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Chapter 913 Means

"...Captain Lin...can you help me?" Zhu Sanbao was a little confused after hearing this. He thought he couldn't think of it, but he could still understand it clearly. He understood that there was a high probability that this would happen to someone like Lin.

This is the development that Mo predicted.

"Sometimes! If you want to intervene randomly, it may not make the result better. Especially when you don't have enough means, skills, abilities, etc., and you cannot provide the strength that can completely reverse the situation, you must restrain yourself from wanting to intervene.


To a certain extent, the situation we face is not necessarily much better than theirs, and our mission requirements do not allow us to spend too much energy on it.

In addition, the Japanese should have made arrangements in advance here, such as calculating the defection of Boss Chen, which is obviously abnormal. I don’t know if it is to cope with the changes in the situation of Boss Pi, or to plot Boss Zhu or Boss Chen.

, Boss Zhu is throwing out bait in order to make us or other people who secretly target them take the bait or jump out, but no matter what the situation, it is very unwise to fight and confront each other on the battlefield preset by the opponent.


Another thing, once the situation of our intervention is exposed, it is likely to turn into a fierce battle between us and the Japanese spy forces. Boss Zhu and his group will be caught in the middle, and it will become what I mentioned before, both sides.

Cannon fodder in the fight, which will put them in a more dangerous situation.

Can you accept this? Internal rebellion and the confrontation between Chinese and Japanese espionage forces are two completely different things. There is no need to choose. I tell you something because I want you to understand what kind of injustice you may encounter when going on missions in the future.

If you don't have the ability to bring better results to the other party, then put away your thoughts and pretend to be blind, because you won't let things get worse because of you."

Several people nodded, but Zhu Sanbao scratched his head when he heard this, and was still unwilling to give up. He asked: "Can't you even remind them? Just watch them fall to the Japanese?"

"It's a good thing to have some sincerity! But please remember what I said before. Furthermore, I didn't say I wouldn't help. I just wanted to explain that when you don't have the ability, you must control your thoughts and actions."

After listening to what Lin Mo said, he knew that he had misunderstood, and his face couldn't help but blush. Captain Lin was obviously trying to remind himself, but in the end, he didn't realize it.

"The reminder is for sure, but the person who needs to be reminded is not Mr. Zhu. Telling people this kind of thing can easily make people suspect that he is sowing discord and has bad intentions. On the contrary, he may be doing something wrong.

And even if Boss Zhu knew about this situation, it would not be of much use. He had already said before that he was in the wrong industry. He could usually rely on his reputation to support the situation, but how many people would continue to hang out with him if something went wrong?

Even if some of them don't want to join the Japanese, they don't want to continue to hang out with them. They will most likely sit on the sidelines and wait for the old interest pattern to be broken. Therefore, if they want to help, they must involve external forces.

We are not suitable, but these gangs are only medium-sized gangs. There are bigger forces at war above, and there are still a bunch of people below who want to get high and grab business. As long as there are interests and suitable excuses, someone will always pop up.

To counterbalance.

Of course, these are not to go into details. As far as the medium-sized gangs that occupy and dominate this area are concerned, the situation that most people want to maintain is not to stir up trouble at this level here, because their

The small body can't bear it.

Their true attitude is that they either don't want to get involved, or they want to be just a sideline and watch, or they just want to get benefits and don't want to be cannon fodder. Once someone completely falls over to the Japanese and becomes a loyal lackey, not only these ideas may come to nothing, but they may also require

You clearly choose your position, and then you are used as cannon fodder, and your chess pieces endanger yourself.

They may not have figured it out and realized this yet, but we can remind them that they know that some of Mr. Zhu’s subordinates want to rebel and completely surrender to the Japanese as dogs. They will definitely want to stir up corruption, and they also have the ability to stir up corruption.

Another thing is that Boss Zhu has been able to control this force for so long, and his skills are definitely not bad. There is no need to worry so much. He may not be able to prevent the gang from splitting, but it is actually a high probability that he can only keep himself or even part of the force.

Unless he is completely disheartened and lets it go, but if that's the case, it doesn't make much sense for us to help."

After Zhu Sanbao listened and thought carefully, he nodded in agreement and did not insist anymore. To be honest, he just got excited and returned to rationality, only to realize how naive this idea without careful consideration was.

"Okay, we have news about our actions. The Japanese have already learned that there is a special force like Boss Pi here. They will not be willing to rashly change the situation here at this time and let themselves be attacked by a group.

We still have time to make some arrangements.

Next, two people form a team, cover each other, and cooperate to collect various intelligence in the surrounding areas. Remember, don’t just inquire about the situation of these forces. Our primary purpose is to explore the path for the operation. Sanbao, you and Lao Song are together.

, Yousheng and I meet at the appointed place every hour or so, and the first time is opposite the dance hall we just passed by..."

After Lin Mo arranged the arrangements, several of them fine-tuned their disguises and left from the small private room on the second floor of the small restaurant to talk about things and exchange information! They definitely wouldn't do it on a crowded avenue. Who knows if it would happen?

I encountered the scene at the previous stall, so I chatted for a while and found this place.

"Isn't the situation on your side very good? I heard someone talking on the way. The Pi Dapeng brothers and sisters are determined to defect to the Japanese, and some of the people talking about it said some misleading words!"

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man wearing blue-gray cotton clothing, and another middle-aged man wearing a sable-colored wrought-faced long coat, sitting across the table from each other in a store decorated in Huizhou style.

Around the two of them, there was a well-known young man in a similar style of smart clothing, staring at the door, window, stairwell, etc., all at a distance, and there were screens, partitions and other barriers to block the sound.

Less than two people can talk.

"There is no other way. Some people want to exclude the Japanese influence from here, and they are constantly poking at the back to cause trouble. It is estimated that there may be chaos here for a while."

Hearing this, the young and middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and asked: "You are not the one who started this matter, right? According to your introduction to the situation here, it seems that no one else has this motive and ability?"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man shook his head slightly and replied: "I don't know if it was me who started it. I did push it slightly when I saw the opportunity, but after that, there were signs of other people pushing it, and

Whether it existed before, I can’t be sure.”

After hearing this, the middle-aged man stared at the middle-aged man seriously for a while and said with a smile: "This is not like you! In the past, you were extremely certain about various situations and left no room for doubt. Why are you so vague today?


When the middle-aged man heard this, he did not laugh. Instead, he said with a solemn expression: "I am serious and not joking. I used to be a little too arrogant and complacent. The situation here is far from what it seems on the surface."

It’s so simple! I don’t know how many evil spirits are hidden in it.”

"...What's going on?" The young and middle-aged man also stopped smiling and asked with a frown. The message contained in this sentence obviously didn't sound right?

"Some people hide themselves so well. In the past, no trace was revealed. It was not until recently that I became aware of the existence of these people from some subtle traces. I was so shocked that I broke out in a cold sweat.

Ah! That’s why I’m not sure whether I was the first to push for that thing, because those people hid it really well, and their planning time must have been much earlier than mine, even if they were ahead of me

Even if he moved his hands, I might not notice it."

After hearing this, the young and middle-aged man looked grave and asked in a low voice: "If you had been unaware of them before, would your existence have been discovered by them?"

"They will definitely be aware of my existence, but in my heart, I should just be aware of the existence of such a person and such a force, but they can't target me. Although I was a bit arrogant and complacent before, it was wrong. I should say

The information I had at that time made me more confident and felt good about myself.

But when it comes to my actions, I am extremely cautious and strive for excellence in every action I take. I try my best not to leave any traces, so that I can’t be traced or even suspected. I still have this confidence.”

Hearing this, the young and middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief. Although the companion in front of him was very competitive and even a little crazy at times, he was extremely careful and thoughtful in doing things and never covered up his mistakes. These are all mentioned.

He never tells lies. Since he has said so, there is nothing to doubt. Moreover, the struggle situation here is complicated and he can't be of much help. Blind interference will only cause trouble.

"...Sigh..." The young and middle-aged man sighed and said: "Every time I come to your place, I always feel frightened, especially when we are having sex, having people sit around us like this makes me feel a little uncomfortable.


"You have to endure it if you don't feel comfortable! Only if you don't hide it will others not be suspicious or investigate. I need to collect and sell all kinds of underground transaction information every day. There are many such people who come in contact with me. At the same time, they pay attention to me.

There will be no shortage of people. You can only pretend to be this type of person so that you won’t get extra attention. Otherwise, if I sneak up on you to contact you, your behavior will immediately make people suspicious."

"Don't worry! I know all of this, so I'm just complaining about a few words that made you startled and confused. I won't talk about this anymore. I asked you to help me pay attention to the information last time.

No news?"

"That thing! If you don't come to me this time, I will have to come to you once because of that matter. Not only the things you asked me to pay attention to, but also all kinds of other in-demand goods are currently being sold in large quantities.

flow into the country.

The reason should be the soaring price of silver. The price of silver has risen twice or twice internationally, but the domestic price of such in-demand goods has not dropped much due to the rise in silver price. It is easy to trade with silver dollars.

As a result, profits skyrocketed, so various types of goods that were in short supply began to flow into the country in large quantities.

However, there is not much inflow from Shanghai, but Pingjin in the north and Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao at the Pearl River Estuary in Guangdong in the south have now seen a large supply of goods. Among them, Pingjin has the largest inflow. You can report the situation to the organization.

Try to take this opportunity to purchase as much as possible in these areas."

This chapter has been completed!
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