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Chapter 892 Market Sentiment

"…Further on, when the price fluctuates around fifty cents, our buying volume fluctuates violently at this time. When it is higher than fifty cents, we no longer buy more, and when it drops, we buy in large amounts.


Although the rise and fall here are consistent with our trading actions, they are not affected by us at all. It is probably that the person who handles the buying at home is also worried about the bill not being passed and does not dare to buy positions at excessive costs.

Why can I be sure it is drumming? Because before this, the speed of buying and holding positions was not high. Before the bill was passed, the position could only be maintained at about 40%. This is a relatively cautious position for novices.


Although after calculation, the average chips purchased at this stage have not decreased much, why do we say it has little impact? Because many people in the market think the same as us.

At the lowest price for government silver purchases, many ordinary investors in the market are worried that if the bill is passed, their positions may be closed and sold when the bill is good. Buyers may be too nervous to buy, especially when the price goes up and down.

If it is uncertain, your willingness to invest will be shaken. This is called market sentiment.

At the level of ordinary investors, selling orders sharply increase and buying orders decrease sharply at this price, which in turn affects the price. At this time, the number of chips trading or waiting for transactions in the market has increased sharply, and the lack of circulation is no longer the same as before. We still have

By maintaining this buying volume, the impact on the market has been drastically reduced.

The ups and downs of the price should be due to the large amount of funds buying and holding positions in large quantities according to the method I mentioned before. When the price goes up, they stop buying or sell goods to keep the price down. When the price falls, they accumulate a large number of sellers and then take the opportunity to buy in large quantities. The price

We were pulled up and repeated again, but our investment strategy was just wrong and we took advantage of the other party.

However, it didn't last long, and those people didn't get many chips. As soon as the bill was passed, we bought a lot of money, and the price immediately rose to 60 cents. This was the stage that was most directly affected by our funds.


Why do you say that? Because in just a few trading days, our position increased from more than 40% before the bill was signed to more than 60%, an increase of nearly 20%. This shows that there is still a huge amount of selling at this stage, but it’s just that

Let us buy in large amounts and violently push the price up.

Even in the midst of this, it is possible that a lot of the bargaining chips that were previously invested in large amounts of money and then thrown out to lower the price were eaten up. Therefore, in order to obtain enough chips, the other party kept the price under sixty cents for a long time and fluctuated for a long time.

It also caused the price to fluctuate violently, which forced us to buy more chips. However, it also allowed us to pick up a lot of bargains and take in nearly 10% of the position.

But this strategy also proves my previous analysis that our people are also beating the drum in their hearts. Before the good news comes, they will be timid and cautious. Once the good news is confirmed, they will rush and attack again, becoming aggressive and bold.

Although we have achieved our goals, this is based on the premise that we have a huge amount of funds, bought and held a large number of positions early, and have already made huge profits, that is, we are full of confidence, otherwise such an emotional operation would

, it is estimated that it can make people feel like they are in a state of ecstasy.

Of course, their minds are relatively clear and clear. Whether it is safe buying in the early stage or decisive selling in the later stage, they all respond correctly. However, when major situations cause severe market fluctuations, they will also be affected by market sentiment.

The impact of these…”

After the analysis, Lin Mo personally pointed at the chart and explained some problems and situations to Lin Zhenping. Although it was just a theory, it was still somewhat basic. Lin Mo even broke it into pieces and conducted some analysis.

Lin Zhenping was finally able to understand the trick.

"Uncle Ping, now I can answer your previous question. Do you still think the silver price can break through one dollar? What I'm talking about is that it breaks through and then stabilizes, not that it breaks through and then falls back quickly."

"...It's a bit suspense..." Lin Zhenping nodded, then changed the topic and said: "But market sentiment is also available, there should be a chance, right?"

When Lin Mo heard this, his teeth were a bit sore, but he still explained patiently: "You can't say too harshly, but the chance is slim. I will explain it to you carefully and analyze it! You will understand after listening to it."

Lin Mo knew that these ideas may not only be held by Lin Zhenping. Although he didn't know why he was entangled in this point, he still wanted to completely convince people about something that was obviously wrong.

"Uncle Ping, in financial market transactions, many investors are accustomed to selling at integer digits, especially integer digits such as five or ten, so the selling orders here will be relatively concentrated, while the buying orders are worried about whether the price will rise.

If it goes up, it will hesitate and waver here, thus forming a greater resistance to the upward trend.

Someone is making a fuss about the two prices of fifty cents and sixty cents. They are not chosen randomly. You have also seen the resistance to the rise. And for one dollar, it not only rises to the tens of digits, but also breaks through higher.

At a price of an order of magnitude, there will definitely be a huge amount of selling orders.

If the price goes up by one dollar, it is not far away from the government's highest silver purchase price of less than 1.3 dollars, which means that the market's expectations for price increases will be significantly reduced, the willingness to buy will decrease, and there will be fewer buyers.

Investors who bought early have already made sufficient profits and have a strong desire to leave the market. They form a huge number of sellers. Each increase and one decrease will only cause a huge difference in buying and selling orders, unless there is a large amount of funds to support the bottom line.


But when the price of silver exceeds one dollar, profit expectations decrease and risks increase, how can there be big funds willing to enter the market to take over the market? They may even clear their positions earlier than ordinary investors, just like us.

And big funds are happy to see the price of silver fall, because our existence has pushed up the price of silver early, making it impossible for them to buy enough chips at low prices, and in the middle, we have accidentally destroyed several purchases of the other party.

Holding a position, the chips and positions held by the other party will never satisfy them.

For most large funds, it is definitely not satisfactory to have such a good investment opportunity, but the price has been pushed up even before the market has taken advantage of it, and the market has almost stopped. They can use other means to gain through the decline process.

Profit, or let the price fall back, gain chips from this process and start the market again, these are what they want to see.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Even the government wants to see the price of silver fall, because only if the price of silver falls back to a low level, they will take the opportunity to buy a large amount of silver, so as to comfort them as much as possible.

Those who are forced to buy silver at low prices can also raise the price of silver again to satisfy those behind the big funds.

Uncle Ping, look at it, there are so many powerful factors driving the decline in silver prices, do you still think it can hit one dollar? At least this time it is not very possible.

What are the factors that caused the increase? Is it market sentiment? Market sentiment is useful, but it can also be exploited, just like when it was fifty cents or sixty cents, it might just be exploited by others, even what you saw

, maybe it’s just what others want you to see.

If you want to have an accurate judgment on the market, it is extremely narrow-minded and unwise to dwell on a single influencing factor. You must comprehensively consider various situations, consider the demands of all parties, etc., in order to obtain relatively accurate results..."

After hearing this, Lin Zhenping was stunned for a long time. He realized that he was terribly wrong, even ridiculous. Just as Lin Mo said, he was full of narrow-mindedness and unwiseness, just like a red-eyed gambler.

"By the way, Uncle Ping, I remember you mentioned before that the previous one was sold out, does that mean you have bought something else now?"

"...Yes..." Lin Zhenping nodded and said with a wry smile: "The people in charge of operations in the United States believed that the price of silver could not rise more than one dollar. After it broke through to 85 cents, they expressed their intention to short-sell the price of silver, which was to buy

Silver prices fell.

We here generally believe that the price of silver should continue to rise and remain high, but we are not convinced. After breaking 90 cents a few days ago, the United States bought some, and asked my family again, what we were saying before

I’m so confused! This is one of the reasons why I want to find you.”

After listening, Lin Mo thought about it and replied: "You can buy it, but you can only use one-third of the original deposit at most, and if you use leverage, it can only be within ten times, and it is best to control it within five times."

About times.

Now that the silver market has focused too much attention, we can no longer use such a large amount of funds to operate, lest others take advantage of us, or even use it to plot against us, so trading accounts and personnel must also be changed.

one time.

No matter how much time there is, there is not enough time. It will not be long before the silver price reaches its peak. Moreover, short selling means borrowing stocks from others and selling them. When the stocks fall, you can buy them back and pay them back to earn the price difference. Generally,

It's a bet against the lending institution.

Institutions are not stupid. Most of them must have predicted that the price of silver may fall, so why would they easily bet against you? So this amount of funds is almost the limit of this operation.

By the way, have the funds been recovered after the sale? How much has been recovered? Which channels should be used? How long will it take for all the funds to be recovered? And how will the funds be handled midway?"

After hearing a bunch of questions from Lin Mo, Lin Zhenping organized some words and said: "According to your suggestion, first disperse the funds, then withdraw the cash, transfer it several times, and then secretly transport it to Lamei in batches.

For other countries, further processing will be done after arriving there. The channels and routes have been prepared, and the money has been transferred out of the United States in an orderly manner.

The news coming back so far is that at least the principal amount has been shipped out of the United States anyway. In the early stage, it was mainly for exploring and operating the route. Later, the speed will be very fast, and it will not take much time to get the money out. However,

There is no need to get it all out, there are still a lot of risks along the way, and we are prepared to invest in the United States anyway."

"...No, no, no..." Lin Mo quickly waved his hand and said: "Our money secretly entered the United States and was secretly invested in the trading market for speculation. Strictly speaking, it is black money.

That is to say, there is no legal source, no entry, tax payment, etc. The tax department in the United States is very powerful. If we do this, there will definitely be problems, so we have to get the money out, make it legal, and then operate it.

If you come to invest, they won’t have already invested the money there, right?”

Lin Mo was a little worried. If he invested so much money there, something might happen no matter what. What's more, if there was a problem himself and people were bothered about it, then it would really be a waste of time and all the work would be in vain.

This chapter has been completed!
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