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H-465 Boss takes flight!

"The summoner only found one, which means you have found more light and shadow stones, right?"

Qianxue chuckled lightly. According to her perception, there was a very powerful power sealed in the underground of this burger restaurant!

One of the powers is exactly the same as the flame power that was sensed in Li Xinnan's body before. It is obviously the light and shadow stone that Meizhen mentioned before!

Meizhen's face froze. She didn't expect that her casual words would allow the other party to analyze that she had more than one light and shadow stone in her hand, but as long as they didn't know where the light and shadow stone was!

"Yes, we have only found two light and shadow stones so far, and we have placed them in safe places. We are currently actively looking for summoners who can adapt to the power of the armor."

Looking at Meizhen with a normal complexion, Shimizu smacked her lips. Although it might be a bit irritating, I have to say that women are really geniuses in controlling facial expressions!

As for what he said just now, both Dongshan and Li Xinnan showed something strange. Li Xinnan's eyes unconsciously looked at the green plants in the corner of the room, while Dongshan subconsciously touched his nose.

But only Meizhen!

She kept looking at Qing Shui Mo from the beginning to the end, without even averting her gaze!

"Do you think that we are as incapable of sensing the location of the Light and Shadow Stone as you are?"

There is no point in continuing the conversation between chicken and duck. Qingshui Mo is not ready to give them some advice.

If nothing else, at least let ERP gather the five armored warriors in the shortest possible time. Then we will see what the Emperor of Heaven wants to do.

After Qing Shui Mo's words came out, Meizhen and the others froze in place.

Qianxue shook her head. For people in this world, they may not be able to perceive the existence of light and shadow stones, but for them with ultra-psychic power, a few stones with powerful spiritual power suddenly appear in a barren area, which is like a dark night.

The firefly is extremely conspicuous!

"Your ERP research laboratory is here underground." Qingshui Mo lightly knocked on the table, and then a blue light directly enveloped Meizhen and the others. When the three of them came to their senses, the surrounding people were surrounded by

The scene has completely changed!

They came to the ERP research room located underground!

"How can this be!"

Meizhen covered her mouth and lost her voice. The ERP laboratory was built with the country's top technologies. Even top hackers cannot break through the defense system here.

Before they could even react, this indestructible laboratory was breached?

"This is the power of teleportation!"

Li Xinnan was quite sure, because after transforming into the Flame Dragon Armor, he had performed a similar teleportation, which was the space teleportation power that came with the armor!

Meizhen has been to the ERP laboratory countless times, but this is the first time she has been sent in on a space conveyor belt!

She is just an ordinary person. Although she is exposed to supernatural phenomena every day, she never expected that one day she would have such close contact with the supernatural!

"Fortunately, you didn't faint and teleport."

Xinnan made a small joke, there are always people who get dizzy when traveling, such as motion sickness, seasickness, and airsickness, but I have never heard of teleportation.

After all, teleportation completes the transformation of space in the blink of an eye, and your body may have been spatially displaced before you can react.

"Is there anyone else who gets dizzy from teleportation?"

Meizhen rolled her eyes at Xinnan, and then her face calmed down, "I'm sorry for telling lies to you before, but this ERP laboratory is our core base against the shadow world, and outsiders are generally not allowed to enter."

"I understand that a secret base must look like a secret base, and it is normal to build a hamburger restaurant on top to hide it from others."

Qingshui Mo raised his eyebrows. Those who summoned the armor were all young people. It was normal for young people to like burgers. After eating a burger for a few hours, not many people would notice it, so it was smart to hide the secret base underground in the city.


But, haven’t they considered the disasters caused by changes in the earth’s crust?

Even if there are no earthquakes in a plain area, wouldn't the collapse caused by the pumping out of the groundwater not be considered?

"Those two light and shadow stones should be sealed there."

Qianxue looked at the glass on the wall of the research room. The room where the light and shadow stones are stored is there. From here, you can clearly see the light and shadow stones and the magic spirit stone floating in mid-air!

"Just store it here, aren't you afraid of people from the Shadow Realm invading?"

Qingshui Mo asked jokingly, there is no escape route here. If someone seals the entrance, can this research base still be used?

As if seeing Qingshui Mo's thoughts, Meizhen explained angrily, "The location here is very secret. Ordinary people will not come close to it. In addition, there are cameras in major blocks and alleys. Anyone with any abnormalities

Any approach here will trigger an alarm."

"Also, we also have an escape function here. As long as the escape mechanism is activated, many important equipment, including the Light and Shadow Stone and the Demon Spirit Stone, will be quickly transferred through underground passages, so it is impossible to have the situation you think of.


"Oh, let's move it underground."

Qingshui Mo smacked his lips, this means that the guys in the Shadow Realm didn't turn mice or earthworms into supernatural beasts, otherwise you would have been found here!

"By the way, you said you came here to look for the Five Elements Armor. What is the purpose of looking for the Five Elements Armor?"

Meizhen suddenly remembered the business. Weren't they talking about the purpose of Qingshui Mo and Qianxue's visit? Why did they talk about the security measures of the ERP research base?

She was really confused, telling a stranger the safety measures in such detail.

If Qingshui Mo is a spy from the Shadow Realm, then this base can basically be declared scrapped!

"The purpose of looking for the Five Elements Armor is to summon something, something that can allow us to return to where we should be with satisfaction." Qingshui Mo deliberately described their purpose in an ambiguous tone, which made Meizhen even more convinced that Qingshui Mo

He Qianxue wants to use the power of the Five Elements Armor to travel back to five thousand years ago!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After it was almost clear that they were friends and not enemies, Meizhen was slightly relieved. After all, the fighting power shown by Qingshui Mo and Qianxue had already crushed them.

The only armored warrior, Xinnan.

If these two people really have any bad intentions, they really can't resist it with their thin arms and legs.

"It's a pity that so far we have only found a suitable armor summoner in Xinnan. In addition, the earth shadow stone, water shadow stone, and gold shadow stone are still scattered outside. We need to find them to confirm whether the descendants of Guangying Village can

Withstand the power of the armor."

Meizhen shrugged. They had been searching very hard, but the Armor Summoner was not just a chive on the street. He paid two yuan a bundle and gave you a straw rope.

The descendants of Guangying Village are already very few, and they have been scattered all over the world for five thousand years. If the ERP Research Laboratory could not investigate the household registration, they really would not be able to determine who the descendants of Guangying Village are.

"Isn't there a most suitable summoner beside you?"

Qingshui Mo pointed at Dongshan who was standing next to Meizhen. In fact, he had always been curious. As a descendant of Muying Village, why Dongshan had not done the suitability test for armor summoners?

Could it be that because she was so familiar with Mizhen, Mizhen subconsciously thought that Dongshan could not be the summoner?

Or maybe Dongshan doesn't recognize himself subconsciously, so he can't arouse the power in his body to resonate with the wooden shadow stone?

Regardless of what Qing Shui Mo thought, when he heard what he said, both Dong Shan, Meizhen, and Xin Nan, who stood aside without speaking, felt a sense of surprise.

Dongshan is the armor summoner?

How did he see it?

"Can you spot the adapted armor summoner?"

Meizhen suddenly became excited. She thought of how Qing Shui Mo had easily sensed the underground laboratory just now, and Qian Xue could also see the location of the Light and Shadow Stone at a glance.

Could it be that ancient armor summoners could sense each other?

Looking at Meizhen's starry eyes, Qingshui Mo knew that she was thinking wrong.

But no matter what she thinks, at least Qingshui Mo, the five summoners of this generation, is very clear. After all, in the previous life, many classmates played social death summons during school hours!

Yanlong Armor, Yanlongxia Li Xinnan.

Wind Eagle Armor, Wind Eagle Man Dongshan.

Earth Tiger Armor, Earth Tiger Xia Kunzhong.

Black Rhinoceros Armor, Black Rhinoceros Beimiao.

Snow Mastiff Armor, Snow Mastiff Hero Xizhao!

Among these five people, except for Xizhao who was in the shadow world, the other two were wandering around the ERP research base.

Kunzhong is a senior student in high school. He loves playing basketball and reading. His favorite thing is to play high jump wearing the earth tiger armor that represents the earth. The second team's earth tiger armor can be enlarged three times in a row, but Kunzhong can only enlarge it once and it will collapse.


Then there is Beimiao, a rich second-generation man with a temper. He is obsessed with fighting super beasts because he was scared by super beasts when he was a child. He even lost his own sister. Compared with his arrogance, no one can be proud of him in the early stage.

To find these two people, it is quite simple for ERP.

As for how to fool Meizhen and the others, as long as Qingshui Mo doesn't speak, they will figure it out on their own, and they will be harmonious!

"Dongshan, why don't you go test it again?"

Meizhen bit her finger and looked at Dongshan beside her. She was quite concerned about the words of the two armor summoners from "ancient times". She had tested Dongshan before.

However, the conditions at that time were not as good as they are now, and there was no comparative test. In addition, Dongshan himself also denied the possibility that he was the armor summoner, so it was finally detected that Dongshan did not have the ability to summon armor.

Thinking about it now, I am afraid that the preconception that he was unlikely to be the armor summoner at that time made Dongshan subconsciously close his connection with the wooden shadow stone. Now with Qingshui Mo's suggestion, he should have a different result.


Dongshan also nodded. If he is really the armor summoner, it can relieve some pressure on Xinnan. After all, he is different from Xinnan. The ERP laboratory is his home. If there is any emergency, he can always be there.

During the attack, Xinnan spent a lot of time practicing the piano, and also had to deal with Aunt Hui's doubts.

When he arrived at the medical room, Qingshui Mo looked at the high-end equipment and didn't recognize any of them!

Qianxue stood beside him and gently held his hand. She was also curious about these high technologies.

Although in terms of expressiveness, the technology of the ERP research base is not as good as the TPC of the main universe and earth, Meizhen's continuous operation really gives others a different kind of pleasure.

Various professional terms flashed on the big screen, and soon Meizhen's eyes flashed with joy.

"How about it?"

Xinnan bent over and came to Meizhen's side. He also looked at the report that had just been printed out seriously.

"It matches perfectly! It's exactly the same as your original test report, Xinnan! Dongshan is really the summoner who can summon the Wind Eagle Armor!"

Meizhen was very happy. After all, Dongshan and she were old partners. Meizhen would be most at ease if he became the summoner of the Wind Eagle Armor!

"Thank you very much. Without you, we might have been in the dark for a long time."

Meizhen stood up and nodded to Qingshui Mo and Qianyue. There was not only one adapter for the Armor Summoner, but finding the right one might require a workload like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Now, you only need to find the remaining light and shadow stones, and then find the summoners of the other three armors, which reduces a lot of workload!

"It's nothing, we just want to achieve our goal."

Qingshui Mo waved his hand, then he pretended to be thinking and used light energy to outline two portraits in front of Meizhen.


Meizhen blinked her eyes and froze on the spot in shock.

Is this ability to construct paintings out of thin air also something that armored warriors can possess?

That's not right. Qingshui Mo is currently appearing in front of them in human form. Could it be said that the ancients could use the power of armor without summoning it?

Meizhen thought about it and suddenly recalled that when Qingshui Mo took them to teleport before, it seemed that he also did it in human form!

"Are these two people also armor summoners?"

Xinnan looked carefully and found that he didn't recognize anyone.

"I guess so?"

Meizhen was not sure. She was somewhat familiar with these two faces, but she couldn't name them.

When she was in the research laboratory, she read through the descendants of this generation of Light and Shadow Village several times, and these two faces seemed to have appeared at that time!

"This is Kunzhong. I can't remember the other one's name."

Dongshan walked out of the medical room. He looked at the portrait paintings in the air and was stunned for a moment. Then he pointed to one of the younger-looking boys and introduced them.

When things were fine before, Dongshan and Mizhen analyzed who was most likely to be the armor summoner. Among them, they analyzed Kunzhong, who was still a student. At that time, Dongshan thought that it was almost impossible for Kunzhong to be the armor summoner. After all, how could an armor summoner be?

It is said that one must have a firm will and be responsible in times of crisis, but it is still too difficult for a student.

Now it seems that he was too decisive.

You can become the summoner of the Wind Eagle Armor, and it is very possible for Kunzhong to become the summoner of the armor.

This chapter has been completed!
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