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Chapter 42: About not being able to go home and have to live on the streets for two hundred years!

 Tokyo, Rice Krispies Museum.

Dagu and Qingshui Mo found Sha Ji who was visiting the museum under the guidance of Ye Rui. Of course, for Sha Ji, it might just be a revisit to the old place. For Sha Ji, the things on display in the museum might be the toys he played with before.

That’s all.

Under the instructions of the Victory Team, the museum director quietly evacuated all other tourists. This behavior also attracted Shaji's attention.

When Saki wanted to leave, Dagu and Shimizu Mo, wearing uniforms of the victory team, walked on the only way for her to leave.

"What's wrong with you guys?"

Sha Ji looked at Da Gu nervously. She recognized this young man with whom she had once met, and she already had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Miss Shaji, I have met you before, I believe you should still remember it."

Da Gu's title is an honorific, because Sha Ji is ten times his age, even being his grandma is enough.

Sha Ji nodded. She could infer from Dagu's words that her identity was exposed.

However, having lost the capsule that summoned Makina, she has no way to stop the victory team from investigating her. Now she can only hope that humans will not have too much ill will towards her.

Two hundred years of wandering have given Sha Ji a deep understanding of the earth. The human race has a strong xenophobia. She doesn't know how the victory team will treat her.

"Miss Shaji, can we go to an open place to chat?"

Qing Shui Mo sent an invitation to Sha Ji with a smile on his face, which was also the instruction Hui Jian gave in the headset.

In the museum, Feiyan No. 1 cannot play any supporting role at all, and it is not easy for the people in the police station to take precautions.

Sha Ji hesitated for a moment and then nodded. She knew that she didn't have the capital to refuse now.

The three of them came to an outdoor cafe and looked at the deserted streets around them. Sha Ji knew that there were probably countless guns aimed at her body.

Qianxue and Lina also came to the scene, and the five of them were quite happy having a cup of coffee each.

"Miss Shaji, according to our investigation, you have lived on the earth for two hundred years. I would like to ask why you came to the earth?"

Qianxue was the first to ask the question. Her keen mental power noticed the uneasiness in Shaji's heart. Judging from the contact, Shaji's physical fitness was not even comparable to Lina, so the TPC's guard could be relaxed.

Hearing Qianxue's question, Saki thought for a while and nodded before answering. There was nothing she couldn't say about the purpose of coming to Earth.

"At first, I came to Earth just for tourism. Although there are many stars in the Milky Way, there are not many planets with life. I prefer to travel to various planets to experience their culture."

Sha Ji organized his speech and then spoke in a low voice. These words were also transmitted back to the conference room in real time through the liaison device.

Regarding Saki's answer, Quan Teng directly sneered and expressed disdain.

He made wild claims, saying that no alien came to Earth without the idea of ​​invasion, and the victory team would definitely be deceived by the disguised appearance of this alien.

In response to the ridicule of Staff Gondo, Hui Jiama didn't say anything, but Ji Gang clapped his fan again, and stared at Staff Gondo with his eagle-like eyes.

Why didn't he realize before that he had such a "smart and capable" general under his command?

At the coffee shop, Sha Ji's answer obviously surprised everyone, because her answer was a bit unexpected, but it was reasonable.

"Then, you have lived on earth for two hundred years and have never thought about going back?"

Lina asked her doubts. For humans, two hundred years is really too long. Although she didn't know whether such a long time was considered a long time for Sha Ji's race, she saw that around her

In the changing world, doesn’t Sha Ji miss home?

In response to Lina's doubts, Sha Ji hesitated for a moment and then revealed his current predicament.

She wanted to go home two hundred years ago, but because she lost the capsule that summoned Makina, she had no choice but to live on earth for two hundred years.

After hearing the reason why Sha Ji stayed on the earth, everyone looked at each other, because they never imagined that it would be because of such an unforeseen situation that Sha Ji could not leave the earth for two hundred years.

"Then, Miss Saki, don't you have any thoughts about the earth?"

Qianxue followed Hui Jianma's instructions and asked another question, and then she stared into Saki's eyes.

No matter what race you are, your eyes are the windows to your soul, and whatever you think in your heart will definitely be reflected by the light in your eyes.

Qianxue has the ability to see through people's hearts, which she has never told anyone. She needs to see from Saki's eyes whether Saki is lying.

Sha Ji hesitated, as if he had something to hide.

After a long time, Sha Ji slowly said, "I know you want to ask me if I have any thoughts of invading the earth.

It's a pity that this idea has never occurred. Our planet's civilization yearns for peace. I admit that our civilization has great power, but we don't mind the rise of other civilizations.

Moreover, compared to my home planet, the technological level on Earth is too backward, and the environment is a bit..."

The last sentence is the truest thought in Sha Ji's heart.

Because of the backwardness of civilization and technology, the earth has been riddled with holes by humans. The reason why many aliens want to exterminate humans and invade the earth is simply to manage a rare planet with life like the earth after the extinction of humans.
However, for Shaji, who has grown up on a planet with more advanced civilization and a more beautiful environment, the earth is like a remote mountainous area.

It's okay to use it as a tourist attraction, but if you want to take it down and develop it yourself, forget it.

The staff also heard Sha Ji's words, and everyone fell into silence for a while.

It’s really uncomfortable to be told by aliens that you are backward and that humans are destroying the earth’s environment!

In the coffee shop, Qing Shui Mo put down the tea cup in his hand, folded his hands on his chin, and showed a trace of amusement in his eyes.

"Then, Miss Shaji, how about we make a deal?"


Sha Ji looked at Qingshui Mo with some curiosity. She could tell that except for the victory team member named Lina, the other three people were not simple people.

It’s just that Qianxue has the optical genetic factor, the fact that Dagu is Tiga cannot escape Sha Ji’s eyes.

But when she looked at Qing Shui Mo, it was as unreal as looking at flowers in the fog, but this also showed that Qing Shui Mo was extraordinary.

"It's very simple. Our TPC will send people to help you find the capsule to summon Makina, and you have to give us some advanced technology for free after we find Makina's capsule.

So, do you think you can accept this deal?"

A smile appeared on Qing Shui Mo's lips. With Sha Ji's opportunity, he might be able to use some of the technology of the Lei Qiulan people to start a small business for the TPC!

This chapter has been completed!
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