department have been arranged outside the city to keep it secret. The new situation he encountered today revealed the hidden threats. This matter is not expected to be possible.

Too much delay and procrastination.

In addition, the Erruffian also provided a situation: the target had asked him about the situation in a village not far away from the town, which was obviously outside the target's activity trajectory.

Although this corroborated some of Wang Hefeng's previous orders, he did not hold out much hope. On the contrary, his subordinates who wanted to speak immediately went out to convey the order after hearing the news.

"Team leader, why are there so many red and swollen patches on your palms?"

Wang Hefeng was checking and analyzing the confession of the two ruffians one by one, marking the places that he thought might contain some valuable information and needed to be interrogated about the details. As a result, the subordinate who had just gone out to deliver the order came back and saw with sharp eyes several red and swollen spots on Wang Hefeng's hands.

, opened his mouth.

Wang Hefeng looked at his palms, and there were indeed a few red and swollen patches as big as his fingers. He had felt a little itchy on his hands just now, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After a quick look, he was a little surprised as to why.

He grasped it slightly with his palms, and the lump became more coherent and somewhat three-dimensional, but Wang Hefeng was stunned on the spot, his body couldn't stop shaking, veins appeared on his face, and there was a hint of ferocious terror on his face.

"...This...this is..." The subordinate came to the side curiously, feeling a little familiar and feeling a little nervous, but he didn't remember what was going on.

"...Those candies..." Wang Hefeng's voice was almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

The team member was also stunned on the spot. He suddenly remembered the scene where the little girl handed the candy to Wang Hefeng. There was something wrong with the candy. If the little girl hadn't eaten it, he had even given it to his teammates... The team member felt his scalp tightening... and his heart was filled with excitement.

There was an uncontrollable anger.

Wang Hefeng thought more deeply than the team members, and felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. The encounter between the other party and the little girl was an accident, but the tampering with Tang was obviously not a temporary act.

In other words, the other party was carrying tampered candies with him, and the candies were obviously not meant for adults. At this moment, Wang Hefeng could only think of cutting the other party into pieces.

"...Huh..." Wang Hefeng let out a long breath, suppressed the restlessness in his heart, tore up a piece of paper, took out the candy he had just put into his pocket and wrapped it up.

"Let someone check it out! See what's going on, and arrange for someone to check it out on the little girl as well. If there's any problem, send her to the doctor immediately."

After the team members came to their senses, took the candy in the paper bag and left, Wang Hefeng took out a cigarette, lit it and took a few puffs to calm down his mood. He knew that at this time, he could not let his emotions get to his head and affect his judgment.

After about ten minutes, the team members returned with good news. The little girl also had redness and swelling on her hands, but there was no big problem. By the way, she brought Wang He a basin of water.

"Team leader, the candy should be mixed with highly toxic cyanide. The specific type is not clear yet, but the amount contained in one candy is absolutely fatal, and even holding it for a while may kill someone.

However, there should be no dip dye on the candy paper. The brother who checked said that it should be due to the recent rains and the relatively humid air, which caused the candy to get damp, and part of the cyanide reacted with the water vapor and turned into hydrocyanic acid.

The little girl hid the candies indoors, and the weather has been gloomy and the temperature has been low recently. The hydrocyanic acid cannot evaporate and penetrates into the candy paper. When touched by hands, it will be contaminated or evaporate onto the skin, causing damage to the skin.

Although hydrocyanic acid is highly toxic, fortunately, the amount of poison that penetrates into the candy paper is not large, and the candy paper also has a certain blocking effect. In addition, it is only a hand-skin contact, so there is not much threat.

However, you still need to wash it in advance, and if your hands come into direct contact with the infected skin, symptoms such as redness, swelling, pain, or even blistering, thickening, and peeling may occur.”

"By the way, I saw you wanted to speak earlier. Do you have anything to say?" Wang Hefeng heard this, washed his hands obediently, and asked about the team members' previous performance. He didn't want to continue talking about candies now.

The team members were stunned, and it took them a while to recall that when Wang Hefeng gave the order, he wanted to persuade him. Now that he mentioned it, the team members thought about it and spoke.

"Team leader, what I wanted to say at that time was whether we spread the field too wide and were too aimless. We retracted our fingers and punched the opponent's life gate.

But I was slapped in the face before I even opened my mouth. Facts have proven your correct judgment, but I still feel that you arranged the people too loosely and the progress is too slow.

According to the news from various parties, other places have basically entered the final stage. Now we are still dragging on, you can even say that we are still dragging on. Isn't the progress a little behind?"

Wang Hefeng heard this and said: "To sum up, your idea is to find the target and concentrate your efforts to find the opponent, right?"

"...Yes..." The team member nodded and said, "That's roughly what it means. It's like concentrating manpower to dig through that village."

Wang Hefeng nodded and said: "There is nothing wrong with the idea, but the problem is, I don't know where this person is? Where should I concentrate my manpower? You think the news from that village has verified my arrangements, but in fact you don't understand my arrangements.

purpose, I don’t have any hope there.

The degree of cunning and difficulty of this target is almost beyond my ability. Apart from being able to basically judge that it is somewhere in this town and its surroundings based on some clues, I can hardly judge more accurately, including the current focus of the investigation and platooning.

Several places.

So I can't find a target to implement this method. Of course, I can also attract a large number of people to turn this area upside down. But this area is not big or small, both sides of the waterway outside the town and the surrounding area.

The total number of villages that are connected or not far apart has a population approaching tens of thousands. Which one is so easy to find?

The other party just finds a corner and squats, or digs into any secret place in front of or behind the house, or digs a cellar, hole, basement, secret room, etc. in a house. How to dig through it? And when there are more people,

It will be difficult to organize and control. Not to mention causing any trouble, if there are more people and chaos, the other party may find some opportunities to take advantage of it."

This chapter has been completed!
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