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Chapter 882 Bad News

After hearing this, Zhang Guangjia immediately went to make arrangements. Soon everything was settled, and the target ship was loaded and put in place. Zhang Guangjia still trusted the repair shop and decided to personally serve as the first gun tester.

The barrel is placed on the upper cover of the bracket. The barrel has shallow grooves for more stable fixation. Since there is no directional height locking device, it can only be held up and shot by a person.

But Zhang Guangjia held it up for a moment, then put down the gun with a confused look on his face. Who am I? Where am I? He was really dumbfounded, because the gun didn’t have a sight for aiming???

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!! You shouldn’t have any unrealistic illusions about non-professional people. Before seeing the other person, he was very clear-minded, and he still had a sense of deja vu that the other person was very professional, and this is the result??

Zhang Guangjia suddenly felt that he was not so confident anymore. Looking at the released gun, he could not reach out his hand or not. He was so confused that he felt embarrassed.

Everyone who gathered around thinking that something had happened looked at each other. They had all been immersed in the shooting, and the watermelons and pumpkins suddenly burst into pieces. In the excitement that made people excited, no one discovered this problem. The main reason is that the repair shop has never done this before.

After making such a low-level mistake, who would think about this situation?

Even the eyeliners who were watching not far away were confused now. They just saw something strange on the ship, and a thick pipe was set up. Some people said it was a cannon, which made them a little panic! What was going on?

"...How about...you guys come and do it for me, I'm not very good at shooting...hey...why are you running away..."

I'm speechless. I haven't even finished my words yet! Are you all running away? How about this? Although I... do... kind of... want to... forget it, I won't deny it, that's the idea.

After everyone made such a fuss, their worries were relieved a lot. I thought that the wall thickness of the gun barrel was four millimeters, so there should be no problems, but I still checked it carefully.

At a small wild pond covered with reeds outside Suzhou, Li Shao and others were also dumbfounded by this situation. It turned out that the boss had used extra materials to make two extra ones, but he didn't display them at the time, and he didn't show them at the time.

I had the opportunity to explain it to Mr. Li, and they only found out about it when they turned back to make arrangements.

Young Master Li thought that he had to try this thing himself before he could rest assured. See if it can be used normally? See how powerful and effective it is? So he took the thing to this remote place, but only discovered this problem when he tried it.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, and the servant who tried the gun had his legs trembling. Finally, he found a few broken pieces of wood to support it, tied it with a rope and fired it. It went off, and there was no problem with the gun, but it didn't hit.

The firing mechanism is very rough and cannot be said to be sensitive at all. It requires a lot of force to trigger the firing. It is estimated that the muzzle of the gun is displaced when the cord is pulled. In addition, there is no aiming device, so it is surprising that it can hit the target.

The target was an abandoned small wooden boat on the shore that was still rotten. They tidied it up a little so that it could float on the water. They missed the boat and hit a wild lotus bush behind the side of the boat.

That scene made everyone's eyes twitch. The three- to four-meter-wide wild lotus bushes on the shore were directly penetrated. The lotus stems, lotus leaves, lotus flowers, and lotus pods were all knocked upside down, and even fell into the water. There were servants

The lotus leaves that I picked up and hit were so densely packed with holes that I thought my scalp would explode. If I hit someone on the body, I'd be afraid that they could really turn into a shower head.

After taking a shot and seeing that there was no problem, Mr. Li took a deep breath, plucked up the courage, reloaded the gun, held it up and aimed it roughly, and then pulled the trigger. After a muffled sound, he sat down on the ground.

Young Master Li only felt dizzy and had ringing in his ears. He was so confused that he didn't know what to do. He wanted to move, but his shoulders were numb and he had no feeling. People who saw something was wrong gathered around him. Young Master Li's face was covered with tears and snot, and

A hint of burning hair.

Seeing that Mr. Li was stunned and unresponsive, everyone hurriedly checked, but no wounds were found. At most, his eyebrows and forehead were burnt. They didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Mr. Li was relieved in time.

come over.

He coughed a few times, vomited a few times, and rubbed his eyes again. Just now, a large stream of saltpeter came out of the gun barrel, which made him feel dizzy and dizzy. His face also felt a slight sting. It took him a while to feel better.


The feeling in my shoulder has recovered somewhat. I pressed it and fumbled around, but I didn't feel much strange. I guess it was just numbed by the recoil. The gun was mounted on land and could not be fixed to allow the hull to bear the recoil. This

The recoil of the gun now is quite heavy.

Although part of it was borne by the support and transferred to the ground, the rest was not low. He was hit so hard that he sat on the ground. Of course, this also had something to do with his physical condition. Whether he was pretending or not, they were looking for him all day long.

Having fun cannot be fake, this body faithfully records everything and gives the results.

"What's going on? Why is there so much smoke? My hair and eyebrows are burnt, and my face is still burning."

The boss had already led someone to check. He turned around and hesitated. It took him a while to explain clearly that the middle-folding design led to insufficient sealing of the barrel. The boss used a copper bottom shell to enhance the seal. As a result, there was insufficient support at the opening and closing gaps. The copper bottom shell

There was a hole, causing gas to leak out and spray into Mr. Li's face. Fortunately, the gap at the opening and closing was not big, otherwise it would not be as simple as burning some hair.

"...There should be some problem in the production of the copper case, which caused some defects in the copper case. As a result, the copper case broke when firing. It should be just bad luck, but I will definitely check it strictly in the future..."

I believe you are a ghost! Although he was thinking this in his mind, Master Li nodded his head, but his body was very honest and ordered to continue testing by pulling the trigger. As a result, when he was about to take aim, he found that the boat was gone.

After looking around, I couldn't even see a single hair on the boat. I asked around again, and finally there was only one servant who said uncertainly that it seemed that it had sunk after being hit.

It doesn't matter whether the boat is a boat or not, let's test it first. However, after pulling the hair more than ten times in a row, the problem he experienced never appeared once. Even the servants tried it a few times and there was no problem, so as not to affect his prestige.

, and tried it again myself.

Is it really bad luck? Mr. Li didn't hesitate anymore and arranged for people to find the boat. After confirming that it had sunk, the servants started to launch the boat to retrieve it. There are not many people who don't know how to swim in the south of the Yangtze River, especially in this world, where the tide may rise at every turn.

Water, this is a life-saving skill.

After the boat was pulled up, its appearance made everyone's scalp numb. The entire hull was covered with bullet holes, especially the main bullet-hit area. The ship's planks were smashed. The boat had just been lifted out of the water, and it could indeed be used as a shower.


The filled projectiles are slightly larger birdshot projectiles, but hundreds or even thousands of projectiles can be loaded in one shot. However, the power is still far beyond Mr. Li's expectation. He saw the fight between his eyes, and he was a little doubtful that the bullet was

Wasn't the gunpowder pile overfilled?

"...Bang..." A muffled sound was heard far away. Zhang Guangjia took the courage to fire the first shot. He did not encounter the unfortunate incident of Mr. Li. Everything went well and hit the target. It just missed a little and hit the boat.

position, beat the placed pumpkin and one corner of the bow to a pulp.

The first shot fired smoothly, and there were no problems after inspection, so I plucked up the courage to fire the second and third shots. However, since there was no aiming device, it was really difficult to aim. Neither shot counted as a hit. The first shot was a few meters away.

A scattered projectile came slightly to the side of the ship.

Fortunately, after three shots were fired, Zhang Guangjia also got a rough grasp of some aiming skills. He called someone up to give him some pointers, and prepared to fire a three-gun salvo, creating a big scene for the people following him.

"...Bang bang bang..." Three shots were fired one after another, and water mist flew around the boat. Each shot basically covered the boat. After three shots, there was almost no blind spot on the entire boat.

After the noise dissipated, almost all the fruits placed on the boat were broken into pieces, red, yellow, white, and green, which always reminded people of some not-so-beautiful pictures.

Those guys who were following around were confused or looking at jokes before, but now their faces turned white, red, and green. By the time Zhang Guangjia recovered from the shock, the boat had sunk, and the water was full of floating objects.

After eating the rotten melons and fruits, the boats that were following them also turned around and ran away, wishing they had not been equipped with hot wheels.

Not long after the surveillance men were sent away, Liu Zhenshan was also picked up along with the small steamer. Without any polite words, Lin Mo, Zheng Junshan and Wang Mingkun were allowed to follow him into a quiet room.

"It does not bring good news. I hope you will be mentally prepared."

The conditions were limited, so they just sat on the edge of the bed. However, Liu Zhenshan made the three of them stand up again with just two words. These words were not unimportant! It showed that the situation might be worse than several people expected.

"Fortunately, you didn't rush into Shanghai. Otherwise, you might have been dug out by the other side, or even attacked and beaten. I don't know how many people could be evacuated from Shanghai."

Liu Zhenshan made another shocking statement, and the hearts of several people felt cold again. Something was very wrong! The previous situation had made several people worried, but now they really have a headache.

"Group Liu, have the Japanese already received the news about our dispatch?" Lin Mo frowned and asked aloud.

"Although there is no definite news, there is not much to worry about. The Japanese espionage agency and its peripheral forces in Shanghai have been active covertly and covertly in the past few days. Although some cover-ups were arranged in advance, we still

I have discovered clues through some channels, and it is very likely that I already know that you are moving.

Moreover, there are also actions in the north. In Peiping, Tianjin and other places, Japanese spies and the forces that have taken refuge in them have made some unusual actions. I don’t know whether it is to coordinate with Shanghai or for some other purpose. Even the Japanese troops around the boundary between the two sides in the north have also made some actions.

I don’t know if it has anything to do with us.”

Lin Mo's frown deepened and he opened his mouth to ask: "Team Liu, to what extent is the situation obtained by the other party?"

"The exact amount of information we have obtained has not yet been determined, and it is probably unclear. However, the progress of your movements has definitely not been leaked. Fortunately, it has been handled with great autonomy and has not given you any plans for your actions in Shanghai.

Plans and the like, otherwise it would be estimated that everything would be..."

This chapter has been completed!
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