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Chapter 829 Prison

A pile of cake was slapped on the ground, between two strawberry tops, half a groove of oil was poked with a fork, and a candle was inserted into a big head.

This limerick can be said to be the most vivid description of the terrain of the prison, and it can be said to be the same.

The mountain is flat on the ground in a disk shape and is not very high. Compared with the farmland, swamps and reeds on the flat side, it is only one to two hundred meters higher.

The mountain is mainly made of stone, and the surrounding foothills are slopes piled up by fallen rocks, weathered sand and gravel, and soil. It is like a cake falling on the ground, and the surrounding butter slides down. The slope is gentle and covered with trees and shrubs, with low miscellaneous trees as the main ones.

If there are many, there should be firewood collectors or farmers and villagers clearing them.

Further up, there are almost vertical stone cliffs on all sides. The low point is six or seven meters, and the high one is about ten meters. There is a steep slope further up, with sections of huge rocks sticking out, crookedly.

The decayed ancient trees are tenaciously rooted among the rocks, supporting the greenery among the decayed branches.

Further up is the top of the mountain, which is in the shape of an arc, just like the top of a steamed smooth steamed bun. It can also be said to be like a round cake dropped to the ground, with the cream on the corners sliding down, making it feel numb.

Leprous, pits and pits.

The top of the mountain is quite large, an almost circular mountain with a diameter of nearly one kilometer. The top is generally arc-shaped, but there are two raised hills on one side, just like strawberries on a cake.

The two mountains are closely connected to each other, forming a gap. Going forward, there is a valley sunken into the top of the mountain. It is really like a cake with a piece of butter poked out.

The valley is generally fan-shaped, accounting for about one-tenth of the area of ​​the mountain top. The widest point at the edge of the mountain is nearly two to three hundred meters. The boundaries between the valley and the surrounding areas are mostly steep slopes of 70 or 80 degrees, and a few are cliffs and stone walls.

The surrounding height difference is one or two meters at the low end and more than ten or twenty meters at the high end.

I don’t know what kind of geological activity caused it, or was it caused by man-made quarrying?

There is no way to verify the reason. There are many people living here and there are many traces left behind, so it is impossible to analyze.

There was once a temple built in and around the two hills. It was very popular for a period of time, and then it was abandoned during the war and turmoil. After that, although there were many monks, it had almost no incense and was repaired and decayed.

, now there are only a few stone walls and green steps left, unyieldingly trying to tell the glory of the past among the grass.

The prison was built on an open space surrounded by trees not far from the hill. After clearing the place, there was a ready-made bluestone foundation. I don't know if it was once a side room of a temple or a square.

The building complex occupies an area of ​​nearly an acre, and is surrounded by green and tall trees on three sides. The tall and straight trees on the top of the mountain are like candles on a cake. Even if the green leaves fall in autumn and winter, the branches of the trees are enough to block the surrounding view from the bottom of the mountain.

The remaining side is adjacent to hills. Behind the two hills is a taller and vast mountain forest. The hills perfectly shield the prison from the view of higher mountains in the distance.

The mountain is surrounded by high cliffs, and the only convenient place to get up and down is a small area of ​​collapse on one side of the mountain. There used to be a bluestone-stepped mountain path left over from the ancient temple. It is neither steep nor steep, and it goes diagonally around the mountain to the top of the mountain.

At present, the Intelligence Office has renovated the road, removed the stone steps, dug and leveled the road surface, widened the road surface, and paved the road with gravel and sand to form a road that surrounds the mountain and slopes upward for vehicle traffic.

There are many hidden permanent fortifications such as bunkers on the mountain road. Guarding this mountain road almost eliminates the possibility of large numbers of armed personnel or the use of powerful weapons and equipment to attack the prison.

This mountain is on the edge of the entire mountainous area. The mountainous area is barely on the outermost defense line of Nanjing. Fortifications have been built on this mountain before, and companies and platoons of troops have been stationed there.

The purpose of this construction was to repair the fortifications and build barracks and warehouses. Signs of the military restricted area were put up. The surrounding villagers did not make any fuss about the mountain being occupied. They were even happy about it. The barracks where the soldiers were stationed before were at the foot of the mountain.

, but it’s no less harassing them, it would be better to run up the mountain.

Although it is a mountainous area, the transportation here is not bad. There is a waterway not far from the mountain road, which can be reached by boat through the water network. There are also many rural and village roads for driving around, and there is even one that bypasses the mountainous area.

Highway, otherwise there wouldn't be any fortifications or troops stationed here.

The choice of the place can be said to be very good, but it is a bit far away from the city. It is dozens of kilometers away from Nanjing, and it is almost outside the jurisdiction of Nanjing.

No, it took several hours for Lin Mo and others to take a boat to a nearby location, and then walk a few kilometers on iron soles before arriving at the inspection post in front of the mountain road.

The sentry post was just an ordinary two wooden pavilions, one blocking the road. Of course, there was also a fortress exposed on the hillside behind, so the soldiers stationed could keep an eye on the sentry post at the foot of the mountain at any time.

The soldiers currently stationed here have been replaced by elite troops stationed to assist in defense in the name of defense changes. The command rights belong to the prison and the intelligence department. Of course, this is only limited to the period they are stationed here. If the prison is closed or people leave, they

It will be returned to construction or other arrangements will be made, and it will no longer have anything to do with the Intelligence Department.

But! These are just in name in theory. In actual operation, they are completely affiliated with the Intelligence Department. Even if they are just doing peripheral assistance, it is impossible to really have no access to any secrets. The Intelligence Department cannot easily

Let go.

After checking the IDs and identities, Lin Mo explained that the main purpose was to ask those of them who were on the bright side to behave loosely, otherwise they would look like elites, and a knowledgeable person would know something fishy at a glance.

Further inside, there is an old bluestone road that climbs straight up the slope, and the other is a winding mountain road that goes diagonally to one side and winds around the hillside. Of course, it is just a bend, and finally it goes back to the top of the slope and follows the bluestone road.


This section of the winding mountain road is not fortified, but on both sides of the old bluestone road, hidden bunker fortifications have been built, mainly for the control of the foot of the mountain, and they are built using the remnants of ancient facilities, making them extremely secretive and difficult to discover.

The meeting point is under the stone wall. It used to be a platform for stopping and resting. To one side, it is the place where it collapses up the mountain. It is said that it goes around the mountain, but it is actually a straight road.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The mountain is generally round, and the cliffs and stone walls have a certain curvature, and this place happened to be flattened, and the thickest part of the collapse is

Can reach the top.

Next to the newly built road going up, between the large rocks, a bunker was built to firmly control the road. On the road more than 100 meters long, three bunkers were built. They were all hidden among the rocks and trees, and were only slightly bulging.

It didn't rise much, and it was buried and camouflaged, so you couldn't find it unless you got close to it or opened fire.

Two are built in the middle, and the last one is at the top of the road. It protects both the road and the other side, which has also collapsed. It's just that the mountain road is steep and difficult to walk, but a small group of people can climb it.

It's not difficult to get up.

When you reach the top of the mountain, you will find a road that runs through the forest cover. It is basically rebuilt according to the old road, trying to avoid excessive clearing of forest vegetation and leaving too many new traces and changes.

These changes may be difficult for outsiders to notice, but for the surrounding villagers, it is difficult to hide every change in the grass and trees. If anyone inquires about it, the unreasonableness of these changes will attract attention. After all, he cannot keep it secret.

When villagers discuss side stories, doesn’t that mean they are not asking for trouble?

Going forward around the first bend on the road at the top of the mountain, we came across a row of low, single-story blue brick houses scattered among the woods.

If you look closely, you will find that the blue brick walls are thick and the windows are narrow. This is a fortification group used for both living and military purposes. It is considered the last line of defense for the mountain road and is also a barracks for soldiers stationed on the road into the mountain.

About 200 meters further along the road, the road passes near the valley. The trees here are sparse and short, and there are rows of low blue brick houses underneath. The walls are also extremely thick, but they have larger windows for lighting.


This is the barracks where the special operations team is stationed. The interior of the valley next to it has been cleared out. This is the middle area of ​​the mountain top, and it is in the valley, so the surrounding area cannot be seen.

The special operations team can build a small training venue in the valley, which is mainly used for shooting training. It is covered by cliffs and trees, and equipped with silencer equipment, so that the sound cannot be transmitted.

Of course, the space is limited and can only be used to maintain a good state and feel. The station here is more of a resting place for the special operations team.

However, daily physical fitness and training without making too much noise are still sufficient here. Within a hundred meters from the top of the mountain, most of the low weeds, bushes, and small trees under the trees have been cleared to prevent obstruction.

It can be used for patrolling, but it can also be used as a training ground.

The prison can be vaguely seen from this position. As we get closer, a four- to five-meter high wall is built next to the woods, almost reaching the crown of some trees. There are towers at the four corners and in the middle.

The pavilion is for people to stand on guard duty.

From the outside, you can't see anything inside at all. After passing through a small door, you find that in front of you is a slightly shorter high wall with a sentry pavilion in the middle. This place is just like a small urn city.

There is a gate that can be opened to allow cars to enter here. Further inside, there is only a short door, or a short hole that can be more accurately called a short hole, which can accommodate three people. It is five or six meters long and can directly enter the prison.

The prison is a two-story building about five meters long. The walls are made of blue bricks, the beams, columns and floors are made of reinforced concrete. The ground is also poured with a thick layer of cement on a bluestone foundation.

The prison building is not a stand-alone building, but a whole building. Except for a small closed passage connecting the small urn city, the building is four or five meters away from the outer wall. It is no wonder that the inner buildings cannot be seen from outside the wall.

, there is an iron fence in the middle of the interval, and other locations are covered with dense barbed wire.

The prison covers an area of ​​one acre, including the two-story building inside. Except for one corner that is used for offices, the rest are prison cells, interrogation rooms, etc. It can easily detain hundreds of people, and even more can be held if it is crowded.


After walking around, there is nothing new inside. There are more prison cells and better facilities. What is worth mentioning is that everything is probably ready and you can move in at any time.

These people who handle the daily work and management of the prison and serve as prison guards are already in place. They are selected and arranged by the department. They are responsible for the daily food, clothing and housing of the prisoners. In this way, they will also be subject to strict management restrictions and will only have a few rotational vacations each year.

Can go out.

This chapter has been completed!
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