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Chapter 44 The struggle between human nature and human nature!

TPC Far East Headquarters Base, Victory Team Command Room.

Because of Qianxue's report, all three combat teams gathered in the central conference room for a meeting.

The theme of their meeting this time was the riots in Tokyo!

As the scientific researcher in the team, Horii was the first to express his opinion. He believed that the culprit of the many riots in Tokyo this time may be a cosmic being with the ability to emit interference electromagnetic waves, similar to the extra-dimensional demon god Enomena.

Because only in this way can people in multiple places in one region have different riots.

"I also agree with Horii's view. When Eno Mina appeared, our victory team was even affected. We cannot underestimate the abilities of these special enemies!"

Vice Captain Zongfang nodded. If Ainengmei had not had Durban's help, they might have suffered a big loss!

Seeing the members of the Victory Team and the Super Victory Team with lingering fears, the guys' players found it hard to empathize.

After all, when the battle of Ainengmei took place, the two earths had not yet merged.

"Team Horii, can the device used to deal with Eno Mina be effective against those who rioted?"

Megumi sat on the main seat. She looked at Horii very seriously. If these people were forced to cause trouble because of the tricks of the space people, they might be able to recover and be exempted from punishment in the future.


However, what made Megumi a little disappointed was that Horii shook his head seriously. The victory team had already received the relevant alarm before Qianxue reported it. He immediately took the device he had made before and went to the prison where the thugs were imprisoned.

police station.

But no matter how hard he tried, the thug seemed to be confused and had no response at all.

"Captain, I may have discovered the source of these riots."

Just as everyone was talking about it, Ye Rui, who was responsible for investigating the anomalies of the thugs and victims in these riots, suddenly stood up. Guys' Mu Zhimei was also very surprised when he imported a series of pictures onto the big screen.

Hui Jian and others immediately turned to look at the big screen, which displayed more than a dozen photos of thugs during the riots. There was nothing unusual about them in these photos. The only similarity was that they were all holding a gun in their hands.

If the flowers look brighter!

The moment he saw the flower, Dagu's heart seemed to be touched. His brows frowned and his face gradually became darker, but he did not notice this himself.

"Yerui, you mean, these people rioted because they were influenced by flowers?"

Horii looked at the big screen in surprise. If this is really the case, then this incident may not have been caused by people from the universe, but some dark forces have developed a new addictive plant!

Others obviously had the same idea, and they all breathed a sigh of relief. If this was really the case, there would be no need for their victory team to be dispatched, and the local police force could solve the matter.

No matter who it was, no one took the flowers in their hands seriously, except for the members of the guys!

"Please wait a moment, this flower is not necessarily made by humans."

The future stood up. According to Guys' records, there have been many incidents on Earth where humans from space used or indirectly used plants to invade the Earth. If they rashly define this incident as a crime, they may lose their investigation.

The first opportunity!

After listening to Mirai's explanation, Horii and others did not put forward any objections. Anyway, the victory team now has enough manpower, so there is no problem in dividing two teams to investigate this matter.

Qingshui Mo and Qianxue did not express any opinions during the meeting. The Victory Team should find out what happened to Qijela themselves. After all, this guy is a super ancient plant. Qingshui Mo and Qianxue had just returned from the universe, how could they possibly get in touch with it?

What about relevant information?

In the next few days, the victory team and the guys were busy as a spinning top. Multiple riots occurred in the Tokyo area, and these incidents became increasingly worse.

It is as if someone has opened the Pandora's box deep in the human heart. Simple human nature has become dirty, and the harmonious society has become extremely chaotic!

Just when the Victory Team was at a loss, Luke and Dina, who claimed to be super-ancient humans, appeared on the Victory Team. They returned to Earth for Zijela's purified extract.

The essence extracted from Qijela not only has a hallucinogenic effect that confuses people and can immerse people in beautiful dreams, it can also keep human cells from aging, completing the process of human immortality in a sense


"In other words, Luke and Dina, you have lived for 30 million years?!"

In the command room, Horii swallowed. It was completely unimaginable to him that there were people in the super-ancient civilization who were still alive today?

Moreover, Luke aside, isn’t Dina really an ordinary eleven or twelve-year-old girl?!

Others were also quite shocked by this. Can the immortality that humans dream of really come true?

Hui Jian and Zongfang looked at each other, both of them understood that the matter was somewhat serious.

Although Luke and Dina revealed Qijela's true identity, Qijera's value far exceeded the commotion it would cause.

Immortality and eternal youth, no one can resist this temptation. Even if they want to deal with Qijela, they will definitely be stopped!

"This information cannot be uploaded!"

Shingo Gakamizu's expression also became quite serious. As the director of Guys' Japanese branch, he understood human nature and the ideas of high-level officials very well. If they knew that there was something that could guarantee people's immortality, there was no guarantee that they would have any wrong ideas.


You know, after Zoffi and Mebius learned that the Giant of Light has a lifespan of hundreds of thousands of years, the hawks who had been suppressed by the joint efforts of Director Sawai and Staff Yoshigon showed signs of rising again!

Although they did not dare to do anything to harm the Ultra Warriors, their desire was well known to everyone on the road.


In the corner of the conference room, Qingshui Mo was pruning the branches of his own green plants. He did not participate in the discussion because he knew that Qijela would definitely be destroyed, and even if most people stopped it.

"Bloom as much as you want. How can human beings sublimate their inferior souls without experiencing the baptism of desire?"

In Qingshui Mo's eyes, Qijela is like a level boss. As long as he can be cleared, the human race on earth will inevitably grow.

When encountering similar incidents in the future, you will have a certain degree of resistance and self-analysis capabilities.

Of course, those guys holding a keyboard are excluded from King Biot.

This chapter has been completed!
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