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Chapter 919 The Sixth Ying Lao

It has to be said that this country has declined in such a miserable way in the 21st century, but it can still rely on its financial inheritance to continue its life, and it is not without reason that it is active on the world stage as an old troublemaker.

! Just because of this ugly appearance, it is suitable for eating this meal!

However, it is definitely not a good thing that only has benefits without costs and risks. However, the costs and costs are mainly the colonial currencies released, but they cannot be exchanged for local currency or other equivalents and resources.

For banks and foreign merchants, it is no different from paper to a certain extent.

For colonial capital, which occupies a dominant position in the colonial economy, there must be a lot of surplus in these currencies. Even if there is no currency, it can be produced, right? Although whether it has value depends on which angle and standpoint, but for

For these colonial capitals, it is still worthwhile to make risky investments in things that are not of much value to them, not to mention that not all of these expenditures are completely lost.

Other costs and risks include the yen needed to maintain market transactions, the benefits of sharing for managers, insiders, and those who do not deal with conflicts of interest. If the matter is discovered too early and too quickly, they may be blocked.

, the risk of being pressured, being disturbed, etc.

The number of yen required to maintain transactions is the required circulation volume. The amount of circulation volume is related to the circulation speed. That is, the shorter the cycle of loan release and withdrawal, the faster the speed, and the smaller the quantity required for circulation.

But it is obvious that the other party is not obsessed with recovering the yen as quickly as possible. The other party should be preventing other additional losses from being discovered early, and the two parties should not care much about the loss of yen.

The latter is not surprising. Although Japan is known as an industrial country, its industrial production capacity is not as good as that of old industrial countries such as Europe and the United States. It also has relatively scarce resources and a limited internal market. It can only engage in an export-oriented economy that imports resources and processes them before exporting them to other countries.

But this is not the post-war period. It may export resources and parts to Japan from its homeland or colonies. However, Europe and the United States are still in economic crisis due to overproduction. How can they buy the inferior goods it produces? Colonies don’t even think about it. They seize these.

What is the purpose of competing for territory and sphere of influence? How is it possible for its products to enter?

Therefore, their trade with Japan has been in surplus for a long time, but Japan cannot provide many resources and products for mutual trade with them. The Japanese yen is not easy to realize in their hands, and its status is not much different from that of colonial currency. The loss

It doesn't feel too heartbreaking.

As for the benefits shared with the organizers and insiders, the organizers are money dealers. Lin Mo followed these clues and carefully checked out, and found several guys who were doing this kind of work.

Customers' trust funds also include exchange brokers, mortgage financing trusts, etc. for large customers who bring in funds from local banks or merchants.

Trusts, trusts in Shanghai during the Republic of China, were mainly investors who provided financing, leverage, securities lending, long and short selling, and other services for speculation and speculation. Anyway, whether it was formal or informal, or on-site and off-site transactions, all

You can see similar organizations.

However, these companies have different names from the big money dealers, but the business they carry out is basically the same, that is, they first find people who want to engage in silver speculation, but due to lack of funds, or lack of trading currency, trading currency is naturally convenient.

It is Japanese yen, so we provide Japanese yen to the other party, and after the transaction, we find a way to exchange the Japanese yen back with colonial currency from the seller, and the cycle repeats.

It is worth mentioning that there are foreign silver dealers and big customers who bring money to the market. Some silver dealers have probably been recruited or cooperated with them to promote those colonial banknotes in various places. This is Lin Mo's expense.

It took a lot of effort to find out.

As for the big customers who brought money to the market, they were local forces in various places who had a large amount of silver dollars in their hands. Some wealthy and powerful people saw that the price of silver in Shanghai had risen so much, so they personally sold silver to make profits, and even participated in silver speculation.

There are people or institutions such as brokers and trusts that specialize in providing Japanese yen trading funds to these people.

Of course, the ultimate goal is also to promote the exchange of colonial currencies, but the behavior will be gentler. The colonial currencies will be bundled with hard currencies such as pounds and francs and exchanged to the other party. For those who participated in the silver speculation, foreign currency is

Just need.

Transactions require the use of foreign currencies, and the end of speculation also requires foreign currencies with stable currency values ​​to lock in profits. Otherwise, if you continue to hold silver coins, won't you lose money when the silver price drops back? And at the moment when foreign currencies are in short supply, colonial currencies are also acceptable.

If the price of silver falls, not only can you keep your profits, but you can also earn more silver coins in disguise.

As for the insider, it is natural that among the British colonial currencies, there is a Frenchman who has the French Indochinese dollar. It is estimated that this currency was forced in by him. After all, the Indochinese dollar is the most famous in China.

It is definitely a foreign silver dollar, and there is an exchange relationship between banknotes and foreign currency.

Even if it is not a silver-standard currency, in terms of its actual circulation in China, this thing should be regarded as a silver-standard currency. It rises and falls in sync with the price of silver, and is mutually exchangeable with silver dollars issued by domestic and Chinese banks.

Just like coupons, banknotes and other items, it cannot be used as a currency for transactions and lock-in profits. Unfortunately, many people actually accepted this thing, whether they did not understand it or were deceived.

Getting back to the topic, the main center of silver trading using the Japanese yen as the trading currency is Lanweimai Road. It is located on the southern boundary of the French Concession and is within its actual sphere of influence. The British sphere of influence is

It is blocked by the French Concession. If you want to secretly do something here, you will definitely not be able to get around it or hide it from the French.

For example, in terms of big money dealers, foreign exchange merchants, brokers, trusts, etc., the people who use them basically have French influence backgrounds. Without the French, it will be difficult for the British to play. Unfortunately, the French colonies are mainly concentrated in Africa, and Asia and the Pacific are the only ones.

French Indo-China came to the forefront a little bit, but the currency was not that suitable yet, so this situation emerged. However, if they want it to cooperate, the British will definitely have to find supplements from other places.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! As for the truth of the matter being revealed, blocked, pressured, and mixed up, naturally it refers to the Americans and the Japanese. The Americans finally reaped the fruits they sow.

How can people be happy with you secretly poking and gnawing away at a big mouth? It will definitely disturb and destroy it!

As for the Japanese, if they knew now, they would probably be pissed off to death. They work so hard in the front, but you, the old man, are picking fruits in the back, and ask me to take the blame. Not to mention stirring up trouble, they will probably blow themselves up.

Maybe everyone should stop playing together.

Let’s break it down here. The main financial cost of doing this is actually that once the price of silver collapses, the loan items may not be recovered with a high probability, because those speculators are heavily levered, and the Bund

If you are too ruthless, you will probably lose all your money, but there are several specific situations.

One is to release Japanese yen that has not yet been recovered and cannot repay the loan, so the loss is in Japanese yen. However, the recovery period of Japanese yen is short, so this situation should not be too common.

The second is to recover Japanese yen but fail to repay the loan amount. Strictly speaking, the loss is colonial currency. This situation and the amount involved should be the largest.

Because most of the currencies traded in the market are provided by them, after the chips have changed hands many times, most of the people holding the chips in the market will be their lenders, so the amount accumulated in this round of rotation is naturally higher than what was accumulated in a few days.

There are many more people, and the total amount of money that cannot be paid by these people is their gross loss.

However, loan items generally have collateral, but the main purpose of these people is to promote banknotes, so the cards are relatively loose, and most of them may not be able to offset the paper losses, but the colonial paper has been replaced by real estate and land.

, jewelry, gold and silver, even corporate properties, etc., even if there is a loss on paper, is it really a loss for them?

The third type is naturally able to try to repay part or all of the money with interest, which can naturally offset the paper losses, but what is lent is Japanese yen, and there is a high chance that what is recovered will be Japanese yen, and the Japanese yen will return to their hands.

, can they be happier?

In fact, the trick these people are doing is essentially the same as the Japanese people on Lanweimai Road who exchanged Japanese yen for warehouses full of silver. They are just replacing paper with other more valuable items.

It's a pity that no matter how clear he sees it, Lin Mo is unable to change it. He may even have to choose the interests of one party to safeguard and stand on his side, so that they can check and balance each other, lest both sides turn the table over for you and completely destroy the banknotes in your hands.

turned into paper.

The government's body really didn't have the ability to hold the scene and prevent people from flipping the table, so he could only turn a blind eye for the time being, and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to explore deeper. He chose to go there for two days, and his ears almost heard it.

The calloused Lan Wei Mo Lu explores the situation.

But you definitely can't go directly. This place is so famous now, and they have a precedent of causing turmoil on the Night of Paper Money, so this place will definitely attract the attention of Japanese spies, and they might be waiting for them to come in with their pockets open.


Therefore, Lin Mo launched an investigation around the silver transaction on Lan Wei Ai, that is, the group of Japanese. Not only did he investigate what happened on Lan Wei Ai, but he also conducted a thorough investigation and verification of the related background information in the rumors.

But after walking around the perimeter, the situation turned out to be a bit strange. He didn't find anything suspicious. Not only did he not find it, but even Wang Yousheng couldn't see anything suspicious.

Is his opponent really that powerful? Doesn't he miss any clues? No, absolutely not! It's possible that he can't see it himself, but Lin Mo believes that Wang Yousheng must be able to see something.

That is to say, is it true? After thinking about it, I got closer and found out another situation. The Japanese on Lanweimai Road would go around every evening to check which strange new tenants were coming.

Relatives will be strictly investigated and interrogated by him, and all the surrounding hotels and guesthouses will be taken over by him?

In addition, Lin Mo also found out that someone had a conflict with Lan Weimai and his gang of Japanese people on the street a few days ago. According to onlookers, the other party also spoke in Japanese. At first, they looked at the group of people who came and said they were being cruel.

As a result, Lan Weimai's group did not give in at all. Even if the opponent lowered his attitude later, Lan Weimai's group still forcefully drove him away.

What attracted Lin Mo's extra attention to this incident was the time it happened. At the very moment when the Japanese began to secretly guard against them, there was a high probability that the people coming were this group of people.

Is it possible that the Japanese navy is involved behind Lan Wei Ai's side? After all, the people he and others are facing now are Japanese spies who act as special high-tech personnel but have stronger army backgrounds.

But that’s not right, right? Given the conflict between Japan’s land and sea, they shouldn’t have come? Or, seeing how powerful the Japanese navy was last time and suffering a loss in the battle with themselves and others in Nanjing, do you think they can cooperate?

The information was too limited. It was like a thick layer of fog was blocking his eyes. It was impossible to see whether there was a person or a ghost behind him. Lin Mo could only suppress it for the time being, and continued to sort through the chaotic thoughts in his mind to grasp more information.


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