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Chapter 901 Sun Shanming and others

Lin Mo's discussion made both Lin Zhenping and Lin Wenqing fall into deep thought. It can be said that they have benefited a lot from their feelings. One has been ups and downs in the business world for half his life, and the other has gained a lot of knowledge through experience. With a little bit of digging, they can use their past experience, experience, and vision.

Wait, you will see a lot of things.

When she came back to her senses and looked at Lin Mo again, Lin Wenqing's eyes showed a bit more respect, or awe might be more accurate. She introduced the situation to Lin Mo for a while, and her attitude was a bit more like reporting to the big boss.

Visual sense.

However, the introduction stopped Lin Mo temporarily and said: "Let me make a digression. If the Lin family's business wants to gain a foothold abroad, or even just ensure the safety of the Lin family's property, business, etc. to a certain extent, that is not the case.

A light thing.

Therefore, in order to gain a foothold and ensure the safety of property and business as much as possible, the Lin family must master something useful enough to use as a bargaining chip to rely on the conditions of peace talks. The things that best meet this condition are technology, scientific research, patents, etc. The Lin family will be in the future

The core is also laid out with these as the center. I have mentioned it before, and now I will talk about it in more detail.

The technology, invention, and scientific research system protected by patents are the underlying rules for the development of modern science and technology in Europe and the United States and the protection of our own interests. Since they are the underlying rules, we cannot easily infringe and destroy them unscrupulously. We can use this rule to protect our own interests.


Lin Mo paused for a moment, and Lin Wenqing took the opportunity to speak: "Foreigners shouldn't be so obedient, right? Especially the Lin family is not small now. If you want to protect this interest, you must have at least these things of equal value.

But such a huge benefit will definitely attract the covetous attention of many people. I’m afraid it won’t be easy to get them to abide by the rules and not touch it?”

Lin Mo nodded and said with a smile: "It's very good that you think so! You shouldn't have any unrealistic fantasy about them, and even everything should be considered based on the worst-case scenario.

But without these, they will still covet your money and business, just like they greedily invade and colonize. However, those with more money will covet big power and capital, while those with less money will covet those thieves.

Only with enough strength and capital can you have more means of coping. Obviously, compared with money, these things are more valuable and more scarce and precious than money. They are better bargaining chips and capital, so the Lin family has

Convert some or even most of your money into these things.

As for breaking the rules, it is true that rules promote the development of science and technology, but they are also rules for pioneers to protect their vested interests. Unless you really threaten the other party in this, and the threat is not just one person or company, but at least an important industry or even

Entire country.

Let's not have sweet dreams about this. It is almost impossible for the Lin family to achieve this level, and if it is really a threat, it is unlikely that they will completely break this rule.

Because as a pioneer, it holds a huge amount of patents and technologies in all aspects, and the interests involved are astronomical. Breaking the rules is equivalent to destroying everyone's jobs, including those with vested interests within it.

, it is impossible for them to tolerate it.

Of course, what is described above is a complete violation of the rules, usually at least at the national level or acquiescing to other people's looting. This is something we cannot compete with, so we have to use various rules to encourage others to do so.

In order to protect one's own interests, the cost of robbing these is greater than robbing money.

As for individuals, companies, and powerful gangs, they only target the Lin family's robbery. This kind of thing is likely to happen, and as an outsider of the Lin family, the government will most likely ignore it, look on coldly, or even favor the other side, but this is competition and confrontation.

The category is also when the chips in hand need to be used.

For example, the Lin family holds a certain industry, many valuable technologies, patents, and even certain core key technologies in the industry, and then cooperates with a certain company or companies, threatening to harm the interests of other people. These people

They gathered together to try to overthrow or force the Lin family to sell these technology patents.

At this time, you can't just sit back and watch the companies that are cooperating with the Lin family, right? After all, they are coming to the Lin family on the surface, but in reality they are not trying to steal your business or suppress you.

If the partner is indifferent and even wants to kill you, then end the cooperation, terminate the authorization of technology and patents, and directly turn to the people who caused the trouble to cooperate. You can also cooperate with only a few people to lure you with benefits.

Divide and disintegrate internally.

After all, the Lin family has compromised and even collapsed. These things may not fall into their hands. Even if they get them, they may not be able to compete with others. It is better to cooperate with the Lin family and use these things to restrict the development of other companies.

We can also introduce external forces that want to get involved in this industry.

Anyway, if the Lin family holds these things, as long as they don't completely break the relevant rules, it means they have a weapon to restrict and suppress competitors. The benefits will attract greedy enemies and those who want to take advantage of them.

Cooperators form an interest chain that not only safeguards their own interests, but also jointly safeguards and protects the interests of the Lin family.

Except for the above situation, in industries where the Lin family personally invests and operates, these technologies, patents, etc. can be used as bargaining chips to cooperate with the largest enterprises and companies in the industry.

Licensing technologies and patents to each other, and even holding shares together to form an interest alliance, using the technologies and patents of several companies as bricks to build technology and patent barriers, which can also be called city walls, to surround and protect themselves.

This will exclude latecomers or external forces that want to get involved, and then jointly seek the excess profits brought by technology.

Of course, doing this will definitely make people want to open a breakthrough from the Lin family and then get involved. Correspondingly, the Lin family can intervene in more industries at the same time and bind interests with more people. Those who want to attack the Lin family will have to pay far more than

It’s more profitable to get involved in that industry.”

Lin Mo explained it carefully. This issue was very critical. Lin Mo was also worried that the Lin family had misunderstood it, which would lead to problems in the end.

Lin Wenqing thought for a while and continued to ask: "But if we do it in the last way, it will definitely attract more enemies and opponents, and it is impossible for the government to be too inclined to us, even if we develop to a certain extent,

There will also be precautions, suppression and even attacks. Patents and other methods cannot solve this problem, but may aggravate it."

Lin Mo nodded and said: "These are all correct, but if there are interests, there will be fights. If you want to get benefits, don't just think about making money in a friendly manner. You must bear the corresponding risks.

Let’s talk about the previous question first. The more benefits you gain from your involvement, the more enemies you will have, and they will become stronger. I know you are worried about them colluding together to target us, but I want to ask you,

Do you want to face a powerful enemy with unified interests? Or a bunch of enemies with different interests and demands?

Obviously, a group of people with different thoughts and interests is obviously easier to deal with! Of course, it is possible to attract both at the same time, but the group of people who come together have the same interests as the big forces?

The other party joins forces to target the Lin family? Maybe they even dare to let the Lin family fall. That's another question.

Can the Lin family develop to this extent and be able to fight against the big forces that have the Lin family's ideas? If the Lin family falls, they may not even be able to eat the leftovers, but the big forces that have embezzled the Lin family will immediately become their new


The situation is likely to evolve into a situation where a tiger is driven away and a huge lion pride is brought in. The lion pride is different from the Lin family. The Lin family is always from outside. There are many constraints to deal with in all aspects, but the lion pride is most likely to be.

The people within it don't have as many scruples and constraints as the Lin family.

The so-called insiders, our own people, are actually the biggest threat. The Lin family may just leave them half-dead, and their interests and business will be damaged, but the lions may eat them until no bones are left. At that time, who should help?

Everyone has to raise a question mark.

After all, the Lin family is still looking for people to cooperate with each other and even become hostile parties. The Lin family may want to keep them, at least not to kill them themselves, so as to avoid doing things too far and causing trouble to the Lin family. After all, our identity is

Outsiders are used to check and balance the collaborators. After all, without enemies, will the collaborators still cooperate wholeheartedly?

To sum up, these strategies are actually to try to prevent the Lin family from ending up with bare hands. The Lin family will definitely suffer a greater loss. Instead, let those insiders who are connected with interests, or even those who have a common enemy temporarily, take the lead, and then try to maintain this relationship as much as possible.

In fact, to a certain extent, the role played by the Lin family is very similar to that of Sun Shanming in the past. They took advantage of the dirty discord within their own people and then made profits from internal disputes and confrontations."

Having said this, Lin Mo couldn't help but sigh a little. There is a reason why people like Sun Shanming exist! If there is no strong control, these things will definitely happen again and again in the Lin family.

Although he can accept this method externally or even propose it himself, it does not mean that Lin Mo accepts this kind of thing happening internally. At least in some aspects, Lin Mo wants to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible. If he doesn't say it, it won't happen or it won't happen, at least he can't do it arbitrarily.

It spreads and even starts to spread as soon as it appears.

"Of course, the methods used by the Lin family are definitely more than these. I won't go into details about the others. The bargaining chips and capital they hold are definitely more than just technology and patents. It's just that these are of higher value and more useful, so they need to be used as the core to carry out various activities.

A layout, a plan.

As for the last question you mentioned, it is almost unsolvable. Apart from using various means to avoid this situation, it is a cunning rabbit in three burrows. The eggs are not put in one basket, but those places are only regarded as a place to seek profits.

, if you can’t tolerate it and can’t stay any longer, then just pat your butt and leave.

It is not a home, nor will it be a home. Planning the layout there is just for profit. Only a part of the Lin family's funds are directly invested there, and the rest will be used for other layout plans.

It is true that the layout of patents may be earlier and more quickly arouse the other party's vigilance and suppression, or even bypass the patents and use other means to attack the Lin family. But again, these things are of high value, and even so they are worth planning.


In addition to being a high-value bargaining chip, this thing also has a certain degree of global versatility and currency. Patents can basically be applied for in various countries and regions at the same time. As long as the ownership of the patents is still in the hands of the Lin family, it means that the core of the Lin family

There is no loss of assets, chips, etc.

Compared with money, equity, etc. that may be directly confiscated, seized, or looted, as well as fixed assets such as factories and land that cannot be moved, these are much safer to maintain their value.

And the underlying rules are the underlying rules, intellectual property protection, the underlying logic is to protect innovation and creation, promote innovation and creation, with the development of human society, the power of maintaining rules will become more powerful and difficult to shake. They may infringe or ignore it, but as long as

It is impossible to just declare that these things in the hands of the Lin family are invalid just to target the Lin family.

As long as it is not invalid, you can take these things and find other people to cooperate with. No one is willing to cooperate, so what if I sell or license it? There can't be no one who wants it, right? As long as the rules are not publicly denied, it still includes

Great value.

There will always be someone who is tempted, maybe even one of their own insiders. After all, if the Lin family is out, it will be time for them to fight among themselves again. This will be an important bargaining chip, so the Lin family will always have a way to cash out, and at least retain part of the losses.


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