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Chapter 60 Reylos is coming!

 "So big?"

"It hurts?"

"So scary?"

The three of them, Qingshui Mo, repeated the ambiguous words of the little dolphin, and Horii on the side was already scratching his head.

"What does this mean? It encountered something huge in the ocean, so was it injured?"

Because the little dolphin was injured for a short time, Horii previously speculated that perhaps the little dolphin had been living in the Pacific Ocean not far from the coast of Izu, and swam toward the coast because it was injured.

Now it seems that maybe I need to add a word of surprise!

"Could it be a predator like a shark?"

Lina put forward her own opinion, but Horii immediately shook his head.

Although he is not a professional biologist, as long as he is a human being, he knows that a dolphin that is targeted by a shark and is injured is unlikely to reach the coast alive!

This raises another question: why can the little dolphin get to the beach alive despite being injured?

Where are the sharks?

You know, sharks in the ocean can smell the bloody smell in the seawater from several kilometers or even dozens of kilometers away. At this distance, it is impossible for dolphins to escape the shark attack.


"What about the giant squid? A monster similar to Kraken?"

Qianxue glanced at the little dolphin with a curious look, and then denied her guess.

If it is really a giant squid, then the probability of a baby dolphin surviving is even lower than meeting a shark!

"Then, if we can rule out the possibility of debris from a giant nuclear device drifting, then there is only one possibility."

Qingshui Mo snapped his fingers and gently fanned the photos he took.

The wounds on the little dolphin above are extremely clear!

A penetrating wound that seemed to have been pierced by a triangular cone!

When Qing Shui Mo mentioned that there was only one possibility, the other three people all looked over.


Qing Shui Mo told the facts he knew in plain words!

"Only monsters can possibly meet all the conditions we have speculated so far!"

The word "monster" made Horii stunned. He really hadn't thought in this direction!

Speaking of which, if it is really a monster that is tens of meters tall, then it is normal for it to bump into a small dolphin.

And if that monster absorbs the energy of submarine volcanoes for a living, it is possible that it carries a large amount of nuclear radiation.

Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that the surrounding creatures will mutate due to the nuclear test explosion!

"I'll notify the captain immediately."

Horii rushed out with his notebook in his arms, completely forgetting that there was such a thing as a communicator.

After Hui Jian learned about the possibility of a monster, she immediately reported it to Director Sawai.

Director Sawai also attached great importance to this matter. After an emergency meeting with the staff, they decided to conduct a comprehensive search and exploration of the sea areas around Neon!

If there really are monsters, then the sea area around Neon and even the entire Pacific Ocean will be quite dangerous!

However, searching for a monster tens of meters long in the vast Pacific Ocean is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, not to mention that neither satellites nor radars can accurately explore the sea. At present, human exploration of the sea is only the beginning.


At the Geological Survey Center, Team Victory and others have resumed their usual attire. Currently, the two Victory Feiyans are staying at the Geological Survey Center.

They plan to release the little dolphin back into the sea after it recovers to see if they can follow the clues to find out the truth about this matter!

Many people in TPC branches in various countries do not believe in monsters and believe that Sawai's actions are a waste of human resources. Whether it is for the sake of the earth or to fight for a breath, the victory team and others must investigate the matter.


"Xiaobai has almost recovered, and the next step is to release it back to the sea."

Lina reported the situation of the dolphins to Hui Jian, while Qianxue felt a little bit reluctant to leave.

After all, she and Lina have been taking care of the little dolphin these past few days, and Lina even named the little dolphin Xiaobai.

Now that she thinks about releasing Xiaobai into the ocean, she really feels a little bit reluctant to let go.

"Well, let's install a transmitter on the dolphin that won't affect its movement. Then it depends on our luck."

Hui Jian took a deep breath. She was under a lot of pressure during this period. If it weren't for Qing Shui Mo's emotional magazine, which received a good response and made TPC's status and image in the hearts of the people a step higher, she might have to do it.

Advise Sawai to give up the large-scale search for monsters.

"It's not good!"

Just when Megumi was about to arrange the task, Horii suddenly ran in, holding a tablet electronic map with red dots flashing in his hand!

"Well-digger, tell me slowly, what happened!"

Hui Jian glanced at Horii and asked him to take a breath before speaking.

"Monster! The monster is coming towards the geological survey center and is about to land on the Izu coast!"

After Horii took a deep breath, what he said shocked everyone.

They were preparing to find the monster, but before the detector was put down, the monster came to the door on its own?

Qingshui Mo frowned slightly, then relaxed his mental strength, and easily found Reylos, which was less than ten nautical miles away from the coast!

Because of its huge size and menacing way of traveling, a layer of waves has surged on the sea, and it looks as if it is going to completely wash away the earth!

"Everyone is here, get on board the Victory Feiyan immediately and prepare to meet the enemy! Team members Dagu and team members Qingshui, please help the two of you on the ground to evacuate the Geological Survey Center!"

Hui Jian issued the order, and then rushed to Shengli Feiyan No. 1 with Lina.

Although Hui Hui sits in the command room all year round, she is actually also an ace pilot!

"Will Dagu and I stay?"

Qing Shui Mo was a little surprised. He took a deep look at Hui Jian, not knowing whether this was an unintentional arrangement or a deliberate test!

Thinking of Kirino Makoto, perhaps Captain Megumi has discovered their true identities.

Perhaps we have discovered Dagu's true identity. After all, Qingshui Mo had an "alibi" when Gallops killed the Lightning Man!

After Qingshui Mo and Dagu finally evacuated the people at the geological survey center, the waves had already hit the shore!

The monster mutated by nuclear pollution, the deep-sea monster Reylos, appears!

***The author has something to say***

It’s my first day at work today. I have to manage the warehouse to know how many kinds of accessories there are. It’s just in time to stock up on Double Eleven and Double Twelve.

Five hundred boxes of engine oil!

One box 4x4l, eight tons in total!

I was in charge of transshipment, and even though I took a break, the amount that passed through my arms in the afternoon was almost two hundred or three hundred boxes, which is so outrageous!

So exhausted!

This chapter has been completed!
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