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Chapter 84 New Situation

 After listening to Lin Mo's explanation, Li Changwu thought for a moment and continued to ask: "Lin Mo, according to you, Huang Qiuyue's task shouldn't be that difficult, and her identity shouldn't be that special either.


Lin Mo listened and explained: "The difficulty of this kind of task is indeed not too high among spies. It is not like those tasks of stealing intelligence, many of which require entering other people's core departments."

"And these core departments, both in terms of confidentiality and the level of attention from other intelligence organizations, are very easy to be exposed."

"Also, after stealing information, our side will respond based on this information, which will also expose the lurking people."

"As for Huang Qiuyue's actions, they do not need to enter the core departments of the national government, nor do they need to worry about attracting the attention of the national intelligence organization. They do not need to worry about the risks after completing the mission. After all, they can go back after completing the survey."

"However, although this mission is very safe, the credit for this kind of mission is not small, especially when this map plays a big role."

"In this way, this kind of surveying and mapping task becomes a real thing, like a mountain, which can explain Huang Qiuyue's special identity."

After listening to Lin Mo's explanation, Li Changwu said: "These can't explain how much credit this task has. After all, the Japanese have almost mapped our country's terrain, and the map is more detailed than ours. According to you, the map was drawn before.

How much credit must be given to those people."

Hearing what Li Changwu said, Lin Mo did not continue to explain, but asked: "Brother, have you forgotten where Nanjing is?"

Hearing Lin Mo's rhetorical question, Li Changwu's pupils shrank and he lost his voice: "Capital!!"

"Yes, it's the capital." After saying that, Lin Mo took a deep breath and continued: "This time, no matter who these Japanese spies are or how cunning they are, we will catch them all and let Japan

People pay the price.”

When the others heard what Lin Mo said, their eyes were firm and they nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Xu Zhiyu walked in from outside.

Seeing Xu Zhiyu come in, Lin Mo knew that there must be news about what he was asked to investigate, so he asked: "Old Xu, is there any new news?"

Upon hearing Lin Mo's inquiry, Xu Zhiyu took out the photo and said, "Master Lin, we have already found out the information you asked us to check."

After saying that, Xu Zhiyu took out a photo, which was a photo of Chen Maofeng and his driver when they went out.

Xu Zhiyu pointed at the driver and said: "This is Chen Maofeng's driver. His name is Chen Gengwen. He was with Chen Maofeng when he started. He is a relative of Chen Maofeng and now lives with Chen Maofeng."

After finishing Chen Gengwen, Xu Zhiyu took out another photo with four people on it. Xu Zhiyu pointed to two people and said: "These two people are from Qingmao Trading Company who are responsible for receiving the goods, inspecting the goods for storage and contacting foreign businessmen. Their names are Wang Jianzi and

Yang Houzhi, they both joined Qingmao Trading Company three years ago. They said they were invited by Chen Maofeng from Shanghai, and they now live together."

After saying that, Xu Zhiyu took out two more photos, each with only one person on them. Xu Zhiyu handed one to Lin Mo and said: "This person is the manager of Qingmao Trading Company. His name is Hu Zhaosheng. He is usually responsible for various specific tasks of the trading bank. He

He joined Qingmao Trading Company four years ago. Not long after joining, he was promoted to manager. People in the trading firm said he was a relative of Chen Maofeng, but there was no way to confirm this."

After talking about Hu Zhaosheng, Xu Zhiyu handed another photo to Lin Mo and said: "This person is the treasurer of Qingmao Trading Company. His name is Xu Wenyou. He also joined Qingmao Trading Company four years ago. He entered at the same time as Hu Zhaosheng.

, I am usually responsible for finance."

"The above people are either single or their families are not around. Except for Chen Gengwen, who lives with Chen Maofeng, the others either live together or by themselves."

"And no one has seen their other relatives. These people all meet your requirements very well."

Lin Mo listened and asked: "What about the other ordinary employees? None of them meet the requirements?"

After hearing this, Xu Zhiyu shook his head and said: "No, among the other ordinary employees, some are locals in Nanjing, some moved their families to Nanjing, and some have studied in Nanjing. Their identities can all be confirmed.

Come down."

"There are also some people who came to Nanjing from other places, but many of these people were sent back to take charge of local business development, and not many stayed in Nanjing."

Lin Mo listened, nodded, picked up the photo on the table, turned around and handed it to Zhang Xiwen, and then said to Zhang Xiwen: "Xiwen, when you go back, arrange for people to monitor these people. Take a look at these people."

Personal situation."

Zhang Xiwen listened, nodded in agreement, and after communicating with Xu Zhiyu for a while, left the courtyard.

After Zhang Xiwen went back to arrange the arrangements, Lin Mo asked Xu Zhiyu: "Old Xu, the news you got this time was too fast and too accurate. Can you tell me the source of the news?"

When Xu Zhiyu heard Lin Mo's question, he nodded and said, "After I went back and explained the situation to Gang Leader Yao, he asked someone to inquire and found a relative of a brother in the gang who had previously worked at Qingmao Trading Company."
"Probably he joined Qingmao Commercial Bank a year after its establishment, but he didn't have much ability. He worked for more than four years and was still a small clerk. Some time ago, the brother from the gang was assigned to be in charge of a newly established small commercial bank, so he took over

His relative came over to help him."

"This time he was among the people who were inquiring about the information. After hearing that they were inquiring about Qingmao Trading Company, he called his relatives over."

"Although his relative is not good at work, he still has a way of getting along with people. He has been in the business for a long time, and he basically knows everyone in the business."

"As soon as he came over today, he told everything about the business. Only then can we find out the situation so completely."

After listening, Lin Mo nodded and asked, "Do you know about this person's situation?"

"This man is an old Nanjing man and has been in Nanjing for many generations. But just in case, we have arranged for him to be in the gang now to prevent any unexpected situations."

After hearing this, Lin Mo nodded. After thinking for a while, Lin Mo said to Xu Zhiyu: "Old Xu, you can ask Gang Leader Yao to help verify what he said later, especially those who come from out of town.

, we must focus on verification.”

After hearing this, Xu Zhiyu was about to go into the house and call Yao Jiange.

"Wait a minute." Lin Mo suddenly thought of something and quickly called Xu Zhiyu.

When Xu Zhiyu heard Lin Mo's words, he turned around in surprise and looked at Lin Mo doubtfully.

Lin Mo sorted out his thoughts and asked Xu Zhiyu: "Old Xu, have you ever asked what the accents of the people in the trading firm are?"

After hearing this, Xu Zhiyu shook his head in confusion.

Seeing this, Lin Mo explained: "Most of the places occupied by the Japanese are in the north. Many Japanese spies train Chinese, especially Chinese speaking, in the north. As a result, many Japanese spies will bring

More or less northern accents and language habits, especially those from the Northeast."

After hearing this, Xu Zhiyu suddenly realized and said to Lin Mo: "I will ask them to ask them now to see what accents those people have."

After saying that, Xu Zhiyu hurriedly walked to the living room. Lin Mo saw this and followed in. Finally, everyone gathered in the living room.

Xu Zhiyu first called Yao Jiange and told Yao Jiange about Lin Mo.

After calling Yao Jiange, Xu Zhiyu called the person who was looking for information and asked him to help inquire about the accent.

After making the call, everyone waited in the living room.

After waiting for a while, Lin Mo felt that it was not good to just wait and do nothing, so he asked Xu Zhiyu: "Old Xu, how did you go when I asked you to investigate another Japanese spy team?"

Hearing Lin Mo's inquiry, Xu Zhiyu sorted out his words and said: "When I went back yesterday, the situation was almost complete. Today they will conduct final verification, and I can bring it over tomorrow."

"That's good. If you bring the information tomorrow, we can take action."

Hearing what Lin Mo said, Xu Zhiyu thought for a moment and asked, "Do you need me to ask them to check the accent as well?"

Lin Mo listened, thought for a while, and said: "No, it's not time to check the accent now, and they have just arrived, and it is impossible to have insiders like Qingmao Trading Company to ask. If you contact them rashly, you may

Arouse their vigilance."

As soon as Lin Mo finished speaking, the phone rang, and Xu Zhiyu quickly picked up the phone.

Xu Zhiyu talked to the person on the other end of the phone for a while, then hung up the phone and turned around with an excited face.

Xu Zhiyu looked at Lin Mo and said happily: "Master Lin, it's exactly what you said. Among the people we suspected, except Wang Jianzi, all the others have northern accents."

Lin Mo frowned after hearing this, feeling a little strange in his heart, why doesn't Wang Jianzi have a northern accent?

Seeing Lin Mo frowning, Xu Zhiyu asked: "Master Lin, is there any problem?"

When Lin Mo heard this, he came to his senses and didn't say anything. Instead, he walked out of the living room, went to the corridor, took out Wang Jianzi's photo and looked at it carefully, but he didn't find anything wrong.

When the others saw Lin Mo suddenly walking out of the living room, they followed him out.

Li Changwu looked at Lin Mo's expression and asked Lin Mo: "Lin Mo, what's wrong? Have you discovered anything?"

When Lin Mo saw this, he shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just that Wang Jianzi doesn't have a northern accent, which makes me think there's something wrong."

Li Changwu listened and said: "The accent can only be used as a reference. Besides, he lives with someone else. As long as that person has a problem, he must have a problem too."

Lin Mo listened and nodded, but he still felt a little strange, but he couldn't explain it.

This chapter has been completed!
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