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Chapter 862 Action Mission

"I won't say more. I believe you have guessed what your operational tasks are. The burden will be on you. But please don't worry, we will also give you the greatest support, including how to arrange and carry out the work. We will not interfere.

, the decision is entirely up to you.

The second and third action teams are led by you and are responsible for all the core work. The other two teams can ask for assistance unconditionally at any time, and at least one team will be ensured to be dispatched at any time.

Going to Shanghai will definitely involve fighting, and you may have to experience very dangerous battles. Therefore, during this period, you have full authority to deploy the special operations team, wait for orders, and follow operations. Other independent arrangements are entirely up to you.

In addition, the team and I will do our best to meet your various needs. Even if they are unreasonable, they will be met first and the rest will be discussed later. We will do our best to coordinate with other units, departments and various resources for you.

Maybe there is still a boss."

Lin Mo's scalp went numb after hearing these words. The provision of such generous and lenient conditions and the tilted use of various resource channels can only show that it is extremely difficult to complete this matter, or that the person who made this decision has no intention of completing it.

The degree, results, etc. are all very high hopes. It is not an ordinary matter. If you pass the standard, you can satisfy the other party.

"What are your thoughts on arranging these specific actions?" Xu Guyu quietly looked at Lin Mo, who had a solemn expression and frowned in thought. Seeing that he did not object for a while, Xu Guyu finally spoke.

"...Well..." Lin Mo came back to his senses, pondered for a moment, and said: "There is only a rough charter, a rough summary, which is to first fight the Japanese in Shanghai, restore some of the decline, and gain bargaining chips for the negotiations.

The fight may last several times. If it reaches a large scale and you take advantage once or twice at the beginning, you may be able to end this stage. Later, you will have to fight around redemption negotiations and handover.

After the redemption is over, the other party will most likely not give up and may still need to fight. However, at this stage, the time limit is difficult to determine. The other party should be patient and may wait until we withdraw before attacking.

It is also possible that the old and new accounts will be settled together and they will continue to fight fiercely with us in this important place like Shanghai. But this is normal. Shanghai cannot be stable. Even if they are not aware of the tit-for-tat relationship, they will secretly use various means to cannibalize each other.

It is impossible for anyone on either side to let go of Shanghai.

As for more detailed and specific arrangements and plans, I need to know more and more detailed intelligence information, and after arriving at the place, I will make corresponding deployments based on the actual situation. I will also make corresponding adjustments based on the opportunities and opportunities I seize.

The location is really impossible to give now.”

Xu Guyu nodded. After hearing what Lin Mo said, he felt more relieved. If he didn't have much information about the situation and didn't understand the actual situation, he would probably take back his life if he just made boastful remarks.

"The boss still knows you. This statement is very different from what the boss inferred. Okay, I won't say more. Now I will officially announce the order."

Obviously, such an important responsibility cannot be assigned easily. If Lin Mo had not performed as well as he did now, it is estimated that the specific arrangements would have to be discussed separately.

After Xu Guyu finished speaking, he took out a file bag full of various marks and showed it to everyone for confirmation. After checking that it had not been opened or damaged, he officially opened it and read it out.

The content of the order is basically the same as what has been discussed before. There are only a few additional appointments, all of which are temporary appointments of inspector titles. Lin Mo, Liu Zhenshan, and Xu Guyu each have their own corresponding level.

Whenever the Intelligence Department has the title of inspector, it is directly responsible to Boss Dai, has the power of internal supervision, and has the right to directly report the situation to Boss Dai.

Xu Guyu is the actual commander behind this operation, and Liu Zhenshan is the person in charge of Lin Mo's front-line operations. If necessary, he may have to go to Shanghai or the surrounding areas to take charge, not to mention Lin Mo, who personally presides over the front-line operations.

Commander, trader.

The three people holding this title mean that they have the right to investigate and report various personnel at the Shanghai Station, and the appointment clearly states that they can directly arrest people if necessary.

The levels are also arranged one after another. If Lin Mo can't handle it, Liu Zhenshan will directly take over. If it's not enough, Xu Guyu can step in. At this level, he can basically deal with most of the personnel in Shanghai station directly.

But Lin Mo didn't see it that way. He frowned and said, "Section Chief, let's not get involved in these things, right? Judging from the information, the Shanghai Station is just a shabby hut that has been infiltrated by the Japanese and leaked everywhere.

Even if the news of our intervention does not leak out, the Japanese will most likely guess it. They must have made some preparations in advance. I estimate that the Shanghai Station may be under surveillance inside and outside the station. Mixing with them will make us extremely passive.

Shanghai is not like Nanjing. Nanjing is our home turf. In matters such as counter-espionage, we can basically say that we have one thing to say. We also have military police and various personnel available to assist.

But Shanghai is different. We don’t have any armed forces stationed openly, and the concessions and various forces are complicated and intertwined. As long as we show it openly or even semi-openly, we have to withstand various resistance and pressure restrictions, which is equivalent to tying up our hands and feet.


My suggestion is to enter the station secretly and engage in battles in secret. The Shanghai Station should just retreat. Since it can't fight others, it shouldn't cause trouble for us."

Hearing Lin Mo's disgusting words, Xu Guyu felt a little helpless and asked: "What about the rectification of the Shanghai Station? It is impossible for you to be stationed there for a long time. We must make it take on the responsibility of preventing and restricting the expansion of the Japanese.


"It's just a good time to close the door and deal with it by yourself, and stay quiet. When we open up the situation, the Japanese won't care much about them. There isn't much external interference, so isn't it just right to use it to clean up the inside? There will be no connection inside.

There’s no one at all trustworthy, right?”

"...That's not to say..." Xu Guyu shook his head and replied: "It's just that the composition of the personnel at Shanghai Station is complicated, and there are many things involved such as origin and background, which is difficult to check. In addition, the Japanese were pressing forward step by step, and they were also limited.

And tired of coping.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Lin Mo nodded and said: "Then let them investigate by themselves first! If external people investigate this kind of thing, although some problems can be avoided, they will definitely get the majority

If we don't cooperate with others, we can easily be picked on by someone with intentions, who may resent us and even cause us to be hindered.

If we join in, the attention of the Japanese will be focused on us. Then we will have to deal with the Japanese and be subject to various internal constraints. We may also have to fall into a situation where we are left to our own devices.

The problem at the Shanghai Station is mainly that internal problems have caused it to be constrained by its opponents at every turn, and the opponents who have taken advantage of it have used this to interfere with the resolution of the internal problems, thus making the situation continue to deteriorate and get out of hand.

Once we have taken away the external pressure and entanglement, they can temporarily stabilize the situation, take the opportunity to investigate internal disputes, find out the evil spirits inside, and then implement some new systems and new measures at the headquarters, and even some new training, new tactics, etc.

, can all be implemented by shortening time.

If the promotion is carried out properly, it is estimated that when we withdraw, they will be able to bear the heavy burden, and with more help from the office, the situation will gradually improve.

If it is not satisfactory, the worst we can do is intervene when the time comes. The Japanese spies will be hit, and the internal opposition and resistance will be much weaker. This time should be regarded as the best time to intervene."

After thinking about it, Xu Guyu nodded and approved the plan. Of course, according to the order, even if Xu Guyu did not agree, Lin Mo would still implement it if he insisted.

Then everyone discussed various aspects of the operation and confirmed some details of assistance and cooperation. Lin Mo also roughly listed his needs for various resources, channels, relationships, etc.

After several hours of deliberation, the meeting ended completely, and only the preliminary arrangements for various complicated preparations and preparations were completed.

But the end of the meeting does not mean the end of the work. There will be more detailed extraction of information and documents, coordination and deployment of resources from all parties, and drafting and signing of various documents. Anyway, once the meeting is over, you just sit and wait for others.

When I asked him to sign and seal it, his hands were shaking.

He should have handled these matters in person, but there were too many matters. Xu Guyu and others basically coordinated them for him, or drafted various documents, and finally asked him to sign and stamp them.

If he ran by himself, he would probably break his legs.

This is not a simple field mission. You are sent somewhere to arrest someone to investigate something. The things involved in this matter are extremely complex and require a lot of help. In addition, the procedures of various matters in the Intelligence Department have become more formal and strict. Lin Mo

I had no choice but to become a signing and sealing machine.

What's even more troublesome are things like channels and relationships. These things are like the peripherals and informants developed by Lin Mo and others. Even if they can be used after coordination with the department, the negotiations are still very troublesome.


These are mostly resources that are controlled by individuals. If they are used by outsiders, there must be various concerns and worries. Generally, only the person using them can contact and discuss it in person to avoid the other party's information being spread and leaked. If the other party does not agree, the department will not provide it.

It will be forced.

If this mission was not too troublesome and difficult, Lin Mo would not want to use these things. After all, it belongs to others. He is also worried about whether they will try their best to help, whether they are reliable and trustworthy, etc.

Fortunately, the second team, Section Chief Xu, and Boss Dai already had and provided many channels for relationships. They also stepped in to help with some coordination. There were not many that required Lin Mo to coordinate.

Lin Mo returned to the office in person and met with a few people to discuss and negotiate. Although the two parties had never had any dealings or friendship, they still thought that he, the rising star of the Intelligence Department, was a bit unkind, but even so, it still took a lot of effort.

From the time he arrived for the meeting at 11 or 12 noon, and when all matters were basically dealt with, the sky had already darkened, but he still had questions about the situation that he needed to discuss with Xu Guyu and others.

This chapter has been completed!
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