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Chapter 845 Silencing and Accident

"...Oh...look at the time, it's quite a delay! What's going on that's taking so long?"

After hearing Lin Mo's joking inquiry, Shi Baocun explained the situation, from the occurrence of the incident, to the handling and response, to the final handling, explaining all the core and key situations clearly.

After finishing the matter, Shi Baocun asked: "Captain Lin, you are not worried at all. What serious omissions have occurred?"

"...Uh-huh..." Lin Mo squeaked next to Shi Baocun. When he looked back, he saw the phone fixed on the wall next to him. Shi Baocun was speechless for a while.

"The problem is really serious. The call has been called to me a long time ago. Besides, the other party is not stupid. They are heavily protected by the armed forces. It has not been long since the last attack was counterattacked and the fleeing losses were heavy! Isn't this a rush to die?

Moreover, these people have been arrested for a long time. If they want to rescue or silence them, they should have taken action long ago. Now they have almost explained everything that should be explained, and the response measures that should be taken outside must have been completed long ago. Why?

As for taking this risk again?

In this action of handing over and transferring criminals, what we need to be careful about are mainly various kinds of probing, testing, tracking and monitoring, etc., with the purpose of finding out the details of the situation.

The reason why we have prepared and arranged various anti-attack measures is mainly to form a set of practical and useful procedural specifications for other similar tasks in the future, not just to deal with this operational task."

Shi Baocun nodded and asked: "Captain Lin, from what we know, this conflict was caused by the instigation of someone in the gang. It was obvious that someone was behind the plan, probably just to test and investigate.

But the response was so quick, and it was launched shortly after the police cleared the area, and this was only the second transfer. Could it be that the information had been leaked? Or had the police officers or other participants passed on the information."

"The news must have been leaked. The early preparations and notifications to relevant units, especially the notification and coordination with other external units, their confidentiality awareness and means are almost non-existent, so we can't hold out much hope.

Furthermore, actions such as dispatching police officers are very noisy. Anyone who learns about the relevant situation can guess that we will take action. Although they may not know what it is, it does not prevent them from taking action in advance.

Arrange responses.

Actions were taken during the second transfer, and it was still within a reasonable range. After all, there was a gap of several hours, which was enough to pay attention to the people I noticed and understand a lot of the situation.

As for the gang's response so quickly, it may be that the relevant personnel were given some instructions in advance by their superiors. It's not about detailed information, it may just be for them to pay attention to whether there are any movements like ours.

It may also be that the people involved in the gang who had problems knew some information beforehand, or saw a rare opportunity and made their own decisions and acted on their own, so they took action so quickly.

Of course, the greater possibility is that it is a combination of both. Some information and instructions were first transmitted from above, and then the people below encountered them. They felt that the opportunity was not missed and quickly moved. However, it is unlikely that it was the transmission of information.


The police officers and other assisting personnel have too little access to the information. They have no idea where to go next, and they don’t even know if they want to pass it on. The only ones who know are our own people, and the probability of something going wrong is too low.

Taking a step back, even if there were any internal problems, they would not pass on this information, because they know the process and arrange this, and they know very well that this information is useless.

This point can be counter-evidenced from the fact that the other party's spying operation did not know much about the specific arrangements, rules, requirements, etc., which led to the failure of the spying.

Denying this point, it also denies the possibility that the other party has been tracking and monitoring the police force. At least it denies that this kind of person planned this operation, because without getting the information in advance, it is impossible to know the location of the operation dock in advance. If you follow them all the way, you will not

So quickly we can contact the people in the gang to initiate the attack. Taken together, the possibilities I provided are more likely."

After analyzing all aspects of the situation for the two of them, Lin Mo began to understand the details of how this conflict was handled.

"The police station and the government have only found out so many people? Although this gang is not very powerful, where is it? It is not possible for these little miscellaneous fish to survive on such a large scale here.

Got up."

Sha Ruhai made a fuss and explained: "There are two factions, black and white, and there are people with higher positions and greater power standing behind it. We can foresee it, but if we dig deeper, we will find out that there are various related people and interests involved.

These are not so easy to handle.

The most important thing is that there is no evidence or even clues pointing to them. As far as we are concerned, the people with problems are most likely to be at the level of these people. At least those in high positions will not easily involve themselves.

Come up with this specific matter.

For both of them, the deterrent effect we need is enough to capture these people. There is no need to pursue them to the death, at least we should not act so rashly. Even if we want to take action, we must plan and plan for the long term."

Lin Mo nodded. Compared to Shi Baocun who was very energetic, Lao Sha was much more sophisticated in his actions. At least he had no problem with the sense of propriety and scale.

"By the way, where is this person who is instigating? Didn't you catch him?" Shi Baocun never mentioned this person again, which made Lin Mo ask curiously.

"There is no news yet. There is no trace of this person in his home, gangs, venues and other related or frequent places. The search is still going on and I am also waiting for news."

Lin Mo raised his eyebrows and said: "If they were specially trained and placed, and there were no accidents or other circumstances, they would have probably escaped. If they were just instigated and sold, they would have been silenced and turned into corpses."

Hearing what Lin Mo said, Shi Baocun felt a little uneasy, because according to the information, although the man was not a native of Nanjing, he did not seem to be an imposter or a forged identity. It was exactly as Captain Lin said...

"...Ding ding, ding, ding, ding, ding..." The phone rang, disrupting Shi Baocun's thoughts. The two of them looked at Lin Mo, but Lin Mo waved his hand.

"You answer it! I guess I have informed you of the situation. The password verification codes are..."

Lin Mo directly signaled Shi Baocun to pick up, and gave him the pre-agreed password and his personal verification code. For verification codes, you can refer to the verification code. Everyone has their own, and each action is assigned to some people for use in high-level operations.

Confirm identity during confidential in-operation communications.

Because it has just been implemented, I am still not used to it, and this code is mainly used to communicate with people outside of confidential operations. It can be regarded as a temporary code name. Lin Mo helped a few people remember it before.

After some operations and replies, Shi Baocun put down the receiver in a daze, because this call directly confirmed Lin Mo's inference that the body of the instigator had just been discovered.

"What's wrong?" Looking at Shi Baocun's expression, Sha Ranhai was a little strange. He had developed a good habit of not listening. When Shi Baocun answered the phone, he had already moved to a suitable distance.

"The crony who was instigated by the gang has been silenced. His throat was cut and killed in a private house. According to the investigation, one of his concubines lived not far from there.

At that time, he must have been in a hurry to find his concubine, but someone followed him in the alley and slashed his throat with a knife. Then he was dragged from the back door to a house, and his body was thrown into the corner of a pile of firewood to hide it.

According to what they said, based on the analysis of the scene, the blood splattering from the wound should have been covered with clothes, and there was not much left on the ground. At the same time, there should be another person who helped open the door and sneak into the house to hide the body.

The owner of the house checked and found that he was an ordinary person who had lived there for a long time and had a clean background. When the crime occurred, the restaurant facing the street of his house was busy with customers, and couples, young and old, were busy in the shop. Customers and neighbors could all testify.

The body was discovered by the male owner. He was busy. He went back to the backyard to go to the latrine. When he entered the backyard, he smelled a strong smell of blood. He looked around and found nothing, so he didn't think much about it. After going to the latrine, he came out and wanted to grab some firewood.

When I got to the front, I found that the firewood pile had been passed over. When I opened it, I found the body underneath.

Later, we learned some other information by inquiring about the deceased's whereabouts. The deceased was in a hurry at the time. He was wearing a wide-brimmed hat and probably lowered his head to cover his whereabouts.

In addition, he was carrying a dark brown leather bag. According to information provided by a petty thief on the street, the bag should have contained a lot of gold and silver, as well as small valuables. After he recognized the other person's identity, he did not dare to go back.

Make up your mind.

Afterwards, the cowhide bag and other belongings on his body disappeared. According to the traces at the scene, it should have been taken away by the murderer. He probably wanted to pretend to be a robbery and kill someone, or simply used it as an excuse to excuse the incident in the future."

Lin Mo nodded and asked: "When the deceased was killed, you should have already taken action against the gang, right?"

"...Well...we must have taken action!" Shi Baocun compared the timeline and nodded with certainty, and the time for taking action should have been a while ago, at least the arrest of the leader of the gang in the hospital had already taken place.

"I understand what you mean. The killer who originally followed him and planned to kill him should have been planning to wait until he left the city before taking action. However, the deceased delayed and the killer had no choice but to kill him in the city.

After all, the risk of silence in the city is very high. Like this time, it only took half an hour for the body to be found after killing and abandoning the body. Moreover, if the matter is spread in the city, it will easily spread, which will add a lot of trouble to their work, so in the city

Destroying the mouth should be done out of necessity.

The reason for the delay is probably the money in his bag. The appearance of the money is unreasonable. Based on his status in the gang and the feedback from the search of his home, even if he was instigated by the Japanese to work for the other side, he

Identity and access to things are not worth much.

I reflect on this, and the inference I just made about this money should be wrong. I suspect that this money is probably the reward obtained after this operation, or it may even be obtained by extortion and coercion on the pretext of fleeing. It is possible that the money may be taken away.

We also took away evidence, this clue is worth investigating."

"...Not bad, not bad..." Lin Mo applauded and nodded, smiling: "You may have hit the point. Even I didn't realize this clue."

"...What a pity..." Shi Baocun frowned with some regret and said: "When the crime occurred, we were still arresting and investigating, and the police station was basically empty. By the time it is confirmed that the deceased is the target, a lot of time has passed. There are probably many clues.

They have all been lost, and the other party may even have known that the deceased was found, and made corresponding arrangements and closure..."

"At least we have found the direction of the investigation. Compared with headless flies running around, the possibility of getting results has been greatly increased. Isn't that how things are done? It's like building a house, adding bricks and tiles bit by bit..."

This chapter has been completed!
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