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Chapter 1008 The Night Before the Rainstorm (21)

Before Lao Wei walked towards the phone, Lao Zou gently tugged on it, lowered his voice and spoke.

"Report to the second master what the other party said, and tell the second master exactly what Hei Gouzi Duancai ordered."

Old Wei paused, nodded slightly, dialed the phone, and according to Old Zou's instructions, he recounted the matter verbatim, except for what was said on the stairs.

"The second master asked us to find the people of the fourth and sixth masters to find out whether what happened to Mr. Hong Ba back then was really related to the fourth and sixth masters."

However, after Lao Wei finished speaking, he and the other two people all turned their attention to Lao Zou, because the second master was obviously trying to exclude himself from suspicion.

"Then let's go and ask! This has something to do with the second master's innocence. We really need to go talk to them..."

Lao Zou was very heavy on the word "talk", so the three of them didn't say much. They went upstairs with him and asked the Fourth Master and Sixth Master's men.

After questioning, one person finally relented and admitted that it was the Fourth Master and the Sixth Master who took advantage of Scar Wu and found an excuse to ask Hong Ba Ye out, and then Scar Wu took him away. Afterwards, Scar Wu made Hong Ba Ye's subordinates

Many brothers kept quiet to prevent this matter from leaking out.

There were several people present who knew about it, and there were also several people outside who were injured or in other places who knew about it. There was even an insider who was currently staying under Mr. Zhu.

At this point, the matter is basically certain. There is no such resistance to the death of the two people, and they are even dissatisfied and disgusted.

Although they had just betrayed Boss Zhu and set up their own business, they were extremely disgusted and taboo about betrayal and betrayal. All they could say was, people really have double standards!

"Boss Ji, don't force us to be cruel, honestly explain Ji Shanjing's situation clearly, otherwise today will not be limited to physical pain!"

Shi Baocun crossed his legs and sat on the sofa, playing with a push knife in his hand. The triangular blade shone with cold light.

Boss Ji, who was pinned down on the chair by the two people, felt his scalp tightening. The backrest of the chair under his buttocks had just been stabbed directly through by this thing and pierced his body...

As soon as his mouth was released, Boss Ji immediately spoke anxiously. According to what he said, when he was doing business with the Japanese, after it became big, the other party made a request and wanted people to use the name of the Ji family to facilitate doing business outside.

Some transactions.

The business he did with the other party was quite big back then, so he agreed after some hesitation. Later he found that what the other party did was not quite right, but he didn't dare to tell anyone about it.

"...I basically didn't have much contact with him after that, and I didn't help him much. Even my business with the Japanese gradually shrunk..."

"...Haha..." Shi Baocun sneered twice and said: "What are you talking about in front of me? You picked yourself up completely and thought you could fool yourself?

Where is your son? He is the son who went to Japan to study! What is he carrying? You only reduced your business dealings with Japanese businessmen after he went to Japan to study.

But judging from your recent performance, you always want to rely on the Japanese. So back then, it was not you who took the initiative, but someone who asked you to do so, right?

Let me guess who it is? It's probably not your son. I didn't see that he could have such a heart. It should be the Japanese. They are the ones who took the initiative to ask or even forced you to reduce your contacts, right?

Why? It must have something to do with your son. It should be that he and the Japanese are doing some shady things behind the scenes. He doesn’t want your relationship in front of the stage to be affected, so he has cut off and reduced contacts, right?"

After Shi Baocun finished speaking, Boss Ji's face was already ashen, his body was shaking as if he was shaking, and the big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

"I hope you can tell the truth, so that I will consider sparing you. If not? I won't expose your lies with my mouth next time, do you understand?"

After seeing him nod slightly, Shi Baocun signaled for the person to release his mouth. He was not afraid of the other person yelling, but he also didn't want to cause trouble.

This time, Boss Ji trembled and told another version. The previous one was basically correct, but after he discovered something was wrong with the so-called Ji Shanjing, he did not avoid it. Instead, he thought it was an opportunity.

At that time, there was no decent spy agency in the country, and he didn't know much about it, so he was daring and gained a lot of benefits through blackmail.

The result! He was completely targeted by the other party. On the surface, everything was easy to talk to and easy to handle, but behind his back, he was plotting against their family. His son was studying abroad. He did not care about life and death and asked the other party to help him handle it.

As a result, his son and even the whole family were put on the road to death. After his son was sent to study abroad, something happened the next year and he was detained. He helped the other party with a lot of things, and only after his hands were dirty and his feet were wet, the other party let him go.

Got people.

As a result, it was not until his son came back that he found out that his son had also done something dirty and was coerced into doing things for the other party. It was also at that time that the other party asked him to reduce the public contacts in order to cover up the contact between the other party and his son.

However, his son still needs various arrangements from the other party to enroll in school, and he is not very capable, so after being arranged to come back, he has not developed much, and the other party has significantly reduced his support.

He was forced to do a lot of things for the other party, but in the end it didn't end well, so his son and he decided to hug each other tightly.

One uses the Ji family as a weight for his son, adding support to his son in the hope of getting more support. The two want to use this relationship to strengthen business cooperation and gain more benefits...

"...Haha... Your son is exactly the same as you. He is just as greedy as you!"

Shi Baocun was a little speechless. You didn't know the pros and cons of the secret service before, but you should know it now, right? In the end, you still play like this. I really don't know how to write the word "death"!

The words he just said were mostly lies. In fact, there was no evidence. Of course, he also had some grasp of the situation.

After he left in a hurry, Sha Ronghai read some new information and realized that there might be some problems with the Ji family, so he hurriedly asked people to catch up with Shi Baocun and inform him.

After thinking about it, Shi Baocun decided to hold off for a while and collected some information about the Ji family. Although it was only some public information, he still guessed a lot of things. Therefore, after controlling the boss Ji, he

The words deceived him.

"I've written down these things. I won't do anything to you for the time being. Tell your son to be more sensible. Someone will find him in the future. The higher his value to us, the lower the chance of repaying old scores..."

Shi Baocun opened his mouth and made some arrangements. Now he didn't want to add any extra branches, so he reassured the other party.

Anyway, this is just a verbal guarantee. As for the specific follow-up arrangements, that is not what he should consider. Moreover, he does not have any unrealistic hopes for the value his son can provide.

"I've said what needs to be said. I hope you can explain Ji Shanjing's information in detail. You have to understand that you are still on our territory and it is not difficult to deal with you."

After hearing this, Boss Ji breathed a sigh of relief and replied: "I really don't know much about his situation. The identity they fabricated is that he is the illegitimate son of my deceased cousin.

This cousin helped me a lot, but he passed away early for some reason. The only son he left behind also contracted an illness and died young. After he appeared in this identity, I was asked to bring him to several appearances, and I behaved very respectfully towards him.

for attention.

After the foreplay was done, he used his Ji family status to do some buying and selling as a layman. At first, I just thought they were doing it for money, but then they gradually deviated from it and started buying and selling information, and I felt something was wrong.

After that, because of my greed and threats, he became much more low-key and gradually became mysterious. Later, when my son was plotted against me, I didn’t dare to pay too much attention to him. Even if I pretended, we would only run into him every few years."

Shi Baocun carefully interrogated the details again, and finally stopped after he was basically sure that Boss Ji had not concealed anything and made it up.

"Is there any other information about the Japanese? It might be helpful to you."

Shi Baocun felt that since he had been dealing with the Japanese for so long, he might know something else, so he continued to blackmail and lure him with words.

After hearing this, Boss Ji hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively: "Can the Chinese businessmen who have done business with the Japanese in the past be counted?"

"...Okay..." Shi Baocun nodded, and added: "If you have doubts, doubts, possibilities, or even rumors, you can provide us with everything you know. You don't have to worry about the truth or falsehood. This is what we need to consider."

"Although I don't know who is being coerced like my father and son, I know that there must be others like this..."

Boss Ji explained first, and then he opened his mouth, and then he poked out a list of names, which made the brother who wrote it almost smoke from his pen.

After explaining the Chinese businessmen who had done business with the Japanese and identifying those who had close contacts, Shi Baocun revealed a bunch more information under Shi Baocun's persuasive guidance.

By the end, the team members had written down half a book of notes. The two of them alternated writing more than a dozen times, adding ink to the pen several times. By the end of the writing, their hands were shaking.

However, Shi Baocun was extremely happy. According to the other party's description, he had discovered a lot of doubtful points. If what he said was true, then he had really caught a rich mine this time.

"When we leave later, we will damage the phone line in your home. You can find someone to repair it in the afternoon. In addition, you should stay at home during the day today, including the people below, otherwise you should know the consequences.


After giving a warning, Shi Baocun was about to evacuate. After thinking about it, he added: "Don't tell your son about it for now. What happened here today should be treated as if it never happened in the recent period.

Especially in the past few days, if someone comes to test you, you have not kept the door open. With the information you have provided, you do not need to wait for us to fulfill our promise, because we will definitely not be able to wait, you know what I mean!"

After hearing this, Boss Ji's face turned pale. He remembered that he had muttered excitedly just now, and now he really wanted to sew his mouth shut.

Shi Baocun and the others came in at dawn and took control of Boss Ji. But now it was already broad daylight, and the sun had not even risen low.

Boss Ji called the servants at the back door from the window. Shi Baocun and the other two took the opportunity to touch the window and left quickly through the back door. In less than half a minute, they disappeared.

Boss Ji looked ugly, but he pretended to be uncomfortable and walked out of the room. He scolded the servants in the backyard, and then he ate a few bites of breakfast without appetite.

Even though his stomach was empty, he had to do this, because someone just called him to have breakfast, and he got angry and scolded him a few times. He couldn't have a big appetite now, could he?

After dealing with these spies for a few times, he has learned something. Once his words and deeds are inconsistent, and someone finds out about it, the whole family may be harmed!

This chapter has been completed!
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