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Chapter 138 I want to end this boring era!


In the silent dark hall, a ball of dazzling black flames rose into the sky, accompanied by the earth-shaking roar. It is unknown how many creatures died under the wrath of the Dark Emperor!


Among the ruins, the Ampera star stood with his hands behind his hands, looking towards the dark starry sky, but his eyes were full of resentment towards the non-existent light.

"Your Majesty, the Abo people have died on the earth, do we still need to send pioneers to the earth to investigate?"

The Mephilas star was half-kneeling on the ground. There was a hint of confusion in his expression, but he still asked the emperor's intention very respectfully.

Originally, the Ampera Stars wanted the Four Heavenly Kings to go to the Earth to clean up the planet first, and then the Ampera Stars would personally come and give despair to the creatures on that planet, and finally give this despair to the leader of the Kingdom of Light, Ultra's Father, so

Once it comes, it can deal a blow to the morale of the Kingdom of Light and bring new changes to the stalemate between the two sides.

However, the evil general Yabo who was selected by the other three kings did not go to the earth as scheduled by the Ampera planet, which resulted in the lack of top combat power on the frontline battlefield.

If it weren't for the fact that the Kingdom of Light didn't seem to react and pursue the attack, Amperra's dark army would have to lose at least a million to make up for the Yabo people's mistakes.

Just when the people of Ampera wanted to investigate the fault of Yabo, the news of Yabo's death reached the Dark Nebula.

He died on earth.


The Ampera star suppressed the anger in his heart, and then began to think seriously.

Although the Yabo people are the weakest among the Four Heavenly Kings, they have not even reached the elite peak.

But his super beasts are still very useful, and they themselves have elite-level strength.

Even he could fall to the earth. Although we don't know what happened to the Yabo people, the vanguard sent next must be at least the Four Heavenly Kings level, otherwise they will just deliver food.

However, if the most elite Four Heavenly Kings under their command are sent out, then there is no need to fight on the frontline battlefield, and the Kingdom of Light can be sent directly to clean up his dark galaxy.

"Your Majesty, according to the intelligence coming from the front line, it seems that there is a problem in the Kingdom of Light. The Ultra brothers have not appeared on the front line battlefield for a long time."

Just when the people of Ampera were still hesitating, Mefilas suddenly reported a crucial piece of information.

As the great emperor who rules the dark universe, the Ampera star is not a fool, and he immediately understood the meaning of Mefilas's words.

"You mean, the Ultra brothers knew that the Yabo people would go to the earth. So, in order to protect the earth, they all left the frontline battlefield?"

The Ampera people felt a little unbelievable. After all, the Ultra Brothers were the main force in the Kingdom of Light's war against its Dark Empire.

By rashly withdrawing the Ultra brothers, Kane is not afraid that the army of the Dark Empire will crush the defense line of the Kingdom of Light and overwhelm the star field guarded by the Kingdom of Light!

"Returning to Your Majesty, if it were in the past, the Otto brothers would only leave one or two people at most, but Zoffie, as the frontline commander, would never leave at all."

As the adviser of the Dark Empire, Mefilas, known as the "Wise General", is Zoffi's old rival. After all, the scheduling of various war forces is completely a game between the two sides.

The moment the news of Yabo's death came back, Mephilas went to the front line to conduct a test, but Zufi, who used to come out to confront him, did not appear on the front line. The Kingdom of Light also shrunk the front line by a large space.

, which made Mephilas couldn't help but speculate.

"But, Your Majesty, you said before that there is a dark force on that remote planet called Earth that you value very much."

Mefilas, as the most loyal Four Heavenly Kings under the command of the Ampera Star, naturally cannot forget any words of the Ampera Star.

He remembered, however, that the main reason Ampera set his sights on the Earth was not to attack the Kingdom of Light, but because he was interested in the dark energy existing on that planet.

However, according to his intelligence investigation in the universe, cosmonauts who know about the earth or even have visited the earth in person have never discovered any huge dark power.

Therefore, if this dark power did not appear recently, it has been sealed before and has only recently shown signs of being broken.

The dark power that makes everyone on Ampera miss them cannot appear out of thin air, so there is a high probability that it is Mefilas's second guess!

As for who set the seal, it must be the Kingdom of Light!

Only this group of guys who call themselves the guardians of the universe will tirelessly fight against the darkness.

Perhaps it was because of the broken seal that the Ultra Brothers left the front line knowing that the front line might be defeated by the army of darkness. The Yabo people may have just encountered that bad luck and were taken care of by the Ultra Brothers who rushed to the earth.


After listening to Mefilas's analysis, the Ampera star thought about it and became convinced.

After all, apart from this analysis, it is really impossible to explain the changes on the earth and the changes on the frontline battlefield.

"Your Majesty, since the Ultra brothers are all on Earth, we might as well transfer heavy troops to Earth and force the Kingdom of Light to place the battlefield where it values ​​it most.

In this way, it will not only help Your Majesty obtain the dark power you want, but also attack the core elites of the Kingdom of Light."

Mefilas lowered his head after finishing his suggestion. He was just a counselor. The Emperor had to make the decision himself. His subordinates could never cross the line.


A deep divine light flashed in the eyes of the Ampera star, "Since the Kingdom of Light has deployed heavy troops on the earth, then I will defeat his frontline troops!"

Although the Ampera star is very greedy for the dark power on the earth, but for some reason, he always feels that there is a hint of evil in that power, as if contact with it will not end well.

For the sake of safety, the Ampera people decided to end the war of light and darkness that has lasted for tens of thousands of years.

After cleaning up the Kingdom of Light, with the strength of the Dark Empire, no matter how evil the earth is, it will not be able to cause any waves.

"Mephilas, please pass on the order. The frontline troops are launching a general attack. Before the Ultra brothers return to the frontal battlefield, they must tear a hole for me to go to the Kingdom of Light!"

As long as they can attack the Kingdom of Light, the Ampera people can force the father of Ultra to have a battle between kings. Whoever wins and who loses will represent the direction of the universe!

After tens of thousands of years of entanglement, the Ampera star is tired and wants to end this boring era with his own hands!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Mephilas was slightly startled, but his tone and expression were still very respectful.

"Besides, banish that guy to the earth and let the Ultra brothers bite him."

This chapter has been completed!
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