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Chapter 888 The feeling of wandering

"Is there nothing wrong?" After the food was served and he had eaten for a while, Lin Mo opened his mouth and asked for a routine check. If there was something unusual or something wrong, Zhu Sanbao must have warned him a long time ago.

Zhu Sanbao subconsciously put down his chopsticks, but Lin Mo told him to just talk while eating. Zhu Sanbao thought for a moment, took the bowl and sat next to Lin Mo, and whispered.

"...I checked carefully and didn't find anything wrong. It's too hot, and the road outside is an asphalt road, which is even hotter! Very few people will stay and stop. The stalls on the roadside and the like are watching.

They are all old stalls, and there are no suspicious people. As for the surrounding buildings, the windows are closed and the curtains are tightly drawn. I looked around carefully and there is nothing suspicious."

Lin Mo nodded and said: "These behaviors of citizens can be recorded. These cannot be shown in the data. In addition, now that the price of silver has soared, the SH market has formed a phenomenon of mainly using copper coins. Later, ordinary people spent

When it comes to spending money, we should also try to avoid spending too much silver coins. If the other party doesn’t ask for discounts or offer discounts, we should try not to pay silver coins.”

Not long after entering the city, Lin Mo clearly felt the difference between the information on paper and the actual situation. If what he felt on paper was turbulent, then in reality the SH market was calm and peaceful.

the prosperous scene.

Of course, this does not mean that the information on paper is false and does not exist. Even what is on paper is the real Shanghai, but it is covered up underwater by the false peace and prosperity. For ordinary citizens who have not experienced it personally, it can be felt.

, but more inspections cost more money, and the gang members are more active and wander around.

However, although the undercurrent surging under the water is the real Shanghai, you can only deal with it with a high degree of vigilance in your heart. Your appearance on the surface should still be consistent with that of normal citizens, so as not to appear inconsistent and abnormal. This time he entered

One of the purposes of the city is to detect the situation so that they can blend into the crowd silently like water dripping into water, moistening things.

Zhu Sanbao nodded in agreement and kept Lin Mo's instructions in mind. He was also thinking about and learning from Lin Mo's perspective on the problem, because he knew this was a rare opportunity.

The two of them finished the meal slowly, taking the remaining ice-cold sodas with them. They chatted with the shopkeeper for a long time, who was idle after the meal, and then left in spite of the heat wave with a look of resistance.

The two of them took a room in Taiji Mansion to temporarily store their luggage. They detoured two streets and rushed to the mansion. It was too hot! Fortunately, it was so hot that there were fewer people on the road, and most of them were in a hurry.

It was walking, so it was easy to confirm that there was no tail behind the butt.

Taiji Mansion, with its lofty name, is actually used for trysts. They can be lovers, wives, or other people's wives. There are also people who run their own pimp business. It is no different from a brothel, and it is even a place for fraud.

Many white-splitting parties are active in places like this.

The so-called liars who make a living by deceiving women's feelings, defrauding women's money, sex, and people. Most of them are handsome young men who specialize in deceiving rich ladies and beautiful lovers. Don't think that they are just scumbags.

He is much worse than most of today's scumbags. He not only defrauds you of money and sex, but also sells people into money-making tools after draining you.

Some owners of Taiji mansions, that is, bosses and stewards, will also cooperate with the gangsters who first let the gangsters deceive the woman's affection, and then provide cover for the woman, so that she and the gangsters can enjoy themselves in the mansion.

Then you will be abandoned by others, and then another person who accuses you of cheating will take advantage of you. This may be repeated several times. When you feel less ashamed or even abandon you, you will be directly tricked or even forced to become a hostess in a hotel.

During the Republic of China, there were a huge number of places in Shanghai called Taiji Mansion. However, what the two of them were looking for was not a brothel or a secret door. The boss of this place only ran accommodations and didn't care about anything else you did.

They mixed it up, and as a result, more and more men and women started messing around, and eventually it became Taiji Mansion. In fact, it should be more accurately called an hourly room, and it does provide hourly services.

Lin Mo and the two of them only booked it for half a day. Firstly, they were just temporarily storing their luggage; secondly, there would be activities to expose the gangsters in this place. They went in and had a big change of clothes before coming out, so they would not have any doubts about it.

...Hmm...Both of them look...relatively...ordinary. They changed into the attire of a wealthy boss and came out. The boss just rolled his eyes, obviously thinking that they were that kind of person. This shows that they had a good time trying to expose the white gang.

The two of them came back in a sweaty state. The boss glanced sideways and said something honest, which completely broke Zhu Sanbao's defense. He wanted to go up and grab the other person's collar and yell, "He is sweating from heat, not from exhaustion."

, he is not false.

Finally, he followed Lin Mo upstairs a little angrily, packed his things and checked out of the room, then left quickly, looking like he was leaving in a panic with his tail between his legs.

Although the actions of Lin Mo and Lin Mo today left a deep impression on those who came into contact with them, their actions were both reasonable and reasonable. Even if they were investigated and questioned, these contacts would suspect that there was something wrong with them.


They have no suspicion, and there is a high probability that they will not provide their information when asked. The investigators have not obtained their information, so how can they find them?

This was a cover-up method specially designed and practiced by Lin Mo and Zhu Sanbao on the road. He believed that as they were both intelligence officers, we all had very sensitive noses, and it would be difficult to hide from the other party again and again.

That being the case, why not change your mind? It’s hard to hide the information from people of the same kind, but what about people who are not the same type of contacts? It’s much easier to hide it from the other person’s eyes. If you hide the information from the people in contact and don’t let people of the same type hear about them, even if there is

No matter how clever your nose is, it is useless.

However, the disadvantages are equally obvious. Once their whereabouts are discovered, it is easy to dig out their whereabouts from contacts who have a good impression of them, and then let the other party have more information about the situation.

This is also because the two of them frequently changed their costumes and disguises along the way, and did not even show their true identities at first, leaving the impression on those who came into contact with them. The information was also false. In fact, they consciously and actively interfered and deceived these non-professionals. Similar people wanted to start from

It is difficult for them to get any useful information here, because even if the impression is not shallow, the thing is fake and was left on purpose. As long as the other party is not misled, it is fine.

The two of them walked for a while leaning against the shadow of the wall, and finally turned into an alley. They walked around in the complicated alley for a while. When they came out of another entrance farther away, their upper bodies had already changed into

He was wearing an inconspicuous shirt, a straw hat he bought conveniently in Nongli, and the color and pattern of the box on his hand had also been changed.

The two went out from the north side of the eastern part of the public concession. There were also checkpoints here, and some roads were even blocked by Juma. However, they only checked in but not out. The two went out to the northern city area smoothly.

Let the two of you walk and take a look! Walking around the Zhabei cross-border road construction area, they finally came to the Tanziwan area north of the Suzhou River. This place is densely packed with all kinds of privately built private houses, but the flow of people is also extremely large.

It is densely populated, mostly composed of migrant workers, porters and their families. The personnel situation is complicated, the public security is chaotic, and the three religions and nine streams gather together, creating a sense of abnormal prosperity.

Tanziwan is one of the famous Three Bays and Lanes shantytown in Shanghai. However, at present, this place can only be regarded as a village in the city. It was turned into a shantytown after being devastated by the war after August 13.

South of the Suzhou River, that is, the Chabaojiao area where the newspaper reported the fight, is the main industrial concentration area of ​​the concession. The people living in Sanwan and Lane are mainly workers and porters here.

The two didn't stay here too long. They just paid attention to the situation along the way and took a ferry near Chabaojiao to enter the Western District of the Public Concession. However, the high temperature obviously also affected the normal operation of the industrial area.

On the pier on the river bank, there are piles of sacks and containers everywhere. Although there are many people carrying goods under the scorching sun, compared to the goods piled on the pier, the number of people is obviously insufficient. Of course, it may also be due to the previous fight.

There are some relationships.

Going deep into the concession, there are indeed many various factories around, but now it looks a bit depressed. It is not surprising. The domestic industry is basically light industry. These factories are operating in this dry and hot weather. Many of them are operating in this dry and hot weather.

They are all relatively dangerous.

On the way, the two of them heard someone talking about how a small weaving factory had burned down a few days ago. Although it only burned the factory machinery that was not in the warehouse, the fire spread and destroyed most of the small factory next to it.

The small factory used to be a large-scale flour mill. If the flour mill had not mobilized a large number of factories to put out the fire and prevent the spread of the fire, it would have probably burned down the flour mill as well, or even caused more serious consequences. After all, the flour mill was dry.

, and there are many flammable substances. Once affected, it is extremely difficult to contain them, and even more serious problems such as dust explosions may occur.

At this time, all the factory owners in this area were a little worried. What should you do if a fire breaks out in your own factory? If it affects others, you will be punished to death! After some discussions, they unanimously decided to try their best to only start work in the morning and evening. Of course, this must also be affected by the dry heat.

It is related to the normal operation of all aspects of the link, as well as some problems in the business.

How can it be possible to easily reduce the opening hours when business is really booming? Otherwise, it would not only look a bit depressed at this time, but there would not be many people there. After all, the concession is not affordable for ordinary working-class families, and the surrounding area is dominated by factories.

If the workers don't start working, they will definitely go back to the north of Suzhou River. How many people will they see on the road?

Many factory owners also invested in the purchase of water transportation, water storage, water pumping and other equipment, and placed them throughout the area. They even sprinkled water along the roads beside some factories. However, this did not make the area cooler.

On the contrary, it is even hotter and muggier.

The main reason is that the sun is too hot, and dry hot air has poor thermal conductivity. However, as water is sprinkled and evaporated, the thermal conductivity becomes stronger, causing the temperature transmitted to the body to rise, while the actual temperature drops.

The water is still sprayed too little. If it is sprayed in large quantities, it will definitely be refreshing. Just like places like lakes, a large amount of water is needed to attract and store the heat of the hot sun. Only by greatly cooling can the body temperature be reduced, instead of increasing air transmission.

The heat makes the body feel a higher temperature.

This chapter has been completed!
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